['■' ■' QB<>203'', r d « b d ':S t i^ ' 6ilO II. Jnlfa'D avis. Or. ‘.'i B*lse; idrt0 ; aj^Ofr c«^p. Home r W ^ e ia t h e r , • Cloudy F in a l i. Magic Valley \ Hom^ I^eivspaper VOL. 66. NO. 310 TW IN f a l l s . IDAHO, SUNDAY^ MARCH 29. 1970 TWENTY CENTS Tighten Squeeze S.Fli By United Press The control tower at Chica­ lers’ protest ‘'sick-out'■ had Striking air c o n tro l!^ ig­ go's O’flare International Air­ ^ e a d to. regional air traffic nored a government ulti natuin port, the world's busiest air control centers at Memphis and to return to work Sa urday, temiinal, was evacuated briefly Great Falls, Mont., for the first tightening their s q u e ^ on after police received six tele­ time and acknowledged that operations at New York air­ phoned bomb threats. No New York was "a very critical ports and causing flight delays explosives were found. problem." - - and cancelations bxii^ coast to The Federal Aviation Admi­ Increase Walkout coast. nistration said the. air control- New York area controllers increased their walkout from 55 per cent to-nearly. .75 per cent ^ of the work force on duty. But primarily because the peak of H ere’s \o tional Labor Elaster weekend departures had passed, the FAA reported that delays at Kennedy, LaGuardia Situation At Glance and Newark airports were "lower, much lower" than on Friday. B> United Press Inteniatiana] be held in contempt for defying Delays at the three fields . .AN ARM Y OF young “ E:aster bunnies” marched on change Club an Tnin Falls City Recreation Depart­ the event estimated there were as many chQdren as POSTAL — Administration a strike ban. Baile>-. saitj the rw g e d from 35 to 75 minutes. City Park in Twin Falls Saturday morning for the ment. Many of the younger children were ac- eggs, uhich adds up to 200 dozen of each. and postal., union- negotiators, sidc-out will get worse liefore it aimual egg hunt sponsored by the Twin Falls Ex- i-nmpanied by parents, and Dou H>'mas, chairman of'' scheduled to bold fourth day of gets better. bargaining Saturday, postponed TEAMSTERS — Negotiations I.otv B lo w the session until 10 ajn . EST involving 420,000 truck drivers Religious Kids, Thousands Troops Do Cross Monday to give the government have reached an impasse and more time to study uAIA federal mediators will enter the MIAMI (UPD—An official of proposals. Principals have dispute Monday. Contract ex­ Riot Flares the National Organization of agreed pay raise needed, but no pires at midnight Tuesday. Of ’Em, Hunt Eggs Women (N O W ) wants the Cambodia Border accord has been reached on how MACHINISTS — Madiinists directors of the National much or when. and National Airlines reached In Ireland Qub members in directing the Hurricane Center at the Univer­ KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. ( UPI) The same rules would apply Despite some un-spring-like CONTROLLERS—Easter va- tentative agreement providing hunt. Eggs were cooked and sity of Miami to stop naiming —U.S military commanders in to forays into Laos, whicta also ARMAGH, Northern Ireland weather Saturday morning, cation .tryrelers were dday^- full seniorit£_(or neat;ly 1,000 colored by members of the hurricanes after women. Vietnam in some cases move has a long border witb South -OIEl)..=AbQut 8,000 miliUnt more than 2,000 youngsters at m ajoPiKSCi-airpdilsTiirilr txuon memberiTifcked out^njofe O'Leary' Junior High School ■'The naming o f hurricanes troops across the border into Vietnam, but not across the Protestants, beating bass gathered in Twin Falls City traffic controllers continued than 14 months ago. home economics classes under with female names reflects and Camb«dia in response' to Demilitarized Zone into North . drtmis and shouting jsattle- Park to hunt for Easter eggs, l ‘sick-out." lawyer F. Lee ^the White- cnes, marched through the" most hoping 4 0 -find—a^^arixe- Bailey and other officers of r AI1£ — Four ^opcraft ry attitude toward women," House said Satimlay. said. winning golden colored egg. teacher. professional air traffic oon ^l- unions continue on the job city's cente Saturday and were / said Mrs. Davis Bolton, nation^ Under direction of the Ex- iers organization have bten during a 37-day period imposed met wiih a barrage of stones Winners included Ken Potter/ vice president of NOW. ' Press Secretary Ronald L- ^ duinge Qub, with Don Hymas ordered to show cause by next by Congress in their long and rotten apples thrown by Muffy Fink, LaRene WaldroiT. Ziegler acknowledged for the ^ ^ r » m o R 5 ) ■ r l as chairman, and the City Wednesday why they should not dispute. angry Roman Catholics. Recreation Department, 200 Robin Sterlin, Kristine Fochs, fir^ time that the poUcy of ^ ‘ A force of 1,000 police and “ protective reaction" under dozen eggs were hidden in the Kia Hamilton, Terry Miller, British troops, who sealed off which U.S. and other Allied park for the youngsters of all Stacev Gibson, Timmy Fiscu, On Israel Roman Catholic streets with troops operate, does not pre­ ages. Sandy Mills, Brenda Silcock, Colleagues barbed wire, kept the two Twenty-one golden eggs were Mark Mills, Rod Rosenburg, clude forays into Viet Cong and factions apart. There were foimci by Jic children and Jeff Wokerstien, Lisa Bealer, North Vittiiainese sanctuaries R e p o r t e a Camhodians Gird scuffles and at least 10 Endorse in Cambodia. .> earned cash prizes for the Mike Graefe, Melanie Lain- persons, including one police­ By United Press Intematioaal finders. bom. Barbie Sangtser, Fer­ man, suffered slight injuries. He added, however, that this Syria said Saturday its Mr. H>TTias was assisted by nando Herminiz, TwUa Star and Tlie l^testants marched in a Carswell did not represent aii expansion frontline military units laun­ To Halt Viet Cong about eight other Exchange David Gould. parade called to counter Roman KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (U P I) of the war and that U.S. com­ ched wide scale night raids on PHNOM PENH. Cambodia Unofficial reports said Cam- Catholic celebrations through- —Eleven of Judge'G. Harrold manders have had a right for Israeli positions all along the (UPI>—The government Satur­ hotian forces used tanks to o ^ the country commemorat­ Golan Heights cease-firt line. Carswell's 19 colleagues on the sometime to maneuver their day announced mofaOixation of counter a Viet Cong attack on ing the 1916 Easter Hooday 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Ap­ troops wherever necessary to Tlie Israelis said Syrian troops all fanner servicemen in the Kob-Ky on the Mtfcnng River 12 uprising which led eventually to OK Given Hike In peals -Saturday endorsed his deal witb Communist forces tried to storm one outpost, face of a reported advance on miles from Flinom Penh. The independence for the South nomination for the Supreme inflicting casualties on their killihg one Israeli soldier and Phnoqi Penh by 3.M Viet Oong. repccts said at least 10 persons from Britain. Court. units. wounding another. Cambodian regulars were were killed. Lebanon also reported its Veteran Benefits In a telegram to President Ziegler did not specify at what moved to frontline positions. Both the Viet Ooog and the Numn, the jurists expressed troops clashed with an Israeli 9 JUUUS KRUG KIES level the decision to cross the North Vietameseg venments KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI) the Grand C^ys, a cluster of their "complete confidence" in army patrol east of the southern border could be made. But other A cammuniqae puhlisiied by have pieced snppxt for the KNOXVUXE. Tenn. (UPI)- —President Nixon Saturday islands in the-Bahamas about Carswell “ from the standpoint border town of AlKhiyam eaily Funeral services wUl be held - administration sources in­ the Caxnbodiai Defense Minis- comeback bid by Prince approved a 34.6 per cent in­ 1501 miles northeast of here, of integrity, fairness and Saturday and that Israeli ar­ dicated it would require prior try ordered all veterans of the Norodom SOianouk. the deposed Tuesday in Washington for crease in G1 bill benefits for under a brilliant sunshine. tillery had shelled hills ability." approval by the U.S military anny; air force and navy to chief of state who is in exile in Julius Albert Krug, 62, former Vietnam-era veterans that Nixon spent nearly two hours The telegram, and the en­ surrounding two other report for duty to their nearest Peking iMhipping up support for s e c r e t ^ of interior, who died headquarters in Saigon. l.ebanese villages. would give a full-time student atx>ard the Sea Lion II, an 8;- dorsement of Sen. John Sher­ bases. a oountercoup. here Thursday. with a wile and child $230 per foot fishing boat belonging to man Cooper, R-Ky.,-'a key Repqrt Big Raids month. Robert H. Abplanalp, much of it border state moderate who In Damascus, a Syrian The measure, retroactive to atop a tuna tower where he had voted against Judge Dement F. Turke) Shaken military spokesman said ^ ria n Feb. 1, would cost an estimated am unobstructed view. The boat Ha>Tisworth, gave administra­ umts stormed 21 fortified .Israeli Counly Agrees To Setllement Of $132.4 million for the remainder flew the Americpn and tion forces new ammunition in By Earthquake positions Friday night in the of the current fiscal year and Bahaman flags and the Pres­ their battle to win confirmation Golan Heights, the former Syrian-area occupied by Israel 8200,069 Fon Fire At Fairgrounds 1275.5 million for the year idential ensign.
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