The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXVII.—NO. 39. ST JOHNS, MH’H, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 22. 1893. WHOLE NO-1392. Spectacles and Bye ({lasses at almost —"Chip of the old Block. ” at Newt on Muelrale. Clear! uK Ml* of Milliner* . KMjM't N*m Food Ham. wholesale prices at Krepps, DeWitt A Ilail, Monday evening, June 23. Editor Independent : I have seldom, if We will commence our semi-annual Having purchased the old Anstey Co.'s. Byes tested free. - —July 3d will be the tlrst production GOT BY A SHAFT! ever, attended so enjoyable a Musicals clearing sale of Summer Millinery this House property, in St. Johus. have con- The celebrated $1.00 Spectacles at of theaansational comedy drama "Uncle as was given by tbe pupils of Madame week Saturday, June 17. Outing Hats. veited it into a commodious, conven ­ Exposition flats, or anv stvle of Hat or ient and safe Boarding and Feed Barn, Allison ’s. Jasou. ” A HOY MKBTh HIM IIKATH AT THK Price, at Newtou Hall, on the evening Bonnet you may desire, will be sold at where the public may Aud clean food —Eureka will oelebrate on the Fourth. FACTORY. of June 19, it being tbe 57th recital of very pleasing prices. for their animals and careful, compe ­ HOME MATTERS. Extensive arraugements to that end thi> most successful of music teachers. Respectfully. tent and gentlemanly attendants. A ore being made. It was otherwise remarkable. The J. T. Cole A Co. waiting room for ladies while their SrMNtM. Charley HOTry Fatally Injured at tha horses are botng got in read! less, has —W esley, infant child of G. W. ball was Ailed as early as 72ft) by an —" IJncle Jason," July 3. M. Jokui Manufacturing Co.'a Shop — Handsome aud well-made suits at re­ been provided. Prices as low as the eager and appreciative audience, ready duced prices At Jt’DD’S. —The Ola stave mill burned last Fri­ Richards, of Ureenbush, died of brain Hr Lived Only aa Hoar Attar tha At— to do honor to those pupils who iiad lowest. Give me a trial. fever, ou Saturday, June 17, 1803. M. L. Kenyon . day morning- Loss about $1,500. intent. —Dotal U of the Sad A Shir. worked so diligently aud faithfully for Kendrick is now receiving his beauti­ —Watch for the great scenic and me­ —Many are the farmers and months; and while tbe evening was very ful line or Ladies' Summer Garments — On Mo uday forenoon of this week one warm, good order and attention pie- Cliapiti A Co., the Dress Goods Hust­ chanical production, “ Uncle Jason. ” gardeners in this section, who proud ­ correct styles and low prices make tbe lers are still in it. ly boast of growing corn two feet high of the most horrible accidents which vailed until the last number ou tbe pro ­ attraction. They are beauties. J uly 3. gram was given. Rest quality of Stove Gasoline at this date. ever happened in this village occurred While 1 cannot make personal men­ Alwajr* Huy I hr HmI. ^ —Buy your gold tilled watchss of at the factory of the St. Johns Manufac ­ At Spaulding A Co. ’s. Krepps. DeWitt & Co., leading jewelers, —The interior appearance of the tion of all the performers. 1 must men­ Our sale* on Garland Stoves and "Senate” barber shop, on west Walker turing Company. tion a few. Ranges for 1892. surpassed all previous Van<Mrk*r» Urng karr and save money. tf. Amoug those of tbe younger pupils, years. Fowler A BSrll. Is headquarters for Plastioo. tbe cheap­ street, by Wilson A Caruss, lias recently About eleven o ’clock in the forenoon Raymond Hull, Seymour Price aud —One of the infant twins of A. •*. Kmnovnl awl Handy. est. best and only cold water Wall Fin­ Sanfoni , in Bast Bingham, died Satur­ been greatly improved by the addition of that <iay Charley Beery was holding Thurza Judd, did exceedingly well, and ish. in all colors, in the market. It will ot new pa|ter, painting and graining. a belt while Robert Price was mending tbe singing of Eloise and Seymour Price I have removed my business to the day, June 17,1893. certainly please you and do you good. They are bound to keep m tbe lead. it in tbe basement. The belt had been was very pleasing. room Arst north of the grocery depart - —On the 13th instant a divorce was Of tbe older pupils, Miss Clara Hope tuent of tbe Mercantile Co., and am now- Do vou need's Lawn Mower ? If so, granted in the circuit court. Jennie B. —In a recent visit to Plunkett's mended in tbe main, and Mr. rendered, in a very careful and pieasiug ready to do all manner of jobbing in tin, you should try the Henley, the lightest photograph gallery we noticed tbe Price had stepped back about four manner. Ley-bach's most beautiful Noc ­ copper aud sheet-iron ware. Plumbing running aud the most durable Mower Owen vs. Chas. C. Owen. turne, Op. 52. Miss Katie McFarlan and roofing a specialty . Wm. Ckich . ou themarket. Sold bv —The announcement of several im­ group picture of our eiteemed fellow feet to splice a lace striug with which townsman. Louie Vauconsaut. and his to repaft another small fracture in the aud Miss Blanch Goette exhibited re­ Spaulding A Co. portant weddings in our midst will soou markable skill in playiug entirely from For RlfiyrlM. estimable family, cousistlng of a wife belt, sitting upon tbe Aoor with his back memory. Miss Nora Ball rendered an And Bicycle repairing and complete Middling* he given to an unsuspecting people. satisfaction, call on 85 cents per lOu pounds ; ton lota leas —Mrs. II. D. Stearns, of this village, and four boys and a Aner looking family toward tbe boy. whom he bad left sit­ exceedingly difficult Galop in excellent is hard to And. ting with his back against a brick pier, style; and Master Harry Padlev showed Cooper A Vincent . rate at Elevator of was presented with $100 in cash, as a remarkable talent and industry in tbe South of old Anstey House. Spkauuk A SqUAlit. —Mrs. John Wilson died from the at least Ave feet from the shaft. Price selections which he played. Miss Viva token of affection and esteem by the effects of caucer, at the home of her had not been at his work of splicing the Kendrick is how receiving his beauti­ Ire* and Cmiit. Ladies' Auxiliary, in Detroit. Iasi week. Perrin rendered most brilliautly and in­ ful line of Ladies' Spring Garments — daughter. Mrs. Emma Ellis, in this lace string but two or three minutes telligently, Titarna, by Wely. In addition to the manufacture and —Wool in this market is selling at the correct styles and low prices make the sale of fresh candies, of every variety,we village, Weduesdav morning, June 21, when lie heard a loud thud upon the Amoug tbe vocal selections which attraction. They are beatified. are manufacturing all kinds' of ices and following prices: Fine, average. 18c. ; 1393, aged about 80 years. Sue came gave positive evidence of artistic talent, Aoor. Not seeing Charley, he immedi ­ and also tbe dilligent work of each For lllrrrir* sreams which will be delivered in any coarse, average. 29c. Monger A Shaver from Niagara county. N. Y., and had ately arose to investigate aud learn the quantities at any time at low rates.— have bought, up to this date, about student. I must uot neglect to mention, And Bicycle repairing and complete been a resident of this village, off and cause. lie at once saw the lad lying in particularly, that of Misses Nora Wei- satsfaction. call ou Special; attention given to supplying ‘JO.OOO (round*. tiarties. Fowler & Kress ." on, for many years. a heap upon the floor on the opposite lings. Edith Powers, Alice Madhouse Cooper A V incent . of the Gaudy Kitchen. —It. T. Scott, the same droll corn- □—Despite the present exceedingly hot side of the line shaft, nearly ten feet aud Mamie Emmons. A pleasing solo South of old Austey House. median, who has made you all laugh ou by Louis Gibbs, was sung with excel­ weather. C. C. Vaughan. M. A. Dulse away. The theory is that he had taken A Great Sucrr»>. Chapin A Co. liave the Giant Frame different occasions, and who is well lent taste aud expression, showing that Cyclone Proof Umbrellas . also, the and Mrs. Robert Young, have each giv­ bold of the belt in such a manner as to bis voice was under good con in >1. It will pay you to visit Plunkett's Tourist Adjustable Umbrella. Can be known to theatre goers, may be seen at en Spaulding A Co. orders to put into draw his right arm in and the body Tbe four-hand numbers were most Studio and view the large collection of put in any trunk. life-like------------- pO(witniita-------------------—the -----Anest------- ever Newton Hall, Monday. June 26. their respective new residence now in about tbe shaft which was then making delightfully rendered, and Miss Ida — W. J. Smith, an old harness maker Sclmeiderwind, tbe musical wonder, of offered to the people of this section — •• Philadelphia.'* tbe course of constiuctiou, the Mouat upwards of 400 revolutions per minute. St. Johns, can well take pnde m them, tbe like of which he is giving with every Always buy a Philadelphia Lawn in this village, has sold his business to system of hot water beating. They so Mr. Price hurried to him ; saw his con ­ for instances are rare where one so dozen of cabinet photos taken at bis Mower if you want tlie best.
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