AUSTRALIA’S CHRISTIAN NEWSPAPER VOLUME 71 NUMBER 13 Thursday 5 February 2009 $2.00 Print Post Approved No. 34918100419 Christians Unite To Pray On Australia Day – Special Greeting From Peter Costello Pastor Danny Nalliah (centre) leads the Australia For Jesus Prayer Rally in Melbourne Town Hall on Australia Day. ALMOST 2,000 Christians from all denominations united to pray The Most Important Thing for our nation on Australia Day. In support of this prayer celebra- ‘I can’t think of a more important thing to be doing than to unite tion, the Hon Peter Costello, former Federal Treasurer, brought a in prayer for the nation on this, our National Day’, Peter Costello special greeting. said. In this era of economic downturn, the prayer meeting, bring- ‘The first sermon ever preached on Australian soil (by the ing together Christian leaders from many different denominations Rev Richard Johnson) was preached on the words “What shall at the Melbourne Town Hall, focussed on prayer for the Aus- we render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward us?” As we tralian Government, the faltering economy, armed forces, farm- look back over hundreds of years of Australian history we can ing communities (and the need for more rain), unity of the still see the benefits of God to us – a wonderful country, won- Church and Christian pastors/leaders, the media, Indigenous derful people, a home given to those who have come from all people, and the rising generation, as well as general stimulation over the world, a country that has had a peaceful and prosper- to the business sector. ous history, a country that is now respected around the world. Pastor Danny Nalliah, President of Catch the Fire Ministries ‘The following verse of the Psalm says: “I will take the cup of (an interdenominational Christian ministry) said he had specifi- salvation and call upon the Name of the Lord”, and what greater cally asked Mr Costello to bring a message because he is ‘a gift is there than the gift God has given in Jesus Christ? And man of integrity’. ‘We wanted Peter to bring a special message what more can we do than take hold of it and call upon the to this gathering because he is a man of integrity who constantly Name of the Lord, as you are doing today?’ demonstrates good moral values. He also is very genuine and Denominational representatives, including those from the loves his country. He’s a man who is willing to stand his ground Baptist, Anglican, Presbyterian, AOG, Uniting, Pentecostal, for the truth, who stands for Australian values based on our Salvation Army, Catholic and many other churches, came togeth- Judeo Christian heritage’, Danny Nalliah said. er for what has become an annual gathering. ‘Tell the people the full message of this new life.’ (Acts 5.20b) HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE WITH THE WILSONS Health Concerns Pioneers Europe region conference in late Visiting SOME Third World countries are seeing an April where David will give the daily Bible Australia apparent increase in illnesses such as dia- messages and Margaret will share with the PASTOR Paul Clifford and Barbara Wilson betes, cancer and high blood pressure lead- ladies. ‘Continued growth in our Mission Donoh is the ing to strokes in poorer villages where these membership keeps the responsibilities ministry leader of Peace Makers Fellowship, used not to be seen. Pray that Christian vil- heavy in our Member Care and training Kenya. He will be visiting Australia at the lagers will not return to witchcraft to seek a areas of Pioneers’, they report. invitation of CNEC Partners International cure but will seek the Great Physician to Special Couple Needed from 27 February until 31 March, speaking intervene. May Christian workers have wis- GLO at Riverstone, NSW is seeking a cou- in each State. Contact CNEC by phone on dom in guiding those who suffer. ple gifted to host their centre where stu- 03 9899 2044, or 02 9745 2840 or email New Appointments For 2009 dents are learning English and training for [email protected] GEOFF Cramb is the new Queensland mission. Contact Laurie Cowell, laurie@glo- Paul H Popov To Visit Australia State Director for Global Interaction. phone 02 9838 1595. DOOR of Hope International (02 9632 Stewart and Bronwen Hunt are Senior Praise God 8148) announces the visit of Paul H Popov Pastors with Eltham Baptist Church after THE great-grandson of Adoniram Judson in from 12-23 March. The organisation seeks many years in cross-cultural work. Andrew Burma is now Chairman of Myanmar Evan- to serve as the voice of the suffering and Lynda Boutros are Pastor at Canter- gelical Fellowship. He is also working along- church. ( bury Gardens Community Church. John side MAP Partners (Ministries for Asia Completing Yumplatok New Testament Willetts has been appointed Engineering Pacific) as they seek to evangelise Myan- MICHAEL and Charlotte Corden (SIL, Instructor and Jennifer Barton as PA/Admin- mar and other Asian countries. Founder and Torres Strait Islands) report that only istration Officer with the Mission Aviation President is Ooi Chin Aik, C/ 19-23 Holland Colossians, 1 and 2 Peter, Philemon and Course (BCV) at Coldstream. Dale and Road, Blackburn South, Vic 3130 Jude remain to be first drafted. Much work Cheryl Stagg have been appointed as ([email protected]). is still required to achieve their goal of July Director of HCJB Australia, and Peter and Nungalinya College, NT 2011 to actually complete everything for Gwyneth Michalke as Site Manager of KNX PRAYER is asked for the college as it starts printing. Pray for strength, health, accuracy, at Kununurra. Pray for these families as a new year providing a safe and welcoming motivation, and funding to enable this goal they settle into new situations. learning environment for many students and to be achieved. Spiritual Warfare With Unreached People seeks to protect the legacy of indigenous 2009 Is A New Year DR Grahame Martin has seen God answer language and culture. Pray for the staff and PRAY for the many hundreds (thousands?) prayer after prayer as Satan attempted to the Principal Rev Dr Lee Levett-Olson. of Christians starting new courses at univer- thwart plans to prepare the vessel MV Many issues have to be faced. sities, Bible Colleges, Theological Colleges, Peace for an evangelistic visit to the Idi The Cyclone Season! or in other areas. May each be fully equip- people in New Guinea. Five attempts have CHRISTIANS in the cyclone prone regions ped for God's service now and in the future. been made to plant a church among them of Australia are asking for God's protection Full-Time Volunteer Manager Required (1956-2002) but without success. At the at this time for themselves and their church LINDSAY Nicholls asks prayer for such a beginning of 2009 a team sailed from properties. May they maintain a strong wit- manager to run the despatch depot of Cairns with the goal of working with the ness for the Lord. Jesus DVDs, the evangelistic tool to reach leaders of the Arufe church to evangelise Reaching Chinese Seafarers all in Australia. Contact Lindsay, 4 Ingrid St, these resistant people. Grahame com- IAN and Vivian Dennis, European Christian Dandenong North, Vic 3175, phone: 03 ments: 'It is going to be a tough assign- Mission workers in Melbourne, are seeking 9791 1830. ment, but God says “I sent you to reap what to send emails to Chinese seamen using Four Nations – One Need – God's Word you have not worked for. Others have done Chinese script, hoping they will then be able THIS is the 2009 slogan of the Bible Society the hard work, and you have reaped the to respond. Pray that this will be effective. in Australia as they focus on four countries benefits of their labour”.' (John 4.38) Reaching Children And Families for their special project – the countries of Grahame reports that in answer to AROUND Australia Camps and Beach Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Bangladesh. prayer the MV Peace has safely left Aus- Missions have been held. Pray that the It reports that most of the 252 million people tralian shores. The crossing has been diffi- message will take strong root in the hearts living across those countries have not yet cult, with strong winds and difficulties with and minds of those who have been impact- been impacted by the Good News of Jesus Customs in Daru, finally having to pay K400 ed by God's Word. Pray for recovery for Christ. to be allowed in! Keep praying for safety in those who have led these teams – it is an Pray For God's Healing travel, God's provision, and the Idi people exhausting time for them. OMF Australia asks prayer for Troy and prepared by the Holy Spirit to receive the Good News For Antofogasta, Chile Ramona Hester on home assignment in Gospel. 700 young people are determined to win the Australia. Troy has had a recurrence of the News From Dr David And Margaret Price city for the Lord going home to home with Guillian Barre disease he suffered five DAVID will be heading to PNG for some Christian literature under the auspices of years ago. This is a serious disease and important CLTC related meetings before Every Home for Christ. Pray for God to give prayer is needed for him to make a com- Easter and then they are preparing for the the increase. plete recovery. Page Two – 5 February 2009 – NEW LIFE ‘IN THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION...’ Palestinian Christians Face Even More Trouble In Gaza THE casualties continued to rise in veiled, secret police will be watching more hardened.
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