Pittsburgh Catholic Thursday, September 28. 1%1 Pag* S Pope John Urges UCC Opens Pope John West Berlin Greets Lecture Series Cites 'Force' Of Sunday Observance On Oct. 10 Chastity Beleaguered Bishop CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy BERLIN — i the love of t ASTELGAND()LFO. Italy for all workers a day of prayer, (RNS) West Rer¬ Christ and united Bishop Wright will open the (NC)—('hastily is "an incom¬ (NC) — Pope John XXIII has of spiritual repose and of joy¬ un's Catholics were joined by 1961-62 lecture series of the parable force of the Catholic j in the defense of our Christian ous and urged that despite modern de¬ friendly get-togethers Church." Pope John XXIII Protestant leaders here as they heritage in today's world." mands of in fraternal University Catholic Club on daily life Sunday con¬ charity. has asserted. welcomed Bishop Alfred Bengsch tinue to be observed as the day Tuesday evening. Oct. 10. at 8:30 Bishop Bengsch called on Ber¬ to the Western zone for his sol¬ "Sunday will be then truly The was a of the Lord. p.m.. at the Stephen Foster Pope addressing lin Catholics to draw on Chris- ; the day of the Lord and the day general aud:rnce on the Feast emn enthronement as Bishop of Memorial. His subject will be I Speaking in French to more of the family without doubt. of St. Rose of Lima, first na¬ the Berlin See. »ian love because of its "cssen- ' 'The Ecumenical Council." tial power, especially in a time than 200 bread manufacturers The day of rest will be recog- tive of the New World to be of who have been meeting in Rome canonized. Several thousand persons dangerous tensions when it is j nized by all as a social right Members of the UCC, their for an international congress, which permits carrying out of jammed the suburban church possible to destroy a large por- friends and the He cited the saint's the Pope expressed satisfaction religious duties and also of the public are invit¬ virgin¬ of St. Matthew to witness the | tion of mankind in a few min¬ ity and said: "Virginity, chas¬ utes that the question of rest on disinterested and supernatural ed. Carl O. Schwarz, president, enthronement rite. The serv¬ " an will act as chairman. There is tity, is inromparable force ices followed a similar cere¬ Sundays and holidays was i exercise of the 14 works of of the Catholic Church. It Among those witnessing 'he among the problems to be dis¬ mercy. The C'nurch 'will rejoice no admission charge. mony held previously in East second shines not only on the legions ceremony were numerous cussed by the congress. in it and the whole of society Berlin. of all the souls consecrated to West German prelates led by will benefit by it." Bishop Wright's lecture will be "We well know, and it ia God hut also on all the Dr. Kurt Scliarf, chairman of Archbishop Lorenz i followed on Nov. 2 by a discus¬ Faith¬ Jaeger of with udnrwi that We the Council of the Phderborn. say it, Adequate Salaries sion on "Have We Brothers in ful in the various states of Evangelical Bishop Bengsch was that this important precept of life." Church in 'cd to his The Pope also sympathized Outer Space?" by Fr. L. C. Mc- Germany (EK11> >, episcopal throne by the Ten Commandments is far sent a with the bread makers in their Hugh. S.J., associate editor of congratulatory message to Archbishop Con ado Baftle, from being observed in your Pope John also »aid: "Un¬ the new Catholic concern to be assured of an ade- /America. prelate. He said Apostolic Nuncio to Germany. world always professional field as, unfor¬ fortunately the that the Christian Churches in On Dec. 10 Dr. Clarence Wal- shows or After the closing of the So¬ tunately, in so many others, I| quate salary and also a just misunderstanding Berlin will prove that despite i price for their product. "But derision for this sublime vir¬ viet sector of the city on Aug. even in countries which wish ton. associate dean in the grad¬ political border barricades "the one must not lose sight however tue. 13. there was doubt for more to remain faithful to the an¬ uate school of business at Co¬ Newspapers and shows Power of spirit and Christian of the fact that bread, this basic rarely speak of the heroism of than a month whether Bishop cient law promulgated on lumbia University, will speak on love is stronger than hostilit\ and food, must be available to all, purity, while every Bengsch would receive pcrmis- Mount Sinai and then eon- i "America — A Partner in th« day (one hatred among men." as has been established by Di¬ sion to may say) they re¬ enter West Berlin for Armed and made more International Common Market'."' indulge In precise vine Providence." j A similar message was sent to his enthronement. However, hy Our Lord Jesus Christ," he ports of what really eonfllrts Edward J. Kirchner. assistant with such a Bishop Bengsch by that permission was granted said. OCT OF THE MIDDLE AGES—Symbolizing religious fervor, splendid virtue. Bishop Otto Thus it is useful, the Pope director of the Association for Dibelius. head of the and it was | • white-hooded penitent scourges himself while holding a Evangclicai arranged to hold said, to meet together "to es¬ International "Anyway, believers know in Church of two The Pope noted that enforce¬ Development, will crucifix. He was among the participants in the dramatic pro¬ Berlin-Brandenburg. separate reremonlc* since tablish a median price, a just address the UCC on "Interna¬ what great honor it should he ment of the day of rest "pre¬ cession through the streets of Guardia Sanframondi. in South¬ Fast Berliner* are not allowed agreement, which assures a legi¬ held in the Prelate's Sermon tional Crises" on Jan. 24. Church and how in the western sector. supposes the education of the ern Italy, a ritual rooted in medieval tradition. Once every In his timate earning for the grain pro¬ they may derive from it un¬ sermon. Bishop Bengsch public and opportune action on seven years, the procession moves through the village streets ducer, which repays in adequate On Feb. 21. Sister Marie Pierre countable advantages for the turned to non-Catholic Chris¬ The first rites were held in the part of public officials." as men pray for foigiveness and *»k the help of God. amount the bread producer and of the Medical Mission Sisters very life of the Church and of tians to whom, he said, he was Fast Berlin's Corpus Christ i will Church and The Pope said that "all those the seller and which, at the same present a film entitled: "A the holy aposlolate," he com¬ grateful for their professions of conducted by Bishop who have at heart the true wel¬ time, permits each to buy daily different Story — Nuns Who mented. fraternal sympathy and solidar- J| Otto Spulbeck of Meissen. In fare of man, welcome with all this indispensible food which Double as Catechists and Doctois ity on the occasion ot his eleva¬ attendance were Hans Seigew e - Christ Himself has •n the Missions and Love It." Castro tion. set, communist head of the lit their efforts the time when . taught us to May Face i Sunday will be able to be truly a.sk Our Father in Heaven for." j Moscow German State Office for Church The | "Despite all the differences," subject of the March 12 1 lie said, "we are connected in 'Affairs, and Gerald Gocttin.i, lecture will be "The Fight for (Continuod from Pago 1) Sister M. Gilbort. S.C.. Excommunication secretary-general of the Rcd- Christ on Campus and Cross¬ versial international problems | controlled Christian Democratic Marks Golden Jubiloo St. Vincent'i Adds School roads" and be delivered by Fr. hilities of accomplices in the hy negotiations, and we ran (Continued from Page 1) Union in the Soviet Zone. Sister Maiv Gilbert Boyle of offenses. Four Joseph Christie, S.J. only welcome any appeal for Faculty Members the Sisters of gary, who was arrested by the Charity at Seton negotiations in the interests of St. Vincent College this week Problems The final lecture of the series | Hill, Canon 2343, which pertains to * Greensburg, recently cele¬ Hungarian Red regime in 1948. peace from whatever source it announced the Special Tours ★ will be appointment of brated her given at the annual excommunication of persons (Continued from Poqo 1) golden jubilee as a may proceed." four new faculty members; Den¬ Communion breakfast May 6, by In the case of Archbishop who lay violent hands on a religious at Pittsburgh Hospital nis P. Quinn and William K. O Somerset County must be conserved; a better ed¬ Fi. Frederick of flfccManus Cath¬ Poirier, I he excommunication of bishop, also was invoked in the Fall Kiiilacr Excursion where she has been confined Mr. Khrushchev concluded by McMalion, instructors in philo¬ ucation must be offered, a dif¬ olic Sunday. Oct. 15 — $8.00 University, who will speak pi r.sons guilty of expelling him case of Bishop Tato. since June. She received a Pap.il asking whether such Catholics as sophy; Dr. Theodore KiatipolT, ficult accomplishment in the on "Liturgy of the Church." was based on Canons blessing. Sister Mary Gilbert :s 2209, 2334 U.S. President John assistant In the arrest and imprison¬ Kennedy professor in modern O Washington • l.uray - and double-grade school or in the 'he sister of Miss Margaret 2343. The decree of excom¬ and West teermnn ment of Cardinal Minds/enty.
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