The Library Z 413 V O I. 30. Issue 7. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, OCTOBER 17, 1939. PRICE, THREE CENTS Touchdown Pass in Lectures Include Condition of Schmidt Final Period Tops Variety of Topics Remains Unchanged Wed. Evening Marks The latest report from the Went­ Stubborn Wildcats Tales of secret service and propa­ worth hospital in Dover reveals that ganda will be told by Major Allan A. William Schmidt, freshman student at Fumbles, Punts Mark Macfarlan at the second of the current the University, who received a frac­ Concert Series Opening series of lectures on November 1. A tured skull in an automobile accident, Battle in Rain at Orono; member of the secret service detail of Sunday, October 8, is continuing to Bauer, Distinguished Mitchell, Flaherty Star the American army during the first hold his own. Schmidt suffered a Extension Service Piano Artist, Appears World War, Major Macfarlan is well- slight relapse Sunday afternoon, but In Return Engagement A fighting crew of New Hampshire qualified to speak on this subject. during the evening showed some im­ Issues New Volume Wildcats played highly favored Maine Herbert Agar, associate editor of the provement. He is not out of danger Tomorrow evening students and fac­ to a virtual standstill for three periods Louisville “Courier-Journal” and au­ as yet. howTever, according to members Book on Government of ulty will have an opportunity to hear on the rainsoaked turf at Orono Sat­ thor of Pulitzer prize book “The Peo­ of the hospital staff. Harold Bauer, the distinguished con­ urday afternoon, only to lose a heart­ State of New Hampshire ple’s Choice”, will discuss on Novem­ With the exception of Alfred Morin cert pianist, in the first of this season’s breaking 6 to 0 decision in the final Has Kalijarvi Co-Author ber 22, “What England Wants of of Newmarket, all of the persons who concert series. The recital will be held stanza, when Rog Stearns speared a 15 in Murkland auditorium at 8:00 P.M. Am erica.” were taken to the hospital after the The University of New Hampshire’s yard heave from Dick Dyer and toted On January 10, Louis K. Anspacher Born in England of a musical family, accident have been released. Morin, General Extension service has recently the dripping pigskin 40 yards for the it was only natural that Mr. Bauer will speak on “ Drama as a Social F orce who received a broken leg, is still con­ only score of the day. issued a 285-page volume entitled “The should embark on a musical career. At in Democracy.” Mr. Anspacher is au­ fined to a hospital bed. Outside of their single defensive thor of the book “All the King’s Government of New Hampshire.” This the age of five, he took up violin, al­ lapse the Blue and White played good H orses” , and- “ T he Bew ildering A ges.” book, which is the first of its kind to though he devoted some time to- the football, good at least under the condi­ piano. He directs the radio series “True Ghost be undertaken by the General Exten­ tions, and not only kept the Bricemen Stories.” New Band Officers He soon proved to be a child prod­ from approaching too close to pay dirt, sion Service, discusses each branch of Miss Bashka Paeff, a sculptress of igy, making his debut with an orchestra but put on an offensive show of their the state’s political system. many well-known pieces, will speak on Chosen for Year when he was but ten years of age. own, coming, at one time, within five “The Principles of Modeling” and will The co-authors, Dr. Thorsten V. Although in later years he devoted The University Band held an organ­ yards of the Maine goal line before a demonstrate some of her work with Kalijarvi, professor and head of the de­ most of his time to the violin, he still ization meeting for the coming year fumble ended the march. clay. Miss Paeff is best known in partment of government, and William found time to keep in touch with the last Monday evening and elected the New England for her designs of war Chamberlin, delegate to the constitu­ piano. When Paderewski heard Mr. Fumbles and Punts following officers: president, Prescott memorials, including the one in Kit- tional convention of 1938, have design­ Bauer play the piano he was convinced Barring Maine’s touchdown and the S. Farrar; secretary, Charles Chapman; tery, Maine, and the Chaplain Me­ ed this volume principally for school that he should give up the violin in Wildcats single offensive foray, it was treasurer, Louis Israel; drum major, morial in the State H ouse in Boston. reference. Its contents will serve as a favor of the piano. for the most part a battle of fumbles George E. Jones, Jr.; student director, This lecture will be brought to the guide to the material on New Hamp­ and punts, with neither side able to Jack Mitchell; and student manager, Encouraged by the advice of Pad­ campus on February 14. shire government which appears in the move the slippery pigskin far before Earl Krauzer. erewski, Mr. Bauer began a serious On March 13, Blanche Yurka, who new “Syllabus of the Social Sciences,” being forced to relinquish possession. study of the piano. After approximately played the part of Madame Defarge in New instruments for the band have a book recently published by the state The punting of Dick Dyer of Maine and three years of study, he made two or­ the motion picture, “A Tale of Two been ordered by Director Bergethon department of education. New Hampshire’s “Ace” Parker, was chestral appearances in Madrid. He Cities”, will give the concluding public and it was announced that they would truly phenomenal under existing condi­ The new volume embodies descrip­ was received with much enthusiasm. performance of the year. Seen in many arrive soon. There is a possibility that tion of the process of law making, Soon afterwards he wTas engaged by tions. Broadway and Hollywood productions, a Glockenspeil may be procured which elections, and suffrage as well as an Willem Mengelberg, new conductor of Maine had whatever edge there might she will portray character parts from would add much to the improved band outline of the construction and function the Amsterdam Orchestra for the fol­ have been in the offensive department, leading classics among them “The Mer­ equipment. An announcement regard­ of all the main administrative, legis­ lowing season. threatening to score on three occasions, chant of Venice,” “Romeo and Juliet,” ing the new uniform s wrill be made in lative, and judicial bodies. In addition, A little later, he appeared with the being frustrated twice by the standout and “Candida.” Her main portrayal the near future in the colum ns of this play of the Wildcat line and misfiring there is an appendix containing the Vienna Philharmonic, and since then, will be of “Comedy Through the Ages.” paper. on an attempted field goal through in­ state constitution, diagram of state, he has played with all the important ability to boot the greasy pumpkin. county, and local governments, sample orchestras of the world. In 1900 at the ballots, and a copy of the state seal. request of Wilhelm Geriche, conductor Outstanding Performers Panel Discussion Special Train to In reference to the publication, Di­ of the Boston Symphony he appeared Burt Mitchell, senior halfback, who rector John C. Kendall said, “The need with that orchestra. In 1921 he becam e was making his second appearance of Draws LargeGroup Exeter Saturday for a comprehensive handbook of the an American citizen and made his home the seasoon was the spearhead of the various governments of New Hamp­ in N ew Y ork. New Hampshire attack, sharing honors Professors Yale, Babcock The Boston & Maine Railroad will shire has long been felt. The book is (Continued on page 4) for the day with Parker, and Matt Fla- Kalijarvi, and Smith Talk run a special round trip to the Fresh­ designed for the lawyer who needs a (Continued on page 3) man - Exeter football game next Sat­ ready reference, for the high school On Present World Crisis urday afternoon in order to give stu­ teacher who is faced with the recent That the members of the university dents a better opportunity to attend legislation requiring instruction in the University Co-eds Dads’ Day Notice family are decidedly interested in the this game. The train will leave Dur­ constitution and government of New present European struggle was con­ ham at 12:47 P. M. and arrive at Exe­ Hampshire, for the public official who Take New Courses If any student learns that his dad vincingly demonstrated, last Thurs­ ter at one o’clock in plenty of time for desires a convenient handbook dealing did not get an invitation for Dads’ Day This year’s coeds have something new day evening, when an enthusiastic aud­ the game. Return trip may be made with all phases of government and the or if his dad will be unable to come in their idea of college courses. Four ience of more than two hundred stu­ on either the 5:35 train from Exeter interrelations of the various appointive and he wishes to have someone else to women students have enrolled in the dents, faculty members and towns­ or on the 6:44 from Exeter. The rate and elective offices, for the student be his dad for the day, the Dads’ Day college of agriculture, and one in the people gathered in the Community will be cut to half price, or 30 cents, wishing an authoritative and complete Committee will be glad to mail an in­ college of technology.
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