- ---~-------;-----------------------j.1 ! p~rntlng;copurng ond morllng ASUNM Lobby Committee Look What's New at the ISA ONE-5TOPSHOP FOR ALL YOUR Joni: Love -and Life PRINTING ANO COPYING NEEOS- Joni Mitchell/Hejira!Asylum 7E­ on earth triggered her to relate her and a person who has never listened AND WE Hosts Party for Legislators J087 life to that of a "Coyote" {one of to her before would appreciate her By Marguerite Ortega the cuts off her album). music and could easily find It I suppose there was an incident something to relate to. SUB AREN'T is a rare occasion when I find a By Dolores Wood area of cooperation. (Jim) McGee donated mainly .through the efforts female artist with as much depth as or impression left in her mind at This album tends to be mundane LION! About 20 out of 116 New Mexico (R-Bernalillo) agreed to try and get gf Helen Gordon," he said. Joni Mitchell. Her voice articulates one time or another that caused her in places, but it definitely has good Delicatessen (on campus Quality) State Legislators attended a us some seats in the Legislature. We The committee spent about $100 every word; every note-to get to use a "Coyote" or a "Black songs, too: "A Strange Boy," 1712 Lomas NE I Corner of University reception given by the Associated got more office use from (Dennis) on the reception, said ·senavidez. Sweet Shop (Scrumptious Ice Cream and Dese1'ts) Phone 243-2841 I Open 7 days a week exactly the meaning she wants. Crow" (another cut off the album) "Song for Sharon," ''Blue Motel Students of UNM Lobby Com­ Peria (D-Bernalillo). We already "About $45 for food, and $55 for Her motto for the past nine years as the base of a song to come. Room.'' Pronto's (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner ... and Fast) mittee last Saturday at the Three had some from David Rusk (D­ liquor," he said. "Much more than has been quality ... releasing an It is nothing short of astonishing Cafeteria (Lunch) Fountains apartment complex. Bernalillo). We also got a lot of, half of the liquor was left over. We I found "Song for Sharon" Wondering What To Do album once a year around engrossing because, just when I and of course: hints on who to talk to about issues used a lot of soft drinks because Christmas. Her present release "A lot of the legislators picked thought I had it figured out,. she After Graduation? we are lobbying for." several of the legislators were only Hejir_a still holds true to her past Casa Del Sol up tickets and never made it," said would throw me for a loop-with a drinking cokes." style; but it's not as diversified. It (still the best Mexican Food in town) Lobby Committee . member Mike The reception was held in the Benavidez . said left-over liquor word or another phrase-that I can get confusing at times,com­ couldn't possibly see any con­ Benavidez. "But the reception was Burgundy Room of the apartment would be used later. "It will be pared to previous releases. Every Peace Corps Vista pretty successful, especially in the nection to. complex. "The use of the room was saved for a reception in Santa Fe song seems to be preoccupied with · for a strategic point when we need traveling,_ and many of the lyrics The best thing to do with any DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau to talk to the legislators." relate to her past life and loves Joni Mitchell tune or album is to .................., Joni has made quite a transition listen to it while not doing much of I Art and Drafting Supplies · anything a couple of times. After a lf(}()!'O 711& I RAN since her beginning in '68. She has tum, • progressed through folk and jazz. while, it makes more sense and a • //111T) 8/?EN!JA • J081f/JNT!Ne listener enjoys it more. 60 70/JAY, NICKS ON 77-le Medical School with always a smattering of variety RICK? Sll?EET 7l7PAY.. in her songs. "For the Roses," her What is interesting to note is that • • \ Offers Corpses 1972 release, was a listener's treat. when she progressed more to rock • ' It is no wonder other artists, such as in the '70's with "You Turn Me On 10X discount • Burial Options Roger McGuinn, use her material. I'm a Radio," "Big Yellow Taxi," • • Sign Up NOW It is fascinating how much her her music was more popularly • • music resembles a jigsaw puzzle. played on the radios and she was On Campus For Your A human body is usually thought Anyone can put the pieces together how she comes up 'Yith a tune. I more easily identified with her • to • Feb 1,2,3 Interview to be an expendable product; once in a different way. In the back of was slightly disappointed, though, music. But once she got in more • • used it is discarded. (and a little bored) at the angle she Information Booth: Placement Office: my mind whenever I hear one of her soul-searching songs-"Refuge of • songs and listen-really listen-to took on this particular album. the Roads" (another cut off the • Whether your tastes lean toward Student Union Mesa Vista Hall the lyrics and music, I wonder what Usually she has much more variety, album) she wasn't splashed on the • cremation, plain burial, or a fancy all students • radio every five minutes. vault, an enormous price is paid to • • An Imaginative Way To Use Your Degree mortuaries just to have a body If J oni Mitchell is already a • upon presentation of current student I. D . • discarded properly. "A" for St.YX Disc . favorite, this album will be ap­ 'IIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII 111111111111 I! ll.ifiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIInllllnlllllllllllllllol111 preciated. One reason: a listener • /-11/,IIA! 7!{/(J5 GI?&.4Tl • So, if you want to save the cost of ; 11/H//TIJ SH!i SAYt{//IEN ' has already tailored herself to her • ' Crystal Ball/Styx!A&M SP-4604 "Jennifer," a powerful rocker • ., Y(J(J 7!/RN/31) HER · . a funeral, and not leave the burden music. But if she has not yet entered of what to do with your body on a Review by George Gesner about a girl trapped between two • ' CfXUN? herself in your record collection, • c A ' worlds; "A child in her mother's ! loved-one's shoulder, the UNM Born in Racine, nurtured in give it a chance, don't reject the •• eyes but a woman every mg. h t. .. • Medical School would like to solve Chicago and taking the world, Styx album off the stereo or pass it by in your problem. is becoming one of the top The Stygians (Dennis DeYoung, • • Chuck and John Panozzo, James·, a store for another album because it American bands. Crystal Ball is the gets a little heavy at times. • Young and Tommy Shaw) have two • The UNM Medical School uses finest album to date for the band numbers, "Crystal Ball'.' and "This • anywhere from 25 to 30 bodies a that encompasses the styles of top She is an emotional writer­ CAl·ART [ffi((](Jj~[[~ English bands and takes their music Old Man," thap slow down the musician blending her feelings, •. COMMERCIAL ART SUPPLIES I LETRASET I FORMATT I CHARTPAK year, according to Dr. A.J. Lad­ • • ART & CRAFT SUPPLtESIOAAFTING SUPPLIES I PICTURE FRAMING pace a bit. The tunes are a fusion of man, chairman of the anatomy one step further. thoughts, opinions, and everything 2510 CENTRAL AVENUE, S.E. ALBUOUEROUE, N.M. 87106, 265·3733 department. The group's vocals have a shade melodic ballad and rock energy that else into a song. Definitely making ACROSS FROM JOHNSON GYM of Yes and the style is more con­ proved be successful for such it an invitation to listen. L Although needs exist at all levels, crete on the first cut" Put Me On." groups as Queen, Uriah Heep and !'···••:,:••:,:••:s••:t=.••~··:t.:••:e:••:e:. ~ :!;•• .:t,; •• =e; •• •·.···~··:t.:."~'·~··:!:••::t:••~·r.e:··=e;••~··;t;":!:'":t.:'•=e;•·=e;~·:,.;••.:t;••:e:••:.t:••:e;'~ •••••••• Kansas (American group). ... ...:,.: ... ,_ the bodies are used mainly for The single is "Mademoiselle." .. ~-------------(1~""":"4t.•.• •·•·• ........................................................................... (1 ................. ····-····· ...................................... • • • • • • .. • • .. • ••,. The piano solo sets the mood for . .. =--------------.-...- ...- ...- ...............•. ~ teaching and research by the fresh­ The song is fashioned after the ~,,~ . :. ~ man class, which currently numbers giant hit "Lady," with brilliant "Ballerina" that starts slow and ~~ ~,~ ~~~~ ~~ builds to a powerful climax with ~,~ 73 out of a total of 295 medical falsetto harmonies and a melodic .: =. ,,~ intense jamming to the end. 1 students. air for a hard rock tune. •11~~ ••~ The best number on the album is Rate the LP an A. The body-donor program has ~u~ The Cultural Program Committee ~It~ ~It~ The University of New Mexico ~~~~ been in effect since the opening of ~~ ·:.~ the medical school in 1964. The medical school pays the costs of 1 UNM Continuing Education ~~~~•11~ Pope1oyJ Hall ...~:~~ embalming, transportation and ~~ .,,~ A ES disposition of the donated body @ Community College :" "': .• •. ~u~ ~~~' with donors choosing either Spring 1977 •II~ Presents ~~ Vintage cremation or burial. ~ ..: .,.,,~ • Clothing • Photos Non-Credit Course Schedule .~~~~ . ....~~ Hang Gliding • • :.JI•' ~@ ~~ • Prints • Postcards Any interested persons wishing to ~ .:. ~ "': donate their bodies to science may Adobe Design ar~d Construclion Modern I ,an·ce .SJI~ .. .....A AutomollileMalntenancc Nci,• Games Workshop . .. .. contact the Department of . • Art Deco Ballroom Dancin~ I. Jl Non· Loom Weaving w ~ Basic Hand tool Carpentry 3409 CENTRAL. N E. • 255·7103 Anatomy at the medical school. Oil Techniques Learn To Fly 1 Bicycle Repair Oriental Cooking M Six Stars Of Daytime Television ~"~ Birds of Nc\V Mexico Oriental Landsct~pe Drawing " ,, tlobbln Lace and Macrame Parent Erfcctivencss Training .
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