Issue No.1 aadila.in Sharanya Swaminathan Aadila Team Editor’s Note LIMITED, a tough job for me. I cannot keep don’t die. But old habits die, don’t they? Nobody anything short. Essays, stories, art, the goodness wants to explore the rarest of things. A new trend, within humans, and the wanderings of my mind, we’re all cows going behind it, just following Gayathri Shamugam my learning abilities or the silence I possess. But as the herd. Why don’t we do what Robert Frost Founder an introvert, I can definitely keep my conversation said in his poem, “The Road not Taken” limited. I’d like to introduce depression in this Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— letter today. Many of us say we stand for it or we support the difficulty. But when we get to see the I took the one less travelled by, And that has toughness behind it, we step back and play blame made all the difference. games. Nobody really wants to help one another. But we love the herd so much, we blindly follow It takes empathy, understanding and depth to read them. No one dares to be a wolf or an albatross. someone’s pain in their eyes. I’d like to include But hey, can we just take a moment to appreciate M Naveen Krishna Iffath Khanam Thulasi Priya Sylvia Plath in this note as well, a subtle legend the ones that chose the road less travelled by? CEO Chief Editor Associate Editor in poetic history but a mysterious tragedy in real “You attract what you think.” life who committed suicide at 30, putting her head in the oven. But a few minutes before she So let’s play it nice and wise. died, she made sure her children were fed. That It sometimes take an entire group to succeed makes a woman. But the pressure and depth something, and sometimes, success is achieved on her mind, made her kill herself. What made in solo. But what matters is that the will her push herself to such a tragedy? Depression. to go on! The dedication to thrive or work We do not recognize the sensible minds when smart and the research to be different being Harshavarthini Balakumar Velusamy Sree Bagavathe we should. is essential. Venkadesan Web Designer Social Media Manager Mary Wollstonecraft, an English writer, a Many people have lost their lives in this Copy Editor philosopher says, “Taught from infancy that beauty pandemic and the reason – positive – the corona is woman’s sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the virus and the unseen, which is depression. But body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks on the other hand, most of us made use of an to adorn its prison” opportunity to do something different. And Between all of this Chaos, a vulnerable hence, the pandemic has taught us what success, Wordsmith soul survives. failure and life is! But didn’t we all order a lot of I’d also like to talk about the art form I discovered hygienic extra-large pizzas and pastas this year, through a wise friend of mine, recently. It’s appreciating the little things in life and spending Cyanotype. So if someone has a collection of times together? negatives, some flowers, leaves, some wood, thick Here to 2021, an unexplored mystery and tons of papers or just a paper torn from your old dictionary Kamaleswari Raghu Pallavi Prathiba Kiragi Anasuith P Pridhvish opportunities! Cheers. and coating them with cyanotype liquids, and some Vitamin Sun, your new art form is evolved. So everybody talks about DSLR photography, but where are the amateurs and enthusiasts, that expertise in film photography. They say old habits Yazhini Lakshmi SThasleem Selvanayahi Ramasubramanian Rayeesha Lakshmanasamy Cover Story Contents Founder Gayathri Shanmugam CEO & Magazine Designer M Naveen Krishna Editor in Chief R Iffath Khanam It’s okay to be not okay Interview Page No. 06 Anita Kamaraj Associate Editor Page No. 08 Thulasi Priya Copy Editor Harshavarthini Vekadesan Healthy lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight Social Media Manager Page No. 10 Sree Bagavathe Website Designer World Of Biblio My Travel Stories Balakumar Velusamy Page No. 13 Page No. 19 Wordsmith Kamaleswari Raghu Pallavi Yazhini Fashion Lakshmi Ramasubramanian Page No. 22 SThasleem Rayeesha Selvanayahi Lakshmanasamy Anasuith P Pridhvish Abinaya My Favourite Solace Top News in 2020 Haveena Rebecah Page No. 24 Page No. 26 Sharanya Swaminathan Sonal Akshaya Page No.16 aadila.in aadila.in and even more to live a luxurious pression involves being painful at ven’t gone in detail about those life would never be depressed. times, or maybe a continued feel- feelings and situations where all Still, we as a society fail to recog- ing of sadness that remains and you want is run away from every- nize that mental health has nothing being sad doesn’t imply that it is thing, but I do know how it feels. to do with the money, fame or rela- depression. And believe me when I say that it It’s tionships. The person with a hand- will make sense at some point in ful of coins can be happy, and the We as a generation have made this time. Do not fast forward certain one with bank balance full of many term so regular that at times I’ve things. Let the beauty unfold in its zeros can be depressed. seen people taking it sarcastically, own way. Have you ever seen a street vendor but I never saw them talking about okay to who sells stuff on a daily basis? He cancer this way. Why there is such In the end, I’ll just say that if you is not famous, he is not rich, but at a differentiation between two vital are someone who is going through the end of the day, if all the things diseases? They both take life. One such feelings of self-doubts, con- that he carries are sold, he returns is known to kill, and the other will stant sadness, overly emotional home with fresh veggies and gro- kill you before it is known to any- behaviour, or just being there in a be cery to cook the best meal of the one. We should be a little responsi- paused state of mind, get in touch not day. He is not depressed about the ble while talking about such things. with me. Maybe I could help you fact that he has less or somebody Let it not become something like a in moving forward by just intro- else has more because he never millennial thing. Let’s just be a bit ducing a probable road map. In the looked for it. He is happy with the gentle with each other. next edition, I’ll bring some mo- way life is happening. The same tivating stories to let you believe Okay vendor feels sad when the stuff is There will never be a better time that in the end, it is going to be not sold, and he has to carry that than now for understanding the okay. Let it not kill you from the stuff to home. Here we need to see root cause of such issues. It just inside, talk about it, write about it, Have you ever been into the situ- is going to be okay. You’ll be shar- of money and had bills and fami- the subtle difference between be- needs a little introspection and a just bring it out, and the world will ation where you would curse your ing your story if you aren’t doing ly to feed. I wonder what that one ing sad and being depressed. De- little care to deal with this. I ha- be yours. life or maybe your own self? I’m today. You’ll be motivating people thing has made our generation to sure 2020 would have given you if you’re gaining it today. go wrong. What are those many many chances to keep your sani- things which differentiate us from ty at stake. 2020 has been so in- Nature has its own way of giving our parents or their parents? sane that we lost so many hopes, and taking. When we learn some- ambitions, dreams and even many thing, it’s our prime responsibility If you try to look closely towards bright souls to this so far neglected that we pass on that wisdom to the this aspect, you’ll find that the life Mental Health issue. one who needs. But apart from this we are living today is full of re- general talk about what we should sources and we are being watched It took us a pandemic to realize and shouldn’t do, let’s analyze it at every step. We have this con- many of the hidden facts of soci- through analysis. stant fear of not meeting the ex- ety. Mental Health had a totally pectations because we have built different meaning before this year, We never saw our parents talking so many unwanted ones by getting but today almost each and every about something like mental health exposed to the available resources. person is aware of the fact that it’s for their life. Even today when While this wasn’t the same for the okay to not be okay. If you don’t they discuss, it’s because of us generations before us. They were feel like talking or you want to cry and to make us feel better. But I either being told to what to do or your heart out; if you want to hide wonder how come that generation what not to do.
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