■ ■-------- ------- - rarlan ■ • . - jun«J/rS 7t '. ■ —- . - -)^,-Idah.fria8.torlcal-S SE— I Clouds . V ~ -^Edition . , Satu'rdayday..:,!:.:..:,:.: _ ,-!*■ •• ^ •___•' , - r , . , T h t : ~ :wTLri3rNd:m r ■« ^ -—:^ t w i n f a l l s , r o A H o ; FRIDAY.f r i d a ; NOVEMBER 4,19661. I966Y'' f' ■■■' •■"-■-'I-------- ' . - ■■ ■' __ ■ -----------G E N li,— ■ JohnsonMl Lilbels ;r’s Firstr s t z r f f r ? Pacific; TTrip as / i n G rr^ rSSuccess u Major k^ j llU VVIS?^stormt :^ \T1=^^stdeiit-JdlihW --.ppralM a _ --------M JA ^Sric\riprod»today as highly successful andn d saids a id ■ the nations at the ManilaManlla''cohference c are unitedi j Inla a - — a?i5rimTiaiion..'*io-waiK-tKp )S ^irth ^asrn rtt^ ’^linKffTfiSRirTiS? ~ South. ■ peace. The Presidentnt made the assessment at a newnews s . .. ._-By T ho A ssociated P reCHS ss . - ■ conference a day after;er announcingannou that he faces surgerysurgery V ■ Rccord cold numbed att least seven states of thc Southland today as the season s . inaboutafOBtalghtonhlsU-,on his throat ahd abdomen. HHe'dis* e-dis* -I first major snowstorm, a1 killer nndn ti traffic crippler,ler, swung back, northward Inlo- . missed that pr3spectt today as riot “fidmethihg to3 mmake a k e Canada. The storm left.in-in itsits.s .swopping wake.fceezlnglezlng temperatures,temp all-the way ; a show over.” Jqljnspn}pn aalso l s o -------------!-----------------^-------J - to the GuU-of M exico; fallslls of-snowof-snt as fai^south<as5 Bjrmingh.BlrininBharn._Ai!aM,and,OJwhite-: ^ ^ told reporters-assem bled m •-•r-1 - blanket that nieasured 15 '------- ■ the W hit9.House'EastSm Room Movemenrto"; ■ inches on the level In parts T | J ■for a televised.news session ___ o f K e n t u c k y a n d d r i f t s a s l Y J - — •ihirwrsMS'ToTfetrsoirwhy-tw I J' y I I Mental Heallealth Plans ----------dtrGp-aff^four-feet in-M ichi- T • Tuesday el«:llo''«>‘Wld,grcaUyf i i z St^le"Price^ e a n . I?- affect (iny decision the North -S ° ■ . This storm’.<i toll of lives to- J l i VlelnamesB might maketo on n ^ con- J o 'l Index Noted ,> 1 taled- ot least 32 In six states,-Explainedid alat Meet tlnuing the war. - . Including.five in.i-heavy rain- . n r While he wa« at It. hohe saidMid WASHINGTON (AP) - p ripresl- e a i - storm in New England. G66DING-''The-Twln-Falls-a#in-Falls Qrea has-cer{^n:BTOups ___ - there couUbo a ehange.ctf-'IOjOf-'IOor or dent,' Johnson -reportedd rtoday - and individuals workingIg hard for a mental health center. I .without that “a v e^ hfiallhy movementlovem ent 50-seats In the House without ( ;,ern Other groups are workingking just nsc herd to prevent atvy ■ ^f».tlefllty_affcctlRg-the_govenL.» govern- toward -price stnblllty"y " haa --------- gflSflJ-lnngttonanrfeais. ~ here menial health services5 becoming available to ^e-£sst _Thft-Prosldent-told-a-newa -n e w 55 Boom this morning witht a smile confercncei that the wholesale.'hotesalc and Dr. M yrlck W. Pullen,l^*ire^lor director^ oPthc'stale1 d lv isW ^ ^ ' -------on W 9-la«-and a nod toeor mnew* w , pricc.lndex-^usually'ft forenin- ' m erUal_hcalth_toldJdaho.HealU[aho.HealUi-board-memberflrhere:-:-:^ men ho fccomlicd. -Mrs.rs. John- ner^.of consumer, pricee move-move­ Prldpy mornjng. The group concludedcon< a twoKlay .meet son w a s v»llh nim . ments—has been levelingling off ■ His voice was strong,'.and and hene and has risen only eight-tehthsh t-tehths was ' • * ■ ■ ------- ata t thetl State" Tuberculosis • - Snow squalls continued across I I Hospital here Friday after show ed no sig n s o t un u su!ual a l vrtsa*wea* tof one per cent in tho past 10 ]PREPARING TO l(fARK,RK her’her ballot)balli M ra. .Vkila Hastings,, right, Iblc^^^listi M rs. Luclllo tho ^Great_LakC3 and northern rlness or Illness. >m onths. > ,.. wWUcock of the Twin FallsIlls County Recorder’sH Office explalo»(be absenteeabs( ballot. Mrs. Hasdngs, AppaiachJans—the region where■“'“Fdrmer men BuhluJL Sconvening -T hursday in , Johnson'iwid-ho-ls-not-B-go^it-B-good —■* Johnson-sald-that-som e-of tl^e be Bryears-oW'thls-Aionth;d'thlsitaonthra«»d'othernnr8lng=home*matienime*Tpatlent8*-throughouf the -county" th*-innrm-i»it-hawle»Th« • Mn£ —J — T-win'Fallsr:---------------- ^ *“ '— Jtidlc of wh'at the Communtetimmunlst price bulge which has occurredK w rr^ wertf.given an opportunitydty to vote thistl week.JHrs..Wilcock; sakfsBkf the aabsentee voting.ot hospitals^ "'aro rcnctlon to'thB''result*'oi the Michigan householders and Dr. I 5Q,- Much dependit on the contin-' : of the resulted from wage increasesM ble” -- nui«Ijjg?IH)rae» wUI continue throughthr S p.m. Monday. (Tlmes-NcT(TImes-News photo) cars, gYbutlxKilled^-^. ued support of-communltles and S g CTngrcssIonftJ electiond c ctlo n f'whlch wo thought desirable” highway crow r-w crc-dtolhs men; ■*; - ■•/..****•• ■■■• county commissioners If menial wU be. He had been-asHcdn-asked foclowe^income•groupsjsIShas such as _ : ■ * * * * • ' • * * * '! . ■ Out-of'drifisT. that-paralyicd'the — whether"he'thinks*the-outcon>e-outcome hospital1 workers. lo«yer half of thc state, 'l^'c iFighting_____ Firer © Shealth facilities are to be ob- w flny-cffcct.cn Cpmmu-Commu- • •■^is_dld:_brlng prlces^up Sn storm's toll In Michigan was _ talned, Mr. Pullen ndded. He ex­ jielllo ••''CS- Its U p p er P eninsula .BUHL-A'fbrmer'Buhl youth plainedplain! that some conimuaities . , “ tiUl talmllbm to Inue-tho ;acme," the President ^jShutiiistold 4 ^ €Contacted 0 5 as^.-Absentee I Is who moved from here two yffars have itings, snow-choked. X U years have been unsuccessful l.n plon* H n l^ ^ qucstI^r._L'but„^ricc^_haye _ lOut ago Was killed In the brush fire nin» - '7 ~ T T ' ______ ounty" The -storm--3narled traffic; sh fire nine tn rrrn"^ tnentnLJiitttUh--------- nCQUragC V«mwA>ty.T«i>'w«nfi pHmln. m " t o n e a r -E 0i “ A'h8eWs~WCdwrday;dSere sereli aince^the^nrst^reou^^ — g ■ ..thaekL-mill-fillCflUCagfi ;nltals- marooned_scores of trucks "theand accordingY f ^o'word^reoeived-hero fgj—r cars, downed power lines, dis- the 'Communists. Istratlon than they did' In the / of FHday by RevT Paul LaRue, wasi Asked-what he knows about rupted’air traffic, trapped hunt- « jiRuc, was rejected by the Nallonnl In* vs about preceding six years of the El- '’ Personnel] in the Twin'win Falls'(Falls 'County Clerk’s officee have bebeen busy t^l'^s week taking snow :hes Methodist17 minister. stltuf ihe views o( th« Soviet£ l«“dcrtleaders isenhower administration, while . • crs and forced schools to close, r l l stitulo of Mental Health. care of the large, numm ber of peipeople casting absenteeJe ballots for Tuesday’s election, at / :ast Cccil James Hanshew. 19. son u on ViBt Nam, JohnsonI said,m d. I wagesi have Increased more." . _ The unscheduled vacation for J • He listed these communities as t, 649 people had signed affidavitsvits sayirsaying they would be unable 7 of Mrs. Hazel Hanshew, Belle- i “ *. t_bcllc.YE jfa m rlc a n s . hav e—gjotjjore o tjn o r e AAs s of Thursday night, 649 peopl - thousands., of- schoolchildren— vue,-WaBh.,-waa-a.b u I private-first« I rti Soulhcastcro^liltlct—MentaT-— - see the money to pay the Increasedncreased to vlSt the polling placeslaW Tuesflay. Tues( PersohneTln-thb-clerk’;h6-clerk’s~offlce”sald“about'250 continued today. - - whoclass j in the Marines and5' had ”Health ?**•• Center at Pocatello. Lo- ' prices with.’* Johnson said.aid.^ morem( votes are expectedcted to hebe cast absentee before.the.5•e.the.5 p.m. Monday deadline. • T_Ski enthusiasts were abouta agovolunteered V to help fig h t th,ha e ttth-Nez*Jh-w Perce Mental Htalth - >• ^‘^T rn tV w ^ 'c a n K a w n^ Is out !- He added. ^ "^lA bout ajL.oL-the_abscnteea -------the-oniy. JO ones "in-M ichlgM ~to0 near"fire. The Marines were onr. highhSh Center and. counties of Adam s.,......- "anyon Payette-ahd-Vfashin^on. r-5SlS& oirincn/'h^5 r r r votes-cas^have come from i-|-, ground, overlooking a - canyon said. inflation an election Issuer *'! I sporadically continuing fall of Fridawhen a gust of wind trappedrapped Dr. Pullen outlined' other areoa “If more troops aros neefieaneeded don’t think anybody can make ^ J ,n patients in nitrslng takinghomes snowJn] that measures 10 inches Metht 1^6 -CI0S6S^ -------------- a i - ------------------- Qaii.w h( ^ them. Private Hanshew waswas to planningplann new mental health cen*. they will be sent.” he said.lald. imuch of that.” _ — -who-win-be'uriable-tj)2 Ction.go^o at— ^Alpena. In the northeast• •• have-leftCec for Vlot Nant Friday.-.'riday.'.‘ tCrstcrs and, the progresa'-made.-— ------- H« -was aslced next aboutibout ta-r&- A s - i n prevtols sta te m en ts, / ■ the polls Tuesday. Workersunable bavc TSee -, WINTER, pg. 2, coL 7 of ThcMi youth was the son ofI Mrs-Mrs. ‘Dr. Kenneth 'lyior, medical dl- ' ports that ihe Pope will1 propose •Johnson declined to predict I . visited Twin'Falls County rest JLo u t- 2 5 0 — -------------------- T------- ^ - J|“Hanshew '- and thc late Paul\ Han-Hatt- rectorcctoc'ot thc SUte Tuberculosis another Christmas truce,!, with a whether^ or not ho will3 seek“ a On^ $70,006"000 Goal - Shomes this, week, onaBling all Ires. shew. The family, left Buhl in Hosp ................ ■ ■ , . J-. 'flual luhl in Hospital at Gooding, dtplained , . eessaUon'oLbomblngj^-................- tax-rlhcreiase *to couiUsr.Onfla* cr. Jnfla* ^ h >1 > 1 W tyy«attd;mcmbsvsiuai*l=tlm-]'a.sfc=^tpsJjO Uona^.pre«uita.J)ui.lndIcScd ^ ag Y e^ rted^“riday that'theLdrive !iotf S m Johnson Says S“rl“year at the Buhl High’School.-^hool.—^ yeary S r has been one of the-bimest ~ reiy lerL- thB^chances-are.lmening^—^ 5 5 ft(g;:braugh'eini^51S^towfl^ h&: rhich -^aspltat::imr8mjr7«RrTnrc«! f r o m - r - r * '• w r ' t t ' Srour“ BBsWcrhlsTnothernmnrtvorarvlvors atnhB-tnstltatlonnlirMafth ^yein^^ : .
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