[FREE] Serving Philipstown and Beacon JUNE 8, 2018 161 MAIN ST., COLD SPRING, N.Y. | highlandscurrent.com Montgomery Wants County Seat Also, Maloney joins race for attorney general By Chip Rowe ancy Montgomery, a three-term member of the Philipstown Town NBoard, will run in November for the seat held in the Putnam County Leg- islature by Barbara Scuccimarra. The district includes Philipstown and part of Putnam Valley. Montgomery, a Democrat, has been on divide between the two major the Town Board since 2008. On Wednes- parties on global warming that day (June 6), Philipstown Democrats an- Part 5: What Now? nounced a campaign event scheduled extends right down to our own Nancy Montgomery File photo by Ross Corsair for June 15 in (Continued on Page 2) Congressional district. According to a study published in 2015 in the journal Climatic Change that ex- amined different views of climate change at the local level, 84 per- cent of Democrats in the 18th are convinced global warming is hap- pening, but only 57 percent of Re- publicans. More than 75 percent of Democrats say they are concerned, versus 41 percent of Republicans. Fred Rich, a Garrison resident By Chip Rowe who is the author of Getting to Green, a book that outlined (before ccording to the best science President Trump) how the parties available, based on a method of might find common ground on envi- inquiry that has served civiliza- A ronmental issues, argues that polls tion for centuries, the earth’s climate will continue to heat up at a pace never are skewed by the third of Republicans before recorded. This may not change who are hardcore deniers. Results also our lives so much, but our children and vary by state: Republicans in New grandchildren are in for a wild ride. York, Delaware and Alaska are more Shelley Boris on a patio at Dolly's Photo by A. Rooney We can slow down the warming, but likely to believe that rapid climate it will take a tremendous, sustained ef- change is underway than Republicans fort over generations, because climate elsewhere. Final Touches at Dolly’s change due to increasing amounts of In this, the fifth and final part of our carbon dioxide trapped in the atmo- The name, Dolly’s, is a nod to the film series, we spoke with Rich and other Ten years later, new cafe in sphere appears to be accelerating so Hello, Dolly!, which was filmed in part Highlands residents who are doing fast it has its own momentum. Guinan’s building on Garrison’s Landing in 1968, the anni- what they can to get things moving. When the planet’s health was easier versary of which is being celebrated this New York State has promised grants to to see and comprehend — smog, acid By Alison Rooney summer with a festival. communities that mitigate and adapt rain, the polluted Hudson — politicians “Dolly’s feels like there’s a sense of fun, for what is coming, but only Philip- he long-awaited opening of Dolly’s, from both parties worked together to that it’s all not too serious,” Boris says, stown has made much progress. Pas- a cafe and restaurant on Garrison’s find solutions. But this danger is dis- adding that, for her, it also evokes “Guys sionate activists such as Krystal Ford Landing where the iconic Guinan’s tant, and complex, with uncertain out- T and Dolls, Dolly Parton, kids playing with in Garrison and members of the newly Pub and Country Store once stood, is comes. And somewhere along the way dolls, all those things. It feels like it can nearly here. scientists — thousands of scientists, in formed chapter of the Citizens’ Cli- be a lot of different things to people, and Shelley Boris and Kimball Gell, co- multiple disciplines — have become mate Lobby in Beacon are attempting that’s what we want it to be like.” owners of Fresh Company, a Philipstown- cast by naysayers as clueless villains to add urgency to the conversation. But A tour of the newly renovated, three- based catering firm, say they have a few who hope for unexplained reasons to it’s a hard sell, and politicians think in story space overlooking the Hudson began bells and whistles to hang — molding, destroy the economy by sabotaging the terms of two to eight years, not 50 to with the large front room with windows mirrors, shelving, artwork — before a soft most profitable product ever devised: 100. Fred Rich points out that people open to the river. The back room — the opening in the next few weeks with break- fossil fuels dug from the earth. respond better to hope than gloom. So, former pub — is dominated by the famil- fast and lunch service. Dinner service will There is a clear and consistent where is it? iar stone fireplace. There are two outdoor follow. (To Page 10) patios, one near (Continued on Page 5) 2 JUNE 8, 2018 The Highlands Current highlandscurrent.com Montgomery Wants County Seat (from Page 1) Garrison with Montgomery and Kent Su- Five Questions: TOMMY TUNE pervisor Maureen Fleming, who is chal- By Alison Rooney lenging incumbent MaryEllen Odell for 5 county executive. ommy Tune, 79, who has won 10 Tony it and mess up the scene. Other people had Odell is a Republican, as are Scucci- Awards as a Broadway dancer, direc- derbys, which are easier to toss. marra and the other eight members of the county Legislature. Ttor and choreographer, will lead a Any memories of Philipstown? parade at 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 16, at It was so, so hot. I was wearing a cut Montgomery did not immediately re- Garrison’s Landing to mark the 50th anni- velvet coat with a silk vest and tweed turn an email seeking comment. Scucci- versary of the filming there of Hello, Dolly! pants and it was 106 degrees in the shade. marra said: “I’ve heard rumors for a while The next day, he will perform Tommy Tune I said to Barbra, “I’m really sweating,” and that she planned to run, and now it’s of- Tonight at the Paramount Hudson Valley. she replied, “You’re not sweating. Horses ficial. I look forward to comparing our re- cords of public service and letting voters Which was more intimidating: sweat, gentlemen perspire.” I asked her make the right choice.” meeting Gene Kelly, who directed the what ladies did, and she said, “They glow.” Scuccimarra announced on May 8 that film, or Barbra Streisand, its star? For the elopement scene, there was no Oh, Gene Kelly. I was plucked from the rehearsal, because they were supposed she would run for a third term. She may chorus of a Broadway play by the Dolly to film a scene with Walter Matthau but face a primary challenge from Patty Vil- casting director, who had seen it and flew it was the day Robert Kennedy got shot, lanova of Putnam Valley, who said on May me to Hollywood. I was the 21st guy to and the news hit Matthau hard. When I 7 that she planned to run. audition, in full costume. Gene Kelly said, saw the scene I realized we were working Scuccimarra is a former member of the “Let’s see how you dance.” He later would through a sadness. I returned to Garri- Philipstown Town Board. She lost her po- give me the best piece of advice I’ve ever son for a visit in 2009 and went into Van- sition in 2011 to Montgomery and Dave received when he said, “Tommy, dance dergelder’s [the three-story brick house on Merandy, now the mayor of Cold Spring, better.” Dancers know what that means. Dock Street] to the room where we played in a four-way race for two seats. The next On set, Barbra Streisand was nice but shy. our little scene. Then I tripped the light year, Scuccimarra ran for the county Leg- She had filmed her first movie, Funny fantastic down to the train station. Just islature, defeating Steve Rosario with Girl, but it hadn’t been released yet. me. I had to. 54 percent of the vote, and then won re- election against Lithgow Osborne in 2015 How did it feel leading the You have said your father sent with 58 percent. complicated “Put On Your Sunday you from Texas to New York City Tommy Tune Photo by Carol Rosegg Montgomery was endorsed June 4 by Clothes” number? with “a bag of sandwiches and a the Putnam County Democratic Commit- I didn’t think about it. It wasn’t until I checkbook.” What should a dancer have a cellphone, either. They rob me of tee, along with Fleming, incumbent state saw the film that I realized how big my part bring now? my imagination and concentration. Assemblywoman Sandy Galef and Karen was. I had a straw hat that I had to throw A computer, but thank God we didn’t You’ve also said that every time you Smythe, who is challenging state Sen. Sue in the air, and I was terrified I would drop have them. I don’t have one now. Don’t go onstage, your intent is to make it Serino. The Putnam County Republican better than the night before. Do you Committee endorsed Odell and Scucci- find theater more satisfying than film? marra on May 17. LIMITED EDITIONS REALTY, INC. I’m a theater junkie. I especially loved Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Sean Patrick Ma- 10 MARION AVE., SUITE 2, COLD SPRING, NEW YORK 10516 being in the chorus.
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