XLbc IRoval (Basette Colonist ©atlv INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and TIIE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 9 No. 134 HAMILTON, 6ERMUDA: TUESDAY JUNE 7, 1927 PER COPY 3d. or 6 cents-40/- PER ANNUM Local Jottings. The Bog's Birthday. I ROUND THE WORLD BY CABLE. | IN THE HOUSE. They Say. It is interesting to note occasion­ OFFICIAL DINNER. GOVERNMENT PILOTAGE SYS­ That thiags are brewing ia the ally what our neighbours at Nas­ THE TRANS ATLANTIC FLIGHT. TEM PRACTICALLY AGREED railway world. sau are doing, and the latest news In our account of the official TO: LEAVE TO BRING IN BILL * * * is that the House of Assembly is dinner oa the occasion of His Ma­ GRANTED. That th3 supporters are aaxious being asked to vote £1000 to enable jesty's birthday the names of the to get abseatee members back. a golf tournament to be arranged Mayors of Hamilton and St.George's Bellanca Plane Makes Flight of 46 Hours. The priacipal order of the day at * _. # next winter. The stipulation is were omitted by inadvertence. Mr. yesterday afteraooa's meeting of That St. George's is to the foro that all entrants shall be"pre-emi- A. W. Bluck was the recipient of Forced to Descend Near Berlin. the House of Assembly was the pro­ agaia. neut golfers," a peculiar kind of maay coagratulatioas When it was posal of the Board of Trade to es­ * * * phrase but which really meansthat aaaouaced that the O.B.E. had tablish a Government pUotage ser­ That they beUeve in public meet­ a serious effort is to be made to at­ beea coaforrcd upoa him. The vice, and leave to bring in the ne­ iags there. tract some of the big guns down to dianer took place at Goverameat AMERICA WINS RYDER CUP. cessary measures was agreed to by * * * take part. This proposal is receiv­ House, aad aot at Clifton as stated large majority. Only two mem­ That there's nothing like com­ ing support on the grounds of the in our issue of yesterday. Superior Putting Gives Victory. bers of the House were absent. ing out iu the open. publicity that will be given Nassau —-oo One Message was received from * * * through the medium of the sport­ the Acting Governor, and this re­ That Sandys is proving that 90'.J, ing Press, while motioa pictures I.O.D.E. Entertainment. quested aa additioaal appropria- guess all wrong. are to be taken aad distributed for tioa of 1445 for completiag the * * * We caU the attention of our read­ Balkan Trouble Brewing—Severe Floods in Ken­ sho wiag oa scree as in the States, aquarium. Some necessary work That the latest cute device is to ers to the advertisement of the Im­ etc. that was not anticipated when tho avoid the idea of giving conces­ perial Order of the Daughters of tucky—Reply from Egypt Received—Sporting * 9 9 origiaal estimate was made is the sions. the Empire with regard to the Coa­ This matter is In the hands of cause, and this has to do with the * * * cert and dance which is being ar­ News, Tilden Defeated by Frenchman in the Development Board, whieh pre­ stockiag of fish and their food sup­ That instead use wiU be made ranged by them to take place at sumably corresponds to our T.D.B., plies, a parking space for carriages the Point Pleasant Hotel oa the Finals—English Cricket Results. of the 1908 Act. and they intend to take the matter near by, etc. evening of June 15th when there up seriously. While such a tour­ Mr. J. R. Conyers, who is also wiU be "Bridge" and "Mah Jongg" That the House has got busy nament would provide good sport, chairmaa of the Board of Trade, tables and dancing to music pro­ agaia. from the commercial point of view THE TRANSATLANTIC FLIGHT. at §-30 a.m. machiae aad passea­ brought the pilotage mattdx be­ vided by the exceUent Band of H. * * * it will thoroughly advertise the gers Wore in good coaditioa. The fore the House, and he explaifiw. the M.S. Cairo, whose services have That somethiag like a record place. Should their plans succeed, Roosevelt Field, N.Y., Juae 4.— laadiag was attributed to a short­ long delay as having been desirous been obtained by the kindness of must have been made ia produce there is a possibility that it yill Seated side by side ia the Bellaaca age of gasoUae or tho fact tbat the of giving time for any of the parties Captain T. A. E. Troup, R.N., and shipment. overshadow the Bermu a tourna­ monoplane Columbia Clarence D. Pilot Clareace D. Chamberlaia lost affected to lay their views bafore whose glee-party wiU also render ment, which last season or two has ChamberUn and Charles A. Le- his way ia the raiay weathor. the Legislature.'%He had been re­ some enjoyable songs during the That Front Street has certainly not attracted any players of great vine, managiag director of the Col­ The Beiiaaca was rdfuelled aad quested by one pUot not to proceed evening. The proceeds of the en­ been pretty Uvely. note, while the publicity end has umbia Aircraft Corporatioa, hop­ immediately started for Berlia as it was hoped to form a pilots tertainment will go to the funds of * * * been sadly neglected. ped off at 6.06 this morning for a where sbe was expected withia aa associatioa aad so avoid a Govera­ the Cradock Scholarship, the tic­ That the Bellaaca flight has beea * fc • flight to an unnamed European des­ hour. meat service, but later he tele­ kets, which are 2/6 each, can be successful. Apparently too the Bahamas have tination. The destination of the Before she laaded the Columbia phoned aad said it had beea im­ obtained from any of the fDllow- * * * beea up against it in the matter Columbia was aot announced prior had been ia the air since 6.05 a.m. possible .o do aaythiag. One peti­ ing ladies, Mrs. Greet, Mrs. W. E. That there are so many planes of getting a Chief Justice who will to the departure but ChamberUn Saturday moraiag, a total flyiag tion in opposition had come ia, Tucker, Mrs. E. C. Wilkinson acd knocking about that some day stay long enough to like the place said yesterday that he would fly to time of 46 hours aad 25 miautes. but there could aot be more thaa Mrs. Clarence Masters. there may be one here. but canaot do so owiag to the poor Newfoundland, follow the great clr- , * * * two pilots sigaatures attached to —oo— Aviators off to Berlin. salary of the post. At present it is ele the route Captaia Liadberghtook it. He had beea reliably iaformed That that idea of a prize has died £1,250, and the Legislature are be­ He would he said accepc the boon . that 10 of the preseat pUots were an unnatural death. Berlia, Juno 6th.—Tho BeUaa- ing asked to make it £1,500. This Brownie? Concert of favourable winds and speed on ia favour of the reorganisation, and * * * ca monoplaae having pjr_feumably is the comparison with other until diminishing gasoline forced Mr. Coayars proceeded to stress the That in spite of the summer there Being Prepared. him to descend. In fact he said the lost its way to Berlin was reported places:— fact tuat with larger toanage ia are many bold plans under con­ destination was the farthest point landed at Kottbus, seventy miles ships coming here ao chaaces sideration. Barbados __ £1200 Our readers are reminded that from New York that he could pUot southeast of this city at 12.20 Coatiaued oa page 6. the concert given by the "Brownie o'clock. Bermuda £1150 the plane. The purpose of the That the Corporation Office is Pack" wiU take place on Monday fUght he said was to break the long Further information said that •British Guiana f 1800 running over with them. evening, the 13th inst. at the Me­ the plane had landed in marshy British Honduras _£1200 distance nonstop flight record. * * * chanics' Hall. There will be no ground at a village caUed Klinge, Cyprus -£1500 With the fuel supply carried the ~E A. 0. BT That the Motor Ambulance con­ reserved seats, and the doors wUl Columbia was estimated to have niaft miles from Kottbus. Fiji £1250 tinues to do fine work. open at 7.15 p.m. An exceUent pro­ IfVe propeUor of the Columbia Gibraltar j—-. £1350 a erasing radius of 4,500 inUes. Its * * 9 •Jamaica 2 _____ £2000 gramme is being prepared whieh speed was estimated at 105 mUes an was reported broken and it was Whist Drive That It has converted some die- Leeward Islands £1200 is timed to be over in good time hour with no wind. This speed I doubtful if the flight to Berlin hards. *Trinidad.. £1944 for the benefit of the juvenile per­ will increase as the weight dimin- j could be continued. The aviators * # * formers. Grenada _ £1100 ishing by fuel consumption de- [ were reported safe and being Wed. June 8th That the Rotary Club has planned brought to Berlia by special plaae. In these colonies there are sev­ oo — creases. The weather into which j a gala event for Thursday. ChamberUa aad Levine flew was * * * eral Puisne Judges also. said to be as good as can be ex­ CABLE CONFERENCE. * * * * It Pays to Advertise. 8.15 sharp That some of the golf will be pected. His last weather charts Roberts cash grocery on Church prodigious.
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