16-^«ANC3IESTER HERALD, Satuiday, March 23.1991 35 STORE & OFFICE Get the ________SPACE MONDAY Want Ad habit... MANCHESTER-Store/ read and use the little ads Commercial use. Main •# in Classified regularty. •> t i St. near Center St. 646- V 2426. Weekdays, 9-5. 643-2711 MANCHESTER-Office LOCAL NEWS INSIDE Building, Center Street BOOKKEEPING/111 LAWN CARE HEATING/ CARPENTRY/ location. $875 monthly I N C O M E T A X 91 CARS FOR SALE PLUMBING REMODELING plus utilities. R.D. ■ Coventry budget hearing date set. UW N-SCAPE Murdock, 643-2692. CORVETTE-1978. $5800/ Joseph P. Deirwo, Jr. Installation and Raplacenient K IT C H E N It BATH REMODELINQ Specializing In Best offer. Loaded. Csrtifisd Public Accountant orOil,Gas&liectric YisN o u r b e a u tilu l show room o r c a ll lo r SOUTH WINDSOR- Clean interior. LAWN MAINTENANCE your tree estimate. Office, 300 square feet. ■ Sanitation revenues falling short. Prolessional tax and accounting > -WalerHe^ Aluminum wheels. 646- HERITAGE No lease. $150/Month. Weekly Mowings •Warm Air Furnaces 7959. s e rv ic e s . An 1040 consultations held KITCHEN « BATH CENTER 521-1744 or 644-0165. WhaVs In the privacy ol your home or otiice. Spring Cleanups ■Boiers 254 Broad Street ■ Homeowners like students’ work. W Ibon Oil Company Manchester VERNON CIRCLE-Office m m m 643-9034 Bushes Trimmed 6456393 649-5400 space for lease, 500 sq. BOB RILEY Free edging of curbs and side­ ft. office up to 2000 sq. ■ MMH workers vs. infectious disease. News ACCOUNTING walks with a summer contract. ft. Building owner pays OLDSMOBILE/VOLKSWAGEN NO JOB TOO SMALL CUSTOM QUALITY utilities. New building- MANAGEMENT SERVICES Free Estimates 259 ADAMS ST., MANCHESTER March 25,1991 •Tex Preparation* Instant Servloe/Free Estimates One slop Improvemerns. other tentants. D.W. •Individual or Business* Fully Insured BattVKItchen Remodeling Framing to Painting. Fish Realty, Attorneys 6 4 9 -1 7 4 9 Local/Regional Section, Page 7. •Reasonable Rates* 645-7887 O ne C a ll D oes t t M Licensad 4 Insured. Ford, Oberg, Manion, •Free PIdc-up and Dellvary* 30 Years Experience 8B B . Mamber ask for Donald Fish, 1985VWJetta •Electronic FHIng* Iraq is rejecting M&M Plumbing & Heating C al Dave Adamick lor a tree quote. 871-1400. 644-6034 $3,995 cease-fire terms YARDMASTERS 649-2871 645-6523 Manchester's Award-Winning Newspaper 1987 Olds Ciera NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — When you need to 22 CONDOMmiUMS JAIMES C. FITZGERALD, C .P A Spring Clean-Up Tax-Accounting-Audi Lawns, Bushes, Trees Cut CAPITOL ENG. CO. COMPLETE EAST HARTFORD, CT $4,995 Opposition groiqis in Iraq say a d v e rt, nothing FO R SA LE Management Advltoiy Service S^dam Hussein’s troops have Yards, gutters, garages EriKOzols REMODEUNG SERVICE Single Offices *8.00 to 1987 DC wortallke Classified Corporaaons-taithetxhtps cleaned. Lawn Fertilizing. Appli­ battled protesters in the streeu HIGH VALUE-@ Bargain MMdUDb, Tneh a EiMer ForMywf^ FRAH CONSTRUCTION, INC. *12.50 per square foot ~ pricel Lovely 2 EVsnlrig A HtsMnrxt Appolninanb ances Renloved. Carpentry, of Baghdad and that Shiite Mus­ A Dial . plumbing & heaing needs. "One call does It all." bedroom, 1-1/2 bath IrvfkxjM Ccmpulen Hauling, Backhoe Work. Triple Net lims had revived their rebellion condo with extra room ftf-ttm Senring Manchester for 25 Years •Kitchen «Bath 1991 Olds Calais Saddam allegedly skimmed $10 billion 643-2711 935 M d n SI. C ou)ycxd. M o rx tie ite r Any Job Cons'ldered. Renovating in the south. in lower level. Located r 646-3120 •Additions •Decks $9,995 Central Air, Gas Heat, Hi­ He told CBS that he believes Saddam and his family have Also on Sunday, Iraq in Courtside Call 643-9996 •Roofing •Siding NEW YORK (AP) — The head of the firm hired by the The Financial Times report did not specify the source of the denounced terms set by the Condominums, this unit Tech Security System, Many Others skimmed up to 5 percent of Iraq’s $200 billion in oil sales THOMAS MACHUGA. •R e p a irs Kuwaiti government to find out the size and location of Sad­ money. It also did not address whether any of the holdings 22 CONDOBONIUMS ' also has 2 decks, ap­ Ariiple Parking, Bus Route, To Choose From since 1981. United States for a permanent CPA, CLU FRENCtrS LAWN A TREE SERVtCE ROOFING/ Free estimates. dam Hussein’s wealth estimates that the Iraqi president’s fami­ could be classified as ill-gotten gains under U.N. resolutions Persian Gulf War cease-fire. F O R SALE pliances and garage. t Tax Return Preparation i t now aooapting tmwring aooounli EZ-Accessto 1-91 and I-84. Kroll Associates discovered the holdings included an 8.4 Owner moving out of ior thia Im n tM uon. SIDING Licensed and Insured. ly has skimmed $10 billion in oil profits since 1981. adopted after Iraq’s Aug. 2 invasion of Kuwait. The rebellion in the south, and t Financial Planning e Lawn Cut S Trkn percent stake, or about $64 million, in Ruis-based Hachette BROOKSIDE-South state. $124,900. Strano C all Jack Kroll also says Iraqi investors on Saddam’s behalf Those resolutions intended to expel Iraq from Kuwait and I Personal and Business e Format Hadgo Trinxrihg Call Tom CARDINAL SA, which publishes “Elle,” “Car and Driver,” “Road & one in the north by Kurds, began Windsor, $139,900. ^ Real Estate, 647-7653. I Prompt, Prolessional service • Tiaaa S Stirubo Plantad LIONEL COTE have purchased nearly $1 billion worth of shares in public recover plundered Kuwaiti assets. after the U.S.-led allies drove Adorable 2 year old • Pruning • Spot Saading # F a tlilia r 871-8092 A s s o c . BUICK, INC. Track,” and “Women’s Day,” CBS and the Financial Times 6454883 e Vagatabla Qardani rToto-TUad ROOFING & SIDING M&G companies since then, including one of the world’s largest The CBS reporL quoting Kroll, said Iraq had moved some Iraqi troops from Kuwait late Condo. 2 Bedrooms Aaa HMttafl EW/mtlaa 1982 Chevy Camoro $3,396 reported. Monday-Friday 1982 Datsun 200SX media companies. of its money to circumvent a freeze on overseas Iraqi ac­ with possible 3rd in loft. EawarRXtM torStnIon •30 Years Experience $2,896 Kroll was quoted as saying his agency found documents last month. MALLARD VIEW-New S45-1312 ' L*IASp*clanst‘ i9B3 Buick Ele^ra $4,660 counts. Central air, cathedral •Fully Insured. 8am-4pm 19B6 Ford Bronco 4X4 $10,960 He says the stock purchases were made by several com­ Ranch and Colonial Doltl Kroll said Iraq transferred huge sums in early August to Jor­ showing the Hachette share purchases started in 1981 with a 1 ceiling, skylight, •License # 506737 1986 Buick Skylark Sed $4,460 panies with Iraqi directors, including one led by Saddam’s half Aides sentenced homes. Change your 1986 Chevy C orrraro $4,996 percent acquisition by Montana Corp., a Panamanian-based fireplace and a garage PHIL'S LAWN CARE brother. danian banks. He also said that Kuwaiti luxury vehicles stolen lifestyle to 1 -floor living. PAINTING/ 646-9564 1987 Buick Electro Sed $8,980 holding company with Iraqi directors. BUCHAREST, Romania tool D.W. Fish Real LANDSCAPING WATERPROOFING 5 2 8 -6 5 4 1 1987 Chevy C elebrity Sed $6/460 Kroll, president of the New York-based Kroll Associates in­ by Iraq’s occupation forces were shipped to Europe on a Royal 2 Bedroom, 2 bath 1987 O ld) D elta 88 Brouahom $7,380 Montana management was set up by Barzan Ibrahim, Sad­ (AP) — Eleven former aides to Estate, 643-1591 or o P A P E R I N G • spring dean-Up Jordanian Airlines cargo flight, some turning up at Iraq’s em­ Ranches. Also 3 1987 Pontiac 6000 Sed $6>96 vestigations firm, spoke in interviews published today by the Communist ruler Nicolae 871-1400. RICK BURNETT 1987 Buick Kirtc Avenue $10,386 dam’s half brother, the Hnancial Times quoted an Iraqi offi­ bedroom, 1-1/2 bath • Startingllstlorweekiy maintenance WET BASEMENTS? 39 ROOMMA'TES Financial Times, a British newspaper, and broadcast Sunday bassy in Geneva. F_______________________ WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. • ResidM ial & Commercial 1987BulckSkylail< 46,490 cial as saying. The official was not identified in the story. Ccausescu were sentenced today Colonials. Attached ROOFING & SIDING Hatchways, foundation cracks, WANTED 1988 Buick Skyhdwk Sed $6,380 by CBS News’ “60 Minutes.’’ Kroll was hired by the Kuwaiti government and the U.S. Quality work at a 742-9540 1988 Pontiac BonnevBe $6,496 to prison for the deaths of people garage. From reasonable pricel 25 Years Experience sump pumps, tile lines, gravity Kroll described Saddam, who took power in 1979, as one of Treasury to lay the groundwork for efforts at collecting war MANCHESTER-$99,500. Can fo r free estimate 1988 Pontiac Trora Am $9,6W Please see SADDAM, page 6. during the bloody revolution $143,900. North Main Interior & Exterior Fully Insured feeds, and dry wells. Also damp­ LARGE-English Tudor, 1989 Buick SkyhowkCpe $6,980 the world’s richest men. reparations from Iraq. Great 2 bedroom S t to Union St. to Ros- quiet area. Male/ 1989 Jeep W rangler 4X4 $8,996 that overthrew the dictator. Tounhouse in small Free Estimates Call for free estimates ness proffing of concrete walls 1989 Buick Regal C pe $9,896 setto Dr. "We're Seliing Spring Ctesnup, Dethatching, Female. Utilities 1989 Honda A cco rd LXI $13,680 Four former Communist offi­ complex. Large eat-in Call Brian Weigle 646-6598 and fkxxs.
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