<te/y3 C^ro DEC 7 1961 Discarded Connecticut Daily Campus NECTICtifc£ Seruing Storrs Since f896- VOL- CXVI, No 49 STORRS. CONNECTICUT WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1961 Oldest Fraternity Uconn Ph.D. Program Holds Celebration Receives Federal Aid Theta Sigma Chi fraternity, the It is interesting to note that! The University of Connecticut's ddest house of the Uconn cam- many of the early members of ial equipment, library materials, lowships have been designated pus, is observing its seventieth various Ph.D. programs will be journals, etc.. for 63 NDEA Fel- for this field. the present day Shakes house bolstered next fall by some $157,- anniversary this week. Several have left their names at Ucona. lows. Fifteen of these three-year Additional Fellowships will be social functions have been plan- 000 in federal assistance, Presi- Hawley Armory, as well as Hol- dent A. N. Jorgensen announced Fellowships were just allocated allotted in four other fields which ned to celebrate the event. lister, Manchester and Wood recently introduced Ph.D. pro- On Sunday afternoon a tea recently. to the State University. Halls owe their names to former The funds, which have been grams: Political Science. 3; Ro- was given in honor of Mrs. Mary "Shake Men". The 1961 NDEA grants will per- Bellows, housemother of Shakes. awarded to Uconn under terms mit the University to offer the mance Languages. 3; German, 3; In the evening the brothers had The next imixirtant date in the of the National Defense Educa- doctorate in economicc for the and English. 3. history of this oldest fraternity tion Act, will help purchase spec- ; first time. Three of the 15 Fel- • banquet at the house. Applicants will be screened by Monday evening Mr. Harry la October of 1923. In that month the brothers voted to adopt their committees in each of the aca- Can igus, the oldest living brother present Greek name of Theta [ demic disciplines. Lists containing Of Theta Sigma Chi was an hon- Sigma Chi. the names of candidates and il- ored guest at dinner. Mr. Garrigus Pacifist To Speak tei nates will be submitted -o became a member of the Shakes In 1942 the fraternity became Washington. D.C., for considera- in 1895 and graduated in 1908 national^ by merging with Kappa Sigma, "it became Epsilon Zeta tion and all applicants must meet after serving as president of the the admission requirements of bouse. chapter, the one hundred thirty- sixth chapter of Kappa Sigma, At UCF Forum the Uconn Graduate School. The highpoint of the activities According to Dean Nathan L. Will be reached tonight when a national fraternity which had had its beginnings in the South. Twenty years ago this Thurs- to current American foreign po- Whetten of the Graduate School, President and Mrs. Albert N. day. December 7. Japanese planes the national aim of the NDEA forgensen will be guests of Theta In 1951 the fraternilty reverted licy. Following his address a mem- and submarines attacked the doctoral program is to produce Sigma Chi at dinner. back to local status and re- ber of the Uconn faculty, repre- more college instructors, especial- On Friday a buffet supper for assumed the name of Theta Sigma American naval base at Pearl senting a ncn-pacifist view-point 1> in those fields where Ph.D. brot'ics and their dates will be Chi. No major changes have oc- Harbor initiating World War II. will deliver a rebuttal. work is not generally offered. curred in the organization since beld at the chapter house. The the most extensive war ever The forum will be held at the Each year, since the program that date. Storrs Congregational Church at week of festivities will end with fought. Far more important than was established three years ago, a formal at the Shell Chateau The present officers of Shakes 7:30 p.m. Thursday. The audience Uconn has received one of the this Saturday, Dec. 9. are James Muldowney as Presi- the war itself is the new age will be invited to attend in open largest alloca'ions of Fellowships History of Shakes dent, Parker Fox as Vice Presi- which it introduced to the world - discussion immediately following awarded to any college or univer- The history of the Shakes ac- dent, Thomas Crose as Secretary, the Atomic Age -with the sub the forum. sity in the region. Edward Lee Sinkwich as Treas- tually begins in 1379 with the sequent division of the world into foundation of the College Shake- urer, and David Bland as ritual- spearian Club at Amherst Agricul- ist. The President of the fall se- two enormous power blocs. Quintette Chigiano Appears tural College which is now the mester 1960 was Edward Lee To commemorate the twentieth University of Massachusetts. This Sinkwich, and the President of anniversity of the attack on Pearl club was originated by George the spring semester 1961 was Harbor, the United Christian Fel- In Recital Hall Next Week Henry Merwin. Richard A. DiMungno. lowship has announced a public In 1891 a group was started to forum dealing with the question The Quintetto Chigiano. one of piano quintets, their revival of the ■tudv literature known as the <AP)—One of the fans watching of pacifism. Dr. Allan Breck of Italy's rare gifts to the music] Boccherini quintets and their Storrs School Literary Society the closed telecast of last night's Goucher University in Baltimore, world, makes its Connecticut de- . _ , . ,. at this University. Uconn was bout between Sonny Liston and Md., has been invited to give the next Wednesday, when it offers'"1 P *| c a l' on lo contemporary then known as Storrs School. This Albert Westphal drew ' a howl main address. a concert at the University of I*01** society was recognized on Nov. 3, from the audience in the first Pro and ("«m Connecticut's Von der Mehden For their Uconn concert they 1893 and renamed the Storrs minute of the bout. Dr. Breck is a well known paci- Recital Hall at 8:15 p.m. will play Boccherini's "Qumtet in Agricultural Club. Its first presi- The announcer said Westphal i fist and author of "Campus Pro- The only permanent ensemble,C Major": Shostakovich's "Quin- dent was S. H. Buell. was trying to get inside although test Against the ROTC", a study of its kind, the Quintetto has tet, Opus 57": and Schumanns The Storrs Agricultural College he was backpedaling at a fur- of the various movements sup- visited Canada and South Ameri-| "Quintet in E Flat Major. Opus Club affiliated with the College ious rate. porting and opposing the role of, ca in past seasons but this fall 44." Shakespearean Club of Amherst The fan yelled out: the military on college campuses j marks its first tour of the I'nited Member* On May 18, 1894 and then became "He's not trying to get inside. in America. | States. The Italian chamber mu-| Members of the Quintet are: known is the College Shakespear- He's trying to get outside, outside In his address he will defend sicians are noted for their vast Sergio Lorenzi. pianist: Riccardo ean Club of Storrs Agricultural of the ring. pacifism as a possible alternative repertory of classic and romantic' Brengola, violinist: Arnaldo Apos> College. toli. violinist: Giovanni Leone, violist. and Lino Filippin cellst. Mr Lorenzi has also earned re- To Take Senior known as a member of t'v cert piano i.io of Lorenzi and Gorini. He has,been a pro' Nutmeg Shots at the Rossini Conservator} ■, Pesaro, and now teaches piano A representative from Delma and chamber nvisic at the < Studios will be on campus for the servatory BeBnedetto M i Week of January 8 through 12, Venice. 1962 to take senior portraits for Mr. Grengola has had a dis- tlie year-book. Seniors who expect tinguished career as a solois I to graduate in February, or those has appeared with aim.is; every sfrho are scheduled for physical major European oi His therapy affiliations are requested prizes include: The National to have their pliotos taken at this Prize Nicolo Paganini: tie First time. Appointments may be made International Competition of Rru- as soon as possible at the HUB xelles: and the International Control desk. The photograper Competition of Geneva in l<*it>. Will be on campus from 9 to 12:30 Mr. Apostoli * has concern/.■! In the morning and from J :30 to throughout South and Central 5 in the afternoon during tin* week America and once toured the to January. U.S. as violinist and director of There is a fee of $2. plus tax, the "Areangelo Corelli." at the time of the sitting. Five poacs will be taken. The pictures Will be taken in the Commons Building, and caps and gowns will Inside Pages to» available for those students Kahhi Aaron (.eruitz ex- desiring them. The $2 fee covers plains Hi meaning of Hanukah. the cost of placing the student's Bee pa^e :i . picture in the Nutmeg. It will be Scenes from the highly- deducted from picture orders dramatic Tennessee Williams Which total $10 or more. work, -A Streetcar Named De- Pixx>fs will be mailed to the sire" now being offered at the Students with instructions con- l.illle Theatre. Sec pace 4 . cerning orders for pictures and Katanga IroatM fight I .V for the yearbook pictures. A re- troops ai BHsabettivllle, Katan- presentative from Delma Studios, ga. For the details, see page ©ne of the larges studios in the East, will be on campus after I conn cagcrs travel bi Har the proofs have been returned AND I'D \l.-<o I.IKK: Santa Clam will group ot children with gifts of candy.
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