Historical and Statistical Sketch of the Schools Controlled by the Catholic

Historical and Statistical Sketch of the Schools Controlled by the Catholic

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ARCHAMBAULT. la First Director-General, from 1873 to 1904. i ( AND STATfSTfCAL I '1 SKaTCH OP T|;r ^OOLS CONTROLLED :.>LIC SCHOOL MONTREAL" .* I # I HISTORICAL AND STATISTICAL SKETCH OF THE SCHOOLS CONTROLLED BY THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL COMMISSION OF N;0NTREAL" MONTREAL 1915 \(\i^\^ M> CG3 \ 1^15 -':'^J^i Mr. A. D. LACROIX, 2a Second Director-General, from 1904 to 1908. coMfWissjoNrRs 1 === STAFF OF THE 1 Catholic School Com OF MONTREAL 1915-1916 COMMIS8IONCR8 Mgr EMILE ROY, V. G., P. A, President Very Rev. Wm. Canon O'MEARA, P. p. Rev. A. CORBEIL, P. P. Mr. E. LAFONTAINE, Judge of the Superior Court. Mr. L. A. LAPOINTE, M. P., Alderman, Mr. J. P. DECARIE, M. D. Mr. JOSEPH Mclaughlin, BuUder. Mr. NAPOLEON GIROUX, Alderman. Mr. EMERY LARIVIERE, Alderman. Mr. J. N. PERRAULT, Director-General of Schools. Mr. U. LAFONTAINE, Secretary-Treasurer. Mr. VICTOR DORE, Accountant Mr. T. U. REYNOLDS, Archivist and Statistician. Rev. NAZ. DUBOIS, Visitor of Schools. Rev. JOS. N. DUPUIS, Visitor of Schools. Mr. A. MICHELIN, Manager of Works. THE Commission is divided into three Committ.ees CommittM on Sohooli. Mgr EMILE ROY, President. Mr. E. LAFONTAINE, Mr. A. CORBEIL, P. P. Mr. JOSEPH McLaughlin. Mr. EMERY LARIVIERE. Committee on Works. Very Rev. Wm. Canon O'MEARA, President Mr. L. A. LAPOINTE. Mr. J. P. DECARIE. Mr. NAPOLEON GIROUX. Committee on Finance. Mr. L. A. LAPOINTE, President. Very Rev. Wm. Canon O'MEARA, Mr. JOSEPH McLaughlin. Mr. NAPOLEON GIROUX. ' ^^^^, Catholic School Commissionera of Montreal since 1846. Very Rev. Canon A. F. Truteau V G ^ Re.A^M..eCHar^„„el,P.S.S;,,aie;B-Hop;. 1846-1848 Mr.Alb.Fumiss.. * ^^^^'^^^^ Mr. P. S. tetourneux. '"'''"'''^ Mr. Pierre Beaubien, M. D ''''"" J. U Beaudr, Uwyer, later'ju,,e .f the Superior Rev^^A. ''''"'''' PlnsonnaulMater 'Bi;hop' oV London a848'. Ver>^ Rev. Canon F. R. Mercier.V. IT^l'^""^^ 1849-1852 w. r P r«« , W C. t. Coffin, prothonotary. ,„,„ 1849-1851 ^nclreAndre Ou.met,n„,.r,»* t . Uwyer, (1849-1851) .... ioj<-1853!«.„ ,^„ Rev V n -c V. 7i86M85l)_ !"" Archbishop of Montreal '. C. I861-186.5 d'Eschambault, AI. D. P. Gamot, Professor.. '*'"'*'» ^i^;x^:isur;""* — C. S. Cherrier, '""-'«"'' Uwyer. '^•"'«^» \S':^^„'""^' -- S"peH«e„;,;„;-ofp„„v H.Kava„a^,,„spee.o;ofC.;o™;.:-.: ..;.•;; j^ . .'. WKKn II £__ or TIIK m ||(M)I.M. Edward Murphy, merchant. later StJiiior (1801-« 1865) (,86«-,880) \\ „^,.,,,, Alf. URoc(|uc, Gentleman 18«2.lM(r. A. Giband, P. s. s '.; [[ ,„«^;,„,;j Very Reverend Canon I'. I. UHlanc 18«:)-l8:o Louis BelanKer, later Judfje of the Superior Court. imj.'.-lHM Mr V S. Murphy, later member of the Council of Pubhclnstruction j^.^.j^^^, Rev. V. Rousselot, P. S. S.. P. P. of Notre Dame. WUi-mn E. H. Trudol, M. D ih.k iwi.. _ I o(i8- 1 hoy Frs. Cassidy, Uwyer 1N(.s-ih,;i) Narcissc Valois, Aldmnan m^-mo Severe Rivard. Lawyer, later Mayor of Montreal. 18r0-18;8 J. A. Onimet, later Minister of Public Works.. .. 1874-1879 Very Rev. Canon E. Moreau ,,,,,,,,, Jacques Grenier, alderman, later Mayor of Montreal. 1878-1887 E. C. Monk, Lawyer'^".>«;' . ^ ' 1879-188') Very Rev. Canon P. C. Dufresne iggQ-issi L. a Hetu, Notary ^g^^^g^^ 1881-1882 tr f, ^ \ ery Rev. Canon L. D. A. Marechal 1883-1893 H. B. Rainville. Aldonnan US^-im F. D. Monk, Lawyer (188.3-1891) 1892-1895 Rev. A. L. Sentenne, P. S. S., P. P. of Notre Dame. 1886-1894 R. Prefoi .aine, M. P., later Mayor of Montreal. 1886-190.3 A. S. Hamelin, ex-Alderman 1887-1893 Mr. H. Semple J. (1887-1892) 1902-1908 F. L. Beique. Lawyer 1891-1893 Rev. A P. Dubuc, former P. P., of the Sacre-Cceur P^"'^ 1892-1894 Mr. F. Hart, J. merchant (1893-1894) 1895-1902 C. Beausoleil, M. P. Alderman 1893-1901 W. Farrell, Merchant 1894-1896 ;W?? . " Wl lUMH. CO MMIHMIONKKH. M. T. Hrcnnan, M. D., Professor U. R. Desjardins, M, D 1 89-1.

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