4 WILL BE ORDAINED FOR ARCHDIOCESE ON MAY 31 Church Dedication June 10 First Solemn Masses Of New PrisDts Are MOST OF BUILDING Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Content* Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1947—Permission to Reproduce, Except on LABOR IS DONATED Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday PoUowinsr Issue Planned for June 1 BY MEMBERS OFl Four students of St. Thomas’ seminary will be eleyated to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Denver by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr at ordination ceremonies in the Denver Cathe­ ROGGEN PARISH DENVER CATUaiC dral on Saturday, May 31. Three of the. ordinandi, the Rev. Walter R. Jaeger, the Rev. William H. Jones, and the Rev. The new S a c r e d Heart George R. Evans, are natives of Denver, and the Rev. Rob­ church in Roggen will be ded­ ert A. Freudenstein is a native of Butte, Mont. All four will icated on Tuesday, June 10, offer their first Solemn Masses on June 1. it is announced by the Rev. The Rev. Walter Ralph Jaeger-------------------------------------------- Charles Sanger, pastor of the is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Keenesburg and Roggen par­ REGISTER Jaeger, parishioners of St. Philo- PROGRAM LISTED mena’s church, Denver. He was ishes The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Rot. Walter R. Jaagar Rar. William H. Jonas born July 9, 1922, in Denver. He Presiding at the dedication Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller attended St. -Philomena’s g;rade Services, NCWC and Religious News Photos (3 cents per copy) FOR CONFERENCE ceremonies will be Archbishop school, from which he was gradu­ Urban J. Vehr of Denver. ated in 1936. After a year at (Ca­ VOL. XLn. No. 38. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1947. f l PER YEAR. thedral high, he transferred to OF ACCW MAY 22 A dinner will highlight the pa­ Regis high school, and was gradu- rishioners* celebration of the event. a W in 1940. The same year he en­ tered St. Thomas’ seminary, where The 21st annual convention of Constructed at a cost of approxi­ Communion Breokfast ST. FRANCIS' GETS MOST COMPLETE he took his entire course. the Archdiocesan Council of Cath­ mately $15,000, the new church is Will Attroct Over 400 Prieit-Uncle* to Attiit olic Women will open on Thurs­ a 36x90-foot structure. Most of the Father Jaeger will celebrate his day, May 22, with Mass offered in work, except for a few jobs, was SCHOOL SOUND SYSTEM IN DENVER first Solemn Mass in St. Philo- the Holy Ghost church, Deftver, A record attendance of more at 8:30 by Archbishop Urban J. done by the parishioners themselves, mena’s church on June 1. He will than 400 is anticipated for the (See Picture on Page 11) Father Smith and Mother Anna be assisted by two priest-uncles, Vehr. This donation of labor made pos Catholic Young People’s council The ntew RCA school sound sys­ Joseph spoke a few words to the the Rev. Robert Jaeger, S.V.D., The business session of the sible the erection of the structure student body, present in their re­ Ommunion breakfast in the Lin­ tem just installed at St. Francis and ^the Rev. William Jaeger, conference will get under way at for Such a moderate sum. de Sales’ high school, Denver, was spective home rooms. Winifred Lin­ S.'V.D., as assistant priest and dea­ 10 o’clock in the Albany hotel. coln room of the Shirley-Savoy blessed by the Rev. Gregory Smith senmaier, accompanied by Joan con, respectively. The subdeacon Mrs. L. A. Higgins, president of In charge of construction was hotel, Sunday morning. May 18, Tuesday, May 13, at 12:45 p.m. Flood, sang an “Ave Maria.’’ The will be the Rev. Francis Syrianey. the ACCW, will preside. The in­ Charles Buchholtz, a member of following the 9 o’clock Mass in Joseph Sloan, newly elected presi­ program was concluded with the The sermon will be delivered by vocation and the address of wel­ the Sacred Heart parish. The deco­ the Cathedral. The center aisle dent of the school senate, presided singing of the Fransalian theme the R t Rev. Monsignor William come to the delegates will be given rating of the interior was in charge pews will be reserved for the at the program that followed. song written by Miss Azalea M. Higgins. by the Very Rev. Joseph O’Heron Noakes, director of the musiq de­ The Rev. William Hubert Jones of St. Louis’ parish, Englewood. of his artist-daughter. Sister Regina, group, and special ushers will take care of the seating. Joe O’Neil, partment This number was ren­ was born Aug. 4, 1923, in Denver, The reports of the officers and a member of the Sisters Adorers of Denver vocalist, will sing at the HUNDREDS A H EN D dered by the quartet composed of the son of Mr, lyid Mrs. William E. chairmen will be made at 10:30. the Precious Blood. John K. Mon­ Mass. Miss Noakes, Winifred Linsen­ Jones, who also are parishioners of At 11:30, the main feature of roe of Denver was the architect. The Very Rev. John J. Flanagan, maier, Jack Fennelly, and Dave St. Philomena’s. After being grad­ the morning’s meeting will be an S J., president of Regis college, will FUNERAL SERVICE Langfield. uated from St. Philomena’s school address on “Recreation” by An­ The old church building has been This new RCA school sound in 1936, he entered Cathedral high be the speaker at the Communion Rev. Robert Frendenstein Rev. George R. Evans thony P. Williamson, executive converted into a^ school, which breakfast James McCoy, president system has a number of features school. On completion of his high secretary of the recreation divi­ opened last fall with 35 pupils of the Catholic Young People’s FOR FRANCISCAN that are of special interest The school course in 1940, he began sion of the Council of Social enrolled under directiorx of the council, will give a report on the central control panel, which is lo­ his college studies at St. Thomas’ Agencies. cated in the principal’s office, in the same year. His philosophy Sisters Adorers of the Precious recent convention of Catholic col­ More than 70 priests, 80 sisters, Mrs. J. Leonard Swigert, presi­ lege students in Toledo, 0., which includes a special communications and theology studies also were dent of the Denver deanery, will Blood. and hundreds of Catholics from New Swansea Parish made in the Denver institution. he attended as a delegate from all parts of the city attended the type of radio receiver with both prqpide at the luncheon to be held long and short wave bands, and a Brother to Be Deacon at Matt The Roggen church is a mission Regis college. Funeral Mass on Monday for the A priest-brother and a priest- in the Cathedral room of the Al­ Kathleen Andrew, Denver pian­ Very Rev. Claude Kellerman, high fidelity 50-watt amplifier bany hotel at 12:30. Highlights of of the Keenesburg parish. At one that is capable of reproducing the uncle will assist Father Jones at time both churches were in the vast ist; Winifred Linsenmaier, singer O.F.M., guardian of St. Elizabeth’s his first Solemn Mass in St. Philo­ the luncheon will be the addresses monastery, Denver. Father Claude voice or music with true life-like To Have Mass Sunday of Archbishop Vehr and of the territory cared for by the Very Rev. from St. Francis de Sales’ high tone quality. The volume and mena’s on June 1. His uncle, the school; and James Powers, har­ died last Friday from the results Rev. Hubert Newell, will be assist­ Rev. William Kenneally, C.M., St. Bernard J. Froegel, now pastor of of a cerebral hemorrhage suf­ tone remain the same regai;dless Thomas’ seminary. Father Ken­ monica virtuoso, will entertain of whether all the room speakers The first of Denver’s new parishes to inaugurate serv­ ant priest, and his brother, the St. Peter's parish, Greeley. during the breakfast. fered two •\yceks ago. Rev. Charles Jones, will be deacon. neally will speak on “Our Lady of are connected in the circuit or ices will be that of Our Lady of (Jrace, serving the Elyria and the Rosary.” Celebrant of the Solemn Requiem only one is used. The ^ v . Jeremiah Mahoney will Mass eorairh^rchiepiscopo was the Swansea districts. The first Mass in the area will be of­ be the subdeacon and the Rev. Dr. The afternoon’s meeting will Rev, Felix Reitlingshofer, O.P.M., The various switches on the fered at 9 o’clock this Sunday by one of the priests of An­ John R, Vidal, C.M., will be the start at 2 o’clock with* Mrs. Hig­ pastor of St. Elizabeth’s; deacon, front panel give the operator the preacher. The master of cere­ gins presiding. The Very Rev. Garage Adds Radio-Phone choice ofvany room or combina­ nunciation parish. Monsignor Charles H. Hagus, Annuncia­ the Rev. Malachy Kane, O.F.M.: tion pastor, announced. monies will be Robert Nevans, and Eugene O’Sullivan of Fort Collins subdeacon, the Rev. Fridolin tion of rooms to be served with the new priest’s two younger will offer the opening prayer. The Shockley, O.F.M.; master of cere­ music, and the choice of input Services will be held every Sun­ brothers, Ray and Hubert Jones, business session will include re­ To Speed Crash Service monies, the Rev.
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