LOCAL: He’s ba-ack! Lizard Man heading to big screen A2 PANORAMA Hop downtown Microbrew Festival returns May 12 to raise money for C1 SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 Sumter Senior Services WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 2017 $1.00 Council Parnell wins Dem primary approves GOP candidates Norman, Pope head for runoff in SC-5 race BY JIM HILLEY Goldman Sachs tax adviser was easily “Tonight’s results show there is so zoning [email protected] outdistancing his Democratic prima- much energy and support across the ry opponents with more than 70 per- 5th Congressional District,” Parnell Democrat Archie Parnell will have cent of the vote, meaning he will said. “I’m proud to be your nominee.” to wait two weeks to see who his Re- avoid a runoff against either Alexis In the 5th Congressional District changes publican opponent will be in the Frank (21 percent) or Les Murphy (7 Republican primary, two York County South Carolina 5th Congressional percent). Those results were as of 10 residents, former state Rep. Ralph District election set for June 20. p.m. Tuesday with nine of 11 counties BY JIM HILLEY The Sumter resident and former reporting. SEE RESULTS, PAGE A6 [email protected] Sumter City Council breezed through a light agenda at its regular meeting in Sumter Opera House’s City Council Hitching a ride Chambers on Tuesday. Council received an update from City Manager Deron Mc- Cormick on progress on the budget for fiscal year 2018, which begins July 1. He said staff was spending a lot of its time working on the general PHOTO PROVIDED MCCORMICK fund and through After casting their votes, Sumter native cost-cutting mea- and 5th Congressional District candidate Ar- sures had reduced chie Parnell and his wife, Sarah, greeted vot- the projected deficit to $2.2 mil- ers at Cut Rate Drugs, where a number of lion. The deficit was projected to be $2.7 million in the original draft of the budget. McCormick said council may want to consider having an additional work session to deal with budget issues. Council also passed the final reading of four ordinances with little debate during Tues- day’s meeting. An ordinance transferring .23 acres of property on Liberty Street to Sumter County was approved. The land is at the lo- cation of the new Sumter Eco- nomic Development Building. Council also approved an or- dinance authorizing the sale of property at 3905 Vinca St. to MELANIE SMITH / THE SUMTER ITEM a private developer. McCor- A Canada goose gosling takes shelter under one of its parents’ wings recently at Swan Lake-Iris Gardens. mick said the property is in a residential area and a house is expected to be built on the lot. McCormick said the city pur- chased the lot for access to a neighboring property and de- County starts work on 2018 budget cided to put what wasn’t re- quired for access up for sale. Two ordinances dealing with zoning were also approved. Workshops focus on reconciling $2.2M deficit by July 1 deadline Council approved a setback variance for 2505 Tahoe Drive BY ADRIENNE SARVIS Sumter County Administrator Gary projected expenditures include a 3 per- No. 11. The ordinance allowed [email protected] Mixon said it is not unusual for the cent cost of living increase as well as a 15-foot setback instead of a budget to show a deficit of that amount cost increases for health insurance and 25-foot setback. The proposed 2018 fiscal year budget this early in the budget process. retirement. In addition, council ap- for Sumter County showed a $2.2 million As of Tuesday, the proposed budget Mixon said a millage increase is not proved an ordinance changing deficit during Sumter County Council has general fund expenditures project- proposed. first budget workshop on Tuesday. ed at $51.4 million and general fund SEE CITY, PAGE A5 Fiscal year 2018 begins July 1. revenues projected at $49.1 million. The SEE BUDGET, PAGE A5 JAMES GEE — 1940 - 2017 Sumter’s 1st orthopedic surgeon remembered as humble leader A humble servant leader is how and later renewing their friendship According to his wife, Gee was also thopedician for knee, hip and joint is- many friends and family remember when Price’s family moved to Sumter an avid sports fan and never missed sues and other ailments. Dr. James “Jim” Gee. Gee died on in ’73. an athletic event for his children and Sumter United Ministries’ Executive April 20 at his home in Sumter. Price and Gee played on the same Lit- grandchildren. She said he served as a Director Mark Champagne remem- After graduating from high school tle League baseball team in Florence. resident doctor at all the games. bers Gee “as one of the most humble in Florence, Gee attended Davidson “Jimmy was always a “He would go and when somebody guys I’ve ever met.” College in North Carolina and later leader and inspirational got hurt, they would run over to him He said that Gee would often leave Emory Medical School. He married person that others gravi- to let him treat it on the sideline,” family vacations in the mountains or the former Winnie Bath while in medi- tated to,” Price said. “He Winnie said. “He did a lot of that. That at the beach to see patients on Tues- cal school. had a strong faith in God was before they had doctors there on day nights at the free clinic. After serving two years in the mili- and was a leader in his call.” Champagne explained why Gee tary as a physician — required for all church and community.” After retiring as a surgeon, he would volunteer his time. medical graduates at the time — at Gee was a member of worked several years as a physician at “He did it because of the love of God Shaw Air Force Base, Gee became the GEE First Presbyterian Tuomey Industrial Medicine in Sum- that he had,” Champagne said. first orthopedic surgeon in Sumter in Church in Sumter. After ter. The outfit serves as a clinic for His wife, Winnie, echoed those senti- 1972, when he opened Sumter Ortho- leading a youth group to Mexico, he local industry and the school system. ments. pedics. developed a passion for international When Sumter United Ministries “He loved that clinic; he really did,” Bill Price was a life-long friend of missions and served on numerous opened its free medical clinic in 2014, she said. Gee, growing up with him in Florence trips to South America. Gee began to volunteer there as an or- — Bruce Mills VISIT US ONLINE AT CONTACT US DEATHS, B7 WEATHER, A8 INSIDE Information: 774-1200 Barbara Ann D. Mellette ANOTHER NICE DAY 3 SECTIONS, 20 PAGES the .com Advertising: 774-1246 Nathaniel W. Dozier Warm and sunny today, VOL. 122, NO. 143 Classifieds: 774-1200 John Harrison Jr. clear to partly cloudy Classifieds B8 Opinion A7 Delivery: 774-1258 Geneva Watkins News and Sports: 774-1226 and mild tonight. Comics C2 Television C3 Corrie Lee R. Shaw HIGH 84, LOW 60 Maple T. Rouse Food C4 A2 | WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 2017 THE SUMTER ITEM Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail: [email protected] Hometown producer to film Lizard Man movie BY RICK CARPENTER aged the production of Lizard Man pany will be hiring more than 50 [email protected] paraphernalia. The first sightings were makeup artists, photographers, extras reportedly near Scape Ore Swamp. and security personnel for the shoot. A local independent movie producer Now, Fullwood wants to capitalize “I want to show my compadres in L.A. plans to use the backdrop of Poinsett on the creature, reported to stand that you can find talent in cities the size State Park to film a movie about the seven feet tall, be green in color and of Sumter,” Fullwood said. “You don’t legendary Lizard Man. hairy. He said about 85 percent of the have to film in Charleston or Columbia.” Mayesville High School movie, “Creature of Scape Ore,” will The plot of Creature of Scape Ore graduate Reginald K. be shot in Poinsett State Park in July. includes college students spending Fullwood, class of 1990, Because of the heat and humidity dur- spring break at Scape Ore, where one said he plans to film a ing that summer month, he said he of them gets killed and the others movie at the park that may have to add Computer-Generated blame the Lizard Man. may lend a “Bigfoot” Imagery to complete some scenes. If you’re interested in finding out FULLWOOD folklore interest to the Fullwood, who said he got his start more about K.V.E. Productions or ap- creature first reported in as an assistant to a Warner Brothers plying for one of the positions, which The Sumter Item in 1988, producer, also said he helped produce will pay $50 to $75 a day for extras, go PHOTO PROVIDED when Fullwood was in high school. Norbit and the second installment of to www.kveproductions.com, and click The last known photo of the legendary In that initial report, a young man the move Transformers. on the COSO button to take you to the ‘Lizard Man’ of Scape Ore Swamp was pur- from Bishopville swore to have had an He’s now opened his own produc- application process. Fullwood said he portedly taken and submitted by a Sumter encounter with Lizard Man. Since that tion company called K.V.E. Produc- plans to return to interview candi- Item reader in August 2015 walking along time, numerous sightings have encour- tions in Los Angeles.
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