40 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 4 H. R. 882. A bill for the relief of Mieko By Mr. YATES: son, Pennsylvania; Robert W. Kean, New Miyazaki Malloy; to the Committee .on the H. R. 909. A bill for the relief of Yotsu Jersey; Carl T. Curtis, Nebraska; Noah M. Judiciary. Yusawa Heim; to the Committee on the Mason, Illinois; Thomas E. Martin, Iowa; By Mr. SASSCER: Judiciary. Hal Holmes, Washington; John W. Byrnes, H. R. 883. A bill for the relief of Henry A. Wisconsin. Bowie; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. R. 884. A bill for the relief of Johanna The resolution was agreed to. A. Stoots; to the Committee on the Judiciary. A motion to reconsider was laid on the By Mr. SHORT: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES table. H. R. 885. A bill for the relief of Heinrich von Biel, Margarethe von Biel, and Doris THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1951 MAJORITY WHIP Schumann; to the Committee on the Judi­ Mr. McCORMAC~. Mr. Speaker, I ciary. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. desire to announce to the House that I By Mr. TACKETT: The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras­ have reappointed as the majority whip H. R. 886. A bill for the relief of John H. kamp, D. D., offered the following prayer. Parker; to the Committee on Post Office and the distinguished gentleman. from Ten­ Civil Service. O Thou who art the supreme intelli­ nessee, Mr. PRIEST. By Mr. TALLE: gence and the only source of all wisdom THE LATE HONORABLE CLEVELAND DEAR H. R. 887. A bill for the relief of First Lt. · and strength for life's many strange and Walter S. Moe, Jr.; to the Committee on the difficult adventures, make us daily more Mr. ALLEN of Louisiana. Mr. Speak­ Judiciary. conscious of Thy greatness and goodness. er, I ask unanimous consent to address H. R. 888. A bill for the relief of Mrs. We rejoice that wlth this assurance we the House for 1 minute and to revise Johanna Hampton; to the Committee on the need not be afraid to enter upon any and extend my remarks. Judiciary. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to By Mr. WALTER: new day, however freighted it may be with heavy burdens. the request of the gentleman from H. R. 889. A bill for the relief of Lena Louisiana? Valsamis and Lucy Balosa Valsamis; to the Grant that we may have a clear per­ Committee on the Judiciary. ception and understanding of that which There was no objection. H. R. 890. A bill for the relief of Athena is right and necessary and helpful and Mr. ALLEN of Louisiana. Mr. Speak­ Mary Onasses; to the Committee on the worth while. er, it becomes my painful duty to an­ Judiciary. · · nounce to the House the death of my · H. R. 891. A bill for the relief of Mary May we be wise and strong and cou­ Valsamis Dendramis and Vassili G. Den­ rageous enough to do faithfully and well predecessor in this body, the Honorable dramis; to the Committee on the Judiciary. whatever any occasion or circumstance Cleveland Dear, of Alexandria, La., who H. R. 892. A bill for the relief of Fran­ or duty may demand. passed a way at his home in Alexandria, cisco Cozzolino; to the Committee on the Inspire and sustain us with the con­ La., on December 30. Judiciary. fident conviction that righteousness and Mr. Dear served as a Member of this H. R. 893. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Ellen body in the Seventy-third and Sevent:Y­ Knauff; to the Committee on the Judi­ truth shall prevail and that Thy divine ciary. will shall be done on earth as it is in fourth Congresses and rendered great H. R. 894. A bill for the relief of James heaven. service to the Nation. He did not run Veidelis; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. for reelection but returned home and H. R. 895. A bill for the relief of Dr. Giu­ was elected to the local bench where he seppe Mazzone; to the Committee on the The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ served with honor and distinction as Judiciary. terday was read and approved. the judge of the ninth judicial district H. R. 896. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Clara MINORITY WHIP Rapides Parish, La. · ' Raffioer Droesse; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. I have known Cleveland Dear for H. R. 897. A bill for the relief of Peter Speaker, I would like to announce to the nearly 40 years. He and I were school­ V. Bishop; to the Committee on the Judi­ House that the gentleman from Illinois, mates at the Louisiana State University. ciary . Mr. LESLIE c. ARENDS, has been elected He was a good student and when he got H. R. 898. A bill for the relief of Gunter Republican whip. out of school, he engaged in the active Arno Thelemann; to the Committee on the practice of law. For some years he was Judiciary. ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO STANDING district attorney of the ninth judicial H. R. 899. A bill for the relief of Malka COMMITTEES Dwojra Kron; to the Committee on the cUstrict of Louisiana and served ably in Judiciary. Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts: Mr. that capacity. He has been an able H. R. 900. A bill to record the lawful ad­ Speaker, I send to the desk a resolution jurist for a good many years. mission to the United States for permanent <H. Res. 44) and ask for its immediate ·· He leaves a wife and two children. residence of Emanuel Frangescos; to the adoption. I know his fine wife quite well. She is Committee on the Judiciary. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ a wonderful woman. I know that Mr. By Mr. WERDEL: Dear's family will greatly miss him. I H. R. 901. A bill to provide for the admis­ lows: sion of Janet and Daisy Wong to the United Resolved, That the following-named Mem­ know that he will be missed by a great States; to the Committee on the Judiciary. bers be, and they are hereby, elected mem­ host of friends and I know also that the H. R. 902. A bill for the relief of Marcus bers of the following standing committees of bench and bar of his judicial district and M. Jones; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the House of Representatives: the entire State will miss him. To his H. R. 903. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Elsie Committee on Appropriations: John Taber, family and friends I extend my deepest Katherine Reese; to the Committee on the New York; Richard B. Wigglesworth, Mas­ sympathy and pray that God will sustain Judiciary. · sachusetts; Karl Stefan, Nebraska; Ben F. them in this hour of their great loss. By Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi: ·Jensen, Iowa; H. Carl Andersen, Minnesota; H. R. 904. A bill for the relief of William Walt Horan, Washington; Gordon Canfield, Mr. BROOKS. Mr. Speaker, it is with McGraw; to the Committee on the Judiciary. New Jer:-:ey; Ivor D. Fenton, Pennsylvania; a great sense of sorrow that I weigh the H. R. 905. A bill conferring ju"risdiction Lowell Stockman, Oregon; John Phillipf?, loss to Louisiana and to the Nation of upon the United States District Court for California; Errett P. Scrivner, Kansas; Fred­ one of its most distinguished sons, for­ the Southern District of Mississippi to hear, eric R. Coudert, Jr., New York; Cliff Cleven­ mer Representative Cleveland Dear of determine, and . render judgment upon cer­ ger, Ohio; Earl Wilson, Indiana; Norris Cot­ Alexandria, La. tain claims of L. Shelhy Pitts; to the Com­ ton, New Hampshire. mittee on the Judiciary. Committee on Armed Services: Dewey Cleveland Dear was an unselfish and By Mr. WILSON of Texas: Short, Missouri; Leslie C. Arends, Illinois; devoted servant of his fellow man in H. R. 906. A bill for t1:le relief of Mrs. Vera W. Sterling· Cole, New York; Paul W. Shafer, every facet of his career. When · the Raupe; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Michigan; Charles H. Elston, Ohio; Jack Z. Kaiser's armies marched against de­ H , R. 907. A bill conferring jurisdiction Anderson, California; William W. Blackney, mocracy, Cleveland Dear left his law upon the United States District Court for Michigan; Leroy Johnson, California; Harry practice and served as a courageous the Northern District of Texas to hear, de­ L. Towe, New Jersey; Leon H. Gavin, Penn­ young officer of the United States Field termine, and render judgment on certain sylvania; Walter Norblad, Oregon; James E. claims of Charlie Joe Starnes; to the Com­ Van Zandt, Pennsylvania; James T. Patter­ Artiliery. For 13 years after World War mittee on the Judiciary. son, Connecticut; Joseph R. Farrington, I; he served ably and conscientiously as By Mr. WITHROW: Hawaii. district attorney of the ninth judicial H. R. 908. A bill for the relief of Ludmilla Committee on Ways and Means: Daniel A. district of Louisiana. Jur1gba.uer; to the Committee on the Ju­ Reed, New York; Roy O. Woodruff, Michigan; In the lean years of the 1930's-when diciary. Thomas A. Jenkins, Ohio; Richard M. Simp- the people of our great Nation were cry- 1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4l ing out for inspired and unselfish leader­ come of my business and my family. All were insignificant compared with the shiP-he offered himself to the voters of right. These young people want a business might of the Soviet Union and the also.
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