R . I. Jewish Historical Inside: Association 11 From The Editor, page 4 130 sessions Street Around Town, page 8 Providence, RI 02906 THE ONLY Ei\'GLISH JEWISH WEEKLY I,V RI AND SOUTHEAST MASS VOLUME LXXII, NUMBER 37 FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1985 30e PER COPY Pierre Sauvage, - Providence Police Respond Holocaust Filmmaker To Racist Picketers by Robert Israel Anti-abort.ion picketers displaying placards mounted on their automobile in front oft he Highland Medical Building on -- First and North Main Streets in - - Providence we re told by Providence Police . on Saturday last week that they were in violation of the state's anti-discrimination -..:•-•·.:.- laws. Herold readers first learned of the "--., - '~ _ _j. incident in the July 5 issue of the newspaper through a letter to the editor submitted by Barbara and Martin Ganz who also photographed the picketers displaying a sign, "Jewish Death Camp" in the trunk of their automobile. "As Jews," the Ganzes wrote, ·•both my wife and I t1re worried that t he Fundamentalist Right is beginning to use Close-up photogr aph of the pick• anti-Semitic materials in order to project eter s' s ign. their point of view. It is not the issue of abortion that is at stake here." In a subsequent letter to the editor, according to the law, face imprisonment at mailed to this newspaper by one of the the Adult Correction Institution and/or a picketers, Thomas P. Giblin of Pawtucket, fi ne of up to $500.00. the use of the placard was defended " When I arrived at the Medical Center because, "this abortion building is Jewish on Saturday last week," Sgt. Gleckman of owned." the Providence Police said, "the picketers The Anti-Defamation League of Rhode had taken the sign away. I informed them Pierre Sauvage Island, chaired by Samuel Shlevin, of the law and that if t hey displayed the received many complaints about the sign again they would be in violation of the "If there we re a new Holocaust subject, is presen tly working on a new picketers' use of racist placards. Shlevin law and that I would hold them tomorrow, I'd have a better sense of whose documentary movie, which tells the story later informed the Providence Police. accountable. They told me they would doors to knock on - than most people." of Le Chambon, titled: "ThroUllh the " I received a number of calls after the comply with the law. T he ownerB of the Pierre Sauvage, film maker, Weapom of the Spirit, Le Chambon, Herold published the letter and building called me later on and told me child-survivor, believes that a very 1940-1944." In this movie he explores and photograph of the racist sign," Shlevin they were most appreciative. They ha.ve important aspect of the Holocaust should celebrates the conduct of a handful of said. "A similar article appeared in the been tormented by these picketers for explore the lessons of hope buried deep Christians, who acted according to their Providence Joumal. The law upressly quite some time. Here at the Providence within it - instead of condemning entire conscience. states that individuals displaying racist Police station, we've received many groups - not looking for the exeptions. The title of t he filni is a quotation from material are in violation of the law, and I complaints about their appearance." The lessons should be used to enrich us all. a pastor of the village. After France notified the Providence Police Sgt. Gleckman phoned Lt. Gov. Richard "If we, the survivors, maintain that surrendered to the Nazis - the surrender Department." Licht's office to obtain the correct there were only nights, that there were no was on a Saturday night - Sunday, the T he law, passed last year through the wo rding of the law and read the law to the lights, if we lead the world to feel that - next morning - in the village church, and efforts of Lt. Governor Richard Licht, picketers. that means that it was not possible to made a daringly bold speech. One ofi.he prohibits ethnic discrimination and "The picketers were cooperative," he help. But if it was possible to help, things he said, was: "The responsibility of harassment, threats to individuals or said. "We will be monitoring their therefore it is important to recognize it!" Christians is to resist the violence, property or any acts of racist terrorism. activities. If they fai l to comply with the Sauvage, speaking with a recogniable through the weapons of the spirit, which Individuals convictt>-rl of ~11<"h Art~ law, they will be arrested." French accent, continues emphatically: would be ~rought to bear on their "We all can learn, as I have learned. I consciences probably know more about this, than Since he is so much involved with issues Remember anyone in the world, because I believe that raised by the Holocaust, the movie maker I am the only one who researched it as is looking forward going back to Israel. extensively as I have researched it." The country and its inhabitants will sep;e Pierre Sauvage, writer, teacher, film fo r further study and research toward his maker, was born during the German work . occupation in the little French village, Le "To me it is incredibly moving and Chambon-sur-Lignon, where 500 incredibly eloquent that Israel, born in Christians shielded some 5000 Jews for part of the ashes of the Holocaust, wit h so four long years. many survivors, was so quick to begin Mr. Sauvage in his film work honoring the righteous gentiles. Yad accentuates the positive. He maintains Vashem remembers wit h the 'Avenue of there is an inherent goodness in people, the Just.1 We (elsewhere) did not follow which at times creates heroes over and that lead. Tribute is being done, but we did over in tlie face of terrorism. He tells the not go beyond that, and did what I story about the German soldiers who advocate, which is not just paying tribute, visited the small village. They would often but learning something!" remark: "This place is full of Jews!," but Sauvage has made extensive studies to the natives simply feigned indifference. find out who these rescuers were, why they Inhabitants of Le Chambon acted, as t hey did, what prompted their systematically defied German orders and actions. He recommends: "If we fi nd what saved the lives of thousands prompted them, we should search it out would-be-condemned Jews by hiding them and spread the knowledge!" He asks the and lying about their whereabouts. question: "What could be more beneficial Now grown up, but still a relatively from the most progmatic J ewish Point of young man - age 41 - Pierre Sauvage a view, fro m an Israeli point of view? Could film maker, set out to prove in his there be anything more advantageous than documentary work that in the face of setting up new world role models which terror and forced evil, people are still would also involve helping Jews?" capable, and in fact do act lovingly toward Telling about those, who were their fellow humans. He researched and instrumental in his survival, the man, who studied those rare but strong was born during the Nazi occupation in manifestations of shielding and rescue Le-C hambon-sur-Lignon, says: "For the operations during the Holocaust, where most part seemingly ordinary men and helping people did reach out, risking their women, through the weapons of the spirit, Zayneba Har daga Suschits of Yugoslavia, at a ceremony at Yad Vashem's Hall own safely to benefit the condemned. were those rare individuals, who saved of Remembrance. Mrs. Har daga Suschits is the first Moslem to be invited to Pierre Sauvage, a soft.spoken individual, lives. The Christians among them plant a tree in the Avenue of R ighteous Gentiles. She and her late husband al ready a winner of an Emmy Award for a practiced their faith - while the world at Mus tafa and her fathe r Ahmed Sadik were honored for rescuing Jews during documentary film dealing with a Jewish large stood by and did nothing." the holocaut.t. 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1985 -~-- - -:m,na) H, =:,,~,nW ~: 1 Yiddish At PLC do,,lopm,nt of"""'"' Y,ddIBh """' ro, by Simon Pressman ~~!~~ ~~~ng,~~e rar:on~~ed 19: 00~:u!;1~~Con~:~i~~ a nopn:~ cor~pond with him in Yiddish, especially local News started in 1981 throughout Rhode Island. dunng the several years I ws.s serving in They now begin classes in Basic Yiddish ~~~{ Anned Forces in Europe during 1 ~:o~~;~e:nv~~:e 0;t~;i~h~ :°a~c;: The course in "Enjoy a Bissel Yiddish" residential areas and distributes a :~~ ~fi~hheel:c;;;.~~:~: ~:~:~~~ catalogue of low-cost courses and the Hi!lel House in Kingston, Lower JFS Holocaust Survivors ;:i;:!i:S~v~:i~ t~m;:r :e:<J· ~;::~s~ College Road, from 7:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. On Wednesday, August 21, an community members who are interested in first class, ready to learn. While the for a period of five weeks and is open to organizational meeting for children of awareness, education and remembrance. Holocaust survivors and interested Yael Cohn, a clinical social worker at Leaming Connection does not offer credit c~::·ti~:~tn;~~.;~;~i~ ;~ivi1:e=~~ members of the community will be held at Jewish Family Service, and herself a child towards a formal degree, it does offer fee l free to call me at 783-8054 for 6;00 p.m. at Jewish Family Service, 229 of survivors, will be the staff organizer.
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