McQuinn's Homer Tops Cards in Opener, 2-1 Man Spricht Deutsch lei On Parle Frangais Waschen Sie mcine Sachen. THE STARS Garcon! L'addition! Vashen Zee mainc Zakhen. Garsown, laddysyown. Wash my clothes. Dally Newspaper of U.S. Armed forces in the European Theater of Operations Waiter! The bill. Vol. 1—No. 80 New York—PARIS — London Thursday, Oct. 5, 1944 Fan Out Past West Wall Galehouse Literally Tearing the Siegfried Line to Pieces YanksPush Wins Tight Out; Tanks Series Duel Span River By Charlie Kiley American armor crossed Stars and Stripes Stall Writer. the Wurm River yesterday ST. LOUIS, Oct. 4.—George and ploughed through gaps McQuinn's booming homer in the West Wall, blasted over the right field pavilion north of Aachen by infantry- roof in the fourth inning with men, reported completely Gene Moore on base gave the clear of the concrete defenses Browns a 2-1 victory over the of the Siegfried Line. Cardinals in the first game Front-line dispatches said of the 1944 World Series at First U.S. Army troops, fann- Sportsman's Park this after- ing out against Nazi positions OH noon before a capacity throng highways leading from captured of 38,000 fans. Ubach, were beyond the hotly- defended belt of steel and concrete Denny Galehouse, bespect- forts guarding the industrial Ruhr. acled right-hander with a season The Yanks, exploiting their break- record of nine victories and ten First U.S. Army engineers remove steel obstructions of the Germans' h ighly-touted Siegfried Line, which through ten miles north of Aachen, defeats, was the winning pitcher, Lt. Gen. Courtney Hodges' troops pierced near Aachen. smashed down counter-attacks at spacing seven hits along the route. three different points, and resis- Mort Cooper, the ace Cardinal tance later in the day was described right-hander who won 22 and lost 'GF Says Gee, I as sporadic. 7 against National League foes suf- Al Smith Dies fered the loss although he limited Never Was One, P47s Hammer Metz Fort Falls the Browns to two hits during the In the Metz sector, 100 miles to seven innings he twirled. Blix AfterExtended And Quits Jail the south, doughboys of the Third Donnelly finished for the Cards. Nazis Ahead Army seized Fort Driant, from The Cards made a last-ditch ATLANTA, Oct 4 (AP).—The which they can lay down point- stand In the ninth, but Galehouse Illness in N.Y. federal government today appealed Of First Army blank fire on besieged Metz. Other quelled the disturbance after one a U.S. District Court ruling which troops of Lt. Gen. George S. Pat- run had scored. Marty Marion ton's Army gained another mile of NEW YORK, Oct. 4.-Alfred E. freed Hugh Callan, 36, from a 20- Ninth Air Force Thunderbolts opned the frame with his second Smith, 70, four times governor of year court-martial sentence imposed high ground oh the north bank of double of the game, moved to third by an Army in which Callan in- continued to soften the path of the Moselle by capturing Mazieres- while Don Gutteridge was getting New York and 1928 Democratic sisted he never served. the advancing First Army north- les-Metz. Augie Bergamo on a roller and Presidential candidate, died today Charged with speaking disrespect- east of Aachen yesterday, while Clearing weather at the south- scampered across when Ken O'Dea, at Rockefeller Institute Hospital of fully of President Roosevelt and ern end of the Western Front aided batting for Donnelly, sent a long expressing bitterness against the Marauders dropped several hundred the Seventh Army's drive northeast lung congestion and an acute heart Allied nations, Callan sought free- thousand surrender leaflets and fly to Mike Kreevich in center ailment. of Epinal, where three villages were field.- dom from Atlanta Federal Peni- news bulletins on German positions captured in the Belfort Gap ad- The game ended with the Browns One of the most colorful figures tentiary on the ground he stood in eastern France and western Ger- vance. apart from the group taking the Canadians, on the eastern side still in front, however, when Johnny to cross American political scene, many. Hopp swatted a fly to center which oath of induction, and did not take of the Allied salient in Holland, Smith had been ailing since the the oath himself. - Kreevich caught after a long run. death of his wife, Catherine The Luftwaffe rose to meet the completely occupied the Antwerp Cooper's control kept him ahead Dunn Smith, May 4. , Aug. 10, he Federal Judge E. Marvin Under- U.S. fighters, and at least five suburb of Marxen, but the Germans of the Browns in the first inning. entered St. Vincent's Hospital suf- wood sustained Callan's petition enemy planes were shot down. still were holding the town of After Gutteridge was retired on a fering from heat exhaustion, and that the court-martial was without Shooten, two miles east. North of jurisdiction and yesterday signed an During the night and early in the Nijmegen, the British beat off a (Continued on Page 3) Sept. 23 was taken to Rockefeller morning, RAF bombers hit Kassel, Institute. order allowing the prisoner to be German counter-blow. released under $500 bond, pending in western Germany, and U-boat At Dunkirk, last Channel port Smith had not taken an active pens at Bergen, Norway. More than part in politics for several years, a hearing in New Orleans Circuit still in enemy hands, the German Demob System Court of Appeals Nov. 6. 750 Italy-based heavies broke their commander negotiated a 48-hour' devoting most of his time to mana- eight-day weather-enforced rest to gement of his Empire State Build- Callan was inducted at Camp armistice for the evacuation of ing, and aiding in War Bond drives Upton, N.Y., and was court-mar- blast Munich railyards. civilians. A similar truce preceded AllWorkedOut tialed at Camp Blanding, Fla. In London, it was officially an- the surrender of Calais. and other civic activities. Callan's claim, believed to be the nounced that an RAF Lancaster, NEW YORK, Oct. 4.—Col. George Once a close friend of President Capture Dutch Town Roosevelt, who nominated him in first of its kind to confront the flying from a Russian base, recently R. Evans, of the Adjutant General's Army, was reported to have gener- scored a direct hit on the German While units under Lt. Gen. Court- Department, said today that 1,200,- 1928, Smith "took a walk" from the ney H. Hodges were enlarging their Democratic Party in 1936, support- ated discussion of the Army's induc- battleship Tirpitz with a 12,000- 000 men had been released from tion procedure. pound bomb. wedge north of Aachen, other First military service since Pearl Harbor ing Alf M. Landon, Republican Army troops operating in Holland and were being used as a "proving candidate. In 1940 he stumped for southeast of Nijmegen captured the ground" for demobilization methods. Wendell L. Willkie. town of Overloon and pushed into Evans said that for more than a Famous for his brown derby, Yanks Capture Fort Driant, Nazi defenses southeast of the year the army has been making cigar and ever-present smile, Smith town. ''a broad survey of demobilization was born Dec. 30, 1873, and grew After pounding the U.S. lines and its related problems." The up on Manhattan's East Side. He Break Metz Defense Chain with heavy artillery fi : all night, had little formal education and the Germans yesterdv launched plans are complete, Evans said, and entered politics at the age of 22 should make for the orderly and three dawn counter - attacks as clerk and subpoena server for By Jules B. Grad the Nazis had locked themselves in south of Rimberg, east of Ubach systematic discharge of veterans the commissioner of jurors. following the defeat of Germany. Stars and Stripes Staft Writer. pillboxes. The attackers had to and northeast of Palenburg. All WITH THE THIRD ARMY, pry them out while exposing them- were repelled. Oct 4. — Fort Driant, one of the selves to flanking fire from ad- The breach in the West Wall ETO Airmen Slated Even Thought of Sex most important links in the German jacent forts. seven miles north of Aachen was For Shift to Pacific chain of defenses on the west bank The Yanks advanced trench by said to run roughly from Frelin- Must Be Well Skirted of the Moselle River, was captured trench and tankdozers charged berg, which is south of Geilenkir- NEW YORK, Oct. 4.—Brig. Gen. today after a head-on assault by enemy troops resisting from seem- chen, down to Finkenrath. SYDNEY, Australia, Oct 4. flame-throwing doughboys, assisted ingly impregnable positions. John M. Clark said today that —New regulations'say that U.S. Within a few months after the de- servicemen on leave or furlough by a tremendous artillery barrage The loss seriously threatens Metz, No M alter W hat Arm y, feat of Germany, the U.S. would that ripped open a path to the since Driant looks straight down in Sydney must not: bastion guarding Metz. have "enough facilities ready so Hold hands of girls In the the thrgats of several neighboring The KP Always Eats that an effective part of our Eu- streets. Smashing their way through a forts along the Moselle. ropean air force can begin operat- Walk with their arms around hail of enemy small-arms fire, Lt. Metz, Western Europe's most SECOND INFANTRY DIV. ing against the Japanese." girls. Gen. George. S.
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