~ ~ Cucamonga Valley® ~ Water District Service Beyond Expectation CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING AGENDA February 23, 2021 – 6:00 p.m. District Office, Board Room 10440 Ashford Street; Rancho Cucamonga, California Teleconference/Webinar Notice: In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), and in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 and the order of the County of San Bernardino dated March 17, 2020, there will be no public location for attending this Board Meeting in person. Members of the public may listen and provide public comment by calling or joining the webinar using the following information: Dial: +1 (877) 568-4106, Access Code: 955-106-309 And/or https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/955106309 OUR MISSION The mission of the Cucamonga Valley Water District is to provide high quality, safe and reliable water and wastewater services, while practicing good stewardship of natural and financial resources. 1. CALL TO ORDER / FLAG SALUTE 2. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO AGENDA 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Members of the public may comment on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. Comments related to noticed public hearing items will be heard at the time the public hearing is conducted. Speakers are requested to keep their comments to no more than five (5) minutes. The President may reduce the time to not less than three (3) minutes depending upon the number of speakers wishing to address the Board. Under the provisions of the Brown Act, the Board is prohibited from taking action on items not listed on the agenda. Anyone wishing to provide comment during Public Comment are asked to do so via telephone only (no computer) using the dial and access code information provided above to avoid technical disruptions. 4. PRESENTATIONS Roberta Perez, A) ACWA/JPIA President’s Special Recognition Awards Human Resources Manager FEBRUARY 23, 2021 BOARD MEETING AGENDA PAGE 2 5. GENERAL MANAGER/CEO REPORTS John Bosler, General A) District Updates Manager/CEO B) IEUA Board Meeting Agenda 6. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless members of the Board request specific items be removed for separate action. A) Approve Minutes of the February 9, 2021 Regular Board Meeting. B) Approve Board Calendar of Events. C) Approve Cash & Investment Report for month ending January 31, 2021. D) Approve Cash Disbursements for month ending January 31, 2021. E) Receive and File February Government & Public Affairs Report. F) Adopt Resolution No. 2021-2-1 Amending Administrative Policy No. 1.4, Investment 7. DEFERRED FY2021 AND FY2022 CIP PROJECTS Chad Brantley, REVIEW AND RELEASE THE LIST OF PREVIOUSLY DEFERRED CAPITAL Director of Finance IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS and Technology Services 8. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS A) February 2, 2021 Engineering Committee B) February 4, 2021 Human Resources/Risk Management Committee C) February 10, 2021 Finance Committee 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 10. ADJOURN In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Board Secretary (909) 987-2591, 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting so that the District can make reasonable arrangements. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.5, any writing that: (1) is a public record; (2) relates to an agenda item for an open session of a regular meeting of the Board of Directors; and (3) is distributed less than 72 hours prior to that meeting, will be made available for public inspection at the time the writing is distributed to the Board of Directors. Any such writing will be available for public inspection at the District offices located at 10440 Ashford Street, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729. In addition, such writing may also be posted on the District’s web site. Posted 02-18-21 u January 13, 2021 YOUR BEST PROTECTION Cucamonga Valley Water District (C009) P.O. Box 638 ACWAJPIA Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-0638 P. 0. Box 619082 General Manager: Roseville, CA 95661-9082 phone Each year at Fall Conference, the JPIA recognizes members that 916.786.5742 have a Loss Ratio of 20% or less in either of the Liability, 800.231.5742 Property, or Workers' Compensation programs (loss ratio= total losses/ total premiums). www.acwajpia.com The members with this distinction receive the "President's Special Recognition Award" certificate for each Program that President they qualify in. E.G. "Jerry" Gladbach The JPIA is extremely pleased to present Cucamonga Valley Vice President Water District (C009) with this special recognition and TomCuquet commends the District on the hard work in reducing claims. Chief Executive Officer Congratulations to you, your staff, Board, and District. Keep up Walter "Andy" Sells the good work! The JPIA wishes you the best in 2021. Executive Committee Fred Bockmiller Sincerely, Tom Cuquet David Drake E.G. "Jerry" Gladbach Brent Hastey Melody A. McDonald E.G . "Jerry" Gladbach Randall Reed President J. Bruce Rupp Pamela Tobin Enclosure: President's Special Recognition Award(s) Core Values • People • Service • Integrity • Innovation ! I I '.D ,l, • .J.!71][[1, '( ,1) Jl/11 I ,1\1 • 1 R ,,. 11 • • I 1\lili I A I d 1 ~~rt!esi~-e~t,_,, \s ;i 1 !!!i,1le ti;1.d I , ,, ecoo:n1t1Ji(l!1).nwa~ ~\\ \, 1\\l )'\: I \l ll~ ~ 'I 1)111 1), l1 /(,I / . )) 11 \ 1y/ "11•1,, /, ~ !~1 /J )Jli' I '. "' "I \ii\\\ •, ,\ !\ '.,, j 1 • ,, 1/'1 • • • 1.. ' ii\,! j))il The President ofthe 1 1 ' , 1 111 I /1 ACIV7.AJrn'Lr,4J-11' ...t:I. ..1..-~ ...t:I. ,.,,, hereby gives Special Recognition to 1(il_l/ I \', Cucaino'nga Valley Water I;Jistrict for achieving a low ratio of "Paid Claims and Case Reserves" to "Deposit Premiums" in the Pro,nerty"Progr3:m for the period 04/01/2016 - Ii 0Jf31~2,01.9 1, ' ,JI ' 1 ' II' ,1) 'I" .. annoufl'ced at·tht; Boara ofDirectors' Meeting in a Virtual Meeting. g~ ~r~ w~~t-4,-1 i'"'II' un:;I I,"•,, 1 ,_- , , , iu;ir 1 1 . • ) I : ' V 11111 I' I . 1 . J\\ \ \ I,(\~\[, ' I 1.,, , 11IJ )I ! ,rd((il ·· \ \' ' ii I 11 ///1 / I:) \ I,,\', ,\\10 fllj 1 E. G. 1o/J~q,;,e;J~1JJ rr, , ~~i~»~h~1\\\\\ ( :r ~,) 1;;JJ»1) 1} ;1lJJ)J;',)),)) ! I I : ( ·• '\ ,·'1~)1 11Debember115.12020 . \ ' 1 1 1 .. I 'I 11 /I . ;II I' ! t\ ' ' - 1 111 1 1 , llit, r, ®111 .,, !/1f1 r r t1.,. JfffJr/ WfM 1111 r 1((!,, · , ij )Ji\\\\\ \'i\\%11\\\' \\\\\(l~ -( \' ,V\ m111 11 1 11 · >;11llil w "i ,.. 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