State of the Nation’s Children Ireland 2006 State of the Nation’s Children Ireland 2006 Office of the Minister for Children Copyright © Minister for Health and Children 2006 Office of the Minister for Children St. Martin’s House Waterloo Road Dublin 4 Tel: +353 (0)1 242 0000 Fax: +353 (0)1 664 1929 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.omc.gov.ie Published by The Stationery Office, Dublin ISBN: 0755774779 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the copyright holder. For rights of translation or reproduction, applications should be made to the Head of Communications, Office of the Minister for Children, St. Martin’s House, Waterloo Road, Dublin 4, Ireland. FOrewOrd As Minister for Children, it is my great pleasure to publish the first State of the Nation’s Children report. This report fulfils a commitment in the National Children’s Strategy to the publication of a regularly updated statement of key indicators of children’s well-being. As the first such report on children in Ireland, it provides us with a benchmark for the future and gives us a clear picture of the progress we have made and the challenges that lie ahead. The report is an important resource for all those who seek to understand the experience of childhood in Ireland. It covers many different aspects of children’s lives, including their health, behavioural and educational outcomes, their relationships with their parents and their friends, and the services available to and accessed by them. The report brings together information from administrative, survey and census data, which is already in the public domain. Indeed, it is clear that we have a substantial amount of statistical information about children’s lives, but this report also shows the gaps that exist. A commitment to improving data about children has been given in the recent Social Partnership Agreement, Towards 2016: Ten-Year Framework Social Partnership Agreement 2006-2015, and I will be ensuring that progress is made in that regard. I am grateful to the Central Statistics Office, the Statistics Division of the Department of Health and Children, and the Health Promotion Unit at the National University of Ireland, Galway, who assisted the Research division at the Office of the Minister for Children in compiling this report. This report is a good foundation on which to build our understanding of our children’s lives. As such, it will help us in our task of making Ireland a better place for children. Brian Lenihan, TD Minister for Children Contents Foreword v Authors and Acknowledgements ix Acronyms x Summary of main findings xiii Introduction 1 Overview of report 3 Some considerations 3 Conclusion 5 PART 1: SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHICS 7 Child population 11 Child mortality 15 Non-Irish national children 19 Family structure 23 Parental education level 27 Separated children seeking asylum 32 Traveller children 35 PART 2: RELATIONSHIPS 41 Relationship with parents 43 Relationships with peers 61 PART 3: CHILDREN’S OUTCOMES 73 EDUCATION 75 Early childhood care and education 76 School attendance 80 Achievement in Reading Literacy, Mathematics and Science 86 HEALTH 97 Birth weight 98 Breastfeeding practice 105 Chronic health conditions and hospitalisation 110 Disability 119 Abuse and neglect 130 SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIOURAL OUTCOMES 139 Participation in decision-making 140 Reading as a leisure activity 146 Use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs 150 Binge drinking 160 Illicit drug use 166 Sexual health and behaviour 173 Self-esteem 178 Self-reported happiness 183 Youth suicide 187 Physical activity 190 Eating habits 200 Homeless children 206 PART 4: FORMAL AND INFORMAL SUPPORTS 213 Public expenditure on education for children and young people 214 Economic security 221 Availability of housing for families with children 227 Community characteristics 232 Environment and places 238 Referrals to Garda Juvenile Diversion Programme 243 Antenatal care 247 Childhood immunisation 252 Screening for growth and development 262 Accessibility of basic health services for children and young people 268 Children and young people in care 273 Mental health referrals 278 Main data sources 285 Index 289 AUTHOrS The main authors of this State of the Nation’s Children report are: ■ Sinéad Hanafin, Head of Research, Office of the Minister for Children ■ Anne-Marie Brooks, Research Officer, Office of the Minister for Children ■ Hugh McGee, Senior Statistician, Department of Health and Children ■ Gerry Brady, Senior Statistician, Central Statistics Office ■ Gillian Roche, Statistician, Central Statistics Office ■ Reamonn McKeever, Statistician, Central Statistics Office ■ Saoirse Nic Gabhainn, Senior Deputy Director, Health Promotion Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway ■ Michal Molcho, Lecturer, Health Promotion Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway ACkNOwledgeMents We would also like to thank all the people and organisations who provided data, especially Eileen Connolly, Department of Health and Children (Childcare Interim Dataset); Trevor Moylan and Greg Conlon, Health Promotion Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway; Mark Morgan, St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra (ESPAD); Eemer Eivers, Education Research Centre (PISA); Sheelagh Bonham, Economic and Social Research Institute (National Perinatal Reporting System); Steven Barron and Caraisoa Kelly, Health Research Board (National Intellectual Disability Database); Arthur O’Reilly, Health Research Board (National Psychiatric In-Patient Reporting System); Anne Doyle and Mary Ann O’Donovan, Health Research Board (National Physical and Sensory Disability Database); Anna Lloyd, Liz Shannon and Jason Sibley, National Treatment Purchase Fund (Patient Treatment Register); Suzanne Cotter, Health Protection Surveillance Centre (Immunisation Uptake Statistics); Finbarr Murphy, An Garda Síochána (crime statistics); Elaine O’Mahony, National Education Welfare Board (Education Welfare Board Database); Tom Healy, Department of Education and Science (statistics on education expenditure and school attendance); and Niamh Gallagher, Maire O’Mahoney and Lisa Clifford, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (Triennial Assessment of Housing Needs). We are also very grateful to all the people who provided feedback on individual indicators. ix ACrONyMS ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ALSPAC Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children CASE Child and Adolescent Self-Harm in Europe Study CDC Centre for Disease Control and Prevention CECDE Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education CPA Combat Poverty Agency CPI Consumer Price Index CSER Centre for Social and Educational Research CSO Central Statistics Office DEIS Delivering equality of opportunity in schools ENFO A public information service on the environment, to encourage children and young people to be environmentally responsible EPPE Effective Provision of Pre-School Education Project ERO Education Review Office ESPAD European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs ESRI Economic and Social Research Institute EU25 average Average result for the 25 EU Member States EU SILC EU Survey on Income and Living Conditions GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education GDP Gross Domestic Product GNP Gross National Product GRO General Register’s Office HBSC Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey HEA Higher Education Authority HIPE Hospital In-patient Enquiry System HPSC Health Protection Surveillance Centre HRB Health Research Board HSE Health Service Executive (formally Health Boards) ICD-9 CM Clinical modification of the 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10 World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases category ICD-10-AM Australian modification of ICD-10 IYJS Irish Youth Justice Service LAAHN Local Authority Assessment of Housing Need LSP Local Sports Partnerships MABS Money Advice and Budgeting Service x MHADIE Measuring Health and Disability in Europe MMR Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine MSRB Medico-Social Research Board MVPA Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity NAPS National Anti-Poverty Strategy NCCA National Council for Curriculum and Assessment NCCRI National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism NDA National Disability Authority NESC National Economic and Social Council NESF National Economic and Social Forum NEWB National Educational Welfare Board NHS National Health Service NICHD National Institute of Child Health and Human Development NIDD National Intellectual Disability Database NPIRS National Psychiatric In-Patient Reporting System NPRS National Perinatal Reporting System NPSDD National Physical and Sensory Disability Database NTPF National Treatment Purchase Fund OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OMC Office of the Minister for Children PHN Public Health Nurse PISA Programme for International Student Assessment Survey PTR Patient Treatment Register QNHS Quarterly National Household Survey RTA Road Traffic Accidents SAHAP Social and Affordable Housing Action Plans SEU Social Exclusion Unit SPHE Social, Personal and Health Education SSI Social Services Inspectorate UNCRC United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund US DHHS United States Department of Health and Human Services WHO World Health Organization
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