SHORT COMMUNICMION Arisaema (Araceae) Japanese

SHORT COMMUNICMION Arisaema (Araceae) Japanese

The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society for Plant Systematics [SSNl346-7565 Acta Phytotax, Geobot. 59 (2)/ 175-178 (2008) SHORT COMMUNICMION New and Further Chromosome Number Determinations in Japanese Arisaema (Araceae) KUNIAKI WATANABEi, TOMIKI KOBAYASHI2 and JINMURATA3 iDeipartment 2Tllie ofBiology Graduate School ofScience, ?(bbe U}iiversic}l Rokkodoi 1-1, Kohe, 657-850I, .lapan; 3Botanical Societyfor Elora ofH),ogo, 583-36 Ookuraclanishimizu, Akashi, 673-0865, Jlapan; Gardens, Graduate School qf'Scienee, Uhiversia, of 7bkyo, Hdkusan 3-7-1, BunO,o-Ku, 7lokyo II2-OOOI, Jbpan Chromosome numbers are reported fbr 23 strains from 19 populations attributed te 12 species of Japanese Arisaema. The chromosome numbers ofA. galeijbnue (2n = 28) and A. kuratae (2n = 28) are reported for the first time. The remaining counts support previously reported determinations (most of which were single counts> and thus add to the knowledge of chromosome number distribution within the species ofArisaema. Some taxonomic problems are briefly discussed. Key words: Araceae, Arisaema, Arisaema galeCforine, Arisaema kuratae, Arisaeina nagiense, Arisaema kawashimae, chromosome number The genus Arisaema (Araceae) comprises some number of 2n == 26 in A, minus (Seriz,) J. about 170 specics (Murata 1995), among which Murata (Watanabe et al. 1998), Still, many enig- about 70 species have been examined cytologi- mas remain, even in the A. undulattfotium group. cally by many authors (Petersen 1989, Watanabe Besides continuing our studies of the A. undu- et aL 1998, Murata et aL 2006), The range of dis- latij?]lium group, we have therefbre extendcd our tribution of several species are rather restricted to study of chromosome numbers to seyeral other local areas and few species exhibit a wide distri- groups, butional range. There remain, therefbre, the pos- Sample populations and youcher specimens sibility of finding additional new species through are listed in Table 1. Vbucher specimens are de- more intensive field surveys and through the posited in the herbaria of Shoei Junior College examination of specimens. In Japanese Arisaema, (SHO) and the University of Tbkyo (TI). Excised Murata (1995) recognized eight morphological root tips about 1 cm long were pretreated in ice groups and showed their distributional patterns. water at OOC for 24 hr and fixed in 3:1 ethanol- Among them, we have studied intensively the A. acetic acid solution for 1 hr at 40C, They were undutatijbtium group fbr more than twenty years then macerated with IN HCI fbr 10 min at 600C, (Serizawa 19gO, Murata 1986, 1990, Kobayashi stained with the Shiff's solution and squashed. 1989, 1990, Kobayashi et al. 2000, 2003), which All chromosome numbers deterrnined for the provided an opportunity to discover the chromo- 23 strains from 19 poputations attributed to 12 NII-Electronic Library Service The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society for Plant Systematics 176 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. VbL 59 TABLE 1. Species, Col]ection rocalities, Number ofplants examined, VOucher specimens and Chromosome numbers in Arisaema Species (Japanese name) and Localities (Vbucher specimen number) No. plants2n sect. Pistillata Nakai A. amurense group A. nagiense T. Kobayashi & al. (Nagihiroha-tennanshe) Chikusa-cho, Shiso-city, Hyogo Pref (lk bbayashi 4281 Z 428i8) 22 2626 Nagi-cho, Katuta-gtin, Okayama Pre£ (Kobayashi 42812, 428I3) A. ovale Nakai (Hiroha-tennansho) Chikusa-cho, Shiso-city, Hyogo PrefL (Kobayashi 423i3) 1]1 525252 Nagi-cho, Katuta-gun, Okayama Pref (Kobq}'ashi 40723) Ooe-cho, Fukuchiyama-city, Kyeto Pre£ (Kobayashi 43001) A. monophyllum group A. lyoanum Makino (Omogo-tennansho) Kumakoogen-cho, Karniukena-gun, Ehime Pref. (Kob(u,ashi 43004) 1 28 A. nikoense group A. kuratae Seriz. (Amagi-tennnansho) Higashiizu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Pret (Kobayashi 43003) 1 28 A. nikoense Nakai (hmoto-mamushigusa) Yugashima-cho, Izu-city, Shizuoka Pref (Kbbayashi 43002) 1 28 A. sematum group A. galeijbrme Seriz. (Yamazato-mamushigusa) Ooshika-mura, Shimoina-gun, Nagano Pref. (Kbbayashi 43924) l 28 A. takedtie Makino <Oo-mamushigusa) Sugou, YZimesaki-cho, Himeji-city, Hyogo Pref, (Kobayashi 43005) 1 28 A. undulatijblium group A, aequinoctiaie Nakai & F. Maek. (Higan-mamushigusa) Itsukaichi-cho, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima-city, Hiroshima Pree (Kobayashi 42973) 111 262626 Asa-cho, Asakita-ku, Hiroshima-city, Hiroshima Pret (Kobayashi 42975) Akioota-cho, Yamagata-gun, Hiroshima Pref, (Kbbayashi 42P70 A. kawashimae Seriz. (Tokunoshima-tennannsho) flbkunoshima-cho, Ooshima-gun, Kagoshima Pref (Kbbayashi 42833) 2 28 A. nambae Kitam. ([fakahashi-tennansho) Fojio, Fukuyama-city, Hiroshima Pref <Kobc{p,ashi 42958) 111 282828 Kisa-cho, Miyoshi-city, HiToshima Pre£ CKobayashi 42982) Mukaihara-cho, Akitakada-city, Hiroshima Pref (Kbbayashi 43006) unassigned to any groups A. seppikoense Kitam. (Seppiko-tennansho) Kamikawa-cho, Kanzaki-gun, Hyogo Pre£ (1(bbayashi39259.39263) 2 26 sect. Flagellarisaema Nakai A. thunbergii Blume (Nangoku-urashimasou) Sayou-cho, Sayou-gun, Hyogo Prefl 34370 1 28 (Kobayashi NII-Electronic LibraryMbrary Service TheTheJapaneseSociety Japanese Society for Plant Systematics July 2008 Vv'iYI'ANABE & AL.: Chromosome ofJapanese Arisaema 177 specics arc prcsented in Table 1. The first reports Within the A. serratum group, A. galeiforme are givcn fbr A. gateijbrme Seriz, (2n == 28, Fig.1) Seriz. and A takedoe Makino werc ¢ xamined to and A. kuratae Scriz. (2n - 28, Fig, 2), clarify the relationship between them. Both spe- Within the A. amurense group, A. ovale cies have a chromosome number of2n = 28. Nakai and A. nagiense T. Kobayashi, K, Sas- Within the A. undt{latijfblittin group, A. ae- amura & J. Murata were examined to clarify the quinoctiaie Nakai & F. Maek. and A, nambae relationship between them. Threc strains ofA. Kitam. in the Chugoku district were exam{ned to ovaie collectcd from three prefectures have 2n = clarify their distributional boundaries, Arisaeina 52 Ctetraploid based on x = 13), In contrast, A. aequinoctiale has 2n = 26 and occurs from the nagiense has 2n = 26 and is diploid based on x = west side of Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Pref., to 13 (Kobayashi et al. 2008). Although one of thrce Yamaguchi Pref, In comparison, A, nambae has =28 collection localities ofA. ovale overlaps thc distri- 2n and is distributed from the west side of bution range efA. ncrgiense, no hybrids between Akitakada City, Hiroshima Prefi to Okayama Prcf them have been fbund. It is necessary, however, Populations of the tw'o species are separated from to conduct further cyto-geographical studies, be- each other by about 40 km. Although their distri- cause chromosome numbers 2n = 39 (Serizawa butional boundaries are rather close, no hybrids 1981a) and 2n = 65 (Murata 1990a), as well as 2n betwccn thcm havc been found in this area. = 26 and 2n = 52 (see Watanabe et aL 1998). havc Another member of the A, undulatijblium been reported at various localities. group is the critically endangered and endemic Within the A. monoph.vtlum group, A. i.voa- species A. kaivashimae Seriz. which grows on num Makino has 2n = 28 chromosomes, mountain tops on Tokunoshima. Arisaema ka- Although Serizawa (1981) regarded A ku- washimae had not been seen since Serizawa ratae Seriz. to be a mcmbcr of thc A. nikoense (1980) described its characteristics and reported group, Kobayashi (unpublished) fbund it diffbred its chromosome number (2n = 28), Recently, in in thc morphology of thc first leaf from other the same area, Kobayashi observed a newly found members of the A nikoense group, The chromo- population comprising about ten individuals. TxN'o some number of 2n = 28, however, is the same as individuals have a chromosome number of 2n = in other members of the A. nikoense group. 28. As Serizawa (1980) noted, the spathe does not tt''.1 ・-". ・.tm ,{//,,・,. -k. il.ww '・it1',・ "3p#',, ''rtl" '/'tw/ ",,wrg.,・,Ig/i・:,,f,mma,,,..1,min's ,' ttt i/ee' ' ,mapt,/,・IIge., ,//l, /1iml/ 1/,Flpt/// l- li# lyYil, , lil;ee :-.- , .. .lw /ww/' /'/,'ee./l v!/ee "fim' ''':wh' "';ti' 't/////t//,'e/,//,me/1/1e,"s./,va//,,,/L/L//i'i''I, ,tw'.l: iee/I=,lfee t.t t ・yag- .geww...i/ .' ・1,tw vdi/// , /ge.// //irt// ///ew;w,/1ssI/. .',{nMmail '/ 'ge./ge.l/,,tw,i,1// '//'ng"ii/mam.{imaM/,,si/Mzafi,//・g,ww・fi da/ il, ,/,/pt'1/11/ //tw/II ,1//l. ,xts'm・ /t :・m・di.' /tr ti/tlltt;./ge///t /,/?ma// ./Mm 1,/' .,,,t ttt t ,/, t tee'1 ,/ pt ///ln /, ,.l ' tt.../ptt ,' 1,min/. t . mat abt ,///em/g,,//l/ tttt /]// k,gefixl・Iwzat/ 1/tttt ./va/t ' t,rm//,,mata'/h, "nt,1' { / //i//im'lil,t' / s Flc,s,1-2. Somatic metaphase chromosomcs in Artsaema. [,4. gatecfo,'me (2n = 2g) 2 A kuratae Semz(2n = 28). Scalc bur = 5pm. NII-Electronic Library Service The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society for Plant Systematics 178 Acta Phytotax. Geebot. Vbl. 59 open before extension ofthe leaves, which is not 2008. Arisaema inaense and A, nagiense, Two dip- loid species of the A. ovale Acta in agreement with other members of the A. undu- group (Araceae). Phytetax. Geobot 59: 37-43. tatijZ)lium group. Whether this species should be Murata, J. I986. Comments on taxonomic characters classified in the A. undulatCfotium group requires and the taxonomy ofJapanesc Arisaenia (Araccae). further study. (2) Length of the pedunclc and number of ovules One species unassigned to any group, with special reference te A. unduiatCfolium and A, Arisaema seppikoense Kitam. (Murata 1995), has kishidue. Acta Phytotax. Geobot, 46: 185-208. (in = Japanese) 2n 26, which agrees with a previous report (Wa- Murata, J. 1990. Introduction to the plants ofArisaema tanabe et al. 1998). Arisaema thunbergii Blume recently recognized from Japan. Aroidcana 13: (sect. Flagellarisaema) has 2n = 28, which also 225-232. supports an earlier report 1989), (Petersen Murata, J, 1990a, New or neteworthy chromosome records in Arisaema (Araceae) (2). J, Jap. Bot. 65/ We would like to thank Dr. H. Ikeda of University 225-232. Museum, University of Tokyo, Mr. H, Yamashita of Murata, J. 1995. Diversity in the Arisaema serratum Kagoshima Prcf, Mr. S. Matsumoto ofHyogo Pre£ and group, Acta Phytotax.

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