1 PROVISIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY for a new edition of ARISTOTLE'S PROTREPTICUS compiled by D. S. Hutchinson and Monte Ransome Johnson version of 2013 February 25 A. Primary Sources 1. Aristotle a. Collections of fragments of Aristotle's lost works, including his Protrepticus b. Editions and translations of fragments of Aristotle’s Protrepticus c. Editions and translations of papyri attributable to Aristotle's Protrepticus d. Editions and translations of the Aristotle Corpus e. Editions and translations of other lost works of Aristotle 2. Isocrates 3. Plato 4. Archytas of Tarentum 5. Heraclides of Pontus 6. Anonymous Iamblichi 7. Cicero 8. Clement of Alexandria (AD II-III) 9. Lactantius (AD III-IV) 10. Iamblichus of Chalcis (AD III-IV) a. Manuscripts of the Protrepticus b. Printed editions and translations of the Protrepticus c. Editions and translations of other works of Iamblichus 11. Ancient Commentators a. Aristocles of Messene (AD I) b. Alexander of Aphrodisias (AD II) c. Ammonius (AD V) d. Proclus (AD V) e. Olympiodorus the younger (AD V-VI) f. Philoponus (AD VI) g. Asclepius of Tralles (AD VI) h. Elias (AD VI-VII) i. David the Invincible Philosopher (AD VI-VII) j. Anonymous Scholion on Cod.Par.Gr.2064 12. Boethius (AD V-VI) 13. Stobaeus (AD VI) B. Secondary Sources (arranged alphabetically) 2 A. Primary Sources 1. Aristotle a. Collections of fragments of Aristotle's lost works, including his Protrepticus Flashar, H. Aristoteles: Fragmente zu Philosophie, Rhetorik, Poetik, Dictung. Darmstadt, 2006. Gigon, O. Librorum deperditorum fragmenta = vol. iii of Aristoteles Opera. Berlin, 1987. Gohlke, P. Aristoteles Fragmente. Paderborn, 1959. Rose, V. Aristoteles pseudographus. Leipzig, 1863. Rose V. Aristotelis qui ferebantur librorum fragmenta = 1463-1589 Opera Aristotelis, vol. v. Berlin, 1870. Rose V. Aristotelis qui ferebantur librorum fragmenta. Leipzig, 1886. Reprinted 1966. Walzer, R. Aristotelis dialogorum fragmenta. Florence, 1934. Ross, W. D. Select Fragments = vol. xii of The Works of Aristotle. Oxford, 1952. Ross, W. D. Aristotelis fragmenta selecta. Oxford, 1955. Zanatta, M. Aristotele I Dialoghi: testo greco a fronte. Milano 2008. b. Editions and translations of fragments of Aristotle’s Protrepticus Barnes, J. & G. Lawrence. “Fragments: Dialogues” pp. 2404-2416 of The Complete Works of Aristotle vol. 2, ed. J. Barnes. Princeton, 1984. Berti, E. Aristotele: Esortazione alla filosofia. Padua, 1969. Berti, E. Aristotele: Protreptico: Esortazione alla filosofia. Turin, 2000. Buela, A. El Protréptico de Aristóteles (Texto bilingüe griego-castellano traducción, notas y comentarios), 1984. 2nd ed. 1993. Casaglia, M. Aristotele: Protreptico: Esortazione alla filosofia. Florence, 2001. Chroust, A. H. Aristotle’s Protrepticus. Notre Dame, 1964. Düring, I. Aristotle’s Protrepticus: An Attempt at Reconstruction. Göteborg, 1961. Düring, I. Der Protreptikos des Aristoteles. Frankfurt, 1969. Follon, J. Aristote: Invitation à la philosophie. Paris, 2000. Follon, J. (tr.) and P. Dulau (comm.), Aristote, Protreptique: invitation à la philosophie. Paris, 2006. Minca, B. & C. Partenie. Aristotel: Protrepticul. Bucharest, 2005. Pelletier, Y. Aristote: Le Protreptique. Fragments ordonnés par Anton-Hermann Chroust traduits par Yvan Pelletier d’après le texts grec colligé par W.D. Ross. 1999. http://regislaurent.ifrance.com/textes/version%20imprimable.pdf. Rodriguez, C. M. Aristóteles: Protreptico. Una Exhortacion a la Filosofia. Madrid, 2006. Schneeweiss, G. Der Protreptikos des Aristoteles. Munich dissertation, 1966. Schneeweiss, G. Aristoteles: Protreptikos. Hinführung zur Philosophie. Darmstadt, 2005. Verhoeven, C. Aristoteles: Lof van de wijsbegeerte. Groningen, 1998. van der Meeren, S. Exhortation à la Philosophie: Le dossier Grec Aristote. Paris, 2011. von Fritz, K. and E. Kapp, Aristotle: Constitution of Athens and Related Texts. New York, 1950. Contains a translation of and commentary on Iamblichus, Protrepticus X in Appendix 1. 3 c. Editions and translations of papyri attributable to Aristotle's Protrepticus Cockle, H. M. P.Oxy 3659. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri LII: 59-62. London, 1984. Decleva Caizzi, F. & M. S. Funghi. P.Vindob G 26008 & 29329. Su alcuni frammenti filosofici della Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Varia Papyrologica = Studi e Testi per il Corpus dei papyri filosofici greci e latini, 5: 49-99. Firenze, 1991. Haslam, M.W. P.Oxy 3699. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri LIII: 15-23. London, 1986. Vendruscolo, F. P.Oxy 666. Corpus dei Papiri Filosofici I.1: 269-279. Florence, 1989. d. Editions and translations and commentaries of the Aristotle Corpus Barnes, J. (ed.) The Complete Works of Aristotle: the revised Oxford translation (2 vols., Princeton, 1984). Bekker, I. Aristotelis Opera ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri edidit Academia Regia Borussica accedunt fragmenta scholia index aristotelicus (5 volumes, Berlin, 1831- 1987). Burnet, J. The Ethics of Aristotle: edited with an introduction and notes. London, 1900. Crisp, R. (tr.) Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics. Cambridge, 2000. Gauthier, R. A. and J. Y. Jolif, L’Éthique a Nicomaque. Louvain and Paris, 1970. 3 vols. Smith J. A. and W. D. Ross (eds.) The Works of Aristotle Translated into English (12 vols., Oxford, 1908-1952). e. Editions and translations of other lost works of Aristotle Janko, R. Aristotle on Comedy: towards a reconstruction of Poetics II. (London 1984). Janko, R. Aristotle: Poetics, with the Tractatus Coislinianus, reconstruction of Poetics II, and the fragments of the On Poets (Indianapolis, 1987) Janko, R. Philodemus: the Aesthetic Works. Vol. I/3: Philodemus, On Poems Books 3–4, with the Fragments of Aristotle, On Poets (Oxford, 2011) Moraux, P. A la recherché de l’Aristote perdu: La dialogue Sur la Justice. (Louvain 1957). Searby, D. M. Aristotle in the Greek Gnomological Tradition. (Uppsala, 1998). Schuhl, P.-M. et al. Aristote: De la richesse – De la prière – De la noblesse – Du plaisir – De L’Éducation (fragments et témoignages). (Paris 1968). 2. Editions and translations of Isocrates Mandilaras, B. G. (ed.) Isocrates: Opera Omnia. 3 vols. Leipzig, 2003. Mirhady, D. C. & Y. L. Too. Isocrates I. Austin, 2000. Norlin, G. Isocrates. Loeb Classical Library. 3 vols. Cambridge, MA and London, 1928. Papillon, T. L. Isocrates II. (Austin, 2004). 3. Editions and translations of Plato Cooper, J. and D. S. Hutchinson (ed.), Plato: Complete Works. Indianapolis and Cambridge, 1997. 4 Slings, S. R. Plato: Clitophon. Cambridge, 1999. Thompson, W. H. The Phaedrus of Plato. London, 1868. 4. Editions and translations of Archytas of Tarentum Huffman, C. Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher, and Mathematician-King. Cambridge, 2005. Thesleff, H. The Pythagorean Texts of the Hellenistic Period Collected and Edited (Åbo, 1965), 2-48. 5. Editions and translations of Heraclides of Pontus Heraclides of Pontus: Texts and Translation. Edited by E. Schütrumpf. Translators: P. Stork, J. van Ophuijsen, and S. Prince. New Brunswick and London, 2008. 6. Editions and translations of the Anonymous Iamblichi Mari, M. (ed. and trans.) Anonimo di Giamblico: La pace e il benessere (with a preface by D. Musti, Milan, 2003). 7. Editions and translations of works of Cicero Grilli, A. M. Tulli Ciceronis Hortensius: edited with a commentary. Milan, 1962. Ruch, M. L’Hortensius de Ciceron—histoire et reconstruction. Paris, 1958. Straume-Zimmermann, L. Ciceros Hortensius. Bern, 1976. Shackleton-Bailey, D. R. Cicero: Letters to Atticus. N vols. Cambridge, MA and London, 1999. Woolf, R. (tr.) and J. Annas (ed.), Cicero: On Moral Ends. Cambridge, 2001. 8. Editions and translations of works of Clement of Alexandria (AD II-III) Stählin, O., ed. Clemens Alexandrinus. Erster Band: Protrepticus und Paedagogus. Berlin, 1972. Stählin, O., ed. Clemens Alexandrinus. Zweiter Band: Stromata Buch I-VI. Berlin, 1960. 9. Editions and translations of Lactantius (AD III-IV) McDonald, M. F., tr. Lactantius: The Divine Institutes. Washington, D. C., 1964. 10. Manuscripts, Editions and translations of works of Iamblichus of Chalcis (AD III-IV) a. Manuscripts of the Protrepticus: B = Besançon, Bibl. Municipale 405, gr. 10 Omont, 7 Gollob, f. 60-106v. C = Zeitz Stiftsbibliothek, 61 (32), 58-99v. 5 D = Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, cod.Monac.gr.102, f. 64-112v E = Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, cod.Monac.gr.392, f. 104-145 F = Florence, Bibl. Laurenziana, cod.Laur.86,3, f. 46v-82v. G = Rome, Biblioteca Angelica 77 (olim A-2-16), p. 109-198. H = Vatican City, Bibl. Apostolica Vaticana, cod.Palatinus.gr.94, f. 74v-130v I = Vatican City, Bibl. Apostolica Vaticana, cod.Vaticanus.gr.322, f.1-27 J = Vatican City, Bibl. Apostolica Vaticana, cod.Vaticanus.gr.324, p. 62-111 L = Florence, Bibl. Laurenziana, cod.Laur.86,29, f. 89-154. M = Venice, Bibl. Marciana, cod.Marc.gr.243, f. 45v-82. N = Naples, Bibl. Nazionale, cod. Neap.Borbon.III-B-30, p. 74-132. O = Oxford, Bodleian Library, cod.Bodl.Auct.T.1.20 (misc.198), f. 55v-101. P = Paris, Bibl. Nationale, cod.Par.gr.2093, f. 48v-83v. Q = Madrid, Bibl. Nacional, cod.O46 , f. 59-106. R = Ravenna, Bibl. Classense, cod.381 (olim 139,6,G), f. 1-54. S = Escorial, Realbiblioteca , cod.Υ-I-11, f. 51-93v. T = Paris, Bibl. Nationale, cod.Par.gr.1981, f. 54v-94. U = Escorial, Realbiblioteca (Bibl. du Monastère), cod.Υ-I-.1. V = Vatican City, Bibl. Apostolica Vaticana, cod.Vaticanus.gr.1028. W = Vienna, Staatsbibliothek, cod.Vindob.philos.gr.11, f. 112v-156v. X = Torino, Bibl. Civica, cod.Taurinensis gr.146 Pasini (337 Cosentini), f. 39-68. Z = Escorial, Realbiblioteca,
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