Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Línguas e Culturas 2009 Sabrina Berkenkopf O Movimento Olímpico, a cobertura dos média e o cinema (1970 - 1985) The Olympic Movement, Media Coverage and Film (1970 - 1985) Dissertação apresentada à Universidade de Aveiro para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estudos Ingleses, realizada sob a orientação científica do Prof. Doutor Anthony David Barker, Professor Associado do Departamento de Línguas e Culturas da Universidade de Aveiro o júri presidente Doutor Kenneth David Callahan Professor associado da Universidade de Aveiro vogais Doutor Anthony David Barker Professor associado da Universidade de Aveiro (orientador) Doutor Jeffrey Scott Childs Professor auxiliar da Universidade Aberta, Lisboa -II- acknowledgements I would first like to thank my thesis advisor, Professor Anthony Barker. He consistently allowed this paper to be my own work, but steered me in the right direction whenever he thought I needed it. Thank you for the enthusiasm you showed for this topic, your availability and your precious corrections and suggestions. I would also like to thank Professor Kenneth David Callahan and Professor Aline Salgueiro Seabra Ferreira for their contribution to my formation during the M.A. programme at the University of Aveiro. My sincere thanks go to my marvellous parents, for their heartfelt love and unlimited support. I would never have been able to get this far without you and can only thank you with all my heart. Special thanks also go to Jörn, who spent endless hours in front of the computer and on the phone with me, to be there and provide help. Thank you for your opinions, insights and love. Furthermore, thanks go to all my closest friends and family members, for their cordial and encouraging words during hours of talk on the telephone. Last but not least, I would like to thank Zé Miguel, who helped me to translate the relevant parts from English to Portuguese. -III- palavras-chave Movimento Olímpico, Jogos Olímpicos, Olimpíada, Munique. Montreal, Moscovo, Los Angeles, Pierre de Coubertin, amadorismo, profissionalismo, juramento, os anos 70, os anos 80, desporto, média, televisão, filme, cinema, patrocínio resumo Esta tese aborda os Jogos Olímpicos de Verão da era moderna e analisa alterações específicas que ocorreram desde que Pierre de Coubertin reintroduziu os Jogos Olímpicos em 1984. Centra-se no período entre 1970 e 1985, mais concretamente os Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de Munique (1972), Montreal (1976), Moscovo (1980) e Los Angeles (1984), visto que esta época trouxe alterações substanciais à era Coubertin. Alguns dos ideias olímpicos foram desafiadas, ou seja, a política mundial afectou negativamente todos estes Jogos e a entrada de patrocinadores privados em paralelo com o desenvolvimento da televisão marcaram uma nova dimensão para o mundo do desporto. Os média, intimamente ligados desde sempre ao desporto, proporcionaram a plataforma para a entrada do desporto na cultura geral, especialmente desde o contributo da televisão e a possibilidade de transmissão em directo a nível mundial. O desporto emergiu com outras formas de entretenimento e originou mega eventos com todos os seus respectivos aspectos positivos e negativos. Neste trabalho, a análise de filmagens permitiu mostrar o carácter transitório do período seleccionado e criar uma base para realizar uma investigação mais aprofundada da gestão do desporto, ética e a respectiva prática de negócios. -IV- keywords Olympic Movement, Olympic Games, Olympiad, Munich, Montreal, Moscow, Los Angeles, Pierre de Coubertin, amateurism, professionalism, oath, 1970s, 1980s, sport, media, television, film, cinema, sponsoring abstract This thesis deals with the Olympic Summer Games of the modern era and analyses selected changes that occurred since Pierre de Coubertin re-initiated the Olympic Games in 1894. The focus lies in the period between 1970 and 1985, with the Olympic Summer Games in Munich (1972), Montreal (1976), Moscow (1980) and Los Angeles (1984), because this time brought substantial change to Coubertin's heritage: Some of the Olympic ideals were challenged, world political affairs affected all of these Games negatively and the entry of private sponsorship and the parallel development of television marked a new dimension for the whole world of sports. The media, always intimately connected with sport, provided a platform for the penetration of sport into the wider culture; especially since the contribution of television and the possibility of broadcasting live and worldwide. Sport has merged with other forms of entertainment and generated mega-events with all their positive and negative aspects. In this work, film analysis and historical examination show the transitional character of the selected period and establish a basis for conducting further investigation in sports management, ethics and business practice. -V- Índice / Contents o júri ..................................................................................................... II acknowledgements ................................................................................ III resumo ................................................................................................. IV abstract ..................................................................................................V Índice / Contents ................................................................................... VI Ilustrações / List of Figures.................................................................... VII Introduction ............................................................................................1 Chapter 1: The Olympic Ideal – history and background .............................7 1.1 Pierre de Coubertin's idea(l)s ...........................................................9 1.2 Competition.................................................................................. 11 1.3 Fair play.......................................................................................13 1.4 Cult of the body and the athletic ideal ............................................ 16 1.5 Symbols and rites ......................................................................... 18 1.6 Amateurism and Shamateurism .....................................................22 Chapter 2: Olympic events and controversies (1970–1985).......................29 2.1 The period and its events ..............................................................31 2.2 Olympic Summer Games in Munich, 1972 ....................................... 33 2.3 Olympic Summer Games in Montreal, 1976..................................... 38 2.4 Olympic Summer Games in Moscow, 1980 ...................................... 41 2.5 Olympic Summer Games in Los Angeles, 1984 ................................44 Chapter 3: The Mediatisation of Sport......................................................51 Chapter 4: Movies on Olympic Themes ....................................................67 4.1 Animalympics (1980) .................................................................... 69 4.2 Chariots of Fire (1981) .................................................................. 90 4.3 Munich (2005) and Munich in 1972............................................... 108 Conclusion .......................................................................................... 119 Works Cited......................................................................................... 129 Filmography ........................................................................................ 136 -VI- Ilustrações / List of Figures Figure 1: The Olympic rings, drawn by Pierre de Coubertin in 1914............20 Figure 2: The three visual symbols of the modern Olympic Games. ............21 Figure 3: The logo of the Munich Games 1972 ..........................................34 Figure 4: Montreal's logo for the Olympic Games ......................................40 Figure 5: Official emblem of the Moscow Olympics 1980............................43 Figure 6: Los Angeles' logo for the Olympic Games ...................................44 Figure 7: Caricature of the Olympics........................................................47 Figure 8: Schema of the satellite transmission of the Olympic Games 1964 in Tokyo ..............................................................................................57 Figure 9: Schema of the satellite transmission of the Olympic Games 1968 in Mexico .............................................................................................58 Figure 10: John Mark with Olympic Fire, July 29, 1948..............................91 Figure 11: First streaker at Olympic Games: M. LeDuc ...........................114 Figure 12: Mark Roberts, streaking during the Beijing Olympics, with advertising on his body ................................................................... 115 Screenshot 1: Radiograph of Tushenko's early training..............................76 Screenshot 2: Tushenko's coach fears her rating ......................................77 Screenshot 3: Kwakimoto as one of many Asian ducks..............................78 Screenshot 4: Turnell on various spoofed glossy covers ............................79 Screenshot 5: Photo finish of the 100-meter dash.....................................84 Screenshot 6: Olympic paw print and ZOO broadcaster logo......................86 Screenshot 7: Antique amphora displaying a saurian ................................87 Screenshot
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