The BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION imiin-miMniMfM-aiiwiirirr-r-ri-f rr rf rf ff f f rrr»#^»»^f^rrrrrr rrf r^rf-fTT^-i r rr-Jirrnrwf rrrirrmr*‘““tr---ta»«—"—*•**——««*—i—»•—i9*m0»——*9+#**9**+9*W**m\i in Meet .. * .- .. 1 ..— .*-—.....*........ _ Recognizes _ Harlingen Valley Champions* 1 hr field Aviators. IS to 6. The vie* Ohio National tory gave the doughboys the right TAKES TONY MANERO Champ; CADETS READY to meet Fort Crockett Saturday. Yesterday's game vs suie third [YODER between the two teams. The first That Is Wood's two resulted in ties, one a scorelesi NET CROWN WINS TITLE Finding FOR BIG GAME tie. and the other a 6 to 8 contest • Looms At | Rett* With New York Prof eaaionnl And He's It Stanford Tuttle Crown Sticking by tables Greatest Event of Pair From Takes Field In By WILLIAM RITT Trank was busy with his pencil be- Fine Play Sport* Editor of Central Pres* fore the ball touched turf. Not even Year Edinburg NEW YORK, Dec. 16—After al- a single point-after-touchdown got most 10 weeks of constant adding, away. Catalina Island, Calif. WEST POINT, N. Y.JJec. 16-H*V- (Special to The Herald) AVALON, dividing, multiplying, However. Trank being a big lea- subtracting, Football interest has begun to die Dec. 16—(JP)—Tony Manero, 24-year- sounding, gue calculator could only bother HARUNOEN, Dec. 16—For the weighing, measuring, out in most parts of the east, okl of New York iCty, parsing, defining, probing, Investi- with big league football teams, and first time in many yean the Val- professional but at West Point it is approaching but not JYank E. so when Thanksgiving dawned he held the Catalina open golf gating sleeping, its It is only two days ley has recognized single and today in Prank’s highest pitch. Wood, the leading football figgerer had everything order. it title as a result of superlative shoot- until the cadet team starts jour- doubles tennis champion*, as a re- of the nation, has at last uncover- list, the National Football Stand- ney to Palo Alto. Calif., for the final in final play yesterday, when ed the national of the ings, is the generally accepted mit of the tournament completed ing “champion'’ and perhaps the moat important, wound the 54 holes for a 186 gridiron. method of determining the worth at Harlingen Sunday. he up game of the 1929 season against Hold your seats and don’t stand of competing teams. breeeed card, 12 under par. Stanford. Bill Yoder of Harlingen up—It’s Ohio university! Frank's final calculations showed Trailing Manero was Olin Dutra, The squad, which comes closer to right up through the rank and file Pooh for Notre Dame! Bah for just how the big boys stood. Utah leave Californian, one stroke behind, being a full company, is to and defeated his Pittsburgh! And a of meows had the best record and, of course, 8unday easily while "Wild Bill" Mehlhorn of New couple here Wednesday aboard a special for Purdue! a fine claim on the national title. Biff Jones has fellw citizen F. L. Flynn 6-3, 6-3, York won third money with 188. train. Head coach Ohio university It Is. All of which Next came Tennessee. Then Pitts- workouts Qales- to win the Valley singles crown. Por his performance. Manero stops for at shows what figgering can do to a budgh, Tulane. Colgate, Davls-Elk- Kane., and Yoder’s work stood out above the got $1,500, while Dutra, Los Angel- Elannedurg. Ills., Syracuse, fellow. lns, Purdue. Notre Dame, Fordham, Needles, Calif., before reaching Palo field. He fomerly held the singles es pro, look second place money of Prank started the football season North Carolina and so forth. week of hard championship of Texas Junior col- $1,000. Mehlhorn's 188 for third Alto Sunday for a with a carload of and It was a great piece of work. and the on Dec. 28. leges. won him $750. copy paper practice game place The return which includes vis- The doubles crown rests In Edin- Prank Walsh. Chicago, who turn- tour, i its to movie studios at Los Angeles burg, hung over the brows of S. ed in a score of 189 for fourth frvess you and a at the Grand Can- W. Patrick and Bill Southwell. was awarded $500, while day's stop place, C’UV* U wind at West Point These Hidalgo netters defeated L. Charles Guest, Los Angeles, John | yon, is to up PORT* Jan. 4. H. Warburton and Tabor of San Golden, Paterson. N. J., and Leo (rOCp, I The party which will make the Benito 6-2. 4-6, 6-3, 4-6. 6-4. The Diegel, Agua Caliente. who also TOOl/ j will be a total of 142 peo- fight for this crown was hotly con- turned In 189 scores, each received long trip of which 110 are football play- tested. as a glance at score will ple. $450. ers. As a reward for their services easily convince a tennis fan. Most of the well known profes- Gifts He’s during practice, the scrub and ple- This was a study in styles, sionals wef? entered today at the game ’•Ukf be teams will be taken along. Only with the conservative lobbing of the San Gabriel Country clubs annual members of the squad or varsity will Sure to Like winning out over WAS tT $1,000 tournament. Edlnburgers take in the game, but the Wharburton's hard drives and Tab- part others will be used in practice. or’s chop strokes. Piatt of Vharr emerging vic- A train of thirteen cars, fitted The tournament was begun un- ginia torious. with every convenience for a travel- der the of the Valley Mid- This Is the store of Christ- auspices ing football team has been made up. Wlnter fair association, but due to 6keet mas gifts for men, because a case of lead pencils. He had train- I Frank could well have been proud unforeseen circumstances. Its final It’s a store filled with the Although she has been given sev- ed all summer by multiplying the of it. And then It happened tuts were untU Sunday. kind of he would postponed eral hot tassets by the Brownsville stock ticker reports with the peo- The football season over : Yank things buy These contests finish the event. Netters boys, Donna, state champions, re- ple passing through the Times discovered he had formed such a Japanese for himself—the kind of Mis* Pat DeHymel of San An- he mains supreme in the Valley. It Square subway station and sub- habit he couldn't quit flggering. He To things would appreciate. tonio won the women’s singles Turn Europeans would be dnficult to pick an indi- t ictinfe the number of times the had become a decimal addict, an earlier In the schedule. She and TOKYO. Dec. 16—<*>—'The exe- vidual skeet champion.’Both Donna! Athletics hit safely in the eighth addition inebriate or something. He Miss Mary O’Brien, also of San cutive committee of the Japan lawn and Brownsville gunners are above Inning of the next to last world started to figure the scores of the won the women's doubles. tennis association decided today to Antonio, WW BVL-IBgC. series minor teams. Yoder and Miss Piatt of game. issue its 1930 challenge for the Davis Neckwear Virginia Prom the first kickoff of the The result is staggering Frank's Pharr took the mixed doubles. Golf cup in the European zone instead Marion Howard game. Friday. Sept further calculations show Ohio uni- Tuxedo of silver of the American zone, as it has done Accessories Awards in the form loving There has been no individual of nine games won, none lost, 20, the inital gridiron contest versity, because the cups wUl be the champions heretofore, European given cliamplon of the lour Valley clubs the season, Prank was in their fig- none tied, 306 points to opponents zone offers a greater variety of com- Hosiery In the near future. selected. However, we believe we have a of .980. gering. He gave the best that was 13, to percentage petition. A field of approximately 50 rack- would be sale in saying that J. M. Belts & Buckles The team named today Included eteers completed. Fair officials state BY JACK SORDS Moriarty became the manager of and J. 1. George comprise the best, Takeichi Harada, Ycshlro Ohta, Ta- they will hold a similar tourney Central Press Sports Cartoonist the Tigers one of his first acts was lather and son pair that could be Luggage mio Abe. and Ytotart Sato. The first next year. Writer to sign Leifleld as coach. He up in the Valley. { scraped A' three are veterans of international With of as both two years at Detroit before Lounging Robes plenty experience stayed Outboard Racing ;saa/o \4 matches, while Sato is rated as the and coach in the major becoming the manager of the Okla- Bass Gets Shot I best of the newcomer*. and so on. Benny fjlayereagues and with one season of homa City team. George Leonard is the best known, P/.AYCP/ At Crown managing a minor league club be- Leificld’s pitching career began In and most enthusiastic outboard rac- y. 4 Lightweight Leifteld will at- 1902 with From there er of this section. George usually has YORK. Dec. 16—<yP>— Tod hind him, big Lefty Joplin, Mo., PKTRA NEW 23rd Guns to the St. Paul club he went to Alton and then to Des somebody else do his driving, but Infantry’s Morgan will give Benny Bass of tempt pilot of the American Association to a Moines before he became big league don’t iorget he can handle tile Philadelphia a shot at the Junior Beat Fliers next received calibre.
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