TYTUŁHOW DOKUMENTU WE WORK AsdasdaAsdasda asdasdad asdasdasd TABLE OF CONTENTS Collaboration in a nutshell................................................................................................................................. 3 First contact.......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Prepare for development.................................................................................................................................... 4 Development......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Development teams............................................................................................................................................. 5 Agreements........................................................................................................................................................... 6 Estimates............................................................................................................................................................... 6 FA ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Do I have to pa" for bugs?.................................................................................................................................. 6 APPEND!% A& REC())ENDED *((+,............................................................................................................ - APPEND!% B: *EC/$(+(01 S*AC2................................................................................................................. - Ragnarson sp. z o.o. *argo3a 35 bi45ragnarson.com N!P67A*8E9& P+-:-:-6;<=: <=8=43 Łód@A Poland 333.ragnarson.com KR,& 0===365-;B RE0($& 1==<6=<55 Collaboration in a nutshell ,o "ouCre an entrepreneur 3ith a ground8breaDing idea for the 3orldCs neEt 3eb8 based application. FatCs great! (ne catch& "ou lacD the technical skills to build the soft3are, and maDe "our idea a realit". FatCs 3here 3e come in. Ie are 'ub" developers speciali4ed in building 3eb applications for start8ups. *ogetherA 3e can surel" reali4e "our vision and bring "our product to marDet sooner than "ou thought possible. Before 3e embarD on this JourneyA 3e think it is important for us to get to Dno3 each other and to ensure that our 3a" of 3orD is a good Kt for "ou. !n order to give "ou a general idea of ho3 3e 3orDA 3e have prepared a brief roadmap of our onboarding and soft3are development process: 1. First contact 2. ,igning a non8disclosure agreement (NDAM (optionalM 3. ,haring a code repositor" (if one eEistsM and other useful materials with us 4. Preparing estimates (optionalM 5. !ntervie3s with developers 6. ,igning a contract -. Development ;. Possible directions of development <. Ending the contract First contact Before starting an" proJect 3e al3a"s arrange an introductor" call Lor a meeting in person if possibleM. Ie 3ould love to get to Dno3 "ou and "our idea and maDe sure that 3e are a good match for each other. Ihen "ou Krst get in touch 3ith us be read" to ans3er lots of Nuestions. Ie 3ant to Dno3 if and ho3 3e can help you. Ragnarson sp. z o.o. *argo3a 35 bi45ragnarson.com N!P67A*8E9& P+-:-:-6;<=: <=8=43 Łód@A Poland 333.ragnarson.com KR,& 0===365-;B RE0($& 1==<6=<55 A t"pical conversation consists of& • !ntroduction • Pitch of your idea. A good pitch should ans3er follo3ing questions: ◦ Ihat pain would you liDe to relieve? ◦ Iho eEperiences this pain (3ho is your target marDetM# ◦ Ihat distinguishes you from competitors? ◦ /o3 do you plan to maDe money from it# ◦ Ihat is the current stage of your product# ◦ Ihat does your current team looD liDe? ◦ Ihat are your milestones for the neEt 3 months? • /o3 3e 3orD in a nutshell: Ie 3ill briefl" describe ho3 3e 3orDA and 3hat 3e eEpect from you. • *echnical deep8dive: Apart from the pitch 3e also need to get some additional information. !n order to get an idea of 3hat Dind of developers and ho3 man" of them youCll needA we would reall" liDe to kno3& ◦ Ihen would you liDe to start# ◦ /o3 man" developers do you think you need# ◦ Ihat is your test coverage? (optionalM ◦ Ihat is your budget# • (ur rates and available developers • PA • $eEt steps After a conversation "ou 3ill receive a summar"A along 3ith an outline of required documents – t"picall" templates of non8disclosure agreement LNDAM and6or frame agreement. !f, after speaDing 3ith us, "ou liDe our oRer and 3ish to proceed to the neEt stepA we will arrange intervie3s with selected developers. Prepare for development 1ou have a great idea for a soft3are service! Fe million dollar Nuestion is: ho3 3ill people use it and ho3 are you planning to maDe a business out of it# At the beginningA if "ou havenCt done so alread"A "ou 3ill have to gather information on 3ho 3ill use "our soft3are service and ho3 3ill they do it. Fe simplest approach to translating this information into soft3are requirements is to 3rite Suser storiesT. 9ser stories are ver" shortA clear statements of things that Ragnarson sp. z o.o. *argo3a 35 bi45ragnarson.com N!P67A*8E9& P+-:-:-6;<=: <=8=43 Łód@A Poland 333.ragnarson.com KR,& 0===365-;B RE0($& 1==<6=<55 "our users 3ish to use "our soft3are forA and 3h". A t"pical user stor" looDs liDe this: As a [type of user/type of roleV ! want to [do something using this softwareV ,o that I can [accomplish something that is important to meV As a picture is 3orth a thousand 3ords, 3e also encourage "ou to dra3 mocD8 ups and 3ireframes. Fese donCt have to be comprehensive or fanc" – they can be hand8dra3n on pieces of paper and then scanned if need me – but they need to be detailed enough so that 3e can start the 3orDA and at least cover )inimall" 7iable Product L)VPM usage scenarios. Focus on the main functionalit" and 3e 3ill fill in the blanks later on, as we proceed with development. Ie usuall" use Pivotal *racDer for proJect managementA and to Deep tracD of all the user stories that guide the development. !t is ver" important that "ou set aside enough time to lead the development. We 3ill build "our soft3are service, but 3e 3ill need "ou to guide us, provide us 3ith clariKcations and be available 3hen 3e have Nuestions. At the beginningA "ou will need to set aside the better part of a da" or t3o to clarif" what you want to achieve and to get used to the tools. +ater on, each feature 3ill require "our inputA clariKcation and guidance – so as to ensure that our implementation lives up to your vision and eEpectations. !t is essential for both sides to have a common understanding of, and agreement on, that at 'agnarson 3e 3orD on a time and materials L*P)M basis. Ihat this means practicall" speaDingA is that "ou have to pa" for each hour of development. !n our eEperience, this approach is 3hat start8ups need to properl" lead the development of their productA and get it to marDet in as NuicD and cost8effective manner as possible. Ragnarson sp. z o.o. *argo3a 35 bi45ragnarson.com N!P67A*8E9& P+-:-:-6;<=: <=8=43 Łód@A Poland 333.ragnarson.com KR,& 0===365-;B RE0($& 1==<6=<55 Development Fe Krst steps are similar for all proJects. Ie 3ill suggest a number of services that 3ill help us 3ith development. !f "ou 3ould liDe to use other tools, thatWs Kne as long as they are not terribl" outdatedA not 3ell8supported b" their authors, or barel" usable. Ie practice agile soft3are development b" follo3ing ,C'9) rules. Even though 3e provide "ou 3ith a team of self8sufficient professionals it is eEpected that "ou 3ill lead the proJect. Follo3ing each iteration, "ou should gather the team and discuss, at minimumA the t3o most important things: 1. Ihat was done during this sprint# 2. Ihat do you plan to accomplish in the neEt one? FirstA "ou should carefull" revie3 each delivered task in order to maDe sure that it worDs and6or looDs as you anticipated it would. Fe neEt step is to choose the most important tasks from an iceboE Lstories not assigned to an" sprintM and move as man" of them as "our developers are able to do to bacDlog. For each of the task "ouCve selectedA the 3hole team 3ill estimate the relative compleEit" and assign a certain number of points Lthe higher the amount of points, the harder the taskM. 1ou then move the tasks that 3e eEpect are possible to complete in this sprint from the iceboE to the bacDlog. 1ou can think of the bacDlog as the Sto doT list for a given sprint. Fe more sprints 3e do togetherA the more accurate 3e 3ill get at Kguring out ho3 man" points 3orth of 3orD can be tacDled successfull" in the neEt sprint. Fis is called soft3are development velocit" and it is relative to ever" proJectA Ragnarson sp. z o.o. *argo3a 35 bi45ragnarson.com N!P67A*8E9& P+-:-:-6;<=: <=8=43 Łód@A Poland 333.ragnarson.com KR,& 0===365-;B RE0($& 1==<6=<55 and to ever" soft3are development teamA 3hich is 3h" it taDes a fe3 sprints to get a good sense of what we can accomplish within a week. During the 3eekA 3hen developers start to 3orD on particular tasks, there is inevitably something unclearA reNuiring a more detailed descriptionA or something for 3hich 3e require a 3ider perspective from "ou in order to implement it properl". Fis is a completel" normal part of the soft3are development process. !n order to ensure that 3e can sta" on schedule 3ith each sprintA maDe sure that "ou reserve some time throughout the 3eek to Keld
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