VOLUME 26 NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 2016 AWARD WINNING THE NEWSPAPER POSITIVELY FOR, BY & ABOUT PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES HONORED IN THIS ISSUE Women Want Balance Men Over-Represented Brookhaven Applauds Citizen and ADA On U.N. CRPD Page 2 Bus Cuts Planned Suffolk County Hearings Scheduled For Sept. 8 & 9 Page 2 Mental Health Talk Bill Mandates Discussion In Class Page 3 Mis-Managed MLTC Hours Reduced for PHOTO BY SOFIE MELLEDY BY PHOTO Home Care Services Page 3 DOJ Redefines All People With Disabilities Can Receive Protections Page 4 ty which offers a support group for the blind and/ The Brookhaven Town Supervisor and offi cials Wandering Law commemorated the 26th Anniversary of the Ameri- or visually impaired for all races, religions, and cans with Disabilities Act (ADA) at a recent meeting creeds. It empowers the blind and/or visually im- Bill Supports Training and recognized citizen Philip Englebright, center, as paired so that an individual who is visually im- For First Responders a person with a disability who has served the resi- paired can enjoy fellowship and social functions Page 5 dents of Brookhaven with passion and commitment without the usual prejudices that are sometimes and recognized his community service. associated with the blind community. Englebright who has been married 60 years is a Englebright became legally blind two years ago graduate of Chaminade High School and Nichols from complications of eye surgery and continues College, as well as a former member of the U.S. his advocacy. Supervisor Ed Romaine proclaimed Army Reserves. He has served as President of the August 11 as Philip Englebright Day in the Town of AARP chapter 3407; the director of Meillo Center Brookhaven. for Mental Health; a member of the Comsewogue Honoring Englebright are, left to right, Coun- School District Drug Free Task Force; he served cilmembers Neil Foley and Valerie Cartright, Town as vice president of UBS Financial Services, was a Clerk Donna Lent, a friend of the honoree, Honor- VISIT member of the Town of Brookhaven Youth Bureau ee Phil Englebright, Supervisor Ed Romaine and ABLE’S and Task Force. councilmembers Jane Bonner, Kevin LaValle and WEBSITE He is also affi liated with VIP’s of Suffolk Coun- Michael Loguercio. WWW.ABLENEWS.COM Women Push for Balance in CRPD Makeup ABLE NEWSPAPER UN Women works to address in all-male appointments for es in this area during the 60th P.O. BOX 395, OLD BETHPAGE, NY 11804 2017, despite the candidature session of the Commission on 516 939-2253 the unique and intersecting FAX 516 939-0540 challenges that women with of three women for the positions the Status of Women in March www.ablenews.com disabilities face. and despite the CRPD stating 2016, with the introduction of As such, they fi nd it critical that the members of the com- the UN Global Compact Panel that women with disabilities mittee should give consider- Pledge, which urges men who are fully represented on panels, ation to balanced gender repre- are asked to serve on all-male committees, human rights trea- sentation. panels to decline or to suggest a ty bodies and across all areas of Many have expressed con- woman colleague instead. leadership so that their voices cern regarding the new compo- The upholding of the princi- are heard. However, the Com- sition of the committee, and UN ple of balanced gender repre- mittee on the Rights of Persons Women is calling for no panel sentation is especially vital for Published By with Disabilities (CRPD) will or committee to be assembled women with disabilities, who Melmont Printing have just one female represen- without the representation of often encounter multiple and Publisher ABLE NEWSPAPER - SEPTEMBER 2016 PAGE 2 - SEPTEMBER 2016 PAGE ABLE NEWSPAPER tative. The recent election pro- women. The UN Global Com- intersecting forms of discrimi- cess for nine positions resulted pact made important advanc- nation. Angela Miele Melledy It is estimated that one in fi ve women lives with disability Editorial Assistant CURRENT STATUS OF CRPD and that their prevalence rate Allison Howe 166 ratifi cations/accessions and 160 signatories to the CRPD, 89 of disability is higher than for ratifi cations/accessions and 92 signatories to its Optional Protocol (OP) men. Staff Writers Beth Guarino (emerita) Comoros ratifi ed the CRPD on June 16 These women are two to three The Netherlands ratifi ed the CRPD on July 13 times more likely to experience early and forced marriage, ear- Production Director THE U.S. HAS NOT YET SIGNED ON ly pregnancy and female gen- Debbie Simko The 16th Session of the ital mutilation. Women and Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities girls with disabilities also face Art & Production Jennifer Becker The 16th session of the CRPD Committee is being held from 15 unique educational, economic August to 2 September 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland. The Com- and political barriers. Ann Imbrogno mittee is considering the initial reports of Colombia, Ethiopia, UN Women is urging states’ Marilyn Wheeler Guatemala, Italy, Plurinational State of Bolivia, United Arab Emir- parties to support the nomina- ates and Uruguay. The Committee is also considering the prog- tion of women to the CRPD to Technical Assistance ress made in the drafting processes of: draft general comment redress the current situation Louis Melledy on article 6 (women and girls with disabilities), draft general com- and achieve balanced gender ment on article 24 (right to inclusive education), draft guidelines representation in 2019. In a Offi ce Manager on Independent Monitoring Mechanisms, and draft guidelines on press release, they state “With- Fannie Miele (emerita) periodic reporting under simplifi ed reporting procedure, with a out adequate representation view to adopt these documents. of women on panels and com- Accounting The ratifi cation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of mittees, the voices of half of Margaret Wenzel Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) was defeated in the U.S. Senate the population are not being in Dec. 2012 and has since not come to the fl oor for a vote. heard.” Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Request Postmaster: Send address changes to Able Suffolk Plans Hearings On Bus Route Cuts News at P.O. Box 395, Old Bethpage, N.Y. Suffolk County will service the Suffolk County Transit bus to cover key destinations on 11804. Periodicals are being paid for at Bethpage, N.Y. post offi ce. ©1994 ABLE changes on certain Suffolk system as a cost saving mea- routes subject to elimination. NEWSPAPER. Able Newspaper is published County Transit (SCT) fi xed sure. In some cases there may Pending the outcome of the monthly by Melmont Printing, 6 Robert Court, Bethpage, N.Y. 11714. Able welcomes route bus lines. be alternative bus routes for public hearings, route elimina- manuscripts and suggestions for articles. They propose to eliminate passengers and in some cases tions would begin on Oct. 3. However, to assure safe return, manuscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed eight of the least used routes in existing routes may be altered The County proposes that stamped envelope. No responsibility is as- routes 1B, 5A, 7D/E, 10A, 10D/E, sured for unsolicited manuscripts or art. Submissions are the author’s warranty that S35, S71, S90 be eliminated. the material is not an infringement of the Hearings are scheduled for rights of others and that the material may be published without further approval. Editorial Thursday, Sept. 8 from 3 to material does not necessarily refl ect the view 7 p.m. at the Riverhead Leg- of the editor/publisher of Able Newspaper. Advertisers are responsible for the content islative Auditorium, Evans of advertisements. No part of this publication K. Griffi ng Bldg., 300 Center may be reprinted without the permission of the publisher. Able is not responsible for er- Dr., Riverhead and Friday, rors in advertisements beyond the price of Sept. 9 from 3 to 7 p.m. at the the space occupied by the error. The pub- lisher reserves the right to decline advertis- Hauppauge Legislative Au- ing for any reason. ditorium, W.H. Rogers Leg- islature Bldg, 725 Veterans Memorial Hwy., Smithtown. Deadline for Interpreter services will be made available to people who the next issue of are deaf non-English speakers, Able Newspaper at no charge, upon written re- will Be Oct. 11. Continued on page 15 PAGE 3 SEPTEMBER 2016 - ABLE NEWSPAPER 3 SEPTEMBER 2016 - PAGE Bill Mandates Mental Health Education In Schools ew York state Senate of students are directly impact- half of all lifetime cases of men- Assembly and Senate for their and Assembly recent- ed by mental health issues, and tal illness begin by age 14. leadership in the passage of the Nly passed the Mental many more are indirectly im- “The best way to eradicate Mental Health Education Bill.” Health Education Bill, legisla- pacted, students can go through mental health issues and end “Students will now have ac- tion that requires mental health middle and high school and nev- the stigma of mental illness is cess to potentially life-saving to be taught as part of health er learning about depression, through prevention and edu- knowledge necessary for recog- classes in middle schools and anxiety or suicide prevention. cation,” said Glenn Liebman, nizing the signs and symptoms high schools in the state. Statistics show that one in CEO of Mental Health Associa- of mental health problems in Currently, some schools every 12 high school students tion in New York State (MHA- themselves and others and how already teach about mental attempts suicide, more than 60 NYS). “This bill will help create to get help before a possible cri- health, but many others do not percent of students with seri- a better understanding of men- sis occurs,” said John Richter, touch on the subject.
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