Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 2-23-1953 The rsinU us Weekly, February 23, 1953 Sarah Canan Ursinus College Helen Gardner Ursinus College Evelyn Scharf Ursinus College Jean Hain Ursinus College Joan Higgins Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Canan, Sarah; Gardner, Helen; Scharf, Evelyn; Hain, Jean; Higgins, Joan; Dedekind, Roland; Hood, Katharine; Bowman, Dick; Guldin, Dick; and Garrow, Patricia, "The rU sinus Weekly, February 23, 1953" (1953). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 508. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/508 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Sarah Canan, Helen Gardner, Evelyn Scharf, Jean Hain, Joan Higgins, Roland Dedekind, Katharine Hood, Dick Bowman, Dick Guldin, and Patricia Garrow This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/508 DON'T FORGET HAVE FUN AT RELIGION IN LIFE THE LORELEI DAY, WEDNESDAY FRIDJY Vol. 52, No. 14 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 , 1953 Price, Ten Cents Summer Scho~l l ATTENTION, GIRLS! Elections for King of the Women Elect Ruth Reed as May Queen; Lorelei will be held Wednesday Subjects to Be noon outside of Freeland. All girls are welcome to vote. The results will be announced Janie Hopple as Manager for May Day Selected Now at the Lorelei dance this Friday night a t Sunnybrook. Larry Ursinus Summer school offers an Miller's orchestra will play at I Ruth Reed will rule over May excellent opportunity for students this annual girl-ask-boy affair, Day as the 1953 May Queen , and to accelerate or to make up credits. and the theme for the decora­ J anie Hopple will manage the May Seven semester hours may be tions will be that of an old­ pageant, it was revealed in the scheduled for each of the two ses­ fashioned dance. voting last Wednesday. The win­ sions of the Summer school; June ning May P ageant will be a n­ 14-July 23, July 26-September 3. nounced in the March 9 edition of The following courses will be of­ the Weekly. Pageants must be fered if there are a sufficient num­ 6th Foreign Policy turned in to Miss Stahr this Wed­ ber of students registered for them. nesday before 5:00. All those who are planning to at­ tend Summer school are therefore Senior class attendants for May requested to indicate their choice Institute to Be Fri. day were elected last week. They of subjects on Wednesday and are Anne Nebol'ak and Molly Thursday, February 25 and Febru­ "Aid or Trade" is to be the topic Sharp. Other class attendants, who ary 26, at the Dean's Office. for discussion at the Sixth Annual complete the May Queen's court, Foreign Policy institute to be held are J en Price and Bev Syver tsen , The following subjects will be of­ at the University of Pennsylvania juniors; Mal'gie Moore and Mary fered: Museum, 34th street below Spruce, Lou Singer, sophomores; Robin First Semester: Biology 3, Bio. 7, on February 27. Blood an d Eileen Kinderm an, Bio. 9, Chemistry la, Chem. 3, The day will be bl'oken up into freshmen. Chem. 5, Chem. 7, Economics 3, three sessions with the first begin­ The May Pageant committee will Ec. 21, Education 3, English 3, ning at 9:45 a .m . and presenting Ruth Reed, May Queen, Janie Hopple, manager meet on March 3 to select chairmen Eng. Lit. 8, French 3, Spanish 1, such distinguished economists as for the May Day committees, and Span. 3, German 1, Ger. 3, History Dr. Herbert Feis, economist and =--------------~ a m ass meeting of women students 1, Hist. 9, Hist. 11, Mathematics 1, author; Edwin M. Martin, special LATE FLASH! Play Tryouts to Be for Ma y Day will be h eld in S-12 Math. 5, Math 11, Philosophy 5, assistant to the Secretary for Mu- at 4: 00 on March 11. Serving on Physics I, Pol. Sci. 1, P. S. 5, Psy­ tual Security Affairs, United States Fraternity rushing ended to- the May Pagean t committee are chology 11. Department of State; and Duncan day noon when rushees were ThI·s Week ,. Group Ja nie Hopple, manager; J ane Gu­ Second Semester: Biology 4, Bio. Mowat, head of the British Trade given bids to sign. The names of lick, WSGA presiden t; Ila Jane 8, Bio. 10, Chemistry 2a, Chern. 4, Promotion center, New York. the new fraternity members are T G PI Lynn, publicity representative; Miss Chern. 6, Chern. 8, Chern. 14, Eco­ A recess will be held for lunch published on page two. wo to l·ve ays Camilla Stahr, Dean of Women; nomics 4, Ec. 22, Education 4, Ed. 2, from 12:45 p.m. until 2:00 p.m., at . Miss Mildred Morris, preceptress; Ed. 7, English 2, Eng. Lit. 4, French which time the conference will di­ and Mrs. Connie Warren Poley, ~, Spanish 2, Span. 4, German 2, vide into three discussion groups The play books for Two Blind faculty director of t he pageant. Ger. 4, History 2, Hist. 10, Hist. 23, with an expert from the morning Rev. Flynn to Mice have arrived in the library. May Queen, Ruth Reed, is a Mathematics 2, Math. 6, Math. 12, session at each. Chairmen for Tryouts will be held Tuesday from biology m ajor from Cranbury, New (Continued on page 6) these discussion groups will be 7 to 8 p.m. at Superhouse and 9:30 Jersey. A Dean's lister , Miss Reed John A. Brown Jr., Dean of Men Speak Tonight to 10 in the gym; also on Wednes­ has been active in the Curtain and associate professor of inter­ day and Thursday at 11 :30 in club, in May Day and in the WAA. Y Rep. Attends national politics, Temple univer­ "One God-As Worshipped in the Superhouse. Those who cannot She is on t he swimming team, sity; Dr. Edwin B. Coddin.gton, head Catholic Faith" will be discussed come at these times may make secretary-treasurer of the Pre­ Bible Study Conf. of the department of hIStory, La­ tonight by the Rev. Dr. Anthony special arrangements with Dr. Med society, president of Duryea fayette college, and Dean C. Canby Flynn. Dr. James L. Boswell, pro­ Helfferich. Everyone who is int er­ hall and vice-president of Tau­ Betsy Brodhead '54 represented Balderston of the Wharton School fessor of Economics, will be the ested should have read the play Sigma Gamma sorority. In her Ursinus' YWCA on Saturday, Feb­ of Finance and Commerce, Univer­ moderator. and decided which part he would fre,shman and sophomore years, ruary 14, at a Bible study confer­ sity of Pennsylvania. Rabbi Harold L. Kramsley, of like to read at the tryouts. The she was a member of the May ence at Cedar Crest college, Allen­ At 8: 15 p.m. the evening session Norristown, spoke to an attentive characters in the play are varied Queen's court. town, under the Middle Atlantic will commence with the presenta­ audience at the first interfaith and demand many types of people. Janie Hopple, the Pageant man­ region of the Student Christian tion of a debate on the topic seminar last Monday night at 8:00 Everyone will find a part to inter­ agers, is a math major from York, movement, and served there as "American Foreign Policy and o'clock in Bomberger chapel. Dr. est him. (Continued on pa ge 6) conference organist. She has been (Continued on page 6) Allan L. Rice, professor of German, Group II will present two short elected chairman of Area I of the was the moderator of the "One one-act plays, Red Carnations and Middle Atlantic region. God-As·Worshipped in the Jewish For Old Time's Sake, Tuesday at $52.92 Collected In connection with the Inter­ Detweiler to Speak Faith" seminar. 7 :30 in the T-G gym. The group is faith Seminars the Student Wor­ Rabbi Kramsley's talk covered under the direction of Jane Hopple ship commission went to Rabbi the foundations of the Jewish and Milo Zimmerman. For Flood Relief Kamsler's synagogue in Norris­ On Religion in Life faith and left more specifiC queries 'Group III' has chosen A Phoenix Ursinus contributed $52.92 to the town last Friday evening. On Sun­ to the audience in the question Too Frequent by Christopher Fry Holland Flood relief in collections day the vespers were led by Joe period. He discussed the history of for presentation as their group taken last week in the dining Bintner and Mary Willet. Jim Day, February 25 Jewish people and pointed out the production. The play is now being rooms and day studies under the Bright and Ann Hausman will have basic similarities between the cast by the directors Jean Austin sponsorship of the IRC. the vespers this Sunday at 6:05 p.m. Will college affect your religion? Christian and Jewish religions. and Jim Scott. will be the question which Rev. The drive was conducted with Work Camps are being planned by Rabbi Kramsley explained the The Flattering Word is in re­ the cooperation of the IRC, the the Social Responsibilities commis­ Leonard A.
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