Adscape: Harvesting and Analyzing Online Display Ads Paul Barford Igor Canadi Darja Krushevskaja University of University of Rutgers University Wisconsin-Madison Wisconsin-Madison [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Qiang Ma S. Muthukrishnan Rutgers University Rutgers University [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT online users and the increasing amount of time that peo- Over the past decade, advertising has emerged as the pri- ple spend online has led to an estimated $36B in online ad mary source of revenue for many web sites and apps. In spending in the US for FY2012, which represents an 15% this paper we report a first-of-its-kind study that seeks to increase over the previous year [2]. The majority of this broadly understand the features, mechanisms and dynamics spending is on advertising that most commonly appears in of display advertising on the web - i.e., the Adscape. Our search results as text ads. There is, however, a growing pref- study takes the perspective of users who are the targets of erence for display ads | typically image and video ads that display ads shown on web sites. We develop a scalable crawl- appear in response to users' browsing and other activities ing capability that enables us to gather the details of dis- on the web | that can convey more robust and visual mes- play ads including creatives and landing pages. Our crawling sages to users. A recent report by Forrester estimates that strategy is focused on maximizing the number of unique ads $12.7B was spent in the US on display and video advertising harvested. Of critical importance to our study is the recog- in FY2012, and is growing at 17% annually [10]. nition that a user's profile (i.e., browser profile and cookies) The ubiquity of advertising on publisher web sites and can have a significant impact on which ads are shown. We apps makes it easy to overlook the diversity and complexity deploy our crawler over a variety of websites and profiles of the online ad delivery ecosystem. Well known depiction and this yields over 175K distinct display ads. We find that of the online ad ecosystem is the Display Lumascape that while targeting is widely used, there remain many instances shows Marketers (brands) and Publishers/Consumers con- in which delivered ads do not depend on user profile; further, nected by hundreds of companies that provide a variety of ads vary more over user profiles than over websites. We also intermediary services [14]. The task of delivering billions of assess the population of advertisers seen and identify over ads from thousands of Marketers to millions of Publishers' 3.7K distinct entities from a variety of business segments. web sites and apps on a daily basis is quite daunting, hence Finally, we find that when targeting is used, the specific the complexity of the system. types of ads delivered generally correspond with the details Of central importance in the ad delivery process is the of user profiles, and also on users' patterns of visit. selection of a specific ad to display to a given visitor of a Publisher site. This is generally referred to as the target- ing problem. Targeting is commonly based on criteria like Categories and Subject Descriptors site/page context, placement size, user behavior and geolo- C.4 [Performance of Systems]: [Measurement tech- cation. Ad serving infrastructures provide targeting infor- niques, Modeling techniques] mation that enables Marketers to bid on specific ad requests from a large number of Publishers. The presumption is that General Terms improvements in ad targeting will benefit all of the con- stituents in the ad ecosystem. User Profiles, Targeted Advertising, Measurement In this paper, we present a first-of-its-kind study of dis- play advertisements that are being delivered to online Con- 1. INTRODUCTION sumers. Our objectives are to broadly characterize the on- Advertising online is a compelling proposition for brands line display advertising landscape or Adscape and to eluci- and e-commerce vendors that seek engagement with a broad date targeting mechanisms from an empirical perspective. cross-section of potential customers. The sheer volume of The study seeks to better understand the range of online ads, the degree of similarity between ads shown to differ- ent visitors of the same web site, the breadth of ads that are shown on a given web site, and the degree to which ads shown on different web sites are different from each other. In the long term, we hope to provide a foundation for improv- Copyright is held by the International World Wide Web Conference Com- ing ad targeting mechanisms and streamlining the ad-serving mittee (IW3C2). IW3C2 reserves the right to provide a hyperlink to the ecosystem. author’s site if the Material is used in electronic media. WWW’14, April 7–11, 2014, Seoul, Korea. ACM 978-1-4503-2744-2/14/04 http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2566486.2567992. The capability to gather display ads from across the web Advertiser View. Whether branding a product or drawing is central to our work 1. The vast number of web sites that attention to a special discount, an advertiser wishes to at- run display ads, the diversity and dynamics of the target- tract the attention of potential customers. They design cam- ing mechanisms, and the need to minimize the impact (load paigns to achieve this goal. Campaigns include creatives, due to measurement) on any given web site all present sig- target demographics, frequencies, placements, etc. All of nificant challenges. We addressed these challenges by devel- these considerations must be balanced with an advertising oping methodologies, tools and infrastructure for ad centric budget. Two example ad campaigns are as follows: (1) A web-crawling. At the heart of our system is the notion of company that produces running shoes targets users who live profile-based crawling, that enables each crawler instance to in Madison, WI, from 6AM to 9AM on business days, and interact with the ad ecosystem as though it were a unique the ad must not be shown to the same user more than 7 times user with specific characteristics. This capability is essen- on any given day. This campaign targets users based on lo- tial for collecting the full spectrum of ads that are delivered cation (\geo" in ads parlance), time of the day (one or more across web sites. \dayparts"), and further limits number of times the ad may This crawling infrastructure was used to gather over 175K be shown in a period of time (\frequency cap"); (2) A com- distinct ads and associated data (landing pages, creatives, pany that produces running shoes targets male users aged etc.) from 180 large English language web sites that run dis- [25 − 30] who are interested in \sports", \healthy lifestyle" play ads 2. We use 340 different user profiles in our crawling and \jogging". This campaign targets users based on their experiments. We make no claims that this sampling of web interests (\profile" in ads parlance) and also demographics sites shows all available (English) display ads since local ad- (gender, age). Targeting strategies can be combined in so- vertisers often focus on smaller, local sites. We employed phisticated ways by advertisers, and the industry relies on different crawling strategies to assemble a data corpus that existence of players who can track cookies and maintain user is extensive enough to expose key characteristics of the Ad- profiles. scape and provide insights on the most commonly-used tar- Publisher View. A Publisher produces content or pro- geting mechanisms. vides services that attract users, and with that, the oppor- When analyzing our data, we first consider the general tunity to present ads to those users. On any given visit, ads targeting mechanisms that are used on different sites. Not can be served from a variety of sources including (i) pre- surprisingly, we find that the majority of sites do indeed mium campaigns, which are contracts with specific advertis- use targeting mechanisms on over 80% of their ad inventory. ers, (ii) ad networks, which represent multiple advertisers, However, many sites show a substantial number of ads to and (iii) ad exchanges, which offer an auction-based environ- all users regardless of profile. We next consider the Mar- ment for matching publishers with advertisers. Typically, keters who are engaged in online display advertising. Our publishers combine the methods, even on a single page. analysis shows over 3.7K distinct Marketers from diverse business segments such as shopping, computer sales and fi- The Adscape View. Consider a user u(t) accessing a nancial services. Third, we drill down on the details of the webpage w(t) at time t. Say the publisher of w(t) shows ads themselves. Our analysis reveals that (i) interest-based a set of ads a(t) to u(t). There is some allocation function targeting, which attempts to ensure that ad types shown fw(t): u(t) ! a(t). The set of all fw(t)'s over all w's and generally align with the customer's interest profile charac- all users u(t) at any time t will be the Adscape that is the teristics, is wide spread, and (ii) age and gender-based tar- focus of this paper. The functions fw(t)'s may depend on: geting is also widely used. (i) user's demographics, interests, location, etc; (ii) site w, In summary, we have developed profile-based web crawling its contents and context; (iii) time t, and the past, includ- capabilities and strategies that enable diverse display adver- ing users' past actions, w's past contents, while f may vary tisements to be gathered from a large set of web sites.
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