>- r- !l THE WESTFIELD LEADER QC O Z m < •- o o Jn:J The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County O •"" t-l UJ LL _J »- (q in to Published Second Clui Poitige WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, XOVEMBER 10, 1977 Every Thursday 24 Pages—to Cent* EIGHT KR — NO. 14 at Weitfteld, N. J. Council Considering Republicans Take Four of Five Bill Setting Land Use Standards Council Seats, Kessler Wins Ward 4 An amendment to the A hearing on the issue will zone; the amendment would zoning code which would set be held at the Nov. 22 establish conditions under Westfield voters Tuesday Democrat George Gerson. wick and his Union run- standards for use In various session of the council. which these may use this elected their first woman to Democrats, who lost a ningmate, Louis Bassano, zones in Westfleld was The ordinance would Local Election Returns the Town Council, returned third ward council seat in edged their Democratic expected to be introduced at establish standards which The ordinance also would an incumbent and one the election, gained one in Opponents Vincent a meeting of the Tewn must be met for conditional , prohibit schools in com- WARD 1 WARD 2 WARD 3 WARD 4 TOTAL "nearly-new" councilman the fourth ward when Baldasanno and Daniel and favored two other Herbert Kessler led his Mason to win two-year Council last night. uses in the zones. For in- mercial and general GOVERNOR Because of the Leader's stance, under current busiiieu tones and schools newcomers to the council. Republican opponent terms in the Assembly. printing schedule, full zoning, churches, public and churches in industrial Bateman (R) 1804 1738 1715 1539 6796 Clifford Peake by alomst 400 McDermott, however, lost The party split remains 8- votes. Third warders his bid for the State Senate coverage of the meeting will utility facilities, municipal park zones. Standards also in favor of the not appear until next week's uses and schools are per- are set for dual mage, such Byrne (D) 1101 1023 1450 1517 5091 replaced retiring Democrat District 20 seat by a small Republicans, with the fourth Thomas Pluta with 23-year- margin to Anthony Russo of paper. mitted in the residential (Continued on page 4) STATE SENATOR ward having the sole old Craig Russo, a Union. Democrat. Republican and second McDermott (R) 2039 1981 1673 1700 7393 A bare 63 percent of youngest man to be elected Republican gubernatorial Board Agrees to Continue Westfield's 19,151 voters to the governing body in the hopeful Ray Bateman, who Russo (D) 731 1216 1285 4028 796 braved inclement weather town's history. Donald commanded only a sur- prisingly small 1700 ASSEMBLYMAN to cast their ballots to fill Bagger, at 21, captured a five seats on the council, one council seat back in the plurality in Westfield, far Zoning Code for a Year less than GOP state and Bassano (R) 1983 2004 1627 1648 7262 of which in the second ward early 50's Russo overcame a Approval to extend tbe Livingston St.; the issue ditional uses, such as is an unexpired term of strong bid by Democrat county aspirants, lost current zoning ordinance as came before the Town schools, churches and in- Hardwick (R) 2041 2036 1640 1744 7461 Charles Brandt, and vote on Jack Bilman to win by a statewide by 16 percent to an interim code for a 12- Council last night for final stitutions. Introduction of two public questions, a State plurality of 101. incumbent Gov Brendan month period was given by action. the measure was expected Mason (0) 781 626 1131 1197 3735 Byrne. Senator and two Assem- In first and second wards members of the Westfield The board further at last nlghf's council blymen, a county sheriff and BaIda5aiino (0) 71S 581 1096 1145' 3537 Sullebarger, Mrs. List and Planning Board Monday recommended council meeting. three members of the In county races, night. Members also gave action on an amendment to Denied was a variance Alpaugh swept all districts. Democrats incumbent SHERIFF County Board of In the third ward contest, Walter Brought, Joanne their okay to a change of the zoning ordinance which requested by Ronald and Freeholders. une from a two-family to Russo took four of six Rajoppi and Thomas Dillon would establish standards Ruth Villa to create an Sargent <R) 6662 commercial lone for • lot on 1868 1849 1459 14 86 districts; Peake captured handily defeated and procedures for con- (Continued on page 4) Westfield's first coun- only the third district in the Republicans Robert Froehllch tD) 854 733 1260 1336 4183 cil woman, Betty List, Ward 2, topped balloting for local fourth ward. Sullebarger, a Morgan, William A. Ruocco FREEHOLDERS candidates with a vote of more than 2 to 1 victor over and Herbert Heilman for 2,010, 45 more than Democratic candidate Edna Freeholder posts. Ralph Heilman (R) 1803 1B24 1428 1471 6526 Republican incumbent Zdenek, was the only elected Froehlich was elected to Ward 1 Councilman Frank incumbent to seek reelec- succeed Ralph OrisceUo as Morgan (R) 1M0- 1831 144) 1478 6598 Sdtobargar, second tttghaat tion to the Town Council. county sheriff, defeating total vote utter, and liat Lester Sargent. Ruocco (R) . V833 "at, • ' 6546 Two Weatfield Republican mm m I te f enataa mm her CMrtmdera for the New Local bond reterandwna 'i»»i(jht •(&>' • '••'• '•';.';•• ^•-:i77,. '• in*--.' 4195 D«fB«eratlc oy tenant Sheldon Weinstein. Winning Ja*a*y~4*egtsl«ture, Frank on harbors and, haatlaik •» Rajoppl (&) 897 , 1258 , 1318 4 20? handily for the unexpired X. McDermott and Charles well as on medtcal tarm of.Brandt wm» Don Hardwick, led local education facilities, won DiJlon (0) 871 741\ 1241 1311 4164 balloting with 7,3*3 and 7,4$i »a»0y both in WetUield aatf Mpmvtii, law vote* over y*te§ ntpGctively. Hard- statewide. TOWN COUNCIL Sullebarger (R) ' 1965 1965 Here's How Student "Caps" and Costs Zdenek (D) • 850 850 Pre-Election Poll Looked Highlight List (R) 2010 2010 Students of the Institute for Political and Legal Educa- Bit. Meeting Weinstein (0) 629 629 tion of Westfield High School conducted a random tele- phone survey Saturday. Voters from all districts of the A blast at state-mandated AlpAw^h (D) 1865 1885 four wards were asked which candidates they planned to caps on school budgets, a for report on vandalism at Garson (D) un«xplr«d 679 679 support on the state and local levels in Tuesday's Mr* election. Westfield school system was Hueto (R) 1480 1480 After a tabulation and analysis, the results were as expected at last night's meeting of the Board of follows: Governor: Byrne 34 per cent, Bateman 46 per Education. Bilman (D) »3« 1379 cent, undecided 20 per cent; State Senator: Russo 26 per Peake (R) 1318 1318 cent, McDermott 53 per cent, undediced 21 per cent; Because of Leader press Councilman, Ward I: Zdenek 9 percent, Sullebarger 52 time, coverage of the Kessler (D) 171S 1715 per cent, undecided 39 per cent; Ward II: Weinstein 9 meeting held at Lincoln per cent, List 63 per cent, undecided 20 per cent. Gerson School will be reported in PUBLIC QUESTIONS 8 per cent, Alpauch 53 per cent, undecided 39 per cent; the Nov. 17 issue. Ward III: Bilman 39 per cent, Russo 44 per cent, Beaches and Harbors Dr. Laurence F. Greene, undecided 17 per cent; Ward IV: Kessler, 33 per cent, superintendent of schools, Peake 33 per cent, undecided 17 per cent. Y.s 1553 1401 14S0 1538 5941 was expected to report on It was determined that variations from these results the "caps" effect on the "No 737 755 75 5 869 3116 could occur Tuesday due to voting trends of undecided Westfield school budget. voters and last minute changes of committed voters. Mrs. Lenore Kalbacher was Mcd. Ed. scheduled to speak on Facilities As a result of this poU, students obtained a more comprehensive view of the concepts and effects of the vandalism costs to the Dr. LaMMwe Grttaw, laaulMiafcal tf WestfteM seMala, congratulates few mem- democratic process. district. km «f Mf ataff far *•* eamaMafty taMt« MMK af the United PHIMI tf WettfieM. Yea 1570 1441 1437 1602 6050 GaHe Baa*. Bariara ••», Daw Watkkn an* EleaMr Wallace are fear of the II No etacatars who have e«hr*« to refreawrt the UnfcH FaM hi their respective achooh. 726 721 838 802 3105 S»Hy AHm, (I) general eanpatgai •hairmaii, hi thanking the teachers added: "This Is Discipline Policy Working at RJHS the kind af cammmttty fatvatvesMiit that make* WestfleM the special town that H Is." Total Vote Ragisterad 19,151 Mrs. Ball's san hi fret*. HHed in tar the mtoalag teachers: Si My Vejnoska. WhHey Total Vote Cast 11, 997 IMek. Annesley Swlcker, Vera Loagh. SMriey Neibert, Louise Lindwy and Lorraine Tardiness Reported at All-Time Low MaH«n. •Absentee Vote Not Included New policies on attend- through cutting or truancy. have each received a copy of ance and discipline were he or she may initiate a Ihe regulations, and can United Fund of Westfield formally adopted by the make-up test. The studi-nt never say, "1 didn't know." Westfield Board of Educa- will still not receivp !ht' Parents received a copy tion on Oct. 4, but regula- grade, but will benefit from from their child the first Wins School Support Vandals Add RR Signal tions developed under these the educational content day of school. Parents are The broad-based com- campaign was exemplified field supports IS agencies policies have been in use Students are reminded reminded thai they should munity support necessary to recently in the following whose services and To List of Damaging Deeds since the first day of the that their behavior to and he specific when stating an assure the success of the letter: "Dear Colleague: programs are essential to school year at Roosevelt Jr from school also is a concern excuse for a student's this community - to the day, when eggs were thrown High School.
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