v.CONTENTS.«-u-.< • : a Remarks & Comments o o o 0 0 0 0 c 0 Q 0 o Q c 0 0 o c e o o c- o o o o 0 o 1 Ne® Books 0 <, 0 c o G 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 o o o 0 C 0 O COO o c 0 c 0 5 Collectables G 0 0 0 o o e c c 0 c 0 0 o 0 G c o 0 0 o 0 0 o o c o G C 0 0 O o o o 8 g ? G 4'1 Trading Post 0 o o o 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 G o o 0 o G O ocoo o o a o VsSjSgl'l Blacklist 0 o G 0 0 0 0 © 0 G 0 o o 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 c 0 o 0 0 O 0 0 COOGO 000 8 Current Projects 0 0 0 c 0 e O 0 0 0 c 0 O 0 c 0 a 0 o CO0COCDO 0 9 Bok 13.10 Index 0 o 0 o c o c 0 o o e 0 0 o 0 o 0 fi 0OOGOGOO 0 9015E16p11 Series Index 0 (3 Q o o o o 0 0 c 0 o o 0 o o e oog«oooo gB & @ Car-tier I Ho Index 0 0 c c o e O 6 0 o 0 o 0 0 O 0 OOGGOOCG o 9 Potpourri c&00 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Q G 0 0 a o o o c 0 0 V 0 O 0 c o 9c10 COKIICS * Don Ptarkstein 0 0 0 G 0 0 © c c c 0 0 (3 O O 0 CO0OOOO© 12 ROGER ZELAZNY., A FANZINE BIBLIOGRAPHY Re Zelazny & Mike Montgomery oe coo oeeooooG © 13 CHRONOLOGY OF THE UNIVERSE Of ANDRE NORTON Jim Corrick o c. e 6 0 0 GOOOO00OO COG O Q o o o o a o o 0 17 EVENTS IN THE UNIVERSE Of ANDRE NORTON Jim Carrick e c o o 0 o f o © C © o 6 G Q C O C 0 O O O 0 O G 18 THAT MAGNIFICENT PAIR Of RASCALS • Walter Wentz G © C O o c O O O O 0 0 o c c G o c o 0 e G C O G O 0 0 O 20 A STATERENT ON RANDOLPH CARTER Arthur Ld Smith COG 0 0 o 0 & O O 0 G O 0 0 G C O 0 o 0 00000000 25 TRANSLATIONS OF THE WORKS OF H o PoLOVECRAFT * Arthur L« Smith O 0 o o o O G 0 O O O GO0OOGQOOOO 00000000 28 THE SCIENCE FICTION OF EDGAR FRANKLIN Winston Fo Dacsson o © OGOOOCOGeoC 0 OOOOGOOO CHECKLIST OF COLLECTION & ANTHOLOGY TITLE CHANGES George Fergus 0 o c o c c oa ©oooeooeo o g o o o e e 0 35 ERRORS IN THE COLE ANTHOLOGY INDEX ™ George Fergus (5 oocccooeeoocooc © Q O Q C O G 0 0 0 39 OPERATOR #5 Checklist ™ Frank Eisgruber G 0 G 0 0 40 SERIES INDEXES - "Gallagher", pd 4 ”Grsy Mouser" fi Pc 24 "Randolph CarterMc p*27 p029 $ wHubHe pt; 34; "Agent of Vega”P p0390 the COLLECTOR’S BULLETIN June, 1968 #9 aw W «M» MM «» *** MM *M» «MR «W **» *M» MM «M* MM* 0«H. M» MM UK. .«W W •«—. M» <M« <m.« K3- «1U- MW 4*» MM «w A publication of the Purple Routh Press, 713 Paul St9 Newport Naws9Va - - - - fox WaiiSnal_Fantasy_fan_F£dGiatXon - Edit&r_In £hXaF8_Ned_B£oik£ _ Comics Editor «• Don fflarkstein Assistant Typer and New Books Editor « Joann® Burger Ruth Cove? by Glen Brock Bacover by Burger «—-XXXX-—*XXXX««—»-XXXXX—®»XXXX“®--XXXX——XXXX—"XXXXX——XXXX——XXXX—“ RaM£fc£»jLJ^ I certainly can’t complain about lack of activity in the Bureau sine® the last CB went out*** The stack of mail hers (flattened out, with no envelopes) is nearly two inches thick* With th® A B Dick mas^ ter sets I had bean using, my ditto was limited to about 150 copies, which is about how many we need now, with no extras* I have now gotten these Panama-Beaver masters (thanks to Glen Brock) which will apparently run ever 300 copies, maybe more* Never-the-less, I am going to run a list at the and of this section of members who, for all I know, ar© gafia, dead, or defected to faandom - unless I hear an encouraging word From them, they will not get #10* COMMENTS on ths mail - New members have addresses printed* ROBERT ANDERSON apparently owes mo a letter, and I have an Interim . Bok Illo Index here with his name on it* There must he some reason I hhaven®t mailed it*** TERRY BALLARD, 1851 N* 37th 5t0 Phoenix, Ariz-8500Bs collects 1st editions, among other things* He needs a copy of Robert E Hotaard’s collected poems, ALWAYS COME EVENING* Try Terry* As to ths Gallagher stories, I have the list and will try to fit it in as a filler somewhere in the issue* ALAN BENNETT8 1309 Jacobs Dr*, Morgantown^ UI* Va*«26505, collects social satire, among other things, and asks members to recommend their favorites * HERMAN BLOUNT, as many others, is confused about ths "Telzey Ambsrdon" series* The book, THE UNIVERSE AGAINST HERS was made up of the first two of the series* Ths second pair of stories, "Goblin Night" and "Sleep No More", appeared in AST in °65* GLEN BROCK says the Jerry Burge Artfolio is just around the corner*** That was some time ago, See address under "Collectables” if you are interested* Glen also sent some info on Cartier illos, which I haven’t bed time to assimilate yet* Wish seme eager young fan would take over this project? JOANNE BURGER, 55 Blue Bonnet Ct*, Laks Jackson, Texas-«77566, burst upon fandom with her excellent checklist of sf & Fantasy books of 1967* And now she is kindly typing onto ditto master the articles for this issue « may the propeller on her beanie spin ever faster! JIM CORSICKo super-indexero sands in 8 chronology of the Andre Norton stories (which will appear in thish)0 and a listing of Ace pbs by Author through 196? (which is 21 pages longe and will not appear in this issue!)e Jim says he also has the Acs hooks list” ed by number., All of this material is useful0 even if I never get around to publishing it0 Jim assures me that the Dec053 SPACE SCIENCE FICTION that I haws been looking For does not exists even though ths Day Checklist lists ito Since both Tuck and tbe MIT Index agree0 I guess I’ll give up on it0 BUCK COULSON also says SPACE folded with the Sept’53 issu80 He also sends some Cartier info., Something has to bs don® soon with all thsis Cartier stuff or any further work mill have a lot of duplicationo 8035 Potomac StD Center Li®e0 Mich - 48015 WINSTON DAWSON0/whos article on Edgar franklin appears in thishp sends in sums Bak infoo The fifth addenda sheetB which summarizes the status of the Bok Index0 appears in this issue« Winston also mentions that he needs Haggard’s LADY Of” BLOSSHOLMEM0 Or some such title - you should get a typarP Winstone I accused Mr Dawson of being a fake«fan0 but it turns out he is a super-collector0 even has a copy of (sob!) FISH DINNER AT M£MISONo a 1st edition^ He suggests an index of G K Chesterton’s fantasy., 9C FRANK D£NTON0 14654 « 8th Ava0 SaW.e Seattle^ Wash - 981660 is a Tolkien fan who got my genzine TNNNN from someone else and his letter got in this stack by mistake I thinkooo if DAVID DEWSNAP is not a member at all0 but was kind enough to let us reprint Walter Wentz’s article on the gray Mouser from his zine Fan-Fic<> GEORGE FERGUS writes that Flagship Books has issued a pb spy novel by Will Manson called A DEADLY GAME (a trit® title!)0 of which the hero is "Ned Brooks”! I’d like a copy of thisP maybe I can sue him for mush SSoBO George also asks a grat many questions about series indexes which I’ll have to answer before I report on them in this issuer And George lists a number of errors found in Walt. Cole’s Anthology Index - I will try to list these in this issue or the nsxte SUZANNE rOLEYf, Reference Librarian at William & Mary near here0 supplied ms with Manly Wade Wellman’s address so th&t I cou^d ask him stupid questions about the "John” storisso I also Found the legendary Hannes Bok medical journal covers in that library,, BOB "ARGEE” GERSMANe 3135 Pennsylvania0 St Louis0 Moo - 631180 wants to know tubers he can get the Regency and Corinth reprints From the pulps0 Anyone know a dealer that carries these? I see that Witter apparently carries Corinth but not Rsgencyc -• MATT HICKMANo 708 20th St0 West Des Moines^ Iowa - 50265p is a Heinlein fan0 not to be confused with Lynn Hickmanq90 « 2 - MATT HICKMAN is al ins bottom of the previous page*** Ha a iso wants copies of all prozines containing original appearances of Heinlein sforlss. ALMA HILL asks if w® want a List of ths fanzine appearances of Roger Zelazny* We have one fion.
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