OP-ED P. 3 A&E P. 12 SPORTS P. 14 Water, water everywfrae leaves an impression We run this slate Neeraj Salhotm writes about the true extent of the flooding In Charles Mary Kubrlchfs four leaf photographs at the Broch- Rice shows the Mean Green who the bully on the block really Pakistan this year. steln Pavilion Impress with size and detail. Is. Be afraid. Very afraid. thVOLUME XCVIIIe, ISSUE NO.Ric 5 STUDENT-RUe N SINCE 1916 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2010 Device with personal information stolen off campus BY JOCELYN WRIGHT THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF A file containing the personal infor- mation of 7,250 students, faculty and 7,250 staff, including names, birth dates, salaries, emergency contacts and Social Security numbers, was stolen from an off-campus location at the end of Au- victims gust. Rice announced the theft in an e-mail to the campus community Sept. 10. The Rice University Police Depart- ment is conducting the investigation of the theft in conjunction with the Hous- ton Police Department. The device contained two files cop- ied from a computer which contained the personal data of the 7,250 employ- ees on Rice payroll as of January 2010. The data on the device was not en- crypted. Senior Director of News and Media Relations B.J. Almond said the police requested he refrain from giv- ing any additional details about the device or the information contained on it to prevent the thief from gaining any potentially useful information. As of Sept. 15, Almond said none of the information on the device had been used maliciously. Approximately 2,270 people af- fected were undergraduate and gradu- r ate students, but only three students' Social Security numbers were stolen. ILLUSTRATION BY DAVE ROSALES Of the remaining faculty and staff, Al- O see THEFT, page 9 Wright discusses Gaza flotilla BB coordinator set BY KALEB UNDERWOOD BY HENRY DENG $200,000." FOR THF. THRESHER FOR THE THRESHER Upon being asked about the op- tions for McMurtry and Duncan given Retired U.S. Army Colonel and With Beer Bike six months away, that the track would remain the same former U.S. diplomat Ann Wright ad- the Rice Program Council selected size, Sawyer would only say that dressed an audience of approximate- Sid Richardson College junior Matt there were a huge number of them. ly 50 students, faculty and communi- Sawyer last week as campus-wide Neither he nor Beckwith would dis- ty members on Sept. 9 to discuss her Beer Bike coordinator. At this point, cuss specific ideas. opposition to the the violence used RPC has set the definite date for Beer "I prefer not to discuss the options by Israeli Navy to seize the six ships Bike at March 12. Despite acknowl- because I don't want to be biased or of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on May edging that he faces key challenges create havoc before being able to dis- 31. Wright was a passenger on Chal- in preparing for the events, Sawyer cuss it with the [Beer Bike] committee lenger 1, a small yacht in the flotilla. stated his goals for this year. because they provide an influence The event was hosted by the Baker "Overall, expectations are that, and input that is extraordinarily im- Institute Student Forum. while maintaining the traditions portant to me," Sawyer said. "I want Wright resigned from her post as of the event, we can produce a safe to assemble a team of area and col- a diplomat after the invasion of Iraq event that will be a lot of fun for all lege coordinators before I decide on in 2003 and is now a peace activist those involved and more importantly, anything definitive." who spends her time protesting the if any changes need to be made, then According to Beckwith, Sawyer government's current policies in the they will be made," Sawyer said. was selected from two candidates Middle East. One of the biggest issues Sawyer after a written application and an in- "It is gratuitous political crap done must address is the integration of Mc- terview. More students usually apply, in our name and we let them get away Murtry College and Duncan College but nobody did so last spring when with it. We need to challenge everyone into the race and possible expansion applications first went out. Beckwith of these administrations, both Repub- of the Beer Bike track. Expansion of said that no one internal to Beer Bike lican and Democrat," Wright said. SAM WAN6/THRESHER the track has been discussed before, last year had a desire to apply, wheth- The flotilla was part of the greater since Director of the Student Center er because of the hassles caused by Free Gaza Movement and was funded Ann Wright spoke about her experiences on the Gaza Flotilla and as an and Campus-wide Programs Boyd rain during last year's Beer Bike or by the Turkish Foundation for Hu- Iraq War activist. Beckwith said that putting 12 rac- the amount of pressure coordinators man Rights and Freedoms and Hu- ers on the current lanes at one time experience every year. manitarian Relief (IHH), which uses cannot physically happen given the Beckwith said that during the ships to break through the Israeli na- were located in international waters, on the railings to tell them 'no'." space constraint and dangers in selection process, he sought a can- val blockade of the Gaza Strip in or- 70 miles off the coast of Gaza. Wright said that on another ship, volved. However, widening the track didate who could run the show from der to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza "All the ships were boarded force- the MV Mavi Marmara, violence broke will not be possible this year. the parade to the race. residents. On the night of May 31, the fully by commandos who began by out between the passengers and the "We cannot expand the track "I was looking for someone with flotilla was intercepted by Israeli na- firing percussion grenades and paint Israeli commandos. She said nobody this year," Beckwith said. "[It's] too leadership ability who has experi- val forces who boarded the ships. bullets," Wright said. "We had loads knows who initially attacked whom expensive; the university has de- ence with Beer Bike, who can work Wright said Israeli forces had no of peaceful, nonviolent resistance on or when live bullets were first fired. nied our request. We put it forward well with the rest of RPC, who under- right to intervene because the ships each ship ... we had women lined up O see IRAQ, page 9 as a capital budget request of about C3 see BEER, page 8 The phantom date Sid strikes back Beer wars: a new hops INDEX Opinion 3 Screw Yer Roommate is tonight, and we The annual '80s party is back tomorrow No, seriously, you can actually go see a movie News A expect to see plenty of cute couples in absurd night at Sid Richardson College from 10 p.m. called Beer Wars on Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the Arts & Entertainment 12 costumes. Still looking for a date? Put on a to 2 a.m., so pull on a white glove and get Kyle Morrow Room at Fondren Library. The film Sports 14 random costume, find a guy/girl you like, and ready to tear down some walls. Just remem- looks at the beer industry from the inside to Calendar 19 get them away from the academic quad before ber: You'll have to go back to the future at the show you the battles which go on to bring you Backpage 20 his/her real date shows up. end of the night. your favorite brew. EDITORIAL THE RICE THRESHER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,2010 T7 f=;— FYOU SURE THE L2J the Rice (Ihresher 1nb«x NFwMtSSMe Folders bCdth Filter arevt THERE? J Quota. New coordinator has xsum) Kove ICcpy ITfrrs MCSU THEY'RE Delete i Reply I 1 vfew Thread 1 M< DA If" -juft*"" 1 long road ahead ALWAYS Frc rnt riotu ne^'+y <£> Kce. eJu 7 /,- SToREP Subject- 6rx £ 'Tke-ft This week, the campus-wide Beer Bike coordinator was se- HERE! lected after weeks of concern over a dearth of applicants (see WHAT Dear free Community, story, page 1). The Thresher wishes Sid Richardson College ju- "THE Xt Has Com* +0 our a+tentfon nior Matt Sawyer success in his role. It was encouraging to HECK?!, +ha+ bikes been stolen hear that Sawyer has been so involved in the culture of Beer from aII -+he colleges. We an Bike for so long. y- currfeTH-iy Working Wrtfr RUPP Sawyer must hit the ground running, as this year's Beer Bike planning process is already behind schedule, with Beer SoM£Trtlh'& Bike occurring two weeks earlier than usual. Jones College I • RuPO "SPONSORED: • senior Nazish Malik, one of last year's campus-wide coordi- I IB/WNED BIKE . I SveAirz've' nators, was correct in suggesting that discussion surround- Wi RED Bike. ing proposed changes should come earlier in the process this KENTAl PRO&RAM * ..THERE UAS> time around. For example, potential changes to water bal- discounted at filOO PEh BIKE | THAT loon trucks have been discussed among student leadership FLAT KATE PCR 4 STICKi for years with no clear solution, so it is time that the student HonTH! *<3recLt iVTHE fo t* body enter the conversation to bring some creativity and a T BiKt Bik£JWAL fresh point of view on the subject. W£lL,lTS still For too many years, proposals to improve the truck situa- CHEAPER.
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