attantit Union Leaner "Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." VOL. XXVI SOUTH LANCASTER, MASS., li)CEMIM 14, 1927 No. 49 the plans for stronger evangelis- A VISIT TO GREATER NEW YORK GENERAL ARTICLES tic and soul-winning work the It was my happy privilege to coming year. spend Sabbath, November 26, SOME IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES Following this a two days with Elder Sanderson and Broth- OF OUR WORK workers' meeting wfts held in er Frank visiting the New York Since the time of the Autumn. South Lancaster, with all of the German and First Harlem Council held in Chattanooga, laborers of the Southern New churches in New York City. Tenn., meetings of importance England Conference present. When Elder Sanderson presented have been in almost continual Very close attention was given the "Review" to our German progress in our field. The North- to all lines of activity in con- brethren there were nearly sixty ern New England Conference nection with the cause and to families that subscribed. Surely called in all of its workers at the work of the ministry. Vire when our foreign speaking people Rochester and held a two days' were pleased at this meeting to recognize the need of the "Re- meeting. Elder G. W. Wells of have the help of Professor Long- view" no English family should the General Conference was with acre. do with out it. us and gave good help. This In all of these meetings n In the afternoon at Elder was a very important meeting for could observe a more fixed (12- Humphrey's church I was very that field, and I believe all went termination than we have ever much impressed with their thor- from the meeting in splendid seen before, on the part of all ough missionary organization. courage and with an earnest de- our workers, to enter in the full- The entire church is divided into termination to press the work est way into the call God has bands with leaders. A check is on with greater vigor than ever. extended to His people to go kept on every member. Each Then the Greater New York forward and to experience in week they distribute i,000 Signs Conference called together its fullness all that is promised to in addition to carrying on other entire laboring force to take up this movement in its closing lines of missionary activity. El- important matters in connection hours. der Humphrey states that as a with the closing weeks of the In addition to these workers' result souls are being brought year and we had with us in meetings there have been hc'd into the message. At the close that meeting nearly all the here at South Lancaster a of Elder Sanderson's sermon workers from New Jersey. Elder teachers' institute, the Education- when the "Review" was pre- C. S. Longacre was present to al Board meeting, and a Mission- sented 211 signed the cards to present the religious liberty in- ary Volunteer council. All of have our good church paper come terests. Excellent plans were these have been gatherings of to their homes. Surely the Lord laid for publicity work and the workers in these lines of great is blessing in the effort put forth securing of petitions in opposi- importance to our work. Run- to fulfil the instruction received tion to Sunday legislation. This ning through the whole program in the Spirit of Prophecy, to I feel was a very profitable meet- is that same fixed purpose to place our church paper in the ing for Greater New York. know God's plan and His way home of every believer. Following this came the work- and to enjoy in fullness the gift C. A. Scriven. ers' meeting at Rochester, N. Y., of His Spirit, in order that these where Elder Jones had called in branches of the work may be WHAT SHALL I GIVE MY CHILD? his entire working force. Two made the power in the world that Are you looking for the best days were given to the most care- they are intended to be. holiday gifts for a young person ? ful study of plans for the coming Crowded into this time have Then give earnest consideration year and for the consideration of been other important meetings to the following. In the "Review the urgent issues of this time, such as the bookmen's conven- and Herald" of April 15, 1915 the especially the religious liberty tions held in various conferences servant of the Lord made her work. Elder Longacre attended which have proved to be of a last appeal to our people : this meeting also and gave splen- very interesting nature and which "In the night season I was did help. The progress of the give promise of decided advance- selecting and laying aside books work in the New York Confer- ment in this line in the future. that are of no advantage to the ence was seen in all the reports (To be continued) young. We should select for and it was encouraging to note E. K. Slade. (Continued on page 8) 2 ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER NO. NEW ENGLAND churches and isolated members stem the tide of oppression that 55 So. Main St., Rochester, N. H. of each district should send the is sure to come if we do not arise petitions to their representative. Telephone 540 as a people to do all we can to F. D. Wells, President Maine oppose the movement now on V. H. Hanscom, Sec.-Treas. Carroll L. Beedy (First District) foot for Sunday legislation in the Counties: Cumberland and York. coming Congress. May God bless WEEK OF PRAYER Wallace Humphry White (Second you as you go forth in faith, This number of the "Gleaner" District) trusting in our Captain who has will be printed during the Week Counties: Androscoggin, Franklin, never lost a battle. of Prayer, therefore it will be too Knox, Lincoln, Oxford, and Sag- Yours for a successful Religious late to offer any suggestions as adahoc. Liberty campaign, to how to carry on the work in John Edward Nelson (Third Dis- V. C. ,Townsend, the church in order to make the trict) Home Miss. Sec'y. week a success, but it is not too Counties: Hancock, Kennebec, Som late to urge every reader from erset, Waldo, and Washington. SO. NEW ENGLAND the Northern New England Con- Ira Greenleaf Hersey (Fouth Dis- South Lancaster, Mass. Phone 255M ference to seek the Lord for His trict) W. C. Moffett, President special blessing. There may be Counties: Aroostook, Penobscot, J. E. Edwards, Sec.-Treas. some who will read this article and Piscataquis. who are holding back something New Hampshire WORKERS' MEETING that the Lord requires and is not Fletcher Hale (First District) Monday, Tuesday, and Wed- having the victory that is prom- Counties: Carroll, Rockingham, and nesday, of Thanksgiving week, ised by the Lord. Peace comes Strafford. Hillsborough County: the workers of the Southern New when we know that we have City of Manchester; towns of Bed- England Conference came to- made a full surrender. ford, Goffstown, Merrimac, Hud- gether for a workers' meeting God has intrusted to us the son, Litchfield, and Pelham. Mer- in the South Lancaster church. most solemn message ever given rimack County: Towns of Aliens- First attention was given to seek- to any generation. The message town, Canterbury, Chichester, Ep- ing the Lord for a deeper ex- is more than a mere form or a som, Hookset, Loudon, Northfield, perience. 223 baptisms were re- few words of warning given by Pembroke, and Pittsfield. ported for the first three quarters word of mouth. We ourselves are Edward H. Wason (Second District) of the year. The increase of to be the message. Our lives, Counties: Cheshire, Coos, Grafton, tithe during the first ten months or deportment day by day, is to and Sullivan. Hillsborough Coun- is over nine thousand dollars and be a message of warning to our ty: City of Nashua, towns of Am- the missions quota at the close fellow men. It is very dangerous herst, Antrim, Bennington, Brook- of October stood at .57 cents with to ourselves and to them to be line, Deering, Francestown, Green- every probability that it will pass living a double life. The Week field, Greenville, Hancock, Hills- the 6o cent mark in November; of Prayer is a splendid time to borough, Hollis, Lyndeboro, Mason, We believe every church will be get right with God. Allow me Milford, Mount Vernon, New Bos- over its H. I. quota by the end of to suggest that the last Sabbath, ton, New Ipswich, Peterboro, Sha- November ; the workers voted to December 17, be used as a real ron, Temple, Weare, Wilton, and pass on to the church members consecration day. Let each Winsdor. Merrimack County: Cities: their appreciation of their co- church pray for that unity which Concord and Franklin; towns of operation in this campaign. Con- is so much needed among us in Andover, Boscamen, Bow, Brad- order to do all that God expects ford, Danbury, Dunbarton, Henni- of us today. F. D. Wells. ker, Hill, Hopkinton, Newbury, Attautir Union (61rartrr re New London, Salisbury, Sutton, Published weekly except during conference, when published daily by NO. NEW ENGLAND CONFERENCE Warner, Webster, and Wilmot. REPRESENTATIVES AND THEIR Vermont ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE DISTRICTS Elbert Sidney Brigham (First Dis- OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS The following material giving trict) at the representatives in Congress Counties: Addison, Bennington, South Lancaster, Massachusetts, U. S. A. with their respective districts for Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle, Subscription Price, Fifty Cents a Year the three states comprising the Lemoille, and Rutland.
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