( ( CORRIGENDUM.I! Name of work: RFP for Empanelment as General Consultant (GCl for various Projects of Maha-Metro Tender no ( Ma ha-Metro) : Ml/Consul -O3l 2OL9 S. No Clause No. As given in Empanelment Document Suggestions/Cla rifications Reply 1. Page 6 - Copy of client certificate in support of the details It is very difficult to get this information from The client certificate supporting the project Letter of like consultancy cost and scope of work, nature of the client in such a short notice specially for wise consultancy fees received can be lnvitation work for the above consultancy contract should clients located overseas. Hence, we request submitted by the bidder post award of Point 5.2 also be given for all such eligible project separately (c) MAHA-Metro to accept a copy of the JV contract, if not available at the time of agreement between the consortium submission of RFP. However, if the credentials members used by the bidder are found to be false then the contract, if awarded, will be terminated and Performance Bank Guarantee amount will be forfeited by Maha-Metro. Maha-Metro also reserves the right to proceed with the tender process further duly ignoring defaulting Consu lta nt. 2. Page 6 - The applicant/consortium has to explain the As per company policy we are unable to The clause stands modified as Letter of capability of in-house experts for all the four disclose the actual salary drawn by the lnvitation " The applicant/consortium has to explain the services namely civil, traction, rolling stock and experts. Please modify this clause Point 5.2 capability of in-house experts for all the four systems for a considerable period in their company. accordingly (d) services namely civil, traction, rolling stock and Also, the statutory auditor and CS has to certify systems for a considerable period in their duration of the employment and their name must company. Also, the statutory auditor and CS be mentioned in the last roll list along with the has to certify duration of the employment and details of salary with drawn by them their name must be mentioned in the last roll list" J\h.- 1. S. No Clause No. As given in Empanelment Document Suggestions/Cla rif ications Reply 3 Page 8 - The bid guarantee in the form of bank guarantee, This may kindly be reduced to INR 5 Million RFP condition prevails Letter of as per the procedure given in e-tender portal of lnvitation MAHA-METRO under section recent online tenders Point 7.2 - for INR 15 million pout of which INR 12 million in Bid the form of unconditional and irrevocable bank Guarantee guarantee issued by the a scheduled commercial bank in lndia, on behalf of the bidder and remaining INR 3 million to be paid online in the e-tender portal of MAHA-METRO 4. Page 8 - The key staff for the assignment will be evaluated Bidders are required to submit RFP condition prevails. Letter of with respect to CVs for all positions K1 to K5 and approximately 400 CVs which is impossible lnvitation bidders are required to submit all CVs in such a short notice. We request CVs for K1 Point 8.1.1 and K2 only to be submitted. (A) Technical Proposal 5 Page 10 - t. Position No.10 Senior Environmental expert 1,. ln their qualification - please allow non- RFP condition prevails. Letter of 2. Position No.26 Sr Quality Assurance Expert engineering graduates also lnvitation (Systems) 2. This position should be at K1 level. Point 8.4 Expert of this experience are very few in (A) the market and also expensive 6 Page 9 - Criterion/Marks Table This clause is set with relative marking and RFP condition prevails Letter of hence only one consultant/consortium can Sr, No. lll General Consultancy Metro Turn over lnvitation - score full marks. We request specific for last 5 years Point 8.1.2 turnover amount to be provided so that any Technical consultant scoring above this may score full -eO net Proposal marks Table 2 JW ) ) ( ( S. No Clause No. As given in Empanelment Document Su ggestions/Cla rifications Reply 7 Page 10 - Qualification and experience of key experts (K1 and ln Pune there is an underground section. In We confirm "POOL OF EXPERTS" is not the part Letter of K2) and POOL OF EXPERTS the list of Key Experts, Tunnel expert is of this RFP document. lnvitation missing. We feelthis is important and should be added. Point 8.4 A) 8. Page 10 - Qualification and experience of key experts (K1 and We request MAHA-Metro to bifurcate the We confirm "POOL OF EXPERTS" is not the part Letter of K2) and POOL OF EXPERTS staff requirement based on Projects i.e. of this RFP document. lnvitation separate for Pune and Nagpur. Point 8.4 A) 9. Page 15 - Table for K3, K4 and K5 positions Clarity is needed on the number of K3 staff We confirm that the total number of K3 staffs Letter of needed. Table on page 15 states 60 staff is 57. lnvitation whereas the table above with K1 and K2 requirement consist of 7 Nos of K3 staff. Point 8.4 A) Please clarify if the total requirement of K3 is 50 or 67? 10. Page 16 - Qualification for K5 position is Engineering Please allow diploma holders for K5 position RFP condition prevails. Letter of Graduate lnvitation Point 8.4 A) 1.1.. Page 16 No altering of CVs proposed in RFP for a particular 20 CVs for which level (K1, K2, etc) may We clarify that change of 20 CV's for K1 to K4 Notes position will be allowed during the deployment please be clarified. and 20 CV's for K5 position is allowed with total stage. Change of 20 CVs initially proposed in RFP penalty limited toO.t% of agreement value. For Point 4 will lead to a penalty of O.L% of agreement value. change beyond 25 CV's of K1 to K4 & 25 CV's F=d ac) /\u.^ 3 ilIAGPUR }JiETRO S. No Clause No. As given in Empanelment Document Su ggestions/Cla rif ications Reply For change more than 25 CVs will lead the GC for K5 position, Maha-Metro may terminate contract liable for termination of contact the GC contract. 1.2. Page 16 More weightage of marks in CVs will be given if the The staff requirement for this assignment RFP condition prevails Notes proposed experts has been working in the requires us to recruit experts from outside organisation for more than 5 years and for metro the company since there are more than 200 Point 7 reievant experience positions. This clause will restrict us from scoring full marks and hence we request you to please delete this clause 13. Page 22 - There will be relative grading for all the above We request relative marking to be changed RFP condition prevails Letter of technical criteria mentioned above wherein to absolute grading system for healthy lnvitation: maximum marks will be given to the highest scorer competition. Moreover, Pre-qualification Note to and the other bidders will be given marks in was already done during the Empanelment bidders proportion to their scores stage and now all the consultants are at par point (iv) as per their respectively categories. We ... ? request technical evaluation should be done as per CVs and A&M only and not on compa nies' experience. 74 Page 17 The performance guarantee will be 10 % of the One page 151 of GCC Point 3.11.1. States the We confirm that the performance guarantee contract value for the GC performance guarantee will be 5% of the will be t0 % of the contract value for the GC. Point 11. contract value - Please clarify Performanc e G uara ntee 15. Page L7 The duration of this project shall be 3 years Page 124 Technical proposal clause 16.15.1 We confirm that the duration of this project Work schedule - GC services are required to shall be 3 years. Point 15 4 ) ) ( ( S. No Clause No. As given in Empanelment Document Suggestions/Clarifications Reply Time of be rendered for a period of at least 4 years - completion Please confirm the exact duration 16. Page 19 Its shall be the responsibility of the bidder to ensure On page 4 the submission date mentioned is We confirm that the bid submission date shall that his technical and financial proposal along with 17101.12020. Please clarify the submission be 27 /otl2O2o. Point 22 the bid guarantee are submitted on the main portal date on or before 24/07/2020 L7 General Su bm ission dare: L7 I lLl 2020 We request the client to extend the Refer reply at Sr. No 16 above submission date by at least 3 weeks form the date of response to the queries 1_8. Cl. No. 1.2 Last date of submission of RFP online on the e It is Request to Confirm the Bid Submission Refer reply at Sr. No LG above and 22, Pg. tender portal of Maha-Metro is 16.00 hours (lST) on date. Considering the various No. 4 and l7lOt/2020 as per Clause !.2, whereas it is documentation required as per RFP, we 19 of LOI 2410L/2020 as per clause 22 would request to extend the bid submission date by 30 days effective from the date of receipt of reply to Prebid queries. 19. LOt: Maximum of two shortlisted entities (Single We request for an amendment in the The clause stands amended as C|.2.1(Pe.s) EntitylV) from the empaneled consultants are referred clause as "Maximum of two "Maximum of two shortlisted entities (Single permitted to form a new consortium.
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