T If E DAILY NEBRASKAN Buildings Cig.r.tt.. Construct Young Coolldgo is a junior at Am- herst Records Are Given To Talk Over Income from college. Ho is just a plain, or- Dr. Harms Gives Radio South Dakota the College Press dinary Is used solely fellow, and mado out of the. Two Years Ago German Department; .tato cigarette tax same on Adenoid Conditions 2 of at kind of cluy as the rest of us KFAB construction building I Will Be Used in Class he POOR JOHN nis and, according to Dolitical and advor. Eleanor Flatemersh was officially ?.U colleges (Wisconsin Daily Cardinal.) tiHementa used to pitch hay symptoms of enlarged ing to Doctor Harms. The tendency Sough cigarette, wtfte consumed and milk appointed president of tho Women's Causes and Thoso of us who squirm under tho cows on a farm in Vermont. Young Throgh cho generosity of some diseased adenoids and the bad to havo enlarged adenoids is also her- Jurlnlt past year to erect two Athletic Association. Eleanor was a and the allegod injustices of W. S. G. A. rules John was developing normally friends of tho German department, such a condition, especially editary In somo families. like mombor of Alpha XI Delta, Silver effects of consider ourselves lucky that wo ore any other American boy Prof. Laurence Foaslcr and his staff in case of children, wero dis Tho commonest symptom and most when a great Sorpcnt, Vestals, and tho Y. W. C. A. the not the son of President Coolidge. minfortuno happened to him. For havo become tho owner and custo cussed by Dr. Charles Harms, resi- sorious effect of enlarged adenoids Kathcrine Warner, Dakota City, Vlc- - We growl when we munt got our somo reason or Cool- - dians for the department of a physician in the department of is difficulty in breathing, which leads other tho elder and Barbara Wiggenhorn, Ashland, dent young lady friends In by 10:30 or idgo was mndo president trola and a number of representative of tho University, in to chronic bronchitis and sometimes of tho Uni represented Black Mask chapter of student health SoaENCEIDOR 12:30 o'clock, when the dean tells us ted States. records, all in German and sung by a address broadcast over KFAB to asthma and tuberculosis, said Doc Mortar-boar- d, senior women's so- radio that we need chaperons for certain Now John must artists such as Madame Schumann- - evening as part of the Uni- tor Harmsr Stomach disorder, partial bo cprofully ciety, at the national convention held Friday special occasions we think wo aro be- Heink, Alma Gluck, Emil Mucnch, pub- deafness, night terrors, and difficulty watched. lie hns a chnnoron with him at Lexington, Kentucky. versity's regular Friday evening ing treated like childron. But thoso constantly. Colonel and others. program. in talking distinctly are other symp Edward Starling, A branch of the Y. W. C. A. was lic health restrictions are very light indeed star sleuth of tho presidential secret The plan of tho department, made Freouent head colds, duo to im toms of the disease. organized on the Agricultural cam-pu- s. when compared to the regulations in- service staff, has been delegated through this gift, is to acquaint stu- proper clothing or drafts, and con- Removal of the enlarged adenoids R.vlsw. Toplo. to The branch orgnnization hns its Comedy. flicted upon poor John Coolidge. guard tho young dents with German folk songs and of the nose by dust by a surgical operation is the only Klnoframt princo's welfare, own Biblo Btudy class, social affairs stant irritation Hrfon Hills Sinflnf and ho has been on guard thus cultivate the form and spirit of or changeable air aro the commonest satisfactory remedy of the condition, I LOVE YOU" at Amherst and services. BECAUSE ever since school the langunge as illustrated by these enlarged adenoids, accord he said. opened in tho fall. A hockey "feed" in honor of the causes of John doesn't like it at all. Ho says he artists. After committing somo bit of THIS ORPHEUM-Ne- xt winning team of tho women's hockey doesn't want a bodyguard, poetry or rollicking student song such Wy-lan- d RIALTO WEEK and ho as- tournament was held at Ellen Smith Rev. Leavitt Will Preach Sunday gational Church. Dr. Benjamin serts he as "Die Lorelei," "Dor Erloenig," or Wed. that would prefer to make Hall. Rev. Frederic!. W. Leavitt will of Worcester, Mass., will bo pre- SHOWS I, S, B, T. out his O alte Bu. schenherrlichkeit" stu own dance programs. Star- preach at next Sunday morning's sent, tho next Sunday, to begin his Mat. 2:30. Nite8:10 ling hns dents are encouraged to try singing been directed to supervise service at the First Plymouth Congre pastorate in that church. Sharp tho social program of tho young Am in German. A few minulos cither at beginning Gay Golden Glorious herst student, and to advise him on Three Years Ago the or close of tho class DOUGLAS tho choice of his friends. hour are devoted to these exercises. It must bo pretty tough on young Over $100 was cleared at tho Y. The Instructors ip the department Fairbanks regard gift as a decidedly help- Coolidge to have a detective with him W. C. A. rummage salo on 0 street, the at his fraternity house, and every- which opened under the auspices of ful means . to effective, worth-whil- o, GREENEDGE where he goes. Starling goes with him the conference committee of the study of German. o the Phi Gamma Delta house, Enrollment in German courses is HISTORY PAPER mm him well over the four hundred mark this UnllMi Artists Plctur Frant Schubert's Exquisite to his classes and eats Prof. M. M. Fogg, director of the LINCOLN SYMPHONY Romance set to Schubert's with him. Somehow we don t envy school of Journalism, addressed the year, a distinct increase over last Wilbur Chsnowsth, Orfanist own music with the ideal year. Faaturs Start New York cast. the president's son. convention of the Nebraska federa- Finest Quality and its Boxed 1:10, 3:10, 8:10, T:10, 9:10 tion of women's clubs at Beatrice on $2, Evenings, tit $180, "News Writing." Prof. Margaret good grades use Greenedge and 2.50 Mat, 75c, $1, Student to Meet Queen Marie Alexander Tells of If you want WEEK Miss SI .SO and 2. Fedde and Mary Allen Brown of A sophomore Col- New Capitol THIS Good Advice-Bu-y at Once at Whittonberg the Home Economics department Plans Buy it at lege, Cleveland, Ohio, who is a native spoke on with Univer- Trof. H. B. Alexander of the de- of Rumania hns been invited to meet sity Extension." partment of philosophy, gave a lec- Queen Marie of Rumania when she A Vesper service, led by Lois Jack-ma- n ture before the Nebraska School- comes to Cleveland in December. and attended by sixty girls, was masters Club Friday evening on "The Latsch Brothers held on the Agricultural Campus for Art and Architecture of tho Nebras- the purpose of starting a branch of ka State Capitol." The lecture in- 1118 O St. EtfTMC i " the Y. W. C. A. Miss Appleby talked cluded a complete description of the is plans new capitol building. MON. TUES. WED. Townsend Studio producing on the need of such an organization. for the A Stirring Romance of Golf, Rustlers, Welcoms Nebraska Taachers Guns Love: marvelous effects in colors. Their ALL THIS WEEK and PROFESSORS SEE LARGE PRISCILLA DEAN porcelains are works of Art, They " DISPLAY OF MAMMALS In Her Latest Success While on a tour of the state look- "WEST OF BROADWAY" preserve youth, grace and beauty. -- TH efighT ing Marine" ing for fossils, Prof. E. II. Barbour The Last Chapter The very thing to send Dad for and Prof. E. F. Schramm visited the Comedy and Topical Pictures collection of African mammals SHOWS Xf 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Christmas. Sit early. Adv. owned by Adam Breede of Hastings. This collection is one of the biggest of African mammals to be found in America, v Empty In the schools of Hornell, New For That York, football has been abolished be- tocking Tops Feeling cause of an injury received by one of Hb nUlADS Ant HERE the high school boys there. SEE THEM BY THE THOUSANDS HOTEL A New Knit Union Suit by Merode IN It's Circus Day This Week All D'HAMBURGER FOR OUTDOOR AND SPORTSWEAR Bigger The Greatest Musi- Buy by 'em the sack Of-- semi-athlet- Than f ic Union Suit you will Shot Gun Service cal Treat Ever Here is a new style that Barnum's e r e d University be quick to appreciate. A CIRCUS LOVE STORY 12 114 12 St. body every point! The FOX NEWS COMEDY Students With smooth comfort, it fits the at Ralph Scott, Organist leg length ends a bit above the knee in a snug, comform-in- g HOOT O.DSON cuff. THE MIGHTIEST AND The United States Most Thrillinc Western Drama Th stocking rolls over this cuff, with neat precision. Gone, Ever Visualised unsightly bunching. Gone, that odd rumpled effect, where Stanley's Djrrie Orchestra meet. Mrs. May M. Mills, Organist. NAVY stocking and union suit Election Returns Tuesday Night Stocking Tops especially in their delightful SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. You'll like blend of finest yarns. Hand Tailored by MERODE and BAND presented here for the first time. Stocking Top Union Suit offered at special price during in concert at the Merode week, all sizes, at orpheum University Coliseum Saturday night 8:15 $2 Welcome Nebraska Teachers This garment is a light weight blend of worsted cotton and ALL THIS WEEK Auspices of the University EXCEPT WEDNESDAY silk made in style, bodice and built up shoulder in pink A Splendid Program of Tickets now on sale at the and white.
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