1896. .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. 3377 Mechanics. in behalf of the Lodge immigration bill-to the Com­ Mr. MITCHELL of Oregon presented a petition of Highland mittee on Immigration and N atnralization. Grange, No. 261. Patrons of Husbandry, of Oregon, praying for By Mr. STAHLE: Petition of Union Veteran Legion, No. 65, the passage of House bill No. 2626, providing for the protection of York, Pa., praying for the passage of Honse bill No. 3727, of agricultural staples by an export bounty; which was referred granting a service pension to all soldiers and sailors who served to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. ninety days or more in the late war-to the Committee on Invalid Mr. GORMAl.'f presented the petition of Miss Mary Hayne, of Pensions. Washington, D. C., praying that she be granted a pension on By Mr. STEPHENSON: Indorsements of the Stonecutters' account of services rendered as hospital nurse at the United States Union; also of the Cigar Makers' Union; also of building me­ Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., during the late war; which chanics, and E. S. B. Sutton, all of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., favor­ was referred to the Committee on Pensions. ing the proposed bill to amend the act of F~bruary 26, 1885, known Mr. ELKINS presented the memorial of John M. Crowe and 73 as the "contract-labor laws "-to the Committee on Labor. other citizens of West Virginia, remonstrating against the con­ By ML'. STRODE of Nebraska: Petition of members of William tinuance of the statue of Pere Marquette in Statuary Hall, and A. Butler Post, No.172, Grand Army of the Republic, of Burch­ praying that it be immediately removed; which was referred to ard, Nebr., praying for the passage of service-pension bill-to the the Committee on the Library. Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. VILAS presented a petition of the Free Methodist Church By Mr. TRACEY: Affidavits in support of bill granting a pen­ of Plattsville, Wis., praying for the enactment of a Sunday-rest sion to Isaac Dale, to accompany House bHI No. 6920-to the Com­ law for the District of Columbia; which was referred to the Com­ mittee on Invalid Pensions. mittee on the District of Columbia. Also, affidavits in support of House bill No. 6921, granting a pen­ He also presented the petition of Mrs. F . B. Williams and 35 sion to Henry Gross-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. other citizens of Trim Belle, Wis., praying for the enactment of By Mr. VAN HORN: Petition of MaryB.Morganfor apension legislation giving to second-class mail matter, such as religious under special act, to accompany House bill-to the Committee on tracts, full advantage of the act of July 16, 1894; which was re­ Invalid Pensions. ferred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. By Mr. WALKER of Massachusetts: Resolutions of the Com­ REPORT OF COMMITTEES. mercial Club of Boston, Mass., Jerome Jones, president, against the free silver coinage measure-to the Committee on Banking Mr. STEWART, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was and Cu!Tency. referred the bill (S. 289) for the relief of Ames & Detrick, of Also, resolutions of the Massachusetts Board of Trade, Boston, San Francisco, in the State of California, reported it without Mass., Edwid S. Barrett, secretary, in favor of a declaration by amendment, and submitted a report thereon. Congress that the word ''coin " in the bonds and notes of the He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the United States shall be always construed to mean "gold "-to the bill (S. 1831) for the relief of William J . Bryan, reported it with­ Committee on Banking and Currency. out amendment, and submitted a report thereon. By 1\fr. WELLINGTON: Petition of citizens of Baltimore, Md., Mr. BACON~ from the Committee on Claims, to whom was protesting against the continuance of the statue of Marquette in referred the bill (S. 1734) for the relief of Mrs. Sarah H. Wood, Statuary Hall-to the Committee on the Library. reported it without amendment, and submitted a report thereon. By Mr. WILLIS: Petition of Georgetown Council, No. 12, Order Mr. HALE. I am directed bythe Committee on Naval .Affairs, United American Mechanks, of Georgetown, Del., in favor of the to whom was referred the amendment submitted on the 10th Stone immigration bill-to the Committee on Immigration and instant, proposing to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to con­ tl·act with The John P. Holland Torpedo Boat Company, of New Naturalization. York, for six submarine torpedo boats of the Holland type, in­ tended to be proposed to the naval appropriation bill, to report a substitute therefor. I ask that the original amendment be indefi­ SENATE. nitely postponed, and that the amendment reported in lieu of it TUESDAY, JYiarch 31, 1896. be referred to the Committee on .Appropriations and printed. The report was agreed to. · Prayer by the Chaplain, REv. W. H. MILBU&~, D. D. Mr. McMILLAN, from the Committee on the District of Co­ The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. lumbia, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 6833) defining the PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. standard shape and size for dry measures in use in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes, reported it with amendments, The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a memorial of the Chamber and submitted a report thereon. of Commerce of Nashville, Tenn., remonstrating against a further Mr. CAFFERY, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was continuance of the discussions in Congress on international ques­ referred the bill (S. 71) for the relief of the Catholic Church at tions, and praying for a wise and careful consideration of our Macon City, Mo., reported it without amendment. currency and finances; which was referred to the Committee on Mr. PROCTOR, from the Committee on the District of Colum­ Finance. bia, to whom was referred the bill (H. R . 3281) to authorize reas­ Mr. BURROWS presented a petition of Kalamazoo Lodge, No. sessments for improvements and general taxes in the District of 387, International Association of Machinists, of Kalamazoo, Mich., Columbia, and for other purposes, reported it with an amendment, praying for an investigation of the treatment of employees in the and submitted a report thereon. Brooklyn (N.Y.) Navy-Yardandothernavy-yardsof theUnited He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the States; which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. bill (H. R. 3279) to authorize the reassessment of water-main He also presented the memorial of Charles Flowers and 43 taxes in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes, reported other citizens of Detroit, Mich., remonstrating against the appro­ it with an amendment, and submitted a report thereon. priation of public money for sectarian purposes; which was re­ Mr. TILLMAN, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom ferred to the Committee on Appropriations. was referred thejointresolution (S. R.112) donating a condemned Mr. DAVIS presented a petition, in the form of resolutions cannon and some shells to the Guilford Battle Ground Company, adop ted by the Commercial Club of Duluth, Minn., praying that near Greensboro, N. C., reported it without amep.dment. the bill to authorize the construction of a steel bridge over the St. Louis River between the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota BILLS INTRODUCED. shall provide for the free passage over the bridge of all foot pas­ Mr. MORRILL (by request) introduced a bill (S. 2679) for the sengers, bicycle riders, wagons, and vehicles of all kinds; which relief of the heirs or legal representatives ofF. Z. •rucker, deceased; was referred to the Committee on Commerce. which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee H e also presented a petition, in the form of resolutions adopted on Claims. by the Grand Army of the R epublic of the State of Minnesota, Mr. WOLCOTT intl·oduced the following bills; which were sev­ praying for the passage of H ouse bill No. 4339, t o establish a erally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on national military park to commemorate the campaign, siege, and Pensions: defense of Vicksburg; which was referred to the Committee on A bill (S. 2680) granting a pension to Edgar L. Beckwith; Military Affairs. A bill (S. 2681) granting an increase of pension to Charles Wal­ He also presented a petition, in the form of resolutions adopted lace; by the Grand .Army of the Republic of the State of Minnesota, A bill (S. 2682) granting an increase of pension to Oscar Abbott; praying for the speedy recognition as belligerents of the Cuban A bill (S. 2683) granting an increase of pension to Felton D. patriots in their struggle for freedom; which was ordered to lie Edson; on the table. A bill (S. 2684) granting a pension to James Smith; Mr. Mcl\IILLAN presented a memorial of Linton Loyal Orange A bill (S. 2685) granting a pension to Mary Picard; Lodge, No. 315, of Grand Rapids, Mich., remonstrating against A bill (S. 2686) granting a pension to Charles E. Locke; the appropriation of money for sectarian institutions; which was A bill (S. 2687) granting an increase of pension to George W. referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Neely; v .XXVIII- 212 3378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARCH 31, A bill (S. 2688) granting a pension to John C. Reed; also be found that in the same provisions there is an utter ignoring A bill (R 2689) granting an increase of pension to Octavia F. a contemptuous disregard, if I may use the expreRsion, of the sup: Crews; and posed great fundamental principle said to arise out of our Amer­ A bil1 (S.
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