Minutes of Public Sittings – Procès-verbal des audiences publiques MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL 663 INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE LAW OF THE SEA TRIBUNAL INTERNATIONAL DU DROIT DE LA MER MINUTES OF PUBLIC SITTINGS MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC SITTINGS HELD FROM 2 TO 6 SEPTEMBER 2013 AND ON 14 APRIL 2014 The MN "Virginia G" Case (Panama/Guinea-Bissau) PROCES-VERBAL DES AUDIENCES PUBLIQUES PROCES-VERBAL DES AUDIENCES PUBLIQUES TENUES OU 2 AU 6 SEPTEMBRE 2013 ET LE 14 AVRIL 2014 Affaire du navire « Virginia G » (Panama/Guinee-Bissau) 664 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL For ease of use, in addition to the continuous pagination, this volume also contains, between square brackets at the beginning of each statement, a reference to the pagination of the corrected verbatim records. En vue de faciliter !'utilisation de l'ouvrage, le present volume comporte, outre une pagination continue, !'indication, entre crochets, au debut de chaque expose, de la pagination des proces-verbaux corriges. -------------------------------------------------- Note by the Registry: The corrected verbatim records are available on the Tribunal’s website at www.itlos.org. Note du Greffe : Les procès-verbaux corrigés sont disponibles sur le site Internet du Tribunal : www.tidm.org. MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL 665 Minutes of the Public Sittings held from 2 to 6 September 2013 and on 14 April 2014 Proces-verbal des audiences publiques tenues du 2 au 6 septembre 2013 et le 14 avril 2014 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL 667 2 September 2013, a.m. PUBLIC SITTING HELD ON 2 SEPTEMBER 2013, 10 A.M. Tribunal Present: President YANAI; Vice-President HOFFMANN; Judges MAROTTA RANGEL, NELSON, CHANDRASEKHARA RAO, AKL, WOLFRUM, NDIA YE, JESUS, COT, LUCKY, PAWLAK, TURK, KATEKA, GAO, BOUGUETAIA, GOLITSYN, PAIK, KELLY, ATTARD, KULYK; Judges ad hoe SERVULO CORREIA, TREVES; Registrar GAUTIER. Panama is represented by: Mr Ramon Garcia-Gallardo, SJ Berwin LLP, Brussels, Belgium, as Agent and Counsel; Mr Alexander Mizzi, SJ Berwin LLP, Brussels, Belgium, as Co-Agent and Counsel; and Ms Jana Smolkina, Ship Registration Officer, Consulate General of Panama, Hamburg, Germany, as Counsel; Ms Veronica Anzilutti, Administration Department Consulate General of Panama, Hamburg, Germany, as Advisor. Guinea-Bissau is represented by: Mr Luis Menezes Leitao, Full Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon, Portugal as Agent and Counsel; Mr Fernando Loureiro Bastos, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon, Portugal, and Fellow, Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, South Africa, as Co-Agent and Counsel; 668 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL M/V "VIRGINIA G" and Mr Rufino Lopes, Lawyer, Assessor to the Government; as Advisor. 4 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL 669 2 septembre 2013, matin AUDIENCE PUBLIQUE DU 2 SEPTEMBRE 2013, 10 H 00 Tribunal Presents: M. YANAI, President; M. HOFFMANN, Vice-President; MM. MAROTTA RANGEL, NELSON, CHANDRASEKHARA RAO, AKL, WOLFRUM, NDIAYE, JESUS, COT, LUCKY, PAWLAK, TURK, KATEKA, GAO, BOUGUETAIA, GOLITSYN, PAIK, KELLY, ATTARD, KULYK, juges; MM. SERVULO CORREIA, TREVES,juges ad hoe; M. GAUTIER, Grefjier. Le Panama est represente par : M. Ramon Garcia-Gallardo, SJ Berwin LLP, Bruxelles, Belgique, comme agent et conseil; M. Alexander Mizzi, SJ Berwin LLP, Bruxelles, Belgique comme co-agent et conseil; et Mme Jana Smolkina, Chargee de J'immatriculation des navires, Consulat general du Panama, Hambourg, Allemagne, comme conseil; Mme Veronica Anzilutti, Service de !'administration, Consulat general du Panama, Hambourg, Allemagne, comme conseiller. La Guinee-Bissau est representee par : M. Luis Menezes Leitao, Professeur titulaire a la Faculte de droit de l 'Universite de Lisbonne, Portugal, comme agent et conseil; M. Fernando Loureiro Bastos, Professeur a la Faculte de droit de l'Universite de Lisbonne, Portugal, et membre de l'Institut de droit international et de droit compare en Afrique, Faculte de droit de J'Universite de Pretoria, Afrique du Sud, comme co-agent et conseil; 670 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL NAVIRE « VIRGINIA G » et M. Rufino Lopes, juriste, legiste aupres du Gouvemement, comme conseiller. 6 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL 671 OPENING OF THE ORAL PROCEEDINGS -2 September 2013, a.m. Opening of the Oral Proceedings [ITLOS/PV.13/C19/1/Rev.l, p. 1-5; TIDM/PV.13/A19/1/Rev.l, p. 1-6] THE PRESIDENT: The Tribunal meets today pursuant to article 26 of its Statute to hear the parties' arguments on the merits of the case concerning the vessel M/V Virginia G. On 4 July 2011, proceedings were instituted before the Tribunal in the dispute between Panama and Guinea-Bissau regarding the vessel Virginia G, flying the flag of Panama The case was entered in the List of Cases as Case No. 19. Since the Tribunal does not include upon the bench a member of the nationality of the parties, both parties have availed themselves of the possibility, pursuant to article 17, paragraph 3, of the Statute of the Tribunal, to choose a judge ad hoe. Panama nominated Professor Tullio Treves and Guinea-Bissau Professor Jose Manuel Servulo Correia. The Judges ad hoe made the solemn declaration provided for in the Statute of the Tribunal during a public sitting held on 2 November 2012. I now call on the Registrar to summarize the procedure in the case. LE GREFFIER : Merci Monsieur le President. Par ordonnance du 18 aout 201 I, le President du Tribunal a fixe Jes dates d'expiration des delais pour les depots des pieces de la procedure ecrite dans l'affaire, a savoir le 4 janvier 2012 pour le memoire du Panama et le 21 mai 2012 pour le contre-memoire de la Guinee­ Bissau. A la suite de demandes formulees par les Parties, les dates d' expiration des delais ont ete repartees au 23 janvier 2012 pour le memoire et au 11 juin 2012 pour le contre-memoire, et ce par une ordonnance du President du 23 decembre 2011. Le memoire et le contre-memoire ont ete deposes dans les delais prescrits. Par ordonnance du 30 septembre 2011, le Tribunal a autorise la soumission d'une replique par le Panama et d'une duplique par la Guinee-Bissau et a fixe Jes dates d'expiration des delais de depot de ces pieces au 21 aout 2012 et au 21 novembre 2012 respectivement. Ces delais ont ete, par la suite, reportes au 28 aout 2012 et au 28 novembre 2012 par ordonnance du President du 8 aout 2012. La replique et la duplique ont ete deposees dans les delais prescrits. Par ordonnance du 2 novembre 2012, le Tribunal a decide qu'une demande reconventionnelle presentee par la Guinee-Bissau dans son contre-memoire, etait recevable conformement au paragraphe I de !'article 98 du Reglement du Tribunal. Le Tribunal a egalement autorise le Panama a presenter une piece de procedure supplementaire portant uniquement sur la demande reconventionnelle soumise par la Guinee-Bissau et a fixe au 21 decembre 2012 la date d' expiration du delai pour le depot de ladite piece. La piece de procedure supplementaire a ete deposee dans le delai prescrit. Monsieur le President, je vais a present donner lecture des conclusions des Parties. (Continued in English) In paragraph 442 of the Memorial, Panama makes the following submissions: Panama respectfully requests the Tribunal to declare, adjudge and order that: I. The Tribunal has jurisdiction under the Special Agreement and under the Convention to entertain the full claims made on behalf of Panama; 2. The claims submitted by Panama are admissible; 3. The claims submitted by Panama are well founded; 4. The actions taken by Guinea-Bissau, especially those taken on the 21 August 2009, against the VIRGINIA G, violated Panama's right and that of its vessel to enjoy freedom of navigation and other internationally lawful uses of the sea in terms of Article 58(1) of the Convention; 672 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL MN "VIRGINIA G" 5. Guinea-Bissau violated Article 56(2) of the Convention; 6. Guinea-Bissau violated Article 73(1) of the Convention; 7. Guinea-Bissau violated Article 73(2) of the Convention; 8. Guinea-Bissau violated Article 73(3) of the Convention; 9. Guinea-Bissau violated Article 73(4) of the Convention; 10. Guinea-Bissau used excessive force in boarding and arresting the VIRGINIA G, in violation of the Convention and of international law; 11. Guinea-Bissau violated the principles of Article 224 and 110 of the Convention; 12. Guinea-Bissau violated Article 225 of the Convention, as well as the SUA Convention, as well as the fundamental principles of safety of life at sea and collision prevention; 13. Guinea-Bissau violated Article 300 of the Convention; 14. Guinea-Bissau is to immediately return the gas oil confiscated on 20 November 2009, of equivalent or better quality, or otherwise pay adequate compensation; 15. Guinea-Bissau is to pay in favour of Panama, the VIRGINIA G, her owners, crew and all persons and entities with an interest in the vessel's operations (including the !BALLA G), compensation for damages and losses caused as a result of the aforementioned violations, in the amount quantified and claimed by Panama, or in an amount deemed appropriate by the Tribunal; 16. Guinea-Bissau is to pay interest on all amounts held by the Tribunal to be due by Guinea­ Bissau; 17. Guinea-Bissau is to reimburse all costs and expenses incurred by Panama in the preparation of this case, including, without limitation, the costs incurred in this case before the Tribunal, with interest thereon; 18. Guinea-Bissau is to compensate Panama, the VIRGINIA G, her owners, crew and all persons and entities with an interest in the vessel's operations (including the !BALLA G) in the form of any other compensation or relief that the Tribunal deems fit. Further submissions were made by Panama in its Reply and the additional pleading. I will not read them but should indicate that they may be found in paragraph 86 of the Reply and in paragraph 118 of the additional pleading.
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