Imagoimago Themetheme (Text:(Text: Erikerik Axelaxel Karlfeldt,Karlfeldt, Translation:Translation: J.J

Imagoimago Themetheme (Text:(Text: Erikerik Axelaxel Karlfeldt,Karlfeldt, Translation:Translation: J.J

CDCD 1 [ 7272 : 1313 ] 1 ImagoImago ThemeTheme (text:(text: ErikErik AxelAxel Karlfeldt,Karlfeldt, translation:translation: J.J. Östlund)Östlund) 2:2: 0909 2 L'eauL'eau dede l'oublil'oubli 5:5: 1414 3 ParaphraseParaphrase onon Bach'sBach's “Siciliano”“Siciliano” 2:2: 3333 4 FantasiaFantasia onon Bach'sBach's “Toccata“Toccata inin D minor”minor” 3:3: 2929 5 LesLes OiseauxOiseaux etet FrançoisFrançois 4:4: 3131 6 ArrangementArrangement ofof Reger'sReger's “Mariä“Mariä Wiegenlied”Wiegenlied” (text:(text: MartinMartin Boelitz)Boelitz) 2:2: 3838 7 LaLa NeigeNeige dede NoëlNoël (Vocalize)(Vocalize) 4:4: 1919 8 ParaphraseParaphrase onon Bach'sBach's “Komm“Komm süßersüßer Tod,Tod, KommKomm selgeselge Ruh”Ruh” (text:(text: Anon.)Anon.) 3:3: 1111 9 LaLa nuitnuit étoiléeétoilée (Vocalize)(Vocalize) 5:5: 0202 1010 MondspiegelMondspiegel – FantasiaFantasia onon Beethoven'sBeethoven's “Moonlight“Moonlight Sonata”Sonata” mvt.mvt. I 3:3: 1818 1111 TurquoiseTurquoise SpringSpring 5:5: 3232 1212 RêveRêve etet LuneLune DuetDuet (Vocalize)(Vocalize) 5:5: 4747 1313 NightNight ofof JuneJune [Swedish:[Swedish: Juninatten;Juninatten; ffromrom “Cikada”,“Cikada”, 1953]1953] 6:6: 4949 (text:(text: HarryHarry Martinson,Martinson, translation:translation: J.J. Östlund)Östlund) 1414 LumieresLumieres dede jardinjardin 3:3: 1010 1515 Will-o'-the-wispWill-o'-the-wisp 5:5: 1010 1616 MidnightMidnight HourHour [Fantasia[Fantasia onon a SwedishSwedish CarolCarol byby VilhelmVilhelm Sefve-Svensson]Sefve-Svensson] 2:2: 1919 (text:(text: AlfredAlfred Smedberg)Smedberg) 1717 ZephyrZephyr 6:6: 5454 CDCD 2 [ 5959 : 3737 ] 1 TitaniaTitania (text:(text: GustavGustav Fröding,Fröding, translation:translation: J.J. Östlund)Östlund) 4:4: 3232 2 SwedishSwedish Folk-danceFolk-dance 2:2: 1515 3 DanceDance onon GlowingGlowing StringsStrings – SwedishSwedish RhapsodyRhapsody 5:5: 5353 4 LaLa SirenaSirena (Vocalize)(Vocalize) 6:6: 1515 5 CastelCastel CaracalCaracal 4:4: 4141 6 A TrueTrue LoveLove ofof MineMine – FantasiaFantasia onon ScarboroughScarborough FairFair No.No. IIII 2:2: 2222 BouquetBouquet – SuiteSuite forfor TwoTwo ClarinetsClarinets [in[in 7 mvt.]mvt.] [ 19:19: 2626 ] 7 FantasiaFantasia onon SwedishSwedish Folk-songFolk-song 2:2: 3333 8 FantasiaFantasia onon Brahms'Brahms' “Hungarian“Hungarian DanceDance No.No. V”V” 1:1: 1313 9 FantasiaFantasia onon Debussy'sDebussy's “Afternoon“Afternoon ofof a Faun”Faun” 3:3: 3939 1010 FantasiaFantasia onon “Last“Last RoseRose ofof Summer”Summer” 2:2: 1010 1111 FantasiaFantasia onon Mussorgsky'sMussorgsky's “Promenade”“Promenade” themetheme 2:2: 3535 1212 FantasiaFantasia onon Mussorgsky'sMussorgsky's “The“The OldOld Castle”Castle” 4:4: 2525 1313 FantasiaFantasia onon Tchaikovsky'sTchaikovsky's “June”“June” 2:2: 5151 TraumgewaltTraumgewalt [in[in 2 mvt.]mvt.] [ 5:5: 2626 ] 1414 mvt.mvt. I 2:2: 3737 1515 mvt.mvt. IIII 2:2: 4949 1616 thethe JesterJester (text:(text: J.J. Östlund)Östlund) 2:2: 3131 1717 LaLa FlûteFlûte RêveuseRêveuse 4:4: 0101 1818 ImagoImago ThemeTheme 2 2:2: 0707 TOTALTOTAL durationduration = 131:131: 4949 A C B D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 Z 2 FeaturedFeatured ArtistsArtists AllAll artists'artists' biographiesbiographies areare featuredfeatured inin thethe extendedextended versionversion ofof thisthis CDCD bookletbooklet accessibleaccessible viavia & EvghenyEvgheny BrakhmanBrakhman [Piano][Piano] - CDCD 1:1: 17;17; CDCD 2:2: 4 [Photo:[Photo: T]T] NatalyNataly GrinesGrines [Piano]:[Piano]: CDCD 1:1: 1717 [Photo:[Photo: U]U] StefanStefan CassarCassar [Piano][Piano] - CDCD 1:1: 1;1; CDCD 2:2: 5 & 1818 [Photo:[Photo: F]F] GabriellaGabriella Dall'OlioDall'Olio [Harp][Harp] - CDCD 1:1: 2 [Photo:[Photo: Y]Y] MyriamMyriam HidberHidber DickinsonDickinson [Flute][Flute] - CDCD 1:1: 1,1, 6,6, 77,, 9,9, 16;16; CDCD 2:2: 5,5, 17,17, 1818 [Photo:[Photo: C]C] CarolineCaroline DoergeDoerge [Piano][Piano] - CDCD 2:2: 3,3, 14,14, 1515 [Photo:[Photo: E]E] OlegOleg EgorovEgorov [French[French Horn]Horn] - CDCD 2:2: 4 [Photo:[Photo: Q]Q] LinaLina FerenczFerencz [Mezzosoprano][Mezzosoprano] - CDCD 1:1: 6 - 9,9, 12,12, 16;16; CDCD 2:2: 1,1, 1616 [Photo:[Photo: D]D] WalterWalter GattiGatti [Piano][Piano] - CDCD 1:1: 1414 [Photo:[Photo: Z1]Z1] SashaSasha GrynyukGrynyuk [Piano][Piano] - CDCD 1:1: 4,4, 10,10, 15;15; CDCD 2:2: 6 [Photo:[Photo: V]V] https://sashagrynyuk.com ChristineChristine E.E. HoerningHoerning [Clarinet][Clarinet] - CDCD 2:2: 2,2, 6 - 1313 [Photo:[Photo: A]A] "Gavia"Gavia arctica"arctica" VladimirVladimir KharinKharin [Piano][Piano] - CDCD 1:1: 8,8, 12;12; CDCD 2:2: 1,1, 1616 [Photo:[Photo: I]I] [Arctic loon] - CD 1: 1 [Arctic loon] - CD 1: 1 AndreasAndreas LaakeLaake [Conductor][Conductor] - CDCD 1:1: 6,6, 7,7, 9,9, 1616 & [Violin][Violin] - CDCD 2:2: 3 [Photo:[Photo: B]B] PurAcustica:PurAcustica: UrsulaUrsula LeveauxLeveaux [Bassoon][Bassoon] - CDCD 1:1: 1515 [Photo:[Photo: L]L] http://www.ursulaleveaux.com YanYan LiLi [Viola[Viola / Violin]Violin] - CDCD 1:1: 8,8, 1212 [Photo:[Photo: J]J] PaolaPaola NerviNervi [Violin][Violin] - CDCD 1:1: 1111 [Photo:[Photo: N]N] AnnaAnna NoakesNoakes [Flute][Flute] - CDCD 1:1: 2 [Photo:[Photo: Y]Y] YukikoYukiko OguraOgura [Viola][Viola] - CDCD 1:1: 2 [Photo:[Photo: W]W] AndreaAndrea PedrazziniPedrazzini [Piano][Piano] - CDCD 1:1: 6,6, 7,7, 9,9, 1616 [Photo:[Photo: P]P] LaurenceLaurence PerkinsPerkins [Bassoon][Bassoon] - CDCD 1:1: 1515 [Photo:[Photo: K]K] MarthaMartha PotulskaPotulska [Viola][Viola] - CDCD 1:1: 3 [Photo:[Photo: H]H] "Luscinia"Luscinia megarhynchos"megarhynchos" http://www.potulska.com [The[The Nightingale]:Nightingale]: CDCD 1:1: 1 ElenaElena SaccomandiSaccomandi [Viola][Viola] - CDCD 1:1: 1111 [Photo:[Photo: M]M] MariaMaria ZagorinskayaZagorinskaya [Soprano][Soprano] - CDCD 2:2: 4 [Photo:[Photo: R]R] MauroMauro ZappalàZappalà [Piano][Piano] - CDCD 1:1: 3 [Photo:[Photo: G]G] StringString ensembleensemble fromfrom thethe SoloistsSoloists ofof NizhnyNizhny NovgorodNovgorod SoloistsSoloists - CDCD 2:2: 4 [Photo:[Photo: X]X] Violins:Violins: AnastasiyaAnastasiya Bogdanova,Bogdanova, VladimirVladimir Plaksin,Plaksin, DmitriyDmitriy Stoyanov,Stoyanov, Violas:Violas: VsevolodVsevolod Lysenko,Lysenko, NataliaNatalia Milova,Milova, Cellos:Cellos: OksanaOksana Tchekhova,Tchekhova, NataliaNatalia Telminova,Telminova, Double-bass:Double-bass: ArtemArtem VolkovVolkov https://solistynn.ru EstherEsther HaarbeckHaarbeck [Choir[Choir Leader]Leader] [Photo:[Photo: O]O] & CoroCoro CalliopeCalliope [Choir][Choir] - CDCD 1:1: 1313 [Photo:[Photo: S]S] OrchestraOrchestra dada CameraCamera deldel LocarneseLocarnese - CDCD 1:1: 6,6, 7,7, 9,9, 1616 [Photo:[Photo: Z2]Z2] RecordingRecording Info:Info: CDCD 2:2: 2,2, 7 - 1313 rec.rec. inin NovemberNovember & DecemberDecember 2019,2019, atat StudioStudio Mie,Mie, MontrealMontreal QC,QC, Canada.Canada. SoundSound Engineer:Engineer: MieMie HirschfieldHirschfield CDCD 1:1: 2,2, 4,4, 10,10, 1515 & CDCD 2:2: 6 rec.rec. inin JanuaryJanuary 2020,2020, atat GreystokeGreystoke Studio,Studio, London,London, U.K.U.K. SoundSound Engineer:Engineer: JamesJames JulianJulian WaldronWaldron | Assistent:Assistent: IanIan ConnorsConnors CDCD 1:1: 6,6, 7,7, 9,9, 1616 rec.rec. inin JanuaryJanuary 2020,2020, atat StudioStudio PurAcustica,PurAcustica, Ticino,Ticino, Switzerland.Switzerland. SoundSound Engineer:Engineer: AndreasAndreas LaakeLaake CDCD 1:1: 1 & CDCD 2:2: 5,5, 1818 rec.rec. inin MarchMarch 2020,2020, inin Lugano,Lugano, Switzerland.Switzerland. SoundSound Engineer:Engineer: AndreasAndreas LaakeLaake CDCD 1:1: 5 & CDCD 2:2: 1717 rec.rec. inin MayMay andand AugustAugust 2020,2020, atat PfarrkirchePfarrkirche St.St. Pantaleon,Pantaleon, Switzerland.Switzerland. SoundSound Engineer:Engineer: AndreasAndreas LaakeLaake CDCD 2:2: 3,3, 14,14, 1515 rec.rec. inin MayMay 2020,2020, inin Lugano,Lugano, Switzerland.Switzerland. SoundSound Engineer:Engineer: AndreasAndreas LaakeLaake CDCD 1:1: 1313 rec.rec. inin MayMay 2020,2020, atat ChiesaChiesa didi SanSan Giorgio,Giorgio, Losone,Losone, Ticino,Ticino, Switzerland.Switzerland. SoundSound Engineer:Engineer: AndreasAndreas LaakeLaake CDCD 1:1: 3,3, 8,8, 1212 & CDCD 2:2: 1,1, 1616 rec.rec. inin

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