ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BRIEFS FOR CITIZENS by M. Lambert Unexploded Ordnance: A Reference Guide for the Citizen This publication is published by the Hazard- he Technical Outreach Services contain lead, which might contaminate ous Substance Research Centers as part of their Technical Outreach Services for Com- for Communities (TOSC) pro- firing ranges on military bases. How- munities (TOSC) program series of Environ- Tgram of the Great Plains/ ever, many “formerly used defense mental Science and Technology Briefs for Rocky Mountain Hazardous Sub- sites” (known as FUDS in military par- Citizens. If you would like more information stance Research Center (HSRC) acts lance) have been left with unexploded about the TOSC program, contact your re- gional coordinator: as a source of technical expertise for ordnance that present a special kind of citizens at formerly used defense sites hazard to those workers involved with Northeast HSRC undergoing environmental cleanup. cleaning up the site, and for any future New Jersy Institute of Technology Many communities across the United use of the area. Otto H. York CEES 138 Warren St. States are near former military bases Types of former military installa- Newark, NJ 07102 that have environmental problems. A tions where UXO may be encountered (201) 596-5846 complication in the cleanup of these during environmental cleanup typically sites is the potential presence of UXO include depots where ordnance may Great Plains/Rocky Mountain HSRC Kansas State University (unexploded ordnance). TOSC pre- have been stored and decommissioned, 101 Ward Hall sents this reference about UXO to help as well as bombing, artillery, and gun- Manhattan, KS 66506 provide the general public with a nery ranges used for firing practice. (800) 798-7796 greater understanding of the cleanup Figure 1 shows the estimated number Great Lakes/Mid-Atlantic HSRC process in these areas. of UXO at five former defense sites, A-124 Research Complex-Engineering with the estimates ranging from 0.4 Michigan State University INTRODUCTION UXO/acre at the former Lowry Bomb- East Lansing, MI 48824 ing Range in Colorado, to 800 UXO/acre (800) 490-3890 Today, the United States military has a heightened environmental aware- at the former Southwestern Proving South/Southwest HSRC ness, even to the point of developing Ground in Arkansas. The number of Environmental Science & Technology Program estimated UXO per site varies because Georgia Tech Research Institute “green” rifle ammunition that does not 229 Baker Building Atlanta, GA 30332 (404) 894-7428 Western Region HSRC Oregon State University 210 Strand Agriculture Hall Corvallis, OR 97331-2302 (800) 653-6110 Acknowledgment: Although this article has been funded in part by the U.S. Environmen- tal Protection Agency under assistance agree- Figure 1. Estimates of the maximum number of UXO per acre at five former ment R-819653, through the Great Plains/ defense sites in the United States. DS = Dolly Sods National Wilderness, West Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Re- Virginia (site of a World War II Army training ground); FT. ORD = Former Ft. Ord search Center, it has not been subjected to Artillery and Gunnery Range, California; LOWRY = Former Lowry Bombing and the agency’s peer and administrative review and, therefore, may not reflect the views of Gunnery Range, Colorado; M = Former Motlow Artillery and Gunnery Range, the agency. No official endorsement should Tennessee, and SWPG = Former Southwestern Proving Ground, Arkansas. be inferred. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BRIEFS FOR CITIZENS PAGE 2 of the different sizes of the sites, differ- Blasting cap: This word means the ent intensities of use, and different same thing as “detonator” (see below). lengths of use as military bases. It should be noted, however, that more Bomblet: Any munition that performs recent estimates of UXO density at its task by separating from a parent Lowry, based on actual excavation, are munition. “Bomblet” means the same as high as 38 UXO/acre. The TOSC thing as “submunition.” program of the Great Plains/Rocky Mountain HSRC (and its companion BRAC: Base Realignment and Closure. program, the Technical Outreach Ser- The process by which the Department vices for Native American Communi- of Defense decided which military bases ties, or TOSNAC) has assisted citizens would be proposed to the United States at several formerly used defense sites, Congress for closure. among them the former Badlands Bombing Range (BBR) in South Dakota. Caliber: The diameter (in millimeters Figure 2 shows a typical UXO warn- or inches) of a projectile, gun, or ing sign posted at the Former BBR to launching tube. warn of the possible presence of unexploded ordnance. An item of UXO CERCLA: The Comprehensive Envi- Figure 2. UXO warning sign posted at recovered from the former BBR is seen ronmental Response, Compensation the Former Badlands Bombing Range in Figure 3, and Figure 4 shows UXO and Liability Act of 1980. A United in South Dakota. Photo by Brenda being detonated as part of the cleanup States law that, among other things, Brandon, GP/RM HSRC. of this site. allowed the President to delegate the Under the Defense Environmental cleanup of hazardous substances at EOD: Explosive Ordnance Disposal. Restoration Program (for) Formerly both active and former defense sites. The detection, identification, field evalu- Used Defense Sites (DERP-FUDS), the ation, making safe, recovery, and final U.S. Department of Defense has given Clearance: The clearing of an area of disposal of UXO. the Army the responsibility for environ- all UXO, at least to a specified standard. mental restoration (i.e., cleanup) of Exclusion zone: A safety zone es- former defense sites, regardless of Cluster bomb: A bomb containing and tablished around a UXO cleanup which branch of the service was origi- dispensing bomblets or submunitions. work area. nally responsible for operating the site. In turn, the Army has designated the DERP: Defense Environmental Resto- Explosive: A substance or mixture U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as the ration Program. The program under that undergoes a rapid chemical agency in charge of conducting the which cleanup of formerly used defense change, generating large quantities cleanup. As of 1999, 2,657 former de- sites is conducted. of energy usually accompanied by fense properties were identified as re- hot gases. quiring environmental response ac- Detonator: An explosive activated by tions. FUDS environmental restora- electrical or other means, used to ini- Exposure: Defined as someone coming tion funding for fiscal year 2000 was tiate the main charge. near a UXO, but not necessarily result- $238 million. ing in injury from the UXO. DoD: Department of Defense. Estab- GLOSSARY OF UXO-RELATED lished in 1947, it is the successor to the Fragmentation: Ordnance intended to fragment in operation. TERMS AND ACRONYMS Department of War. This is the civil- ian agency with oversight over Accident: An injury or death caused America’s armed forces. Frost heave: In areas where the soil by the explosion of UXO. freezes during winter, repeated freeze- EE/CA: Engineering Evaluation/Cost thaw cycles may force UXO to the sur- Anomaly: Unusual buried feature in Analysis. Prepared for all non-time face, presenting a danger to human a geophysical (seismic) or magnetic sur- critical OE removal actions. Deter- health and the environment. vey that may be a UXO. mines the extent of a hazard, identi- fies objectives of the removal action, FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites. Antimaterial: Designed to deteriorate and analyzes various alternatives These are United States military bases or damage material. that may satisfy the cost, effective- that are no longer in operation. ness, and practicality goals of the Antipersonnel: Designed to kill or removal action. Fuse: A device that initiates an explo- wound. sion in ordnance; also spelled “fuze.” ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BRIEFS FOR CITIZENS Page 3 Geophysical techniques: Seismic Intentional detonation: A deliber- proximity with the target, or by con- techniques used to determine the pres- ate, planned detonation of UXO as part tact with the target. “Mine” means the ence of buried UXO. of a cleanup program. same thing as “land mine”. GPS: Global Positioning System. A sys- Intrusive activity: Investigative or MPE: Most Probable Event. The most tem of American satellites in Earth or- removal action that involves actual pen- likely event that could result from an bit that enable military or civilian per- etration of the ground surface in an area accidental, unplanned, or unintended sonnel, equipped with the proper radio known or suspected to contain UXO. detonation of UXO, possibly during a receiver, to determine their position cleanup activity. with high accuracy. Used in UXO in- Land mine: This word means the vestigations to mark locations of same thing as “mine” (see below). Munition: A device charged with ex- anomalies that may be UXO. plosives or other material for use in Long-term monitoring: Observation military operations. “Munition” means Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Haz- of an area at a former defense site over the same things as “ordnance.” ardous Substance Research Cen- a period of time, (usually years) in or- ter (HSRC): The Great Plains/Rocky der to monitor the area for any danger NCP: National Oil and Hazardous Sub- Mountain Hazardous Substance Re- to human health and the environment. stance Pollution Contingency Plan. Re- search Center is one of five regional cen- vised in 1990, the NCP provides the ters in the United States funded by the Magnetometer: An instrument used regulatory framework for action under United States Environmental Protec- for detecting the strength and direction CERCLA. The NCP gives the Depart- tion Agency. The center was estab- of magnetic fields. Used for locating the ment of Defense authority for removal lished in 1989 to conduct research per- metal cases of UXO. of ordnance and explosive hazards. taining to hazardous substances pro- duced through agriculture, forestry, Military range: A designated land NFA: No Further Action.
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