Japanese Journal of Herpetology 13 (1): 7-9., Jun. 1989 (C)1989 by The HerpetologicalSociety of Japan Population Structure and Growth of the Japanese Pond Turtle, Mauremys japonica TAKASHI YABE Abstract: A study of the Japanese pond turtle, Mauremys japonica, was conducted at a district in the northern part of Mie Prefecture from mid-May to mid-December in 1985. A total of 141 turtles were marked and the sex ratio of captured turtles was regarded as 1:1. From the analysis of age structure, it appears that the females live longer than the males. The females are markedly larger than the males, growing to about 180mm in carapace length, whereas the males grow to about 110mm. Key words: Chelonia; Mauremys japonica; Sex ratio; Age structure; Sexual dimor- phism in size Recently, studies on semiaquatic turtles, for about half a day and captured all the observ- especially those in North America, have been ed animals by hand or with a dipnet. The made in respect to growth pattern of individuals, animals were weighed and the minimum the age structure of a population, and adult sex carapace and plastron lengths were measured ratio. In Japan, however, such studies have with a slide caliper. Measurements of the largely been neglected. minimum carapace and plastron length are con- The Japanese pond turtle, Mauremys japonica sidered to be almost free from the influence of Temminck et Schlegel, of the family Emydidae, wear or breaks in the shell. Age was estimated is distributed in the Honshu, Shikoku, and by counting the growth annuli on the shields Kyushu Islands of Japan. The Chinese three- (Sexton, 1959). Sex was also determined by the keeled pond turtle, Chinemys reevesii Gray, of usual distinguishing method such as the the same family and occurring also in the same difference in the relative position of cloaca islands, seems to be segregated from the (situated anterior to the rear end of carapace in Japanese pond turtle, because M. japonica lives the females, instead of posterior to that end in mainly on flatlands, while C. reevesii lives at the the male). Each captured animal was marked in- feet of the mountains. However, the areas where I conducted this study were inhabited only by M. japonica. In this paper I investigated the sex ratio, age structure, and growth pattern of M. japonica. MATERIALSAND METHODS The 30 time samplings were made in the valley of the Hijie river in Kono, Tado-cho, Kuwana- gun, located in the northern part of Mie Prefec- ture, from mid-May to mid-December in 1985. The study area is surrounded by mountains, a quarry, and a village and is divided into several sections by small streams. One of the streams is the Shimogahira river (Fig. 1). Since no turtles were found in the lower part of the Shimogahira river, the turtle population in the study area was considered to be isolated from the populations of surrounding areas. The area is approximate- ly 267,500m2 in extent, consisting of terraced paddies and shallow brooks. At each sampling I walked systematically through the whole study area during the daytime FIG. 1. A map showing the study area (within dashed Accepted 15, Apr. 1989 line). Shaded areas represent paddy fields. 8 Jpn. J. Herpetol. 13 (1). 1989 FIG. 3. Relationship between age and carapace length. Vertical lines represent the ranges, horizonal lines the means, and bars the standard deviations. The numbers above or below the symbols indicate sam- ple sizes. The open circle represents the approximate carapace length of hatchlings (Sengoku, 1979). longer than the males. This tendency has already been shown in other turtles such as Chrysemys picta (Cagle, 1954; Wilbur, 1975; FIG. 2. Age structure of M. japonica population MacCulloch and Secoy, 1983) and Clemmys gut- in 1985 at Kono. The age of about 25% of the in- tata (Ernst, 1976). dividuals was not precisely determined, but these were Figure 3 shows the relationship between the included in presumed age classes in the graph. carapace length and the age of M. japonica. From this relationship, we can investigate the dividually by drilling holes through the marginal growth pattern. The turtle in the present study scutes, and set free. area is considered to grow in carapace length at the rate of about 13mm/yr until 4 years of age, RESULTSAND DISCUSSION and then the rate begins to decrease at the age of From May to August, when the paddies were supplied with water, the turtles were usually found in the paddies, but after September, when there was no water in the paddies, most were found in brooks and a few at the pond. The marked individuals were 141 in total, com- prising 75 females (including of 15 with disap- pearing annuli), 64 males (including of 8 with disappcaring annuli), and 2 individuals of unknown sex. Therefore the sex ratio was nearly 1:1 (binomial test: z=0.93, p>0.10). Figure 2 shows the age structure of the cap- tured individuals. Individuals younger than 4yr were found in small number: Many of them may not have been detected in the survey, because they are so small as shown in Fig. 3. Males in the older age classes were much fewer than females. This fact may show that at the older ages the death rate of males is higher than that of females. In other words, the females live FIG. 4. Distribution of the carapace length. YABE-TURTLE ECOLOGY 9 6-7yr in male animals with a carapase longer than 100mm; on the other hand, the rate in the LITERATURE CITED female begins to decrease at 9-10yr, at a CAGLE,F. R. 1954. Observations on the life cycles of carapase length of 160-180mm. painted turtles (Genus Chrysemys). Am. Midl. Nat. Figure 4 shows the distribution of the 52 (1): 225-235. carapace length of the captured turtles. ERNST, C. H. 1976. Ecology of the spotted turtle, Females were clearly larger than males. The Clemmys guttata (Reptilia, Testudines, Testudinidae), in Southern Pennsylvania. J. mode of the carapace length of females was Herpetol. 10(1): 25-33. 165mm and that of males 95mm, and the ratio MACCULLOCH, R. D. and D. M. Secoy. 1983. of the former to the latter was 1.74:1. In paren- Demography, growth, and food of western painted theses, the largest female is 199.1mm in turtles, Chrysemys picta bellii (Gray), from southern carapace length and the largest male 127.5mm. Saskatchewan. Can. J. Zool. 61 (7): 1499-1509. It was also revealed that old (more than 7yr) SENGOKU, S. 1979. Mauremys japonica. In: S. females are markedly heavier than old males. Sengoku (ed.), Genshoku Ryosei Hachurui. p. 5 The females reach about 750g and the males Ieno-hikari-Kyokai, Tokyo. (in Japanese) about 180g on the average. SEXTON,O. J. 1959. A method of estimating the age of painted turtles for use in demographic studies. From these results, it became clear that the Ecology 40 (4): 716-718. females are bigger and live longer than the WILBUR, H. M. 1975. The evolutionary and males, and this may well be due to the adapta- mathematical demography of the turtle Chrysemys tion of this species. picta. Ecology 56 (1): 64-77. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. -I would like to express my Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, cordial gratitude to Mr. S. Mori of Kyoto University Tokyo Metropolitan University, Fukazawa 2-1- and Dr. S. Hiroki of Nagoya University for their help 1, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 158 JAPAN and criticism throughout this study. I am also very grateful to Prof. K Miyashita of Tokyo Metropolitan University and Dr. T. Nishikawa of Nagoya University for reading and criticizing this manuscript. 要 旨 イシガ メルMauremys japonicaの 個体群構 造 および成長 について 矢部 隆 と考 え ら れ る.年 齢 構 成 は,高 齢 な 雌 が 多 い 傾 1985年 の5月 か ら12月 にかけ て三重県桑名郡 向 を 示 し た の で,雌 の 方 が 雄 よ り も死 亡 率 が 低 こ の 多度町古野 の一画 でイ シガ メの 自然個体群 につ く,寿 命 も長 い と推 定 され る.ま た,雌 の 甲 長 いて調査 を行 ない,性 比 ・年齢構成 ・体の大 き の 最 頻 値 は165mm,雄 の そ れ は95mmで あ さなどを調べた. り,そ の 比 は1.74:1で あ っ た.す な わ ち 雌 の 調査期間中に捕獲 ・標識 できた個体は141頭 方 が 大 き く成 長 す る. で,雌75頭 ・雄64頭 ・性が判定 で きない若 い個 (158東 京 都 世 田 谷 区 深 沢2-1-1東 京 都 立 大 体2頭 であ った.し たが って性比はほぼ1:1 学 理 学 部 生 物 学 教 室).
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