, --r w<.-­ Pacina Pacheco Pacheco ....,. 0 R. · -f ~ -, Rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Cannan M . Pacheco, of San Mar- t.oa1gbt at the Los Angeles runeraI 006. died June 19. for Lecmarda T. ~ of Rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Sm Marcos. who died Aug. at the Friday al Pennlng1on Funeral Holh of 83. Funeral mass be Fri· with funeral services at 9 a.m. Satur­ day al 10 a.m. at St. John's Catbollc day at St. John'aCalhoUc Church. Cburdl, with lnten"menl followtng at Burlal wUl be at the ReedvUI City Cemetery. emetery under the aupervlsJon of She ts survived by ooe alsler, Cruz Pennington Funeral Home. Vela of San Marcos; one brother, She is survived by two sons, Joe Domingo (Toby) Toblasof San Mar­ Pacheco of MlchJgan and J cos; four aons, Marcol Pacheco, Pacheco of San Marcos; seven Joho Pac:beco and Felix Pacbeco, all daugbters, Margaret Cortez of San o1 Sm Marcos, and Mark Pacheco of Marcos, Atanacla Cortez of Houston, Baltimore, Maryland ; two Cuca rda of San Marcos, Slefana Uu(ChterS. Pauline Munari and Anita De Leon of San Marcos, Vincenta Colon, both of San Marcos; 19 grand­ Pacheco of San arcos, Josephine c b 11 d re n ; and 17 great· Leos of CaJUomia and Alice Cortez of grandchlldren. Austin. A.rrangemeDll are under the diree· She ls also survived by 62 grand­ tiOll ol Los Angeles Funeral Home. dilldren. 127 great-grandchlldreo and seven great-great ­ grandchlldren. 'T~"l'S 47• c..1rt :t..r=t\-' 1111/ 0 GLADYSHAGANPADGETT · Padg~ t - , .,.~ ' ~ Gladys Hagan Padgett. 62. of San ~ 17 ,q, Padgett Marcos died afler a short illness c.t 1.30 Graves'd ser 1 wiJ/ be hela ~MD~ 1,/1o/76 a m. Sat rday, ov 6, in th Four ~turday at 10 a.m . at San Marcos I dy Hagan Padg ll, 62, of Seasons Nursing Cen er in Austin. aty e~ tery for Sidney Padgett of n Marcos died aturday in Memph1 Tenn., who died Oct She was born March 4, 19 4 near th ageof67. · 12 Au Un after a hort illn Yoakum. He i survived by three ns rvi w at the But Services were held Saturday. Nov 6. h lton Padgett of San Antonio• fington Fun ral hom in al 4 p.m t Buffington Funeral Home in Benny Padgett of Fort Worth and V kum at 4 p.m. aturday • Yoakum the Reverend t D. Oat on Barry Padgett qf Waco· • two with R v. I . Dot n f- officiating. Burial was in oa Cemete daughters, Mrs. Virginia Qu~n and Mrs. Jam M. c baron) Johnso 1cUlting. in Yoakum. both of Memphi . n. sne I survived by her usband Curtis . Arrangem ts are under h Padge t of San Marcos: daughter. d1r t1on of Pennington Funeral Charlene Ogg of Yoakum. mottier. rs. Hom . Sallie Hagan of Yoakum; brothers. C.O. ~of Houston, R.M. ( ) Hagan or ttA7-" C , c.1 "-P."' _. Yoakum, George Hagan J1 . of Yoa um; v?71 sisters, Mrs. J Tet rell "' Wharton, PAULA PADRON... I . Minnie SW of t 1, Mrs. Funeral Mass fOI' Paula Georg a Brzozowski ol es: and Padron. 58, of 400 Armstrong Street San Marcos. was helc at grandchil ren, Shen Ogg a~ Jimmy Ogg of Yoakum. 10 a . ~ . Tuesday at St. Johr' Catholic Church Rev. Ferl'\a do Vega officiating. Burial was In San P o o(. T - . r.::t .8.3 Cemetery, under the direction He is survived by his wile, of St. John's Funeral Home Lorenz.a Padron of San She is survived b Marcos; two sons. John mother, Mrs. Elidia Paar n, Padron and Joe Padron, sister, Adela Padron, brothers, Rosary will be r. ited 1both of San Marcos; six tonight at 7 at Pennington daughters, Mary Beaz, Jesus Padron and Maxi ino Chapel for Jesus Padron of Ofel\a Romero, . Irene Padron, all of San Marcos. San Marcos, who died Oc · 6 Sanchez Raebel Cisneros. at the age of 62. Funeral Esther Valdez, and Sarah Rosary was recited Monda will Saturday at 10 m 1· Padron, all of San Marcos; at St. John's Chapel a m al t. John's Catho tc one sister, Adela Padron or ·hu.rch, with interm nl San Marcos; 12 grand- Born April~ . 1918, she died Sunday, Jan. 30, at Hays foll wing at San Pedro dlildren. HC em ery. Memorial Hospital after a brief mness. tf"l'l'f"J cc c.1r• t •1V I '"1 / 71 Juanita Pai DAISY MAY PAISLEY ~ • A MAR 0 Mr .Ju­ Funeral services for Daisy May Paisley or San Marcos anita Paine, 57, died Wed­ took place Feb. Tl at lbe University Church of Christ. he ne day night, Dec. 20, in was buried Feb. 28 al Elmwood Cemenlery io Mineral the Hays Memorial Ho Wells . H ld r 22 pit al. Paisley was 94 years old. t;:::o.- ~ ) <1'1, l. Mrs. Paine had been She is wvived by three daughters, Ruth Young of Funeral services for Juanita Elli Pa me, sociated with her hu - Universal City, Ruby Behrens of Wimberley and Ramona 55, were held on Friday, D cembe~ 22, al band Buck Paine, in a McClure of Baton Rouge, La; four grandsons, seven PeMinglon Memorial Chapel with the locai' dry cleaning firm granddaughters and eight great-grandchildren. Rev. Paul Powell, officiating. Burial was m many ears Arrangements were made by Thomason Fun ral Home. al San Marcos City Cemetery under the Funeral services took iirection of Pennington Funeral Home: place Friday afternoon, Mrs. Paine died at Hays Memonal Dec. 22 al the Pennington S ~ Al: L 'i fl! (.of.I) -Iospital on Wedn day, December . 20, Memorial Chapel with the · uowlng a udden illness. A long tame 0 Re -. Paul Powell offici­ Paislev !dent of San Marcos, Mrs. Paine was a Cf..S .. zt, , 1qg~ 'lOUS wife a member of the Sons or ating. Burial was in th San Marco City Ceme­ Daisy ay Pai I y, 94 , or H rmarm ' and had worked with her n Marcos died F b. 25. husband hi their busin , Paine Cleaners. tery. Funeral ervic wiJI be - rvivors include her husband, Buck urvivor include her h Id at the Univer ity Paine; three. daughters, Shirley i;:1re of husband, J. L. "Buck" · ur h of Chri t h r at 4 San Marcos· Barbara Abels of Austin and Painei three daughters, p.m . Monda . Feb. 'n. In­ Unda Gumdge of Dallas; three brothers, .. s. Shirley Fife of San t rm nt will be in th - Victor Law Ellis of Tulsa, Okla .. Jam Marcos, Mrs. Barbara Elmwood Cem tery in p rcy Ellis III or ~ew Bra1:1nfels and John Able of Au tin and Mrs. Mineral W II , T xa • Preson Ellis of Alvin· one SISler, Margaret Unda Gulledge of Dallas; Tu day al l p.m. Funeral ' Blackwell Tupi of Alvin; and six grand­ three brother , Victor arrangemen b Thoma on children. Law Ellis of Tulsa, Okla. Fun ralHom . Pallbearers were Bob Thornton, Barton Jame Percy Ellis ID of h i urvived by thr Gill, v rnon McDonald, Winston Pall~n , w Braunfels and John daughte , Ruth Young or Lou Doherty• Sl ve Gregg. Roger Zim- Pre ton Elli of Alvin; niver al ity, Ruby merman and Frank Zimmerman. a sister, Mr . Margaret Behr ms or Wimber! y and Honorarv Pallbearers w r Joe Zim­ Ramona Mc lure of Balon merman and Mike Hodes. Blackwell Tupi of Alvin, grandchildren. Rouge, Lous.la na, four grandsons, ven grand­ daught :rs and ight gr at- randchildr . r ""' .- • Pi .,.... p !+--ys (.0, 7.p.~ 11 es 1e nay age c.., i'W\"I SA MARCO - L lie on c i 1 of Colorado and Ray Page, 65 , of n Mar­ Lind a lfogland of orth co d i e d in th e Hays arolina; a si ter, Bertha Memorial Ho pital on Durham of Tennes ee; and Friday, July 6. 15 grandchildren. Palacios Funeral Survivor inc 1 u de his Funeral service were Sa..- ~~ wife Mr . Le lie Page or held in the Pennington Fun­ n Marco : two sons, Bill e r a I Home unday a!ter­ Held December 23 Page of Alabama; four dau ­ n o on wun the .Hev. Jim c.-.... l. If ,q '- ghter , E elyn teadman of Keil h officiating. Burial Funeral Mass for Jose Palacios, 66, were held on Saturday, December 23 at St eorgia The 1 ma Wim ­ wa in.Jh! n Marcos ity rley of Au tin Pal John's Catholic Church with the Rev. emeter . Manuel Murruzo, officiating. Burial was at the San Juan Cemetery in Reedvill under the direction of Los Angeles Funeral Home. Page 5' "'0({ i/1 l1! Survivors include hi wife, Mrs. Timotea Services for Mary Lois Pag of Palacios; three daught rs, Mi V{imb rl y were h ld Wedne day at Guadalupe Palacios and Mrs. Juanita th Chapel in the Hi11s in Wimber­ Perez or San Marco . and Mrs. Celia ley, with interment following at th Rodriguez of Martindale; three on . I.0.0.F. Cemetery in Georg town. Francisco Palacios, Pedro Palaci and ShediedAug.15 at the a of67. Gregoria Palacios of an Marco : four Survivon are h r husband, Amos sisters, Mrs Francis Gutierrez of Edin­ Page of Wimberley; three daugh­ burg, Mrs. Eulalia Valdez of San. Antonio. ters, Jani Dwyer ofCroyton, Texa , Miss Maria Palacio and Mi Antonia Jill Morrow and Jo Ann Sporn r of Palacios of San Marcos: lhr broth rs.
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