Are public library records the business of busybodies? By Shirley A. McShane Staff Wnter mcorporate the act mto the Pomte's three public libraries record1> on, say, the superm. them theIr ChIld's records were parent1> to check on their Ever wonder what the may. public hbrary's pohcy manual "One thmg I'm makmg them tendent of schools. Trustees none of theIr busmess chIld's readmg list, but cer. or's reading lIst looks like? at its AprIl 26 meetmg aware of IS the number of poli. also talked about the POSSIbilIty Mabel Hawkms, who works tamly If a parent wants to Maybe not. How about what Passed m 1983, the Library CIeS pertall1mg to the hbrary of parent1> wantmg to access m the library's techmcal ser. know, I don't feel comfortable your lO-year old son ISchecking Privacy Act protects the confi. that are not m our polIcy man. theIr child's hbrary records If VIces department, Said the II 1>aymg they cannot," Konsler out of the public hbrary - ever dentlality of circulatIon records, ual," Hanson said "We've adopted by the board, the act brary's computer system is cur Said wonder about that? said libl'ary director Charles probably always operated under would not permIt the library to rently set up to show only the Trustee Carol Marr Said she Forget about It The Grosse Hanson these poliCies, but we want to release 1>uchmformatlOn booh a patron has checked out beheve'> the main concern of POinte board of lIbrary trustees The board of lIbrary trustees, make sure they are m the man. Board preSident Gloria Kon. that are overdue The computer parent1>would be to make sure dIscussed the MIChigan Library which IS also the board of edu. ual and part of our workmg op. "leI' said she has no problem software could be set up to theIr <.hlld doesn't have any Privacy Act at Its Feb 22 meet. catIOn, began meetmg on a reg. eratlOns " With pnvacy protection when It show a patron's circulatIOn re overdue or lost library books Ing The board is expected to ular basis last fall to devote The board dlscuS1>edwhether Ii> applIed to adult patrons, but cord, but the lIbrary has not The board referred the act to take actIOn on whether It will more attentIOn to needs and IS- a pel son could walk mto a II' was concerned WIth parents' chosen to execute that optIOn the dlstnct"> legal counsel for sues pertammg to Grosse brary and ask to see circulatIOn IeactlOn,> If a libranan told "I don't want to encourage c1anficatlOn ~t)~tl&'f?5~:, iIG~'l~ Your Community Newspaper Grosse Pointe News Vol. 54, No.9 42 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 50~ March 4, 1993 City cop Star of Sea High School delivers - a girl! survival chances brighten By Shirley A. McShane eXCited that Star IS staYing finanCIal support, It should be By Shirley A. McShane Staff Writer open" closed. Staff Writer The news last month that Gerstner, who graduated The polIce actIVIty log at Our Lady Star of the Sea HIgh "MaIda conSidered It all," from Star In 1989, sbll VISitS saId pansh monSIgnor Dennis the Grosse Pomte CIty Public School may be In It.'>last year the school regularly. She de Safety Department lists a HarrIty "He heard a presenta of operatIOn came as a crushmg scribed the mood of teachers Feb 25 event m the most blow to parents, students and bon from the group (of parents and students as JOyous after a and parIshIOners) who wanted clImcal of terms' "Emergency staff at the all-girls mstitutIOn VISIton Monday to contmue the school and ac. chIldbIrth, dehvered mfant m Grosse Pomte Woods. "I thmk the commumty real. cept responsIbIlity for it and and transported mother and So when the Archdiocese of child to Bon Secours." IZed what a tragedy It would last Fnday he proposed the par DetrOIt announced on Feb 26 have been If the hIgh school But for public safety Sgt. that It would act upon the par- Ish be relIeved of ItS finanCIal had closed This was a good responsIbIlIty. " Edward TuJaka, helping City Ish councIl's recommendatIOn to wake-up call for the alumni resident Monica Barbour de. The parish counCIl approved change the school's status from and the dIfferent groups trymg liver Katherine LeIgh mto the MaIda's proposal at a March 1 a pansh school to a regIOnal to organIZe Hopefully we can world was one of the most school, and thereby keep Its meetmg, HarrIty said. The all work together on this m- board of dIrectors - yet to be exhilarating moment.'> in hIS Grosse Pointe City public safely Sgt. Edward TUjaka is dool s open, moods soared from stead of agaInst each other," life appomted - will be responSIble all smiles after he assisted in the delivery of Katherine despaIr to elatIOn Gerstner said TuJaka was on patrol about Leigh Barbour. born Feb. 25 at home. "1 thought the school would for raising the necessary funds to support the school 12:45 p m. in the area of the close," said alumna Joanne ArchbIshop Adam Maida's ment before that, but It has livermg the baby, I thmk he "The parIsh counCil had can Barbour residence, which is Gerstner, who IS now a Journal. proposal to change Star of the been a number of years smce was beSIde hImself a httle cerns about what would be the one block away from Bon Se- Ism major at Oakland Umver- Sea to a regIOnal school gov- he was tramed on what to do bIt," relatIOnship between the hIgh cours Hospital, when the dis- slty "I recClved a phone call on erned by a board of dIrectors when called upon to aSSIst In school and the rest of the par patcher told him to respond to FrIday afternoon and was to- came one month after the par childbirth. The whole thmg happened Ish," Hamty Sald "An agree a house on Cranford Lane be. Barbour, 38, who IS an at- so fast, Barbour saId she tally thunderstruck It made Ish counCIl maIled a letter to my weekend It made the cause a woman was going torney for NBD Bank, saId dIdn't have time to be scared MaIda recommendmg that un. whole year Everyone IS very mto labor. she was one day overdue less the school received some See STAR, page 19A "I thought I was JUst gomg when she began feelIng con- "It was a mIxed blessmg," to take her to the hospItal," tractlons around noon She she saId "I dIdn't have a lot Tujaka said. "It's been close a wasn't concelned - yet of pain, but then, I dIdn't Teen drinking: Control needed lot of times, but we've always At 12:30 her water broke. want to have my baby m my house. It's a mystery to me. It By Shirley A. McShane Teen drmkmg IS not a Grosse a mIXture of good news and made It to the hospital." She called her husband back Staff Writer He adnutted he was ner- Isn't hke I Ignored the SIgnS I Pomte problem, It'S a socretal bad news The good news, he and hIS secretary saId he had A cloud of adverse publiCIty problem" vous as he walked up to the left the office dId have a short first labor saId, IS that the forum gener- shrouded Grosse Pointe South Artis said a number of fac- house When he opened the "All of a sudden, WIth the (for her son, now 3) so I was ated a vanety of opmIOns and High School last week, upset- tors contributed to the publICIty front door and walked in, he next contraction, the baby forewarned But I thought I'd suggestIOns from parents and tmg adImmstrators and par- focused on the Incident saw Barbour in the second- started commg," she saId. "I at least be In labor for a cou- students The bad news, he ents, who said theIr efforts to "I thmk the reaction IS be- floor hallway, lymg on her called my nanny (Elma ple hours" saId, IS the dIstnct had to do somethmg pOSItive had been cause It'S Grosse POInte; people side, trying to tIlln over. He Quinn, who was m the house spend a significant amount of TuJaka SaId he, too, was reo translated mto negatIve head- hold us up to some form of en- also notIced that she was well at the tIme) and told her to tIme getting past the publiCIty Iieved when the baby was Imes and TV broadcasts. tique. People know of It as an into labor and ready to de- dial 911, thInkmg they would and down to the meat of the born WIthout any comphca- The dIspute began when affluent community and the liver her baby come and take me to the hos- matter tIons He said as soon as the school leaders called a Feb 23 feeling among people IS that pita I " "The general tenor of the "I realIzed I had to do it baby was delIvered, he meeting to get parental feed. Grosse Pointe protects It.'>own. At 12:47, Tujaka and meetmg IS that the problem is now," he said. "There was no wrapped her m a towel and back on how the schools should They feel we keep thmgs qUIet QUInn had helped Barbour handle students who arrive in. beyond anyone smgular solu- time to go to the hospital So carried her mto the bathroom In an almost deliberate way, tIOn and that the Issue is not delIver her baby gIrl and par.
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