:V-/ , x" ' " ' '' ' 1 ' ' • " r "<0 J\.. -rj. ; . ^ \ - _ - vj ™ r~v.2tz. RY:.^R;;~-:;;;" ' , . V . v-r • - , • : *' "i:-. •A y- •'" [$1.00 a Tear. Founded in 1800.] An Entertaining and Instructive Home Journal, Especially Devoted to Local News and Interests. NUMBER 4? VOL. XCIL NORWALK, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1892. V <{•::••• • ' A Correction. v ; Opera House- For the GAZETTE. Patrick Newcombe, aged 60, an in­ SOUTH NORWALK. M The Dally Gazette Billy Lester's big vaudeville show, • To Miss Julia Lockwood. mate of the alms-house was chocked to We were in error yesterday in Is issues very week-day at 3 P. M., at death yesterday noon while eating din­ ing that there were five saloons on the embracing the greatest artists of Eu­ The VAZKTTJE is on sale ONE CENT PEB COPY. (On her 83rd birth-day.) ner. A piece of meat lodged in his east side of Main street; we should have rope and America, the whole forming of Fred Coletna The Cheapest Batts for Advertising, and wind pipe. said six. ^ the largest constellation of specialty ton, mndH. E. THE IiABOEST CIBCTJXATXON. artists ever presented to the American From those who've loved you simce life's —Watch for the prices in the Bargain ' * Death of Mrs. Cray. - public, will appear at the Opera House ING Tlie Weekly Gazette, morn Window, 15 Wall St. ^ 274 4t to-morrow evening of this week. s [Combined with Friday's Dailv.l Mrs.LouisaS. Gray,wiitowof David Lovers of first class vaudeville per­ Is Issttcd every Friday at Noon, at formances of which Lester's stand at The depot restaurant is being reha­ O. L. Bassett and Isaac Both shot a bilitated. THREE CKNT8 PEB COPY, OB $1.00 PEB TBAB. of light. pigeon match of 25 live birds for $100 a the top, should avail themselves of this sicfe at Jersey City, Wednesday. The only opportunity to witness the great­ Architect W. S. Knapp is wrestling fhe Daily and Weekly. port. ~ est show in its line on earth. The with the grip. Served to Local Subscribers at WhSyZdUn! score at the end of the match was Bas­ sett 19, Roth 17. name of Lester is too well-known to Miss Mollie Morton is visiting friends TEN CENTS PEB WEEK, OB $4.50 PEB YEAB. Justice Bradleiy. *' need commendation. Seats at Riggs' A. H. BYINGTON. Proprietor. in New York city. Trainer William H. Lockwood, Wm. Justice Bradley of the United States .^Plaisted's. There was a man around in his has the largest eircula E. Dann and P. W. Bates attended the Supreme Court, who has been ill for ~ ' *•** skin this morning. Steel-Willets sale of trotters at the some time past, is sinking rapidly and my paper in the State \ Y; . .; Now* Try This. x. Robert Birch, of Southport, is visit­ American Institute Building, N ew York his physicians say that he may not live ing friends in this city. - yesterday. ^ ' ' twenty-four hours. It will cost you nothing and will sure- JOB PRINTING. ; ; J_ ti * . rrr; if do you good, if you have a Cough, Robert Eismann is expected here suiZJsrSiu. or any trouble with Throat, from Germany to-day. MB. HABBY M. GABDNEB. JB., formerly of thejBrothers come There is another breitk in the paste­ New York City, is the superintendent of our board water main, in^fookt;of the resi­ \ The Cross Has Arrived.^ , ^ or Lungs. Dr. King's New Dis­ The Commodore of the Mosquito dence of L. C. Hanford, and the picks covery for Consumption, Coughs and fleet is on the sick list. ' •- Printing Departments. He is an experienced which walks'1 The 90 pound copper cross ^hich Eook, Job and Newspaper Printer, and all and shovels are making merry music "Steeple Charlie" removed from St. Colds is'guaranteed to give relief, or Mrs. Frank Petty is convalescent of - work entrusted to him will be satisfactorily And still the walls si to-day in excavating the frozen ground. Mary's spire and sent to Hartford for money will be paid back. Sufferers a severe attack of the pleurisy. " - * The song, the jest, repairs, arrived at South Norwalk yes­ from La Grippe found it just the thing tlone. Special care and attention given to Oh ! gay were the u: and under its use had a speedy and;per- The new cross for St. Mary's Church I •Art >ng ago ! The Democratic National Committee terday, and was delivered at the par­ arrived here by express this morning. > CHVItCH AND SOCIETY PRIKTIXti. Andfeyyourmnd«w the sea yesterday selected Chicago as the place sonage thiamorning. Charlie was busi­ fect recovery. Try a sample bottle at O'er-looking street, shore, and June 21 next as the time for hold­ ly engaged at the church yesterday our expense and learn for yourself just A number of the Arion singing class I seem to see the sisters how good a thing it is. Trial bottles met last night and had a jolly good Gubernatorial. Who ing the Convention to nominate candi­ and probably ascended the steeple to dates for President and Yice President. see that everything* was ready for the free at H. R. Hale's drug store. Large time. The Hartford correspondent of the The old elms sway across the • cross, butas Charlie has so many dif­ size.50c. and $1.00. : Mr. John Pender is dead at his late Springfield Republican says that Hon. Fanned by the North wind's home in Darien, aged 97 years and !) But oh ! your heart is warm t< —Owing to the low prices on the ferent stoties to tell and is so very mys­ James W. Hyatt, of Norwalk, stands goods in the Bargain Window each ar­ terious, that for ways that are dark he Methodist Church. months. takes the <$ke. He will probably put —Hamburg Edgings, lc per yard for M: the best chance of being nominated for ticle will only be displayed for a short A great meeting was that last even­ , our lov< time. H. H. Williams, 15 Wall street. the cross tip some night when every one a Special on Saturday, at the South Governor en the democratic ticket of is sleeping. , ^ ing. Five were at the altar, either Norwalk Boston Store. It >, lome of cl . 274 4t seeking to be restored to divine favor, this state, next fall, for the reason that though here we are tempest- Henry Froeb is at Dr. Smith's sani­ Judge Morris has lost cast with his Dr. H. E. Bates has purchased of the or to be saved from their sins. In some Faith changed to sight. " * " Dairymen Elect. instances the power of conviction was tarium to-day, shaving the "crazy" party, because of the half-hearted way widow of the late Dr. Bridges her in­ guests at that place. , ; • terest in the firm of Bridges & Bates, In Hartferd Wednesday the Connec­ very great—the penitent coming alone he has conducted his campaign against in truth: veterinarians,and willlcontinue the busi­ ticut Dairymen's Association re-elected: to the altar and ' 'pleading with strong Eleven carloads of oranges, en route Gov. Bulkelev. gentle President, Geotge Austin Bowen of cries and tears" for pardon. We ex­ to Boston, passed through liere at 10 From the glad paeit would keep your youth, ness himself. Read his "ad" in to-day's o'clock this morning. The air is quite thick with sugges­ So may the years God sends you here, GA Woodstock; vice-president, A. M. Ban­ pect a great serviceto night. Mr. Couch Be love-enfolded, while you take croft of Melrose; secretary and treas­ will speak. The house-to-house work A. G. Judson and James Smith are in tions of the name of Hon. E. J. Hill as Fresh courage, till you find the dear Orders were yesterday issued from urer, W. 0. Bartholomew of Putnam. still geep on. The singing by the New York to-day after legacies, or the republican nominee for Governor. Ones, when at last with Him you wake. In his opening address, President chorus is always stirring and helpful. Hartford, Jan. 18th, 1892. S. E. L. C. the adjutant-general's office directing something akin to them. r" With the above two candidates pitted First Lieutenant Charles H. Oakes to Bowen dedlared dairying te be the best To-night is the last meeting for the Mrs. D. Dunlap goes to New York against each other, we should have the hold a meeting of Company D. tp elect part of New England farming and week. "Come with us and we will do to-day for a few days visit at the home thought the New England dairyman thee good." liveliest election next fall witnessed in a successor to Captain Frost, who has of her sister, Mrs. Van Brunt Wyckoff ; - TERSE TALES OF THE TOWN/ been appointed Colonel. who turns'out a good article has the . , I J **? Bennett. these parts during the century. best of chances. Papers were read by South Norwalk Water. Plumber Flynn has just completed But if Norwalk is to be so heaeily Senator Gallinger yesterday intro­ Miss C. J. Coolidge of Wiliimantic on Several cases of diphtheria are re­ "Milk and cheese and food;" C. M. There is some curious and inexplica­ an excellent piece of work in his line at drafted from, (and where eould two ported about town. duced a bill making an appropriation ble condition at the storage reservoir Mr. Salter's pharmaey on Railroad of $800,000 to be expended under direc- Winslow of "Vermont on "The Ayrshire stronger candidates be found) why not as a dairy- cow," and Theodore A.
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