CENSUS 1971 PART X-B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT SERIES-21 UTTAR PRADESH BUDAUN DISTRICT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK D. M. SINHA OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE Director of Censu~ Operations Uttar Pradesh , , 7BoiS ' 30 45' 79° 15 30 , ~ 0 I 30 30 M 0 0 DISTRICT BUDAUN VI tJ -f :u 'f 10 15 20 KMS. 9 I I I ., ~ " I 01 C ~ C r , I 15 15 S ~ .~ 1. ~ ~ () < DIS .,.~ a: ::> 28° 1( Q. 2~ I~ 2 1~ Iy c( t OfSTIICTIOUNDAlY ,,1, •• ", ". 0" •• , _1_. __ _ TAHSILBOUNDAAY .................. ._._._ VIKASKHAND BOUNGAIY .. , ... '" .. , ... .. .................... IIIlTIICT HIADQUAJlTIRS '" .. , ... .., .. , @ TAHSIL HIADQUAITEU ............. .. © VIKAlIHAND H!ADQUARTtRS ... ... ... ... o TOWN ....................... , I 45 45 VILLAGE WITH pOPULlnON l,OOO OR MOU •• ' • STATE HIGHWAY ...... '" .. , ..... , _J!!5H",33'--_1 OTHER IMPORTANT ROAD ..... , .., .. ' .. ·1----1 RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION: BROAD ""UGI... ,"","-!i~cl Naml of the ArIG in population No,of N~of METUGAUGI". I I I I" I I Tahsil Km: VillQg~s Towns RIVIIAHDSTREAM ........ , ......... ~ GUNNAUR, 931,1 231,605, 385 ~lICE STAnON .................. PS BISAULI 931.9 343,812 380 POSH TELEGRAPH OffiCE .. ' .. , ... '" ... PT SAHASWAN 1,098.2 309,810 413 lEST HOUSE, TRAVELLEIS' BUNGALOW. ETC, •••• IH BUDIUN 1,192,6 440,011 407 HOlm'L. DISPENSARY, P. H. CENTRE ETC. ." + OmG!NJ 1,094.3 314,609 504 DEGREE COLLEGE: H, S, SCHOOL ...... '.. I:J ; 0 MANDl: IM~mNT VILLIGE NARKIT A ; ~ TOTAL 5,158.0 1,045,907 2,089 ° , , 78 15 Eost oj Gr~enwich 30 45' /5 "SHAMSI MOSQ.UE" In 1230 Rukn-ud-din built this great mosque at Budaun called as the 'Shamsi Masjid'. It is one of the ancient monuments in the district. A€KNOWl.EBGEMENT At the 1971 <:lonsus it has been our endeavour to compile both c:lensus and NOR. cenms statistics at the village and block level in a uniform manner, to ensure that theSl!: statistics are available to the users as soon as these arc sifted and compiled. The DistriQt Census Handbook is in three parts. This is the second part of the series which was originally published in Hindi. This English edition is brought out Jor the use of foreian scholars and other non-Hindi speaking persons. We are deeply indebted to the State Government for their ever willing and prompt help accorded to us at all Ie\fels. The District Census Handbooks arc published by us on t~eir behalf. I wish 'to express my gratitude to Shri M. LaI, the then Chief Secretary to U.p. Government for all the guidance and facilities afforded to us in the conduct of Census in this State. ,I am also grateful to the Secretary, G.A.D. for the facilities given by him in sorting out various administrative matters relating to the publieation of these Handbooks. I am extremely thankful to the District Officers for their whole hearted co~operation in furnishing the desired information and the District Census Officers for their hard work and sustained efforts in collecting the same. In the Census Office, everyone has made valuable contribution towards the stupendous task of compilation and collation of statistics and prepraation of notes. I am grateful to Shri U. S. Verma, Assistant Director (Technical) who helped in bringing out this Handbook. I am also thankful to Shri Om Prakash, Deputy Director of State Tabulation Unit for expeditious finalisation of Primary Census Abstracts. ~I am thankful to Shri T.D. Agrawal Tabulation Officer, and officials under him for their useful contribution in respect of the finalisation or this book. ~.,., ~~ I must also express my gratitude to Shri A. Chandrasekhar, ex. Registrar @enef~l, ~India and Dr. B.~. Roy Burman, Deputy Registrar General, India for their consta.nt help and guidance despite their own heavy pre-oocupation. ,.....,-~ -lThe programme [or the the printing of District Cesus Handbook has been ';'quite exacting. The arrang'ements made by Shri Ashok Dar, Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, U.P., Allahabad for'the printing . of these voIum~s are thankfully ~aeknowledged. I am also thankf;,l to Shri R.S. Pandey, Tabulation Officer, Shri R.K. Saxena, Printing Incpector and other ranks of the printing Unit for the efforts made by them in the printing or this Handbook. Lucknow D.M. SINHA Date! June 4 1976, Director ot' Census €)pcration•• anar Pradesh. CONTENTS PagoD Dlatrict Map FlgureSl at a Glance l-U Introductry Note llI-vU District Primary G8n8u8 Abstract 2-5 1. Gunnaur Tahsil (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 8~1l (iii ) Pritpary Census Abstract (Rural) 12~39 2. Bisauli Tahsil (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical list of villages ... 42~45 (iii) Primary Census Abstract (Rural) ... 46-73 3. Sahaswan Tahsil (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 76-79 (iii) Primary Census Abstract (Rural) 80~109 (LV) Primary Census Abstract Sahaswan M.B. llO~115 (v) Primary Census Abstract Bilsi M.B. 116~119 4. Budaun TahSlil (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical list, of villages 122~125 (iii) Primary Census Abstract (Rural) 126~155 (iv) Primary Census Abstract Budaun M.B. 15f~167 (v) Primary Census Abstract Ujhani M.B. 168-171 5. Dataganj Tahsil (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical list of vi1l~ges 175-179 (iii) Primary Census Abstract (Rural) 180-215 (iv) Primary Census Abstract Kakrala M.B. 216-219 (v) Primary Census Abstract Dataganj If. A. ... 220~221 FIQlJ1lDI:I A'I' A Q.t.AI{(Ut State Diltriot r- .A. '------"--. 1961 1971 1961 1971 PopulatloD Total Per.ona 73,746, {OI 88, 3U, H4 1, 411, 657 1, 6i5, 967 Males 38,634,201 H,016,421 768,583 908,50+ Females 35,112,200 41,324,723 643,UH 73/,463 :Rural Perllon. 64,266,506 75, 952, 548 1,292, 408 1, i92, 096 Males 33,401,345 40,214,012 704,279 8~~,887 Females 30,865,161 35)738,5.36 588,21 ~ 666.209 l{rban Per.en. 9, {79, 895 12388,596 119,159 153,871 Males 5,232,856 6,802,409 61,304 82,617 Females 4,247;,039 5,586,187 54,855 71,254- Decennial Population 19.8 16.6 Growth Rate 1961-71 Area in Km. 294,!H·6 294,413 5272·7 5t5&·0 Denlity of Population 250 300 268 319 ill Km. Sex Ratio (Number of 909 879 837 112 Femalel Per 1,000 Males) Literacy Rate Peraons 17.7 21.7 9.6 12.7 Males 27.3 31.5 i4.2 18.2 Femalel 7.0 10.6 <t-.2 5.9 'u~enta;. of Urban 12.9 14.0 8.4 9.4- population to Total Population Percentange of workers PerlJonG 39.1 30.9 34.5 31.5 to Total Population Males ~8.2 52.2 61.2 ';6.3 (Main Activity only) Females 18.1 6.7 2.5 1.0 fcrecentaic to total workers (i) Cultivators Porsona 63.9 57.4 79.1 79.8 Males 63.6 59.1 8IB.1 ~0.3 Females 64.8 42.6 5iU) ~0.3 (ti) Agricultural PgrlJonll 11.3 20.0 5.1 8.4 Labourers Males 9.1 17.2 5.2 8.1 Females 19.2 440.5 1.9 j.5 (iii) Other Worker PgrlJona 24.8 22.6 15.8 11.8 Males 27.3 23.7 14.7 11.4- Females 16.0 12.9 48.1 40.2 ( u ) St... DhWf..t J<- I9S1 1971 1961 U7l Percentage of SIC Per.on. 20.9 21.0 16.2 16.1 rop.lation to Total Male, 20,5 20,8 ' 6,3 16.2 Pop.i.,ien Female. 21.3 21.2 16,0 15.9 Percentage of SIT Persona 0.2 Population to Total Male. 0,2 P.pula'ion Female. 0.2 N.mbcr of oocu pied :r..clidcntial Houle, 12,046,539 13,758,003 224,156 277,494 Number of Villaies Total 125, 344: 124,592 2,082 2,089 Inhabited 112,624- 112,561 1,818 J ,814 Uninh~bited 12,720 12,031 2h '1.75 M.IIlH.. er Urban Areas 267 3~5 5 6 -1.'- INTRODUCTOR.Y NOTE At every Census an endeavour is made to provide data to the u.en a. quickly as possible after the Census count. With this end in view the Di~trict Cenlus' Hand Books at the 1971 Census were divided into three convenient parts so. that adealt part. A and B which contain the essential data pertaining to villages and towns may be released quickly. The State Government also accorded their approval to their publication accordingly i. the following three piuts :- Part A-Village and Town Directory Part B-Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstracts Part C-Analytical Report, Administrative Stati~tics and District Census Tables 1. J?ar.t A of the Handbook contains village and town Directory for each Village and Town of the Tahsils. The Village Directory contains information about total area 0{ each village in acres, amenities available in the village, the staple food of the people and the pattern denoting the use of land. There is also information about the neareJlt tow. and its distance from the village. The Town Directory presents data on each town witla the aid of seven statements, giving the statm of the town, the decadal variation in. population, its functional catel{ory, physical and location aspects, municipal finance and availability of ameniti.es like medical, educational, bankin~, trade and commerce, industry and population by sex 1tnd religion. 2. Part B i. ~. the volume in h1tnd contains the primary census abstract.figurel­ the bMic cenms data for each village and town: tahsilwise for the district.
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