LANKESTERIANA 7(1-2): 458-460. 2007. ONCIDIUM SURPRISES WITH DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID HARRY ZELENKO Asociación de Orquideología de Quito and Greater New York Orchid Society P.O. Box 17-22-20043 Cumbaya, Quito, Ecuador [email protected] There is an armchair taxonomist I know that wrote Another monotype, Oncidium onustum, was studied that the taxonomy of the Oncidium alliance was a mess. by Williams and Chase and with DNA research and I’d been thinking that the remark was based on lack of other observations, they confirmed that because there knowledge. In my opinion, he is way off base. Know were a number of differences with this species, it was that I am not a taxonomist… only a grower and an removed from the body of Oncidium and it is now artist. But I do believe that the Oncidium alliance is a called Zelenkoa onusta. They grow on cacti as well as reasonably well organized taxonomy. trees in southern Ecuador and northern Peru. My first orchid was purchased from Jones and Scully All of these taxonomic relocations were surprises, in 1962. Around 1980 I began growing species in the and when I got over the shock, they were included Oncidium alliance and illustrating the plants and flow- in the first and second edition of The Pictorial ers. I have painted actual size portraits of more than Encyclopedia of Oncidium. The book was edited by 850 plants and flowers in Oncidium as well as other Mark Chase. The book cogently presents the major genera. When one paints an orchid flower, it is visually groups in the Oncidium alliance and has been dissected for accurate illustration. This leads to a mod- proven useful as a reference book. More surprises icum of knowledge, but I still consider myself an ama- have been included with many in the Oncidium teur. But what I do know is that botanical taxonomy alliance moved into new groups, their relationships has taken a turn for the better and has become a scien- defined and verified with DNA and included in the tific, rather than an intuitive, process for classification. book with a DNA tree. With the changes made by For many years, Norris Williams and Mark Chase Williams and Chase, Oncidium is far from being a have been working with deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA “mess” as the book demonstrates. which is the key molecule responsible for defining Here’s another surprise: Cyrtochilum, until recently, heredity in plants (as well as in humans) for orchids in was generally accepted to cover a group of large-flow- the Oncidium alliance; Norris in Gainesville, Florida ered Oncidium. But based on DNA analysis, some and Mark at the Jodrell Laboratory at Kew of which he groups that were formerly in Oncidium and is the head. What they have been finding with molecu- Odontoglossum have been moved into Cyrtochilum lar sequencing has made for a number of surprises. which now includes the species in the groups called Their molecular analysis has even moved groups of Myanthum, Cimiciferum, Ramosissimum, Angustatum, species from one genus to another. Aureum, and Buesiella, along with the large-flowered As an example, the Brazilian monotype we have Cyrtochlium which, for convenience, we call the known for years as Oncidium phymatochilum has been Macranthum group. Though separate from Oncidium) moved into Miltonia based on their studies. The species they all, of course, remain in the Oncidium alliance. is now Miltonia phymatochila. This orchid can produce The large-flowered Cyrtochilum, first described by inflorescences with hundreds of gossamer flowers. Kunth in 1815, was based on the discovery of a plant Mexicoa gheisbrechtianum, now Oncidium gheis- by Humboldt and Bonpland in Colombia during their brechtianum, has now been returned to Oncidium (where Andes exploration around the beginning of the nine- it was originally placed) and is a member of a group of teenth century. The plant became the type for a group Oncidium species from Mexico and Central America. of about fifty species that are found mostly in the Another Mexican and Central American species, Andes of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Amporoa beloglossum, is now in genus Rhyncostele. Peru with one species found in the Caribbean. ZELENKO - Oncidium surprises 459 In 1990 I met Alex Hirtz in the States and he invited work verified the relationship without question. me to the Guayaquil orchid show the following year. I Taxonomic tradition, based on intuition combined with went and I saw a magnificent plant labeled knowledge, had usually placed orchids with obviously Odontoglossum eduardii. To me, the flowers did not similar characteristics into groups. The “mule ear” and remotely resemble an Odontoglossum. Because the “rat-tail” oncidium were always treated as separate enti- flowers of O. eduardii had triangular or shield-shaped ties. Their physical differences seemed obvious and this lips, they more closely resembled flowers in the kept them apart. However, molecular analysis has Cimiciferum group. Around that time, Carl Withner changed this and folded the two groups into genus wrote about the species in the American Orchid Society Trichocentrum. magazine and they were then still called Another surprise includes a small group of large, Odontoglossum. I illustrated two forms of the species widespread, warm-growing plants that can produce and Mark agreed they belonged in Cimiciferum, and so large quantities of flowers. Species in this group range were placed there in the original edition of our book from Central America south to Peru and were previous- published in 1997. DNA research has since confirmed ly classified as Oncidium. They are now a new genus that this species does belong there. This was a minor based on their DNA; Cyrtochiloides, in which there are surprise… however there were other surprises that I possibly four species… Cyrtochiloides cardiochila and had a hard time accepting when I learned of them. Two Cyrtochiloides ochmatochila might be geographic vari- groups that, at first, did not seem to me to be anywhere eties of a single species. There’s also Cyrtochiloides near each other in the Oncidium lexicon were riopalenquense and Cyrtochiloides panduriforme. The Otoglossum and Globuliferum. Some traditional taxon- Ecuadorian species, Cyrtochiloides riopalenquense omists have questioned the findings because, on the produces a branched inflorescence that can exceed surface, they have physical features that seem dissimi- twelve feet (about four meters) with as many as a hun- lar. But I later noted that these orchids also have similar dred flowers. features that bring them closer together. With DNA Williams and Chase also have found that the species research, Williams and Chase found that the groups are in Helcia, Leucohyle and Neoescobaria are members so closely related genetically that they should be com- of Trichopilia. Other authors had treated them as bined into a single genus, as they were. species of Trichopilia in the past, so it was not too Another surprise I had a difficult time with was the great a surprise. Their work, however, confirms the Erycina genus. The genus now includes Erycina crista- definitive relationship of these plants without ques- galli along with Erycina pusilla and Erycina glos- tion in my mind. somystax (formerly both known as Psygmorchis and Here’s another surprise that’s easy to live with: The earlier Oncidium) in addition to Erycina echinata, and species of Cochlioda and Symphyglossum are consid- Erycina hyalinobulbon. All are twig epiphytes. Erycina ered Oncidium by Mark and will be so listed in the cristagali and Erycina pusilla and Erycina glossomys- future rather than as separate genera. tax are very close in many respects. Erycina cristagalli Now we come to what had been known for years as is from Central America while the others are very wide- Oncidium cucullatum. A small-flowered brown and spread and occur from Central America to Venezuela, white orchid first found near Cauca, Colombia and the Guayanas and extend west and south in South named Caucaea radiata was described years before America as far as Bolivia. These species usually grow Oncidium cucullatum. Williams and Chase found that in dappled light with high humidity and are rather soft- with molecular analysis Caucaea radiata fell right in leaved. But Erycina echinata from Mexico grows quite the center of the species of Caucaea olivaceum they a bit dryer in bright light and its leaf texture feels hard- tested (which is the correct name for Oncidium cucul- er than the former species. Although the floral charac- latum). It was another surprise to me because the teristics for Erycina cristagalli and Erycina psyg- flowers seemed so different. The well-known taxono- morchis are very similar… it is hard to tell the flowers mist, John Stacy, listed twenty-two species and vari- apart… they seemed rather far apart from Erycina echi- eties related to Oncidium cucullatum in his mono- nata, but I was reassured by Norris that their DNA graph that was echoed by another renowned taxono- ND 460 2 ICNO PROCEEDINGS mist who had not studied them in the field but pro- extensive studies, that many of the so-called species duced a retread of Stacy’s work in the America are, in reality, geographic varieties. I agree with him. Orchid Society magazine. When Stacy visited Odontoglossum harryanum ranges from Colombia to Ecuador more than thirty years ago, he could not have Peru. It was separated from Odontoglossum wyat- seen many populations because fewer roads were tianum, in part based on the two having different col- open then as compared with today. I disagree with umn wings. Stig discovered a harryanum in southern Stacy’s designation of the number of species and Ecuador with the same column wings as wyattianum. believe that there are far fewer than he claims.
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