Satan’s War On The Bible. Is Your Bible Corrupted? There are fundamentally two streams of Bibles…David Otis Fuller 1. 1=the Received text/Majority texts/Byzantine text/Textus Receptus The Received text in hebrew and greek precious manuscripts were preserved at Pella in Palestine where Christians fled when in 70 A.D the Romans destroyed jerusalem…David Otis Fuller. These manuscripts have in agreement with them, by far the vast majority of copies of the original text. So vast is this majority that even the enemies of the Received text admit that 19/20ths(95%)(5,000+) of all Greek manuscripts are of this class….Les Garret 1982 Which Bible Can We Trust p64 The early christian church at Antioch used the Syrian Bible translated from hebrew and greek….The Waldenses had access to these writings and in 1453 when the turks captured Constantinople greek scholars brought their manuscripts to the west…….Index of Prohibited Books (Pope Paul IV) The Received text (textus receptus) is the old Byzantine text with hundreds of copies in agreement. It was written in koine greek….The early church used koine greek manuscripts and rejected the Alexandrian versions which were based on corrupt verion with Origen and other Gnostic revisions……Origen taught that Jesus was a created being who did not have eternal existance as God….Encyclopedia Brittanica, vol 16, 1936 p900 All the reformers except Wycliff used the Textus Receptus. Almost any Bible before 1900 uses the Textus Receptus. Lutheran 1534, Tyndale 1534, Geneva 1560, King James Version 1611, Spanish Riena Valera 1609, Quaker Bible 1764, Russian Synodal Bible 1876, Polish Brest Bible 1563, etc. The Jesuits were called to help and they said..”We must undermine the bible of the protestants and destroy their teachings.” The queen of England realizing the damage the Jesuit bible would do, sent for Beza, who was with John Calvin, to help…Thomas Cartwright…With one hand he took hold of all the greek manuscripts from the Received text, and he hit the Jesuit bible (Douay) blow after blow…..Finally the Spanish Armada came against England with 136 armed ships, some 50 cannons…England could only gather 30 ships and these were lead by Sir Francis Drake. Freak storms came down the English Channel and the Spanish ships were found wrecked right up to the Scottish coast and England became a great sea power….Les Garret 1982, Which Bible Can We Trust? Christian Centre Press p60 How do jesuits view the bible? “Then the Bible, that serpent which with head erect and eyes flashing threatens us with its venom while it trails along the ground, shall be changed into a rod as soon as we are able to seize it…for three centuries past this cruel asp has left us no repose. You well know with what folds it entwines us and with what fangs it gnaws us.”…The Jesuits in History, Hector Maepherson 1900, Appendix 1. 2. 2= the Alexandrian text/minority text (the oldest one found), codex Sinaticus, and codex Vaticanus. They represent only about 5% of existing manuscripts. They contradict in many places and are not in agreement with eachother. Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus, two of great uncial codices, representatives of the Alexandrian text-type, are considered excellent manuscript witnesses of the text of the New Testament. Most critical editions of the Greek New Testament give precedence to these two chief uncial manuscripts, and the majority of translations are based on their text. Nevertheless, there are many differences between these two manuscripts. According to Dean Burgon: "It is in fact easier to find two consecutive verses in which these two MSS differ the one from the other, than two consecutive verses in which they entirely agree."…Wikipedia According to Herman C. Hoskier, there are 3,036 textual variations between Sinaiticus and Vaticanus in the text of the Gospels alone, enumerated as follows Matthew: 656, Mark: 567, Luke: 791, John: 1022. 3. Who was Origen? Origen (A.D. 184-254), was born in Alexandria, Egypt, and was one of the most famous "church fathers," was instrumental in editing manuscripts upon which the NIV, NASB, and all modern versions, are based. He attended the School of Alexandria, which was a theological school and was established in the 2nd century after Christ. This school mixed Greek philosophy or Gnostic beliefs (secret mystical occult knowledge) with Biblical teaching….Adam Clarke says Origen was the first "Christian" teacher of purgatory. A pupil of the Gnostic star worshipper Clement of Alexandria, Origin lightly esteemed the Bible's historical basis. "The Scriptures," Origen maintained, "are of little use to those who understand them as they are written." He is known for the Old Testament six-column Bible called the "Hexapla" in which each column had a different version of the Bible. Origen was well known for his labor to produce a "so-called" correct text of the Greek New Testament.---www.1611kingjamesbible.com/origen.html/ Origen, being a textual critic, is supposed to have corrected numerous portions of the sacred manuscripts. Evidence to the contrary shows he changed them to agree with his own human philosophy of mystical and allegorical ideas. Thus through deceptive scholarship of this kind, certain manuscripts became corrupt. -----Les Garret 1982, Which Bible Can We Trust? These revised versions are based on manuscripts from Egypt that were definitely corrupted. Both Augustine and Tertullion testified that the scribes in Africa corrupted and changed the manuscripts.----Christian Handbook of Manuscripts by Peter S. Ruckman, President of the Pensacola Bible Press. Origen believed: 1 that man was divine. 2 He believed in the pre-existence of souls 3 He taught that everyone, including the Devil, would eventually be saved. 4 He believed in purgatory. 5 He taught that the Holy Spirit was the first creature made by God. 6 He believed Christ was created. 7 He taught transmigration (this is the belief that at death the soul passes into another body). 8 He denied a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation, taught that it was a "myth" and taught that there was no actual person named "Adam." 9 He taught that Christ "became" God at His baptism. I am of the opinion that such depravations of the text (as found in Aleph and B) were in the first instance intentional. Origen may be regarded as the prime offender. ..the author of all the mischief...(Clement used) ‘hopelessly’ corrupt' versions of the New Testament which there is in these last days an attempt to revive and palm off on an unlearned generation the old exploded errors. "We are assured without a particle of hesitation, that Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus manuscripts are of the most scandalously corrupt copies exant. They exhibit the most shamefully mutilated text which are anywhere to be met with, and have become the depositories of the largest amount of fabricated readings, ancient blunders, and intentional perversion of truth, which are discoverable in any known copies of the Word of God.---( The Revision Revised, Page 336.) John Burgon Origen: "The Son is less than the Father". "In the incarnation, the son united Himself with a soul which had remained absolutely pure in its preexistent state." Hell is "figurative".The devil and fallen angels will exit hell and return to heaven.(De Civit Dei, I, xxi, c. 17.) Origen maintained that not only men, but even devils (by which term he meant disembodied human sinners), after a certain duration of punishment shall be pardoned and finally restored to heaven . (Isis Unveiled By H.P. Blavatsky Vol 2 page 13) The text of the Septuagint is contained in a few early, but not necessarily reliable, manuscripts. The best known of these are the Codex Vaticanus and the Codex Sinaiticus, both dating from the 4th century CE, and the Codex Alexandrinus (A) from the 5th century.---Encyclopedia Brittanica 4. The Latin Vulgate How could Helvidius have accused Jerome of employing corrupt greek manuscripts, if Helvidius had not had the pure greek manuscripts?----Les Garret 1982, Which Bible Can We Trust? 5. Codex Vaticanus Codex vaticanus is a manuscript from the alexandrian text. It was compiled in the 4th century by Eusebius who was a follower of Origen. Authorities claim that Constantine had ordered it from Egypt to be part of his ecumenical bible which was to combine paganism with christianity. It was supposedly lost for about 1,000 years but then it was “found” in 1481 in the Vatican Library! Just in time to counteract the Protestant Reformation. Who but those with Roman Catholic sympathies could ever be pleased with the notion that God preserved the true New Testament text in secret for almost 1,000 years and then finally handed it over to the Roman pontiff for safekeeping?---Les Garrett 1982, Which Bible Can We Trust? This codex omits many portions of Scripture vital to Christian doctrine. Vaticanus omits Genesis 1.1 through Genesis 46:28; Psalms 106 through 138; Matthew 16:2,3; Romans 16:24; the Pauline Pastoral Epistles; Revelation; and everything in Hebrews after 9:14. It seems suspicious indeed that a MS possessed by the Roman Catholic church omits the portion of the book of Hebrews which exposes the 'mass' as totally useless (Please read Hebrews 10:10-12). The 'mass' in conjunction with the false doctrine of purgatory go hand-in-hand to form a perpetual money making machine for Rome. Without one or the other, the Roman Catholic Church would go broke! It also omits portions of the Scripture telling of the creation (Genesis), the prophetic details of the crucifixion (Psalm 22), and, of course, the portion which prophesies of the destruction of Babylon (Rome), the great whore of Revelation chapter 17.
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