PLACE and INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS INDEX Italicised Page Numbers Refer to Extended Entries

PLACE and INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS INDEX Italicised Page Numbers Refer to Extended Entries

PLACE AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS INDEX Italicised page numbers refer to extended entries Aachen, 540, 564 A egean N orth Region, Akureyri, 629, 633 Al gec iras.1178 Aalborg, 411, 420 580 Ak wa Ibom, 981 Alge ria, 8,47,56.59-60, Aalst, 196 Aegean Sou th Region. Akyab,256 74-9,890 Aargau, 1219, 1221, 1225 580 Alabama, 1382, 1389, AI Ghwayriyah, 1060 Aba, 981 Aetolia and Aca mania , 1391, 1395. 1414, Algiers, 74-6, 78 Abaco, 173 580 1429-31 AI- Hillah,7 16 Abadan, 709-10 Afar. 466 Alagoas, 232 AI -Hoceima, 9 16, 9 18 Amiang, 782 Afghani stan, 7,52, 65-/i AI Ain, 1293-4 Alhucemas, 1178 Abakan, 1089 Afyonkarahisar, 1263 Alaj uela, 377, 379 Alicanl e, I 178, I 186 Abancay, 1028 Ag.dez, 976, 978 Alamagan, 1555 Ali ce S pri ngs, 115, 123. Abariringa. 782 Agadir,916-18 AI-Amarah, 716 125-6 Abastuman, 417 Agalega Island, 887 Alamosa (Colo.). 1444 Al igarh , 636, 652. 693 Abbotsford (Canada). Agana, 1552-3 AI-Anbar, 716 AIi -S abieh,425 293,296 Agartala, 65 1, 653, 691 Aland, 47S, 480 AI l adida, 917 Abeche. 335, 337 Agatti,700 Alandur, 689 Al·l aza'ir see Algiers Abemama, 782 Agbovil lc, 38 1 Alania, 1073,1090-1 AI lumayliyah, 1060 Abengourou. 381 Aghi on Oros, 581 Alappuzha (Aleppy). 670 AI-Ka mishli Airport, Abeokuta, 981 Aghios Ni kolaos, 580 AI Arish, 442 1230 Aberdeen (Hong Kong), Agigea, 1069 Alaska, I3S0, 1383. AI Kharija, 442 608 Agin-Buryat, 1073, 1093 1385,1388.1391 , AI -Khour. 1060 Aberdeen (S.D.). 1528, Agin skoe, 1093 1395,1397,1408, AI Khums, 826-7 1530 Agni bil ekrou, 381 1412,1422,1431-5 Alkmaar.939 Aberdeen (UK), 1301, Agra, 636, 693 al-Asnam, 81 AI-Kut,716 1303, 1320, 1326. Agri, 1263 Alava, 1177-8 All ahabad, 636. 642, 651, 1335, 13 53 Ag rihan. 1555 Al ba. 1064 693 Aberdeens hirc, 1301 Aguascalientes, 89 1-2 Albaeete, 11 77-8 All entown (Pa.), 1385, Aberystwyth, 1353 Aguijan, 1555 Alba lulia. 1064 1521 Abia, 98 1 Ahmadi ,797 Albania, 7, 38,41-2, Allerdale, 1298 Abidjan, 38 1-4 Ahmedabad, 636, 644, 50-I, 69-73 AI-Mahra, 1600 Abilene (Tex.), 1385, 649,65 1, 661-3 Albany (A ustralia), 156 Almaty,773 1533-4 Ahmednagar, 674-5 Albany (Ga.), 1454 Almelo, 939 Ahu ac hapan, 449 Albany (N.Y.), 1385, Almere, 939 1~~~~~i~:,{i~ 15~~5_6 Ah vaz, 7OY 1505-7 A meI rfa. I 177-8 Abohar, 684 Ahvenanmaa, 478, 4S0 Albany (Oreg.), 151 8 Almirante, 1014 Aboisso.381 Aiken (S .c.), 1527 AI-Basrah, 716-17. 71 9 Al-Muthanna, 71 () Abomey, 207, 210 Ailinglaplap Atoll, 882 AI-Bayadh,74 Alo, 523 Abruzzi,744 Ain Chok-Hay Hassan!, Alberta, 275. 277, 281, AI-Obcid, 1195 Abu Dhabi. 1291-4 9 16 285,288-9,289-92 Alofi . 969-70 Abu Hamad, 1141 Ain Della, 74 Albina, 1200 Alor Se taL 856 Abuja, 980-2 Ain Sebaa, 9 16 al-Boulaida,74-5 Alnsl. 196 Abyan, 1598 Ain Temouchent , 74 Albuquerque (N. Mex.J. Alotau, 1017 A,aba, 883 Afoun t! 1 Atrouss. 883, 1384, 1502-3 al-Oued, 74 Acajutla. 450, 452 886 AI-Buraimi,997 Alphen aan den Rijn, 939 Acapuko de Juarez, 892 Air. 978 Albury, 150 Alphonse I sland, 1125 Acarigua, 1579, 1582 Airdrie, 289 Alcala de Henares, 1178. AI -Qadari f, I 195 Acarnanla. 580 Aishihik. 311 1187 AI-Qadisiyah, 7 16 Ac..T ra.572-5 Ai tutaki. 968-9 Alcnhendas, 1.1 78 AI Rayyan. 1060 Aceh. 702, 704 Aix-en-Provence.489, Alenrc"n. 11 78 Alsace, 488 Achaia, 580 495 Aldabra Islan d, 240, 11 25 AI Shamal, 1060 Acklins Island, 173 AilUwl. 651 , 679-80 Aldemcy, 1375, 1378, AI -Shargiya, 1180 Acre (Brazil), 232, 237 Ajacc io, 489 1379 Ahagrac ia, La, 432 Ada (Okla.), 1517 Ajdabiya. 826 Aleg, 883 Altai. 1073, 1084 Adamaoua, 270 Ajman, 129 1 Alegranza, 1178 Alta Verapaz, 591 Adamawa, 980 Ajmer. 636, 686-7 Alentejo, 1050 Alto Adige, 744, 746 Adamstown, 1041 Akas hi. 759 Aleppo, 1227, 1230 Alt oona (Pa.), 1521 Adana, 1263-4 Akde niz, 1270 Ales, 489 Alto Paraguay, 1023 Addis Ababa, 466, 468-9 Akele Guzai, 458 Alesund,987 Alto Parana. 1023 Adelaide (Australia), Akershus, 987 Aleutians East (Ak.), Alva (Okla.), 1517 102-3,115,118,124, Akita, 759 1432 Alvs borg, 1208 142,145 Akjouj l, 883 Aleutians West (Ak.), Alwar. 685 Adelie Land, 127, 579-S0 Akmola,773 1432 Am adora, 1051 Aden, 1598-9, 1601-2 Ak ola, 636, 674, 676 Alexander Hamilton Amagasaki,759 Adiyaman, 1263 Akosombo,632 Airport, 1563 Amambay. 1023 Adjaria, 533, 536 Akouta, 1024 Alexandria (Egypt ), Amapa, 23 2 Ado-Ekiti,981 Akranes, 629 442-5,447 Amapala, 612 Adoni. 654 Akron (Oh.), 1384. 1512, Alexa ndria ( Romani a) . Amarill o ( Tex .), 1384, Adrar (Algeria), 74 1514 1065 1533 Adrar (Mauri tania), 883 Aksaray, 1263 Alexandria (Va.), 1385, A marpur, 69 1 Adygeya, 1073, 1084 Aksaz Karaaga" 1266 1399, 1540 Amasya, 1263 Adzope.381 Aktyubinsk, 773 Alexandroupolis.58 1 Amazonas (Brazil ), 232, Aegean Islands, 642 Akure, 981 Algarve, 1050, 1055 237 1633 1634 PLACE INDEX Amazonas (Colombia), Angarsk, 1073 Aragon, 1177-8, 1180 Ashanti, 572 364 Angeles, 1034 Aragua, 1579 Ashdod, 737, 740 Amazonas (Peru), 1028 Angers, 489, 502 Arak, 709-10 Asheville (N.C.), 1508 Amazonas (Venezuela), Anglican Communion, Araku Valley, 655 Ashfield, 1298 1579 1351-2 Aranuka, 782 Ashford. 1298 Ambala, 663-4, 684 Angola, 7, 56, 61, 82-6 Aratu, 235 Ashkhabad, 1272 Ambato, 438 Angoon (Ak.), 1432 Arauca, 363 Ashland (Oreg.), 1520 Ambattur, 689 Angouleme, 489 Araucania. 339 Ashland (Va.), 1541 Amber Valley, 1298 Anguilla, 29, 87-8 Arawa, 1017 Ashmore Islands, 29-30, Amboina, 703, 706 Angus, 1301 Arcadia, 581 102,130 Ambon International Anhui, 346, 351 Archangel see Asia-Pacific Economic Airport, 707 Anjouan, 1073 Arkhangelsk Co-operation Group, Amborovy Airport, 850 Ankara, 1263-5, 1269-70 Archipel de la Societe, 52-3 Ambouli Airport, 427 Annaba, 74-6 520 Asker, 987 Ambrym, 1573 An-Najaf,716 Ardebil,709 Asmara, 458, 460, 527 American Samoa, 1380, Annamalainagar, 690 Ards, 1363 Assab, 458-60, 466 1383, 1395, 1397, Annandale and Eskdale, Arecibo, 1558 Assakan, 238 1556-8 1301 Arequipa, 1028, 1031 As-Salimiya, 797 Amersfoort, 939 Annapolis (Md.), 1476 Argenteuil, 489 Assam, 635, 638, 644-5, Ames (la.), 1465-6 Ann Arbor (Mich.), 1385, Argentia, 305 650,653,656-8,679 Amhara, 466 1481 Argentina, 7, 12,54,62, As-Samawah, 716 Amherst (Canada), 305 an-Nasiriyah,716 92-7,532,994 Assen, 938-9 Amherst (Mass.), 1480 Annecy, 489 Arges, 1064 Assikan, 246 Amida, 1302 Annaban, 454 Argolis, 581 As-Smara see Smara Amiens, 489 Ansari Nagar, 700 Argostoli, 581 Association of South East Amilcar Cabral Anshan, 346, 360 Argovie, 1219, 1221, Asian Nations. 47, International Airport, Antalya, 1263-4 1225 53-4 316 Antananarivo, 847, 850 Argyll and Bute, 1301 Assomada,325 Amindivi Islands, 700 Antarctic: Argyrocastro see As-Sulaymaniyah,716 Amini, 700 - Argentine, 62, 92 Gjirokaster Assumption Island Amirante Islands, 1125 -Australian, 29, 62, Arhus. 411, 418 (Seychelles), 1125 Amman, 768, 770-1 102,126-7 Arica, 339, 343 Aston, 1351 Amphissa, 580 -British, 29, 62, 240 Arima, 1254 Astove Island, 1125 Amravati, 636, 674, 676 -Chilean, 62, 339 Arizona, 1382, 1388, Astrakhan, 774 Amreli, 661 -French, 62, 505. 1391, 1395-6, 1428, Asturias, 1177-8, 1180 Amritsar, 636, 649 684-5 516-17 1435-7 Asuncion, 1023-6 Amroha, 692 -New Zealand, 29, 62, Arkansas, 1382, 1389-90, Aswan, 442-3, 445 Amsteiveen, 939 967 1395-7, 1423,1437-9 Asyut,442 Amsterdam, 939-40, 943, - Norwegian, 62, 996 Arkhangelsk, 1073, 1093 Atacama, 339 945-6 Antarctic Treaty. 57-8 Arlanda Airport, 1215 Atafu, 967 Amsterdam Island, Antelias, 100 Arlington (Tex.), 1384, Atakora, 207 516-17 Antigua and Barbuda. 7, 1533 Atakpame, 1247, 1249 Amtiman, 335 28-9,54,57,89-91 Arlington (Va.), 1450 Atar, 883, 886 Amur, 1073 Antigua (Guatemala), Arlington Heights (111.), Atattirk International Anaconda (Mont.), 1490 591 1460 Airport, 1269 Anadyr, 1093 Antioquia, 363 Arlit, 1024-5 Atbara, 1195 Anaheim (Calif.), 1384, Antipodes Islands, 954 ArIon, 195 Ateransk,773 1440 Antofagasta, 339-40, 343 Armagh, 1363 Athens (Ga.), 1455 Anambra, 981 Antrim, 1363 Armenia, 31-2 Athens (Greece), 580-3, Anand,661 Antsiranana, 847, 850 Armenia (CIS), 7, 38, 50, 585-6 Anantapur, 654-5 Antwerp, 195-6,201-2, 98-101 Athens (Oh.), 1514 Anatolia, 1263, 1270 989 Armenia (Colombia), 363 Athens (W. Va.), 1546 Ancash, 1028 Anuradhapura, I I 89, Armidale, 137 Athlone, 731 Anchorage (Ak.), 1384, 1191 Amhem, 938-9 Athas, Mount, 581 1419,1432,1434 Anyang, 785 Amstetten, 167 Ati,335 Anchorage Island, 968 Anzoategui, 1579 Arorae, 782 Atiu, 968-9 Ancnn, 1014 Aoba, 1573 Arrah,658 Atiya, 246 Ancona, 745, 747 Aomori,759 Ar-Ramadi,716 Atizapan de Zaragoza, Andalusia, 1177-8, 1180, Aotearoa, 10 17 Arras, 489, 502 892 1186 Apac, 1280 Arta, 580 Atlanta (Ga.), 1384, Andaman and Nicobar Apapa, 982 Artigas, 1564 1409,1419, Islands, 636, 639, APEC, 52-3 Artvin, 1263 1454-5 642, 651, 653, 696-7, Apeldoom, 939 Arua, 1280 Atlantica (Colombia), 696 Apia, 1595-7 Aruba, 940, 942, 949-50 363 Andean Group, 47, 56 Apolima, 1595 Arun, 1298 Atlantic Zone Anderson (Ind.), 1463 Apostles Islands, 516 Arunachal Pradesh, 635, (Nicaragua),971 Andhra Pradesh, 635, Appenzell,1219-22 638,650,653,655-6, Atlantida, 611 638, 645, 650, 653, Appleton (Wis.), 1547 679 Atlantique (Benin), 207 653-5,689 Apr. Harbour, 1552 Arusha, 1236 At-Tarf,74 Andizhan, 1569 Apure, 1579 Arvada (Colo.), 1443 Attica, 580 Andorra, 7, 41, 80-1 Apurfmac, 1028 Arviat, 319 Attopei,805 Andorra-la-Vella, 76 Aqaba, 768, 770-1 Aryanah, 1258 At Tur, 442 Andros, 173 Aquitaine, 488 Asaba, 981 Aubagne, 493 Androth, 700 Arab Common Market, Asahikawa, 759 Auburn (Me.), 1474 Anegada, 1592-3 59 Asansol, 636, 695 Auburn (N.Y.), 1505 Aneho, 1247, 1249 Arab League, 58-9 Ascension, 29, 1098, Auckland, 955-9, 963, Aneityum, 1573 Aracaju, 232-3 1099 965 Anfa, 916 Arad,l064 ASEAN, 47, 53-4 Auckland Islands, 954 PLA CEI:--;DEX In35 Augsburg, 540, 55.1 Baden-Wlirttemberg.

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