HE CADET DOWN WITH DAVIDSON PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CORPS OF CADETS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE VOL. XXVI LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA MONDAY, OCT. 10, 1932 No. 4 Three Companies To Represent Flying Squadron Outplays, Outfights V.M.I. In Richmond Dedication Bulldogs But Loses 12 to 6 WILL TAKE PART IN GIGANTIC PARADE TWO BLOCKED PUNTS IN SECOND QUARTER PROVE COSTLY Alumni Help Finance Trip Last Saturday afternoon the Information received from the] Corps Anticipates Trip Flying Keydets lost one of the Superintendent's office today fJUmerOUS State Clubs most heart-breaking games in the make it a certaimty that three Institute's history when the Cita- hundred members of the Corps To Norfolk del Bulldogs nosed out V. M. I. by Hold Initial Meetings 12-6 score. will attend the unveiling of the First Class Plan Trip To World War Memorial in Richmond Elections of Officers Play Richmond November 10. The Flying Squadron looked the on Saturday, October 15. Three Important Roles In First best by far that it has this sea- hundred men to attend will be list- Plans will be formulated in the son, but hard luck seemed to dog ed in three companies under com- Gatherings. near future for the attendance of the Keydets' footsteps. The Raf- mand of the three first ranking Now that one hears with in- the Cadet Corps to attend the ertyites piled up seven first downs cadet captains with the first cap- creasing frequency those turnouts football game in Norfolk when the to Citadel's three, gained 125 yards tain in command of the small bat- for "all men both rats and old ca- Varsity plays William and Mary through scrimmage to the Char- talion. Lists of those men to at- dets from so and so to report to on November 5th. Nothing defi- lestonians' 102, and amassed a to- tend the unveiling will be publish- such and such a room immediately nite is expected to be announced tal of 136 yards by means of aerial ed by the Commandant the first of after supper" it seems that this until after next week, since all of attacks to 50 yards garnered by the week. year is running along in much the this week will be spent in the the Bulldogs via the air route. Tentative plans call for the spe- usual manner. completion of the detailed plans The Flying Keydets ran up four cial train bearing the three hun- The boys from "way up North" for the Richmond trip on Satur- first downs in the first quarter and dred men to leave East Lexington familiarly known as the Yankee day. headed towards the Citadel goal about 10 p. m. Friday night and Club met last week and elected A. The Corps has voted to attend line, only to be stopped when to arrive in Richmond about 6 a. W. Knowles, President; F. C. the game at Norfolk and the Su- King, Bulldog end, snared a Key- m. the next morning. The train Brady, Vice-President, and A. D. perintendent's Office has given det fumble on the Blue and White's will leave Richmond probably Davis, secretary. The meeting permission for the trip. It has 32 yard stripe. about 9 a. m. Sunday and arrive threatened to degenerate into an been the rule the past two years Blocked Punts Costly. in Lexington in the vicinity of 4 everyday "bull session" but under that the Corps can make only two Citadel's two scores came as the p. m. The men will be quarter- the able leadership of the Presi- trips a year at its own expense ed in the Richmond Gray's Arm- result of two blocked punts in the dent the discussion was turned into and that no city may be visited ory, located at 7th and Laurel second quarter. In both instances channels of business. It was de- ed more than once during a three Streets, where cots will be avail- Mitchell, Bulldog center, blocked cided to have a banquet some time year period. Consequently the the kicks inside V. M. I.'s 30 yard able. Bedding will be carried by only decision which the Corps had the Cadets. after Christmas furlough, but se- line. Ogilvie fell on the first lection of the time was left for to make was whether or not the blocked punt, and Symmes bucked The round trip fare on the spe- some later date. THE NEW COMMANDANT MAJOR JOHN MAGRUDER trip to Norfolk would be taken. the ball over from the eight yard cial train will cost four dollars, The attendance, of course, will be line in three line plunges. A few thus making the transportation for The West Virginians gathered optional but it is expected that a minutes later Mitchell struck down the three hundred amount to in 137 to elect Rucker C. N. Presi- greater part of the Corps will be Members of Presby- Honor List For Sep- another attempted punt, and King, twelve hundred dollars. Through dent, Matthews, J. M., vice-presi- in attendance at the game on the Blue and White end, scooped up the efforts of Richmond Alumni dent, and Smith S. P., secretary. A 5th of November. this amount has been provided banquet before Christmas was de- terian Detail En- tember An- the pigskin and raced fifteen yards cided upon and the possibility of| • TV Those members of the Corps for Citadel's second touchdown. from different sources. The tick-, * ets will be issued Friday afternoon giving' on£* or" tw o ""^m ore *"in the'" KCCGptlOfl who went to Norfolk in 1930, the*? - ^rick ScoredlDn Pass. nounced"* present First Class, well remem from the Post Exchange at a time spring was discussed. i J r With only a few seconds left to ber the arrangements which the which will be designated by the The "Gentleman from Georgia" Large Group Makes High play in the first half, the Keydets Local Church Entertains For City of Norfolk made for the en- Commandant. At the time of picked an able body of leaders for Mark. marched down the field for 74 Cadets. joyment of the Cadets, while the drawing tickets each Cadet will re- the forthcoming year in High- yards and a touchdown in four HEADQUARTERS, Big Red Team was defeating ceive two dollars, an allotment for tower G, president, Smith, R. P., plays. Billy Smith uncorked a On Saturday night first class- VIRGINIA MILITARY Clemson. The trip was generally four meals. The Sunday noon meal vice-president, and Goodwin, W., beautiful thirty yard pass that men, taking advantage of the co- INSTITUTE considered as one of the best ever will be sent from the V. M. I. Mess j secretary This club seems to be Lexington, Virginia Fred Urick snagged on the run veted F. P. C., second classmen, taken by the Corps and all who Hall in time to intercept the spe-! going on the manner October 6, 1932. and ran for a 52 yard gain. Two spree tasting the privilege of the night Memorandum No. 18. attended returned with the desire plays later Billy Smith sailed a cial train on its way to Lexington.: of banquets this year for they have life that a year will bring, third 1. The following cadets of the to go back. This year the pros- forty yard pass to Fred Urick, The uniform to be worn has not j definitely picked Thanksgiving as classmen, enjoying the permission First, Second and Third Classes pects for a good time are equally been announced definitely, but it j the date of their first one and allowed them to report leave for comprise the HONOR LIST for who, surrounded by Bulldog play- the month of September, 1932, bright. is understood that General Le-, others have been planned for var- town after the shades of night had J having" received ers in the end zone, leaped into the an average of The First Class is anticipating jeune, while discussing the pro-; ious dates after Christmas. If this covered the terrain, and the new! 9.00 or more on all topics of in air to grab the ball and score a securing permission to attend the (Continued on page eight) ambitious program is carried cadets, trembling with delight at j struction and no grade below 8.50 touchdown. the anticipated leave, all departed:011 any topk .^instruction: game between V. M. I. and Rich- „ ~ I ~ T . 1 through, we wonder perhaps if Citadel registered its first first few f for the Lexington Presbyterian j Baylor, G, Va.; Betts, C. S. Jr., mond University on the 12th of beneral Lejeune Lauded ° those trips to hoium won't down late in the third quarter, but have to be cancelled. Church to attend the annual re- Va.; Clewis, R. M., Jr., Fla.; Gary, (Continued on page four) ception given by that church fori J- W„ Okla.; Gibbs, W. B Va.; the Charlestonians were unable to The Alabama Club elected Meri advance through the Keydet line. By Dr. Gaines Before fi „ajofo i Harkrader, C. J. Jr., Va.; Harrel, CADET OFFICERS CHO- the eadets Citadel's thi *ee first downs were wether, W. J., president, Smith, - T. H„ Ark.; Hickie, J. G„ Eng.; SEN FOR TRIP W. & L. Alumni W. E., vice-president, and Orr, R. Many attractive girls added to Kimbrough, R. C., Jr., Tenn.; made on two short passes and V., secretary. The plans of this the charming affair. The assem- Kurtz, J. M., Penn.; Lansdale, J. The commandant published one sixteen yard end run. the following list of Cadet Of- Congenial Relationship club are deviating a little from bly room was decorated appro- Ja., Tex.; Lay, J.
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