1 112-13 Volume 4 Number 2/3 Summer/Autumn 1978 TENTS FC Front Cover . , .......... ... .Eric Wallner 2<News Nurds ... ............. Jeanne Gomoll 4 Phxl-0 Dance of n > Zeppelins . ... , . 0. Phil b Guest Editorial The/Word i s /Not 'the' Thing / . /?;.//'?■ ///.-.///// : . Samu_2 r. 1 Speaks (1977 Novemter 24) transcribed by Terri Gregory 9 Article Gravity’s Rainbow /as Science? Fiction? //.S. Liston luArcicie ”1 Did Not .Come To':/'Tell/You Things .That You Know As ■ Well As I ”: Notes on Robert Coo ver Vs The Public Burning ... ..Jeff Clark .14. Article,.. uMz, .. ■..».... •. •. Arthur D. Hlavaty 16 Article Un't Forget I'm an Artifice . ................... Cy Chauvin 18 Poetry For Andy ' . ... Denys Howard 20 Article Unity Gain Around the Loop: Gravity’s Rainbow/Thomas Pynchon . .... ..... Thomas J. Murn 22 Poetry Choosing a Lover /. 1. ...... Leslie Dock 23 Article Jack the Robot Sings the Blues . Philip Kaveny 26 Article An Observation on the Direction of Science Fiction Art .. u ■ ■. „■ .■ •. ■... ■ . Virginia Gaiko 28 Poetry /.?;. .. '.■././■/././■.'■/.■■/■/./■. .. Bill Hoffman .29 Art: Foldout.. .. .»■■■■. A ' «'■ 2 / . Virginia .Gaiko 31 Article SF As Surrealism: Imagination and the Unconscious / . Janice Bogstad < 34 Article Working the Jewel-Hinged Jaw > . .Philip Kaveny and Janice Bogstad 35 Fanzine? Reviews and the S*Y*S*T*E*M ..... various Janusites 41 .Film Review . .The indistinguishable Science ... Greg G. H. Rihn '42 TVoRevieWj/ ' /What? s /on ? the/ Tube/ Boob? ?. .//.//.//./ Greg G. H. Rihn 44 Future/Insulation If the Sons Of All Men Were Mothers//?. .. /-'.'- .Ctein ■47.'Convention /Reports / . /./ //////./ ///y/i/.. /. /. ./ various attendees ■'56-Show .and Tell . .Is the.Medium the Message? .'?.■. ;. ? t . Diane Martin and Richard S. Russell 60 Letters of Comment . .. ............ ■. various readers 69 More Letters Target: Harlan . ?. ... various readers 75 Vulgar Advertisement #1 . .... Jeanne Gomoll 76 Vulgar .Advertisement #2 ............ Jeanne Gomoll BC Back Cover ...... ’. ..... Virginia Gaiko ** Lunatic Fringe "'The Waked /Beanie'//■/<.' . Greg G. H. Rihn ** Various places throughout the issue Carl Eugene Bennett: 63, 71, 73 Diane Martin (photo): 56 Grant Canfield: 62 Barry Kent MacKay: 65 Virginia Gaiko: 29-30, 36, 50, 51 James McLeod: 65, 74 Alexis Gilliland: 13, 59, 74 . Victoria Poyser: 41, 74 Danny Gomoll: 49 ? Sarah Prince (photos): 5,6 Jeanne Gomoll: 1? 4/5/ 9, 11, Sarah Prince: 22, 31, 39, 47 ? 14, 15, 16-17, 20-21, 23, ?- About a third of the way across your Greg G. H. Rihn: 4, 19, 41, 53 mailing label is the letter J (Janus) ■■ 26, ' 28, / 33, 34, 38, 41, 42, //■■ /■<■'/ 55, 74 : ■ ■ // /. / ■ : and another letter which tells you why ./ / / 44-45, 47, 56? 59, 61, 62, ' Bill Rotsler: 46 you got this issue: :63, 64/ 66, 69?' 70, 72, 73, Stu Shiftman: 48 C = You contributed. ' ' 74, ' 75/ 76 '■ ; : Theresa Troise-Heidel: 18, 60 D - Do you want to contribute? Artwork, Robert Kellough: 74 Eric Wallner: 74 articles, letters, etc. accepted. Ole Kvern: 2/ 56/ 60/ 64/ 67, 70/ A ' ' 74 ' V - : ; M= You were mentioned or reviewed. 0 = Other perfectly good reason. P - You publish someone who was men­ / / ■/■// / ■. / /■../. : ./ ; / :/?./.' //ERRATA ' : /T / ' ' ■ ' . ' '■ / ■' ■. tioned or reviewed. 5= You subscribe. lour last issue is In ’’Mumbles from Minneapolis” in Janus .11, "Overdrawn at the Memory indicated by the number after the S. Bank” should have been listed as appearing in the May (not July) T ~ We trade. 1976 issue of Galaxy*, the July issue contained "Gotta Sing, Gotta U - Do -you want to trade? We prefer to Dance". "Bagatelle” appeared in the October 1976 issue of Galaxy. trade all-fox-all. 2 I reassure myself that we’re really not all that Novella:"A Snark in the Night," (Gregory late in getting this issue, no. 12, oi Janus out. Benford); "The Wonderful Secret," (Keith Laumer); There are, after all, hornets in the air and sun­ "Aztecs," (Vonda N. McIntyre); "Stardance," (Spider bathers lying out all over the place. It isn’t as & Jeanne Robinson); "In the Hall of the Martian Kings," bad as I half-jokingly predicted at the end of the (John Varley). last issue: I am not, after all, wishing you all a Novelette: "Ender’s Game," (Orson Scott Card); Merry Christmas. But stories about why we’re a bit "Prismatica," (Samuel R. Delany); "The Ninth Symphony late are the main staple of boring fanzine columns, of Ludwig van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs," (Carter so you can imagine anything you care to: that we've Scholz); "The Screwfly Solution," (Racoona Sheldon); all been involved in a continuous orgy (or guerrilla "Eyes of Amber, " (Joan D. Vinge). warfare) since WisCon 2, that this issue is actually Short Story: "Jeffty is Five," (Harlan Ellison); No.13 but we just didn't let you know because your "Lauralyn,” (Randall Garrett); "Dog Day Evening," paranoid fantasies are al 1 true, and we’ve been mal­ (Spider Robinson); "Time-Sharing Angel," (James iciously plotting against you, or that there was a Tiptree, Jr.); "Air Raid," (John Varley). slight problem with the time stabilization machine. Dramatic Presentation: Close Encounters of the Any of those possibilies would be a 1ot more inter­ Third Kind, The Hobbitt, Star Vars, Vizards, and, ( esting than the string of procrastinations I could "Blood! The Life and Future Times of Jack the Ripper." describe, so I’ll just leave it at that. Professional Artist: Vincent Di Fate, Stephen We survived WisCon and the controversy that Fabian, Frank Kelly Freas, Rick Sternbach, Michael followed within our group afterwards about whether Whelan. or not WisCon should continue to have a feminist Professional Editor: James Baen, Ben Bova, Terry slant. (Resolution: Suzy McKee Charnas, author of Carr, Edward L. Ferman, George H. Scithers. Walk to the End of the World and the soon-to-be-re­ Amateur Magazine: Lon-O-Saur, Janus, Locus, leased, Motherlines^ will be the WisCon 3 Guest of Maya, Science Fiction Review, ' ■ ■ • ' ■' ' •'y 7 ' • honor (along with a still secret possible second GoH), Fan Writer: Charles Brown, Don D’Ammassa, and Gina Clark has accepted our invitation to be the Richard E. Geis, Don C. Thompson, Susan Wood. fan GoH.) There should be a few convention reports Fan Artist: Grant Canfield, Phil Foglio, Alexis within this issue, though not as many as Jan and I Gilliland, Jeanne Gomoll, James Shull. had hoped for, because it was surprisingly difficult for most of us to write about WisCon. Though I've The spread in each category were as follows: written about it elsewhere, I myself have been unable NOVEL (95-25), NOVELLA (104-160), NOVELETTE (49-13), to come up with an account I am very pleased with. SHORT STORY (82-11), DRAMATIC PRESENTATION (338-8), Either my synopsis is too officially chronological PRO ARTIST (55-31), PRO EDITOR (92-29) , AMATEUR MAG­ or far too personal. Others in the group had their AZINE (53-15), FAN WRITER (42-10), FAN ARTIST (23- own reasons for declining to write about the con, 14). Total number of ballots received was 540. but I wonder if it isn't just generally difficult If you wish to vote, ballots ( and membership fees to write about a convention when one has been so in­ to Iguanacon) must be in to the committee by July 31. timately a part of the production of lt. For more information write to Iguanacon, PO Box 1072, The biggest event of recent months has been the Phoenix, AZ 85001. publishing of Hugo nominations. We are, I believe, I didn't list the non-hugo awards, the John W. just a little bit too late to "scoop" the newszines, Campbell Award or the two Gandalf Awards. These are but in case you haven't heard, here are the nomina­ published in other zines and in the Iguanacon PR 3. tions: Disregard this dry recitation of the list; I was (we all were) incredibly excited to hear the news of the two nominations, the one for JANUS and- the other for me. In fact, we still are, in spite Novel: The Forbidden Tower (Marion Zimmer of the many valid criticisms we hear about the inap­ Bradley), Time Storm (Gordon R. Dickson), Sying of the propriateness of fan awards voted for by the mixed light (George R. R. Martin), Lucifer's Hammer (Larry conglomeration of people who attend Worldcons and Niven & Jerry Pournelle), Gateway (Frederick Pohl). vote on the Hugos. Witness the spread of votes in 3 the fannish.. categories: there are an appallingly dealt with popular science books which use science small number of people who nominate (or at least fiction to sell new technologies (like space stations, who agree on any one fanzine in significant enough etc.). The other meeting was hosted by Randy Everts numbers), not to mention the odd mixture of semi-pro (Janus's printer) highlighting some findings he's and amateur publications in the amateur category. made recently about Wisconsin SF writers. At that Nevertheless it's impossible not to feel warm and meeting we also celebrated the Hugo nominations with honored and thrilled to have been nominated for a special cat cookies and cake provided by Diane Martin. Hugo, and Jan and I have been somewhat dismayed by Jan and I were captured on film like some unconven­ comments addressed to us in a few letters that sug­ tional newly married couple cutting the cake, but then gest that we are somehow personally responsible for that was a weird week; both of us were doing a number what the letter-writers regard as bad choices among of strange things. As summer flowed into Wisconsin the fan nominees. I haven’t responded. I fail to (at times, recently, accompanied by flash flood see that I owe anyone an apology or even an explan­ warnings), and a large number of people in our group ation as to why I am not apologizing.
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