KIWI AUCTIONS Presents a Live Auction of Antique Bottles

KIWI AUCTIONS Presents a Live Auction of Antique Bottles

KIWI AUCTIONS Presents a Live Auction of Antique Bottles, Advertising, Collectables Friday, 19th April 2019 In Conjunction with the 44th National Antique Bottle & Collectables Show Cosmopolitan Club, 11 Logan Street, Upper Hutt KIWI AUCTIONS LTD 106B Harpers Road RD2 Kaiapoi 7692 New Zealand Telephone (NZ only) 0800 782 584 Telephone: (intl) +64 21 944 759 Web Email: [email protected] Terms & Conditions 1. This is a Private Live Auction, to register for live bidding, bidders must have a valid weekend pass for the National Antique Bottle & Collectables Show, to get one contact the Auctioneer. 2. Guarantee: We guarantee the descriptions of all items in this catalogue. Any item found to have damage or faults not described PD\EHUHWXUQHGIRUDIXOOUHIXQGZLWKLQGD\VRIWKHFORVHRIWKHVDOH+RZHYHUDQ\PDQXIDFWXULQJÀDZWKDWGRHVQRW VLJQL¿FDQWO\GHWUDFWPRQHWDULO\IURPWKHYDOXHRIWKHLWHPEHLQJVROGZLOOQRWEHFRQVLGHUHGIRUDUHIXQG 3. Bidding: Will be live at bidding increments determined by the Auctioneer. 4. Telephone bidding is available, to register please contact the auctioneers, please book your telephone bid by Wednesday April 17th 9pm (NZ Time), 2 days prior to start time. 5. Export: Permission to Export certain New Zealand content items may be required for items over 50 years old, copies of the application forms and further information can be obtained from KWWSVPFKJRYWQ]¿OHV$SSOLFDWLRQWR([SRUWSQ]RBSGI ALL BIDDING IS IN NEW ZEALAND CURRENCY 6. Closing time for bids in the Auction: As this is a live auction, absentee bids must be with the auctioneers before 5pm on the day of Auction by telephone, or by Email no later than 5pm on Friday 19th April 2019 Postal bids must be received no later than Wednesday 17th April 2019 Email & Telephone bids by 5pm Friday April 19th 2019 We anticipate many calls on the last day so please place your bids early. ,QWKHFDVHRIDWLHGELGWKHVXFFHVVIXOSXUFKDVHUZLOOEHWKHELGGHUZKRVHELGZDVUHFHLYHG¿UVW &RQGLWLRQUHSRUWVDQG¿QDOWHOHSKRQHELGVZLOOEHDFFHSWHGRQWKHGD\EXW12ODWHUWKDQSP 7. Reserves: 6RPHRIWKHLWHPVR൵HUHGKDYHDUHVHUYHSULFHVHWE\WKHYHQGRU 8. Terms: Cash Cheque Mastercard or Visa (a 3% surcharge applies to credit card transactions). 9. Buyer’s Premium: There is a 12% Buyer’s Premium which is added to the purchase price. GST (at the current rate) will be added to the premium only. 10. Prices realised: Results will be available on our website a few days after the sale. 11. Payment: ,QIXOORQWKHQLJKWDEVHQWHHELGGHUVZLOOEHQRWL¿HGE\WKH$XFWLRQHHUV 12. Payment Methods&DVK&KHTXH()73269LVDRU0DVWHUFDUG'LUHFW&UHGLW REFERENCES *% &ROOHFWLQJ1=*LQJHU%HHUV%UXFH%DOGZLQ &RGG &ROOHFWLQJ1=&RGGV%UXFH%DOGZLQ %HHU &ROOHFWLQJ1=%HHUV7RP+DUWLOO 6\SKRQ 1=6RGD6\SKRQV'DYH6PLWKVRQ Ham NZ Hamilton Patents – Tom Hartill Capital Thirst – Peter Fisher Preserving the Past – Brian Holden History of Nelson Early Manufacturers – Rob Packer 0RUW 3RW/LGV 2WKHU&RORXUHG3ULQWHG6WD൵RUGVKLUH:DUHV±.90RUWLPHU +LVWRULFDO*XLGHWR$GYHUWLVLQJ3RW/LGV±+RXJKWRQ±/D\GHQ7D\ORU 2 Antique Bottles & Collectables 1. WERE BROS 9. HOPPE *DOVWRQHMDUQRKDQGOHXQPDUNHG&K&K Green glass Case Gin with applied seal for P Brick Co pottery, Were Bros Christchurch, Hoppe Schiedam, VG, 9/10 with Tower tm, dirty crazing and a manufacturing fault to rear edge, Good, 7/10 10. KEMP 6<.HPS*RUHHWFKHGZLWK Elephant tm, original top, Rarity 2. MOFFETT 2 known, VG 8/10 R]EOREWRS6RGD0R൵HWW Co Invercargill, Anchor tm, no maker, Very Good 9.5/10 11. SPARLAND’S 3. DODSON 80mm dia, yellowish lid 26oz Spun top Crown top, with black print Sparland’s Cherry Tooth & 10oz Spun top Crown Paste, hairline at letter H in tooth, large 7RS):'RGVRQ%OHQKHLP rim chip, Very Rare misspelt Auckland both with AGM monogram 7RRWK3DVWH/LG*RRG makers marks, 26oz is 6/10 XQXVXDOÀLQWJODVVFRORXUR]LVDTXD both Very Good 8/10 (2) 12. WHITTOME 1 Gal un marked Hutson Pottery, Whittome 6WHYHQVRQ &R/WG9* 4. MOFFETT R]+RJEHQ3DWHQW0R൵HWW &R,QYHUFDUJLOO $QFKRUWP/XPEPDNHUOLJKWZHDU5DUHLQ this small size 7/10 13. BARRY R],QWHUQDO7KUHDG&REDOW%OXH'%DUU\ $EHUGHHQ5RDG*LVERUQH.LOQHUPDUNVWR base, on inner rim there is a small ding (hard to see), otherwise 5. 3 GINGER VG 8/10 BEERS 8.*LQJHU%HHUV Style & Winch, John 14. BALLIN 0LOQH'DZVRQ¶VDOO GB18, large Champagne Ginger Very Good, 9/10 (3) Beer, Ballin Bros Christchurch BB tm, glaze FUDFNWROKV/+6 6. CLARK 15. OSMOND 10oz Hamilton patent, G M R Clarke *LQJHUVKDSH2VPRQGV)RRW Invercargill, light wear, Very Good, 8/10 5RW/LTXLG:HOOLQJWRQ1= *W Grimsby England, heavy glaze loss to body, Bourne 15 maker, 6/10 16. THOMSON 7. THOMSON LEWIS LEWIS BBC1851, Rarity A, 6oz R]DOOZD\&RGG¶V7KRPVRQ Reliance Patent, Thomson /HZLV:HOOLQJWRQ&RGG%RRNUHI /HZLV&U\VWDO6SULQJV:HOOLQJWRQ9HU\*RRG 1886 7/10 (dull patch 9.5/10 to rear), 1912 (VG 9.5/10) & 1890 (VG 9/10) (3) 8. BACON 17. WARNERS LONDON *%WDQWRSFRUNVWRSSHU-/%DFRQ ò3LQW*UHHQ:DUQHU¶V6DIH&XUH/RQGRQ Wellington, Bourne maker, 75mm rear hairline, great whittling to the body, Mint 10/10 large base edge chipping, 4/10 Antique Bottles & Collectables 3 18. RANCICH 26. BARRY 140mm tall Vase, majolica style glazing, CT/PBA008, 10oz Aqua Internal Thread, original ¿QHFUD]LQJPDUNHG-5DQFLFK$XFNODQG stopper, Phillip Barry Wellington, NZ, VG 8/10 AGM maker, Rare, VG 9/10 27. BRODIE GB48, tan top internal, C W Brodie 19. CHINESE :HOOLQJWRQ&URVVHG.H\VWPULP Massive 345mm HGJHGLQJ FKLSKDLUOLQHWR/+6 tall & 345mm DQGEDVHHGJHFKLS¿OOHG$YHUDJH diameter at widest 5/10 point, chocolate brown glaze, 4 tie down loops to shoulder (one broken), A large & impressive Chinese Storage Jar, VG 8/10 28. HANDLEY 10oz Aqua Spun Top, Wm Handley Auckland, Canon tm, AGM monogram, has had a light 20. BIRSS polish but still showing some crate *%DOOZKLWH'XPS\$:%LUVV&DUWHUWRQQR wear, Good. 7/10 maker, light wear VG 8/10 29. CREASES 21. KANE Amber applied sauce bottle, Creases 75mm dia black & white 'DQGHOLRQ&R൵HH(VVHQFH:HOOLQJWRQ /LG+DUROG.DQH&KHPLVW VG, 9/10 Gisborne Cherry Tooth Paste, chip to ÀDQJHZDOOHGJH5DUHVPDOOVL]H9* 8/10 30. RHEUMATIC 22. MORLEY Pint size, red amber blob top, 1 Gal Stone Jar, no handle, Morley & Co Warner’s Safe Rheumatic Cure :HVWSRUWSLFWRULDORI7KH.DZDWLUL5RZLQJ Melbourne, VG 9.5/10 Club Westport, Skey maker, small base edge chip to lhs near rear, Great Classic Pictorial 5DUH6WRQH-DU¿UVWRQHZHKDYHR൵HUHGIRU 31. WELLINGTON sale in 22 years! VG 9/10 5 x Wellington embossed chemists, front, :HOOLQJWRQ&KHPLFDO:RUNV/55*%ULHQ7KH*UDQG Pharmacy, R M Green, Plummer Wellington, W B P Perrott Wellington 23. RAWSON/THOMAS South [*DO6WRQH-DUV'HDQ 5DZVRQ/HYLQQRPDNHU Mint 10/10, plus Chas Thomas Wanganui Maui Bros maker, Mint 10/10 32. NEILSON &RGG$5DWHG2QH.QRZQR]7 24. HUME $1HLOVRQ*RUHPLQRUVFX൵GLQJLQPDUEOH Ham38, 10oz Hamilton, chamber, minor rim edge chip, VG 7/10 Hume & Co Invercargill, heavy wear (needs a polish), rare Southland Hamilton, Good 7/10 32A. WINGRAVE 110mm tall all white pot, no lid, -:LQJUDYH &R$QFKRY\3DVWH/RQGRQ 25. BENNETT READY highly detailed image of St Pauls Church, bad BBC180 & 181, 6 & 10oz Bennett damages, large U crack, (ex BBR lot 140), & Ready Wellington, with pictorial average 5/10 /LRQWPERWK%DUQDUGPDNHUR] VG 9/10, 10oz light wear & rear edge 33. BOX LOT chip 6/10 VG 8/10 (2) Floor Bidders only 4 Antique Bottles & Collectables 34. CLARKE 42A. CLAYTON GB58, tan top Crown Top, C A Clarke Rotorua, 72mm dia, purple print Wm Clayton Bourne A maker, Mint 10/10 & Cos Bears Grease 72 Watling Street /RQGRQFHQWUDOLPDJHRID%HDU $GYHUWLVLQJ3RW/LGVUHISJKDV DSURIHVVLRQDOUHSDLUWRÀDQJHZDOOIDFH 35. BREWERY JARS is untouched, VG 8/10 2 Gal, tan top, W Burridge Eagle Brewery 43. FRAZER Masterton, no maker, Williams Hokitika. Eccles Napier Mint 10/10, plus 2 Gal +DVWLQJV+HQG\'XQHGLQ impressed, R Stent & Co Central Brewery Wellington, Mint Johnstone & Haslett 10/10 (2) 'XQHGLQDOO9* 36. RATJEN 55mm tall by 55mm dia, white pot black print 44. ROBERT THIN Chas Ratjen Chemist & Analyst PPWDOO*ROG¿HOGV9LQHJDUHPERVVHGWREDVH Auckland NZ, prof rim repair, 5REHUW7KLQ/LYHUSRROZLWK5HJLVWUDWLRQ'LDPRQG VG, 8/10 untouched original condition 9/10 45. WRIGHT 37. LION BREWERY 1 Gal Stone Jar, Wright & Co R]QRWOLVWHGLQWKLV&RORXU<HOORZ$PEHU/LRQ Christchurch, with highly detailed Brewery Auckland, no maker, Mint 6DLOLQJ6KLSWP-DPHV6WL൵PDNHU 10/10 prof nick on rim repaired, light glaze FUDFNWR/+6SLFWXUH6XSHU5DUH one of 3 known, VG 8/10 38. WERE 46. COLES Syphon 782, 30oz Blue Barley Twist, GB67, tan top Crown Top, Coles Aerated Waters Were Bros Christchurch, original top, Whangarei, no maker, very minor inner rim wear, VG 8/10 VG 9/10 47. BOX LOT 39. KEMP Floor Bidders only R]$TXD%ORE7RS6RGD$(.HPS Gore, Elephant tm, Cannington Shaw maker, 1913 to base, minor marks, VG 9/10 48. KEMP Ham41, 10oz Hamilton Patent, A E .HPS*RUHOLJKWVFX൵WRERG\9* 40. 3 GB’S 9/10 8.*%¶V%RZQ+DUW Gould’s, all VG 9/10 (3) 49. HANDLEY Codd 810, large 20oz version, Wm Handley Auckland Canon tm, Barnard maker, chip to rim edge polished, rim edge ding, crate wear, Good 6/10 41. MOFFETT BLUE LIP R]5HOLDQFH$FPH3DWHQW&RGG%OXH/LS 50. SHARLAND 0R൵HWW,QYHUFDUJLOO$QFKRUWPWREDVH 80mm dia, Blue Print, Sharland & Co minor rim edge nibble & base edge ding, VG &KHUU\7RRWK3DVWH$XFNODQG*UL൶Q 7.5/10, All time Classic! tm, minor rim edge hairline, large ÀDQJHZDOOFKLSUXVW\PDUNV 42. BENNETT READY ['DUN*UHHQ,QWHUQDO7KUHDGV%HQQHW 51. KANE 5HDG\:HOOLQJWRQZLWK/LRQWPWDOO PPWDOOFREDOWEOXH+DUROG.DQH&KHPLVW one has Amber Ale to rear, 1261 to base Gisborne, WT maker, minor rear base edge 9/10 & dumpy has original stopper, has nick, light wear all over, 6/10 EDVHHGJHFKLSSLQJVRPH¿OOHGZLWKUHVLQ (average) 5/10 Antique Bottles & Collectables 5 52. NERVINE 60. NZ JAMS ½ Pint amber blob top, Warner’s Safe Nervine 6WRQHZDUHOEMDPVOU6W /RQGRQOLJKWZHDU9* *HRUJH-DP:RUN'XQHGLQ Milton Pottery marks, staining 6.LUNSDWULFN1HOVRQULP 52A. PEGWELL BAY chip 6/10, R Furness, base edge Mort 31, has triple black ding 6/10 (3) OLQHZLWK)OXHU'H/\V and solid gold outer EDQGLPDJHRI¿VKLQJLQ 61. CARTERS 3HJZHOO%D\PLQRUÀDQJH 245mm tall cobalt Blue master Ink, ABM, wall edge chip, VG, 9/10 Carters embossed to lower section, Mint 10/10 53.

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