CITY OF JERSEY CITY 280 Grove Street Jersey Cit^J^ew Jersey 07302 Robert Byrne, R.M.C., City Clerk Scan J. Gailagher, R.M.C., Deputy City Clerk Irene G. McNiilty, R.M.C., Deputy City Clerk Rolando R. Lavarro, Jr., Councilperson- at-Large Daniel Rivcra, Councilperson-af-Large Joyce E. Watfcrman, Conncilpcrson- at-Largc Frank Gajewski, Councilperson, Ward A Chris L, Gadsden, Councilperson, Ward B Richard Boggiano, Councilperson, Ward C Michael Yun, Councilperson, Ward D Candice Osborne, Councilpfcrson, Ward E Jermaine D. Robinson, Councilperson, Ward F Agenda Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. Please Note: The next caucus meeting of Council is scheduled for Monday, September 11, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. in the Efrain Rosario Memorial Caucus Room, City Hall. The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Anna and Anthony R. Cucci Memorial Council Chambers, City Hall. A pre-meeting caucus may be held in the Efrain Rosario Memorial Caucus Room, City Hall. 1. (a) INVOCATION: (b) ROLL CALL: (c) SALUTE TO THE FLAG: (d) STATEMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH SUNSHINE LAW: City Clerk Robert Byrne stated on behalf of the Municipal Council. "In accordance with the New Jersey P.L. 1975, Chapter 231 of the Open Public Meetings Act (Sunshine Law), adequate notice of this meeting was provided by mail and/or fax to The Jersey Journal and The Reporter. Additionally, the annual notice was posted on the bulletin board, first floor of City Hall and filed in the Office of the City Clerk on Wednesday, November 23, 2016, indicating the schedule of Meetings and Caucuses of the Jersey City Municipal Council for the calendar year 2017. The Agenda of this meeting was disseminated on Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. to the Municipal Council, Mayor and Business Administrator of Jersey City. It was similarly disseminated to The Jersey City Reporter and The Jersey Journal. 2. Bid Reception: None ** CONSENT AGENDA All items listed on the meeting calendar with an asterisk (or asterisks) are considered routine by the municipal council and will be enacted by one motion (and roll call) without separate discussion of each Item. If discussion is desired on any item and permitted by the council, that item will be considered separately. Consent Agenda adopted by Ordinance J-636 and supplemented by Ordinance C-248. Please understand that all documents listed in the consent agenda are available for public perusal at this meeting, *3. ORDINANCE HEARING FIRST READING CITY CLERK FILE a. Ordinance reappropriating $ 1,951,798 . 81 of proceeds of obligations not Ord. 17-108 needed for their original purposes in order to provide for a capital improvement in and by the City of Jersey City, in the County if Hudson, New Jersey. b. Ordinance by the Municipal Council of the City of Jersey City vacating Ord. 17-109 an alley lying between Newkirk Street and Cubberly Place, Jersey City, New Jersey. c. An ordinance naming the newly re-constructedgazebo in Riverview Park Ord. 17-110 "The Maria Tuzzo Pavilion". d. An ordinance providing the Section of 5 Street from Monmouth Street Ord. 17-111 West to Bmnswick Street with the commemorative designation "Nicolas Arcuri Way". e. An ordinance providing the Section of 16 Street from Marin Boulevard Ord. 17-112 West to Jersey Avenue with the commemorative designation "Dan Waddleton Way". f. Ordinance terminating the financial agreement between the City of Jersey Ord. 17-113 City and Whitlock Mills, LP., for failure to satisfy the conditions of Ordinance 03-139. g. An ordinance supplementing Chapter 332 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the Ord.17-114 Jersey City Code Article VUI (Permit Parking) Amending 332-58 of the Jersey City Traffic Code extending Zone 4 Residential Permit Parking on Bay Street to include Washington Street to Greene Street. h. An ordinance supplementing Chapter 332 (Vehicles and Traffic) Article Ord. 17-115 n (Traffic Regulations) Section 332-9 (Stop Intersections) of the Jersey City Traffic Code designating the intersections of Lincoln Street and Columbia Avenue; Lincoln Street and Liberty Avenue; Lincoln Street and Terrace Avenue and Seventh Street and Division Street as multi-way stop intersections. i. Ordinance supplementing Chapter A351 (Executive Orders and Ord. 17-116 Ordinances) of the Jersey City Code to create a new classified position for Supervising Lifeguard. 08.16.17 A3. ORDINANCE HEARING FIRST READING CITY CLERK FILE j. Ordinance amending Chapter 287 (Solid Waste), Article I (Storage Ord. 17-117 Collection and Disposal), Section 287-4 (Accumulation of Refuse and Noxious Plants) to enable the City to be reimbursed for certain lot cleaning and related costs. k. An ordinance approving a 30 year tax exemption for a mixed income Ord. 17-118 affordable housing project to be constructed by 160 Lafayette Associates, L.P., a qualified housing sponsor under the New Jersey Mortgage Housing Finance Agency Law NJ. S A. 55:14K-1 et seq. 1. An ordinance approving a 20 year tax exemption for a market rate rental Ord. 17-119 mixed use project to be constructed by 87 Newkirk Holdings Urban Renewal, LLC., an urban renewal entity, pursuant to the Long Term Tax ExemptionLawNJ^LA,40A:20-l etseq., located on Block 12204,Lot 12, on the city's tax map and more commonly known by the street address of 97 Newldrk Street. 08.16.17 M. ORDINANCE HEARING SECOND READING CITY CLERK FILE Introduced-9-0- a. Ordinance reappropriating $4,000,000 of proceeds of obligations not Ord. 17-098 needed for their original purposes in order to provide for various capital Intro. 07.19.17 improvements in and by the City of Jersey City, in the County of Hudson. Introduced-9-0- b. An ordinance supplementing Chapter 332 (Vehicles and Traffic) Article Ord. 17-099 II (Traffic Regulations) Section 332-8 (Prohibited Right Turns on Red Intro.07.19.17 Signal) of the Jersey City Traffic Code prohibiting the right turn on red signal at the intersection of Summit Avenue and Magnolia Avenue, at All Approaches, All Times. Introduced-9-0- c. An ordinance supplementing Chapter 332 (Vehicles and Traffic) Article Ord.17-100 II (Traffic Regulations) Section 332-9 (Stop Intersections) of the Jersey Intro. 07.19.17 City Traffic Code designating Liberty Avenue and St. Paul's Avenue as a multi-way stop intersection. Introduced-9-0- d. An ordinance supplementing Chapter 332 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the Ord. 17-101 Jersey City Traffic Code Article II (Traffic Regulations) amending Intro. 07.19.17 Section 332-9 (Stop Intersections) designating both Martorano Way and Carbon Place and Martorano Way and Fisk Street as a stop intersection. Introduced-9-0" e. An ordinance supplementing Chapter 332 (Vehicles and Traffic) Article Ord. 17-102 XIII (Parking, Standing and Stopping) Sections 332-22 (No Parking Any Intro. 07.19.17 Time) repealing the No Parking Prohibition on the East Side ofGarfield Avenue adjacent to Berry Lane Park and Section 332-31 (Parking Restrictions for Street Cleaning Purposes) designating parking restrictions for street cleaning purposes on the east side of Garfield Avenue adjacent to Berry Lane Park, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. hitroduced-9-0- f. Ordinance of the City of Jersey City to amend Chapter 84-22 of the City Ord.17-103 Code to create a special event exception to allow sale and consumption Intro. 07.19.17 of Alcoholic Beverages on golf facilities as defined under N.J.A.C. 13:5.3 on Sundays during any golf tournament or special event directly related to playing golf from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Introduced-9-0- g. An ordinance repealing Chapter 304, (Taxation), Article VII Ord.17-104 (Construction Project Labor Agreements) and adopting a new version. Intro. 07.19.17 07.19.17 C4. ORDINANCE HEARING SECOND READING CITY CLERK FILE Introduced-9-0" h. An ordinance approving a five (5) year tax exemption pursuant to the Ord. 17-105 provisions of N.J.S.A.40A:21-1, et seq., and Section 304-12 of the Intro. 07.19.17 Municipal Code for property designated as Block 15203, Lot 10, on the City's tax map and more commonly known by the street address of 65 Storms Avenue. Introduced-9-0- L An ordinance supplementing Chapter 3 32 (Vehicles and Traffic) Article Ord. 17-106 Ill (Parking, Standing and Stopping) and Article IX (Parking for the Intro.07.19.17 Disabled) of the Jersey City Code designating a reserved parking space at 225-227 Armstrong Avenue; 154 Chestnut Avenue; 341 Fulton Avenue; 389 Fulton Avenue; 752 Grand Street; 68 V-z Lafayette Street; 117 North Street and 28 Roosevelt Avenue. Introduced-7-0- j. Ordinance approving a twenty (20) year tax exemption for a commercial Ord. 17-107 Gajewski and warehouse project to be constructed by Exeter Thomas McGovem Land Intro. 07.28.17 Boggiano: absent Urban Renewal, LLC, pursuant to the provisions of the Long Term Tax Exemption Law N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1 etseq for the property designated as Block 21508, Lot 2, on the City's tax map and more commonly known by the street address as 295 McGovem Drive (f/k/a 79 Thomas F. McGovem Drive). 07.19.17 ** 5. PUBLIC REQUEST FOR HEARING 1. LaVern Washington 2. Nathaniel Legay 3. Barbara Camacho 4. Gloria Walton 5. Willie Keaton 6. Cynthia Matthews 7. Samuel Gutierrez 8. Jeanne Baly 9. Dionne Kelly 10. Kelsha Harris 11. Yvonne Balcer 08.16.17 NOTE: THE FOLLOWING ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A*6.
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